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Freshwater Pic
of the Day Link
Myripristis violacea
Bleeker 1851, the Latticework Soldierfish. Indo-Pacific, to nine
inches in length. A good-looking smaller species that ought to be
more used in the aquarium interest. This one in Fiji. |
Monocentrus japonicus (Houttuyn 1782), the
Pinconefish. To 17 cm. Indo-West Pacific; Red Sea, South Africa to
Southern Japan, New Zealand. Found under ledges, in caves at depths
of 20 to 200 meters (fishbase). Aquarium photo. |
Myripristis adusta Bleeker 1853, the
Shadowfin Soldierfish. Widely distributed in the Indo-Pacific. To fourteen
inches in length in the wild. Occasionally caught and sold for aquarium
use. A more nocturnal species. This one in Wakatobi, S. Sulawesi, Indo. |
Myripristis kuntee Valenciennes 1831,
Shoulder-bar Soldierfish. Indo-Pacific; East Africa to Hawai'i. Two to 55
meters. To eight inches total length. Reef-associated. Leading part of
spiny dorsal fin yellowish. One off of Hawai'i's Big Island. |