FAQs on Anemone Health
FAQs on Anemone Disease: Anemone
Disease 1, Anemone
Disease 2, Anemone Disease 3,
Anemone Disease 4, Anemone Disease 5, Anemone Disease 6, Anemone Disease 7, Anemone Health 8, Anemone Health 9, Anemone Disease 10, Anemone Disease 11, Anemone Disease 12, Anemone Disease , &
FAQs on Anemone Disease by Category:
Environmental (Pollution/Poisoning,
Lighting...), Nutritional,
Social (Allelopathy),
Pathogenic (Infectious, Parasitic, Viral)
FAQs on Anemone Disease by Genus, Species: Condylactis
Disease, Sebae Disease,
LTA Disease, Magnificent Anemone Disease, BTA Disease, Carpet Anemone Disease, TWA Anemone Disease, Sebae Disease,
Related Articles: Anemones,
Bubble Tip Anemones, LTAs,
Cnidarians, Dyed Anemones,
Related FAQs:
Cnidarian Disease, Anemones,
Anemones 2, LTAs, Caribbean
Anemones, Condylactis, Aiptasia
Anemones, Anemones and
Clownfishes, Anemone
Reproduction, Anemone
Identification, Anemone
Compatibility, Anemone
Behavior, Anemone
Selection, Anemone
Placement, Anemone
Feeding, Anemone Systems,
New Print and
eBook on Amazon:
Anemone Success
Doing what it takes to keep Anemones healthy long-term
by Robert (Bob) Fenner
What is the Ball of slimy stuff from the Anemone --
I have had 2 anemones for quite some time now.
One of them is a Yellow Sebae Anemone
and he is doing quite well. I had once read a post on your site
about dyed anemones and I was very worried until
the LFS said that he does not get any of that stuff.
<Mmm, well, someone snuck one in while no one in charge was
watching then... This animal is artificially colored>
. (I hope you can confirm that it is not one of those dyed
anemones - the color is a little too bright as I am taking this
pics from my camcorder... it is a tad lighter than what you
<Thank you for this>
The other is a tube anemone.
<Cerianthus sp.?... incompatible with most captive marine
life... Oh! The other anemone shown is not a Tube...>
He seems to be doing fine .. eats cut shrimp that I give him but
the only thing I don't understand is the huge blob of slimy
stuff he keeps ejecting from his mouth/anus.
<A "fecal pellet"...>
I have removed it and sometimes it looked like it was green eggs
in slime.. it got me really confused.. never the less I threw it
out. After he ejects the stuff he seems fine and sways around
well and eats again and then tonight it has started to eject more
of this stuff.. but this time it looks worse like someone has
removed the intestines from an animal inside out.
Also he has shrunk like crazy...
<Is "anybody" missing?>
I might be exaggerating with this stuff for all I know it is a
huge chunk of waste.. but I have never seen anemones eject so
much waste.
<Can, do>
I have enclosed pics of the anemones that I have. Hopefully it
will explain better what I am trying to say.
BTW do you have a specific page about Anemone selection and
<Oh yes... here: http://wetwebmedia.com/CnidIndex2.htm
scroll down...>
Thanks a lot for your help .
I really appreciate your website as it helps me a lot.
<Good. Bob Fenner>

Re: What is the Ball of slimy stuff from the
Anemone... using WWM -- 06/10/10
Hi Bob,
I appreciate you replying back.
<Certainly welcome>
It is very sad to know that my sebae anemone is dyed. I
also so foolish to have falling for the LFS's marketing
<Happens... to folks/consumers, as well as earnest,
otherwise honest r/etailers>
He seems healthy right now, except when he deflates to
poop. (That is normal is it not.)
<Is not abnormal>
Do tell me what care I should take to ensure that the
anemone is not hurting.
<... read here:
and the linked files above>
I know some people may say.. Just don't buy dyed
anemones.. but I have learnt my lesson and I seriously was
not aware about dyed anemones.
<Please read here re: http://wetwebmedia.com/coloredanemones.htm
and the linked FAQs file above. They can recover... lose
the dye in time, reincorporate Zooxanthellae from
Once again thanks to your website I have understood that
topic also. I will surely give the LFS a good peace of my
mine.. now that it is a little wise
<You are welcome to refer them to me>
Now to the very very sad reality .. The Cerianthus sp as
you mentioned seems to be dying after ejecting more huge
balls of fecal pellets.
<Mmm, ... anemones aren't generally compatible with
other species... the one is being killed here by
t'other... Read: http://wetwebmedia.com/anemcompfaqs.htm
I think there is now <no, and no, tis poss.> way to
save him right now
<Needs to be in a separate system...>
but I am enclosing pics so that other people can related to
these questions visually and identify if they have the same
<I/we have responded to sufficient numbers of folks that
have made this error as you'll see. Become a good
consumer, steward of our planet and study ahead of
"buying" life>
I have included pics what he was and what he became.
He is totally deflated for a whole day now with some very
occasional tentacle movement.
I am interested in keeping some shrimp.. Along with a Blue
Damsels / Sebae Anemone / Clarkii clowns and a Snail. Which
one would you suggest.
<That you read>
Lastly I would like to know how to make a good wet dry
filter with built in sump and skimmer.
I also wanted to know about the various types of media that
are used in filtration. Specially about the different types
of filter sponges. I am told that different ones do
different jobs.
<... this, these issues/questions are all
answered/archived on WWM... there are some 30-40,000 people
(unique ISPs) who use this resource per day... Do learn
to/use the search tool, indices...>
Do suggest some good books that give all information on
known marine species for aquariums. I have been searching
for some good books for quite some time now.
<Oh, there are a few mentioned here... in
bibliographies, articles on the topic>
Thanks for all your help bob..
<Welcome. BobF>
Damaged BTA.. Is he healing or is he a goner?
My name is Laura. My boyfriend and I have had our marine tank for
about 5 months.
I have done alot
<No such word>
of reading. Your site was really informative, but I'm having
trouble finding information about what to do for my anemone. I
have posted on forums.. but I feel as though I'm getting
annoying since he doesn't appear to be getting any better.
Here is some background:
55 gallon tank
Eshopps PSK-75H Hang on Tank Skimmer
(4) 48" T5 lighting
Regular power filter with carbon and filter fiber (2)
<With anemone stuck against>
about 65 lbs of live rock and 50 lbs of sand
2 Ocellaris clowns; 2 green Chromis; 1 tiny watchman goby, 1
scooter blenny,
1 blue hippo tang (currently 1" in length), and a purple
fish (I always forget the name.. size of a royal gamma.. but all
Turbo Snails, those small snails that are always on the glass
(name.. again), and hermit crabs
Ricordea, Frogspawn, Mushroom, and 2 more I forget the name
(sorry!) You can
see them in the attached pictures.
My tank parameters:
pH- 8.2
Okay, my anemone..
When we first got him, he footed and moved the night we got him,
and then stayed there for about 10 days. We fed him krill and he
took and finished all of it. I think he was a little bleached
when we got him, but with lighting and food he was looking really
healthy and gaining color (brown and green).
2 weeks ago he was sucked up into our strainer for our filter. I
did a water change, and he gradually got himself out. He refooted
and didn't really suffer any damage except for a loss of
maybe 3 tentacles fortunately.
About 4 days ago, I woke up to him chopped up in my powerhead
(see photo).
I turned it off immediately, my water wasn't too cloudy. I
set the powerhead on the substrate by rocks so that he could get
himself out. He got himself out and footed on a rock. He was is
really bad shape. I covered my powerheads with filter floss ( my
strainer and skimmer intake were already covered).
The next morning he was stuck to the powerhead, but there was no
more damage since there was the filter fiber. ( I did my water
change, about 12 gallons, today because I couldn't run to get
some water the day before). Turned off powerhead, he gradually
let himself go.. and then floated around the tank.
He was just getting swept away by the powerheads. So I turned
them off. He was bobbing around with the small flow in my tank,
so I "trapped" him with a fish breeders box (all I had
handy that would permit some water movement for him) between the
glass, sand and a rock so that he wouldn't damage himself and
hopefully foot. He ended up footing for about 3 hours and then
let loose again.
Today he still looks terrible. He only footed during the day
today, but then around 7pm he just let himself fold off it. He is
not folded onto himself on the sand. His foot is inflated and his
mouth has been open all day. His tentacles are inflating, but
there is white "flesh" still partially coming off him.
I don't know if this means he's dying, dead, healing. So
I have been watching him all day to make sure he won't get
sucked back towards the powerhead. I turn the powerheads off at
night while I cant watch him.
What do I do?
<I'd remove this animal... Very unlikely it will recover,
but if you have another established system to risk it dying,
dissolving in...>
He just wont foot anywhere and stay. I have crevices all over my
rockwork for his foot, but he just doesn't seem to like
I would put him in a small tank that I'm about to set up for
a sump, but I don't have any filtration or lighting for
I woke up this morning and found him completely deflated and
looking absolutely terrible. He still reacted to the lights being
turned on.
Do you have any suggestions on what I can do to help him?
I have done water changes, let himself get himself free, lowered
flow (only
1 powerhead on during day) so that he might re attached, covered
ALL intakes and powerheads. I haven't tried to feed him since
he was injured because I read that it can further stress them
out. His mouth is still open a bit. I will close for about an
hour a day, and then re open.
Thank you,
Picture 1---photo of damage while hanging on powerhead
Picture2-- what he looked like yesterday morning (5/23)
Picture 3--what he looked like last night after I turned off
lights.. he just let himself unattached and folded on
Picture4-- today (5/24)
Picture 5- our tank
<This Actinarian is done. Bob Fenner>
Sorry for the 2nd email.
I wanted to also ask, should I take him to my LFS and see if they
should hold on to him? That is, if there is a chance that he can
Thank you,
<Mmm, worth asking, but as previously stated, and on WWM in many
places... such incidents (getting sucked into pump intakes,
powerheads, overflows... are generally fatal. BobF>
Re: Sorry for the 2nd email.
I don't know if you were able to look at the pictures or not,
but does it look as though he might survive?
I hate to "flush" him if he might have a chance.
Thank you for the quick response, Bob F.
<I really wish I could present a more "up beat"
diagnosis, but there is exceedingly little chance of recovery here.
And, if not removed, the decomposition of this animal may cause a
good deal of further trouble. B>
Re: Sorry for the 2nd email.
Thanks Bob. Anything I should look for today to show he might make
it? If not... he will meet the toilet tonight.
<Read here: http://wetwebmedia.com/anemsysfaqs.htm
and the linked files... B> |
BTA demise 5/13/10
Hi to all WWM crew, Its the first time I ask/write a question to
you, usually I find the answer or something near to it in the
website, Ill try to cover all the details, completely cycled
aquarium,70 gal, plus 30 more of sump, DIY skimmer in urgent need
of perfection, evaporative cooling device (fan) to maintain water
on the 24/28 °C right now its 26°C, it
evaporates a lot of water, I replenish it daily with treated tap
water, no RO yet.
SG is 1.1025,
<1.025 likely>
Calcium is 450 ppm,
nitrates are 5 ppm, nitrites 0, pH 8.4. A deep sandbed about 5
inches consisting of crushed coral an a
1inch or more aragonite sand, lots of live rock and really
don't know how much, full of sponges, coraline algae, two
varieties of Caulerpa racemosa and the other one that is more
<Likely C. taxifolia... both too toxic for casual use. See WWM
under control, just two little patches of green color, GAC in the
sump and also phos sorb from API, sump is also full of live rock,
this live rock has been with me in other aquariums for more than
2 years now. Drilled tank, two 1-1/2 inch outflow and two 1 inch
inflows also two Koralia 3 pumps for creating water movement.
Lighting is comprised of 2 -56w pc 50/50, and two HO t-5 10,000k
and actinic blue lamps making it about 200 w of light, also
aquarium gets some nice sun light from the windows in the
mornings and midday. I used to have some 30 gal aquariums near
this windows and anemones, Condylactis that time used to love the
light, or at least I supposed that.
Now with the livestock, there is only one sand sifting goby, one
little toadstool soft coral, about 3 inches high and about
1-1/2inch wide, one little piece of cup coral that I'm trying
to salvage from the LFS, he
gave it to me free, I think its making its comeback slowly,
(daily feeding trying to get the little tentacles to get
something), three turbo snails about 1 inch each, some Aiptasia
on the live rock, and the purpose of this email, a new green
<May not get along w/ the other Cnidarians here>
On the LFS it had already three weeks on the holding tanks, good
color, extended not all but about what I would thing 3/4 it size,
it was housing one little maroon clownfish, was the only
inhabitant of that tank, its foot was strong, no visible tears or
anything suspicious, when I bought it I took much care for the
store guy to don't separate it from the rock it was, so I got
all the piece together, BTA and rock, perfect condition at my
home, made the dripping method to acclimate the anemone and then
to put into the aquarium I never got it out of the water, I
positioned the rock and BTA the about 2/3 from the bottom of the
aquarium, right now it could have chosen any spot it liked,
everything looked fine, stayed extended, mouth normal no gaping,
then next day it started some inflating deflating cycles,
inflated by night deflated by day, but then it started to look
like those clocks from Dali, hasn't moved from the spot,
there is good circulation there, well now It
looks worse 4 days from the introduction it seems like something
has ripped some tentacles apart, they seem like detaching, and
mouth is ok but beside the mouth there is this "open
wound" , with stringy things
coming out, it really doesn't looks good. Right now it is
contracted and on the foot about half its way there is an open
wound also, I haven't been able to understand what is going
on here, seems like there is something picking on it but I cant
see it, the crabs are small and have been with me about 2 years
also, always sifting sand and algae, or staying put where a
current is to get some food from it. Well that's all I could
think of, I don't know what to do my QT tanks aren't
ready, and I'm afraid If I move the BTA it will get worse,
I'm in the process of stocking these new tank (3 months now,
about 1 with the livestock) and well with almost no inhabitants
in this tank I saw little problems for the BTA. Any helpful hint,
piece of advice, or alike would be greatly appreciated.
I'm attaching some pictures of the BTA.
Thanks in advance
David Bulnes Abundis
<Allelopathy is the most likely trouble here, though there are
a few other possibilities. Read:
and the linked files above. Bob Fenner>
BTA Demise pictures 5/13/10
Hi, I just wrote about 10 minutes ago, my laptop was crashing and
to avoid losing all the long email I had written I sent the email
without the attached pictures. By the way, the bta has just moved
up and now is more in front of a current. Hope the pictures are
all right and my anemone can get healthy but it really looks bad.
Thank you
again wwm.
<... this animal has been artificially dyed... and appears to
not be an Entacmaea, but a Heteractis crispa... The likelihood of
it living is about zip. I'd siphon it out to waste now. Read
here: http://wetwebmedia.com/coloredanemones.htm
and the linked files above. BobF>
Has recibido 3 imágenes.
Re High pH And Tons Of Hair Algae/Lacking Useful
Info/Now Toxins/Now Anemone Health 4/26/10
... one other thing. Even though, I've successfully peeled
the anemone from the bottom of the bucket and tank (several times
over the years), I still worry about hurting it's foot as
it's delicacy has been noted many times in the postings of
WetWeb. Should I put an ice cube under the bucket in order to
entice it to detach?
<It may work, how did you remove it last time?>
And if it continues to just release slime in the main tank, what
<It's likely expelling waste triggered by a change in
environment, shouldn't continue on a daily basis. By the way,
I tested for copper and that 0 also.
<OK. James (Salty Dog)>
Re High pH And Tons Of Hair
Algae/Lacking Useful Info/Now Toxins - 4/26/10
I'm going to crack!
<Me too.>
This weekend, I did over a 20 gallon water change and purchased a
couple of urchins and 5 very small emerald crabs. The anemone was
starting to dirty up the bucket since it had been in there for
about a week. I was really hopeful that it would fare well in the
tank now that my pH and other parameters are all back to normal.
NOPE! After about an hour of drip acclimating, I carefully detached
it from the bottom of the bucket and dropped him back in his old
spot. I turned off the power heads in order to allow the anemone
enough time to attach to something the way it always has.
It didn't.
<I've always had luck by removing the sand down to the glass
in the area I would like it to be, then put
a few small rocks around it to stabilize the anemone. They need to
feel something hard on their pedal disc before they will attempt to
The next morning (Sunday), it just sat there moving around, not
looking as good as it had in the bucket and not attaching to
anything. It was also releasing a good amount of slime into the
<Can be a reaction from better/different water quality.>
SO, defeated, I cooked up another bucket of fresh salt water,
brought it to temp, and let it stir w/a very strong pump for most
of the day. In the evening, I removed the anemone from the main and
plopped him back in his new home. It attached to the bottom of the
bucket almost immediately.
<Yes, found a hard surface.>
What the heck is in the main tank!?
<I'm assuming nothing.>
Also the hair algae in the main is starting to turn a bit orange in
color. Hopefully, that's a sign that it's dying out?
<Yes, can be. James (Salty Dog)>
Re High pH And Tons Of Hair Algae/Lacking Useful Info/Now
Toxins/Now 4/26/10
... one other thing. Even though, I've successfully peeled the
anemone from the bottom of the bucket and tank (several times over
the years), I still worry about hurting it's foot as it's
delicacy has been noted many times in
the postings of WetWeb. Should I put an ice cube under the bucket
in order to entice it to detach?
<It may work, how did you remove it last time?>
And if it continues to just release slime in the main tank, what
<It's likely expelling waste triggered by a change in
environment, shouldn't continue on a
daily basis. By the way, I tested for copper and that 0 also.
<OK. James (Salty Dog)>
Re High pH And Tons Of Hair Algae/Lacking Useful Info/Now
Toxins/Now 4/26/10
I've moved the tank 3 times in the past. Once, it was a 6 hour
drive from Va to NJ! Each time, I put all the tank contents in
buckets (sand, and approx50% of the water). Then quickly replaced
them upon relocating. In each
case, the anemone dug through the 3" of gravel and attached to
the bottom of the tank, never releasing slime (at least not in the
amounts were I could see it on it and other items in the tank).
<May have not had any waste to expel. Best not to feed critters
before moving.>
I cant help but think the water is still toxic to it in some way??
Having said that, the scooter blenny continues to bounce around
I can do yet another water change and try moving the gravel as you
suggested but what about the slime?
<Would not worry about the slime, remove with a net. Just a
thought, but have you ever
checked for stray voltage in the system? Refresh my mind, next time
you write, indicate what type of anemone is it? I don't have
the time to go through all the past threads, must be a gazillion of
James (Salty Dog)>
Re High pH And Tons Of Hair Algae/Lacking Useful Info/Now
Toxins/Now Anemone Health 4/26/10
Sorry about the massive detail.
<No problem, just got too many things going on right now, need
to prioritize a little more than I'm doing now.>
The reason I think the tank has an issue is that the slime is much
worse when anemone is in the main vs. the bucket.
<LTA's do require pristine water quality, no phosphates,
nitrates under 5ppm, etc. They also appreciate a fine sand/mud
substrate. Make sure you have 4" or more of a soft
Crushed coral won't work very well with the LTA as the coral
can lacerate its foot.>
The Anemone was sold as a Green LTA. My friend has one as well and
they look
NOTHING like each other so here's an old pic for you to id for
<Appears to be a LTA. Keep in mind that the tentacle colors can
be white with pink tips, pinkish, tan, or purple.
Tentacles can be also have a basic, corkscrew, or striated
As for removal, I would just VERY DELICATELY wedge my finger
between the foot and bucket till it was free.
<I'd likely try that before the ice cube trick.>
Thanks again for your input and patience. The site is a wealth of
information and your responses are always appreciated!
<You're welcome. James (Salty Dog)>
Dan |