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Small Marine Aquariums
Book 1:
Invertebrates, Algae
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Small Marine Aquariums
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Small Marine Aquariums
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Return Pump with copper parts
Hi team
When in doubt, I always rush to you'll
Was just ordering a return pump for my 16 "x16" Nano reef tank.
Was going through the specifications and on one occasion landed on the
copper parts used to make the pump more reliable/durable.
Though the parts are sealed/water proof, there can be leakages and go
undetected till the pump breaks down.
The copper can then be hazardous.
<Yes and yes>
Please suggest whether there are any alternatives to these pumps and how
select one without copper
Many manufacturers do not specify the parts and in most cases claim tem
be safe for saltwater use
<Really? I would go w/ one with all plastic or ceramic impeller. There
many on the market. are you familiar with Eheim and the Mag pump lines?
Warm Regards,
Reef Inverts &Vertebrates. Sm. mar. sys. stkg, circ.
Dear Crew,
I have a 10 gal reef tank. Filtration is a MarineLand
hang on the back filter for a 30 gallon system I believe, not sure but
its probably overkill(except I don't believe you can have overkill with
a reef tank).
One Powerhead its 500gph.
<Better to have two smaller>
10 lbs of live sand, 6 lbs of live rock(trying to keep space for corals
to grow in the future) I would like to stock it, but I don't want it
over stocked. I currently have two varieties of Candy Cane Coral, Two
Duncan Frags (I fragged them from a colony in my show tank a while
back), and some Galaxea Polyps I am trying to save, they look pretty
good, but time will tell. Anyway, it is lit with a 30 watt ReefBrite
I plan to add Montipora digitata, and Acan lords. And, the for other
life I was thinking about adding a feather duster, a few Thor
amboinensis, one Nemateleotris decora, and a pair of Gobiodon
strangulatus. Would this be over stocked?
<Mmm; no... as long as the gobies get along; the Oculinids don't grow to
sting other corals>
I am doing frequent water changes, and don't think there would be any
aggression problems to worry about. Are there other species of fish and
shrimp you would suggest instead?
<Not w/o being you; knowing what you like... are trying to do. You've
read through the numerous sm. mar. sys. stocking FAQs files I take it>
I chose the Shrimp because they are likely to hide in my Duncans which I
think would be pretty, and I know the Gobies like branching SPS. Anyway,
take care!
<I will, am. Bob Fenner>