FAQs about the Coral Beauty Dwarf Angel
Related Articles: Coral
Beauty Angels, Marine
Angelfishes, Flame
Related FAQs:
Coral Beauties,
Coral Beauty
Behavior, Coral Beauty
Compatibility, Coral Beauty
Selection, Coral Beauty
Systems, Coral Beauty
Feeding, Coral Beauty
Disease, Coral Beauty
Reproduction, Flame Angels
1, Best FAQs on Centropyge,
(Centropyge) Angels, Dwarf
Angel Identification, Dwarf Angel
Selection, Dwarf Angel
Compatibility, Dwarf Angel
Systems, Dwarf Angel Feeding,
Dwarf Angel Disease, Dwarf Angel Reproduction, Marine Angelfishes In
General, Selection, Behavior,
Compatibility, Systems,
Health, Feeding, Disease,

A hybrid or no?
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by Robert (Bob) Fenner |
Centropyge bispinosa ID -- 04/16/07 Hey
guys, <Hi Wes, Mich here.> (insert flowery praise
here). <Insert gushing thanks here> The other
day, when compulsively reading through your site, I found a
description of a yellowfin / coral beauty hybrid, and
I'm wondering if that's what I've got.
<Hybrids are possible with C. bispinosa, though this looks like
a typical C. bispinosa to me.> I should say, depending on the
angle, there is much more of a blue to much of his head and
body. I tried to get onto FishBase with no
luck. This fish seems to be relatively active and not
too bashful, but would love to know if there's anything else I
need to know regarding care for this guy. <Some will
nip at corals and clam mantles> He's eating off the rocks
like mad and taking small amounts of frozen varieties.
<A varied diet supplemented with Spirulina is beneficial.>
Thanks as always for you help!
<Welcome! -Mich>
Wes |

Coral beauty or Yellowfin? Bob et al, I recently (6 weeks
ago) added what I thought was a Coral Beauty, only to see on your site
that it may be a Yellowfin or moonbeam dwarf. How can I be sure?
<You should be able to distinguish them from the photos. Please see
here for additional pictures
&species name=flavipectoralis> My guy looks more like the guy in
the Yellowfin pic, and has the bright yellow pectoral fins, also bright
blue dorsal fin, blue tail and blue head, a yellow body with blue
stripes. <The yellow body part is off for this fish. All the photos
I have ever seen show a pretty dark body. There is a lot of
hybridization amongst Centropyges. Perhaps you have one. Feel free to
send us a picture if you can get it, something in the 400 KB range.>
Your description "good fish for medium aggressive fish-only
set-ups" kind of concerns me. The Yellowfin is currently the only
fishy inhabitant of a 55 gallon with some mushrooms. I'd like to
add some more softies in the future (I have 4x48"NO fluorescents).
I also have a gold striped maroon clown freshly in the quarantine tank.
Do you foresee any problems? <No> I've been watching for some
nips at the mushrooms, none yet, keeping my fingers crossed. <LPS
corals would be in more danger along with Xenia and feather
dusters.> Any tankmates to suggest? <As per most Centropyge.>
It would also have to be DSB safe, no sand sifters eating my pods.
<Not a problem with this fish. -Steven Pro>
Angelfishes for Marine Aquariums
Diversity, Selection & Care
New eBook on Amazon: Available
New Print Book on Create Space: Available
by Robert (Bob) Fenner |