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Anemone Disaster 7/6/05 Hi Guys! <<Hello
Carrie>> Love the site as always... Its been very helpful.
<<Thank you>> My tank is a 38 gal FOWLR and Live sand.
Inhabitants were: 2 BTA's (originally had one, but it split smaller
one was about 1 inch) 1 tomato clown, 10 yrs old 1 yellow
tail damsel, same 1 very small lionfish (purchased a few
months ago) 1 banded shrimp 1 skunk cleaner shrimp 6 hermits
(blue leg and scarlet) 3 snails (unknown) Yesterday, I came home to
discover the smaller anemone had died so I scooped it up and
removed it from the tank. Did a water test: 0 ammonia, 0
nitrites, 0 nitrates, ph 8.4, salinity .25 Did a 50% water
change although the water seemed to be fairly clear. Changed
half of my carbon cartridges in my power filters. Within
hours my fish started breathing hard, so I did another 25%
water change (I had run out of salt mix and not a pet store
was open). Woke up this morning to everything dead BUT the
large anemone (looks horrible though, but is still sticking
to things) and the hermits/snails. Funny, the water still
tests normal, 0 on everything. They water is terribly
cloudy. I removed the hermits & snails and put them in
my quarantine tank. They seem to be doing fine. Fighting as
usually and tearing up the place ;0) I put the anemone in a
bucket with a power filter... I'm sure its on the
decline and didn't want to add it to my QT tank since it had
copper safe in it at one time. My question is how do I go
about starting over? I have read a few conflicting opinions
on the site and really couldn't find a whole lot
of specifics about what to do. If anything what should I
toss? Will a 100% water change alone be enough? Is it
possible that the large anemone released the toxins into my
tank to kill everything or could the little one alone be
responsible? <<Not a good idea to keep an anemone in a small tank
for just that reason...if the anemone dies it very quickly pollutes the
tank. My suggestion is to get some Chemi-Pure in place of
the carbon, and let the tank go fallow for about 30 days. I
like to base stocking levels at one cubic inch of fish per five gallons
of water. Something to keep in mind on the future set
up. Full grown sizes must also be taken into consideration
when selecting fish. James (Salty Dog)>> Thanks for
any input... Carrie <RMF would dump, bleach... rinse... re-set up. > Condy Anemone - 07/11/05 I recently bought a Condy
anemone and added to my collection of a BTA, sailfin tang, regal tang,
copperband butterfly, diamond goby, algae blenny, serpent star along
with several inverts and a few mushroom corals and button polyps.
<<I hope this tank is a couple hundred gallons in size...>>
I awoke the next morning to find that my Condy inevitably moved to my
power head and is no longer with us today. <<Sadly...an all too
common problem with motile inverts.>> The problem is that the
next day all my fish showed very distressed breathing and the regal and
butterfly have now died to the sailfin, goby, and blenny are doing
somewhat okay still showing difficulty breathing, however all the
inverts including the coral and BTA are doing just
fine. Could this outbreak of death and destruction be caused
by the Condy dieing and possibly releasing a toxin into my tank.
<<Strongly coincidental at the least. I think a large
water change/carbon filtration are in order here. Eric
R.>> Anemone stays upside down My Sebae looks so pretty when it's inflated but that's not very often. Most of the time it's inflated and sometimes on it's face. I have to Ocellaris that love the anemone but I'm afraid they're stressing it too much. < Very likely. I would try putting a plastic basket (like the kind strawberries come in at the store) over the anemone keeping the fish out; to see if that makes a difference. > What can I do to help the anemone? < If that doesn't fix it, it is not a fish issue but a water quality issue. In that case monitor your tank for changes. Also, be sure the anemone has plenty of light and space around it. > Should i upright it when it's on it's face? < Tough call. Usually I don't, but if it is still upside down after a few days, then yes I would try to help it out. > < Blundell > Anemone - Dead and Dying Days.. >I have a new anemone and
I'm concerned about it, they have odd behavior as it is but today I
noticed it had what looked like gravel stuck to it and it has been
tipped over on its side for several days... >>NEVER a good sign.
>...so I picked it up to move it, and what looked like gravel seem
to be mush, almost like it has busted open on the orange part of
it's "body" I have a few blue legged hermit crabs and 3
star fish could they have harmed the anemone? What should I do? KJ
>>Not at all likely to blame it on the other inverts, MUCH more
likely that water quality, possibly combined with mishandling, has
ensured its demise. Remove it NOW, it is a "goner".
Marina Anemone Hi, A general questions here - how do I know if an
anemone is dead? About half of its tentacles are flat, and the mouth is
wide and gaping, about 1.5 inches or more in diameter. Is he
dead? <It sure doesn't sound good. Is the pedal disc
tightly adhered to whatever it's on? If not, I would get it out of
the tank as soon as possible. Dead anemones can cause big time
problems. James (Salty Dog)> Ritteri Anemone Hello Mr. Fenner, <James here
for Bob> I addressed this to you because my wife wrote you a while
back ago about a Ritteri we purchased. It is still alive and of course
did okay for awhile. The anemone is in a 29 gal with 2 Maroon clowns
this time. I am putting finishing touches on my 300 gal.
(Let it cycle). I change water every week. Parameters are fine. There
is 130 watt P.C. on it right now. It has attached to the side of the
tank (Which I know this is normal) but it never did climb to the top
like they do. It stayed in the main flow of the pump which is about
400gph. When purchased, it Had a good looking toe. No rips or tears or
signs of healing from tears. When purchased It was on a flat rock. I
wouldn't take it with out it. The mouth was tight and closed, no
gaping. The mouth is still in great shape. I tried feeding it , it eats
once in awhile for me, but the clowns spit Mysis, nd Spirulina flakes
in the middle. It closes up and digests and then opens up. Now here is
the problem, The toe started to turn whitish, on the part that sticks
to the glass. Then it got concave like ( In the middle it is detached
from the glass, but the ends are still attached to glass). The past dew
days it has not fully opened and falls almost all the way off the
glass. (Here is the funny part- not so funny) At night 30 minutes after
the main lights are out, moon lights on, it re- attaches to the glass
all the way. It stays there until the main lights go back on during the
day time. It is almost like the light is too much for it, I did not
think that was possible. Ammonia 0, Nitrite 0, Nitrate 20. I do add
Iodine,<you need to test for levels of iodine. Too much
can be harmful. It is hard to know how much of this the
animals absorb.> Vitamins (To water) and Iodide. I have a sump rated
for 180 gal. and a protein skimmer. I do notice the Maroon clowns,
especially the female, really is very rough with it, but boy you stick
your hand in there for cleaning and forget it. She broke my plastic
spoon, and before she laid eggs last month she re-arranged the tank
moving rocks 3x her size. I called my local fish store and they have no
clue. They told me when it dies they could get me another one.
That's a real great response!, how does that help this one. Anyway
do you have any suggestions, I have never seen a anemone act like this.
<I do think your lighting is borderline for this
anemone. They do require strong lighting and water
motion. They generally do poorly in the home aquarium but
with care and proper conditions some have lived for
years. What I would start doing is a 10% water change with
an enriched salt mix such as Reef Crystals, make sure that iodine level
is safe and keep the light on for 12 hours per day. Cut out
direct feedings for a while since it sounds like the clowns are giving
it enough. The anemone does provide a great deal of it's
own food by photosynthesis providing the lighting is intense
enough. What type of filtering are you
using? James (Salty Dog)> Thanks, Scott - Anemone Losing Tentacles - Hello and thank you
in advance for your assistance. I have what was sold to me as a captive
bred rose anemone. It is housed in my 110 gallon
reef tank that is lit with two (2) 250 watt 10,000 k halides
and two (2) 55 watt pc actinics. I have had the animal for
over one (1) year and it seems to be thriving. It
has quadrupled it's size, hosts a pair of true percula's that spawn ever 4-5 weeks like clockwork, and
has never wandered. Part of my daily routine
involving my tank, is to spend 5 minutes or so observing it
after the lights have gone out. Tonight when
I checked on my tank, I noticed two of the anemone's
tentacles no longer attached to the anemone. One
was on the substrate and the other on a piece of live rock on the opposite side of the tank. The anemone itself
still seems healthy and no different than any other
night. Have you ever heard of this happening and
should I be concerned. <I've not heard of this before... and
I'm hoping that perhaps the reduced light is causing you to
misidentify perhaps a worm as a loose tentacle. Is just a guess really,
but the alternative seems too odd to be true.> I truly hope this is
not the beginning of the end. <Me as well... could also be it's
getting ready to split - in half, make two of itself.> Thank you for
any answers you may have, and if it would help, I can take
and attach photographs for your review. <If you prefer... just
don't make them too large.> Thank you for again for your
anticipated assistance. Michael J. <Cheers, J -- >
Re: a mariners worst nightmares #2 Thank you for your input and help. this is the latest inventory list as of today 1 porcupine puffer 2.5" 1 snowflake eel 8" is incoming and a Sebae anemone the Sebae is doing well in a quarantine tank with the puffer I have left the 55 gallon display tank fallow and will keep it so for 2.5 more weeks for a total of 4 weeks before I do a vacuuming and 80% water change and putting in 2 damsels in for testing quality and lack of disease. <Good moves> my question is how can I keep the anemone for expelling what symbiotic algae it has (its a very light brown color in small spots) when I have to transfer it, I put it in a container while the bucket and the Sebae were in the tank and wore latex gloves (no powder) to lift it and its LR base, I moved it next to the quarantine tank which is not dealing with any ich or other problems and then put in a 1/4 cup of the q/t tanks water in per 15min, for 1 hour before moving it in after submerging it in its bucket so it never touched air. it still lost its color though it seems. <Happens... hopefully it will reincorporate zooxanthellae and recolor> it is spreading out and eating well, but I know it doesn't do well during a move and it will starve slowly if it doesn't get its algae back. it is still attached to the LR and is eating phytoplankton and cubed squid shrimp & bloodworms. I read your FAQs about its care but didn't see any info on how to properly move them when its an emergency (had to remove the heater in its tank after it broke) and couldn't replace it. <There is no actual "way" other than about what you've done> thanks for the help on the previous problem., I changed LFS to another in town which was much more helpful in getting everything set up and fixing the inventory problem with trades for credit they examined the dead angel and said it was covered in marine velvet and the head spot was as well, but I do agree that there were too many fish at full size but had no idea at no less than 4 gallons a fish (around 10.5 inches fish total) would throw everything off. <Yes... psychologically... and these would have grown if they had lived to a few feet total...> it wasn't going to be a long term situation but its obvious now (20/20 hindsight) that it was stupid. thank you for your time and any help you can offer on the anemone. I know its a difficult invert to keep. the lighting is around 100 watts, if I increase the brightness though the anemone closes up. thanks again. Justin <Take your time here. Bob Fenner> LTA quarantine I have searched your info and can't seem to find quarantine procedure for anemones, if their is one. <Here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/anempt2.htm> I have bought a LTA and the LFS is holding it until I find out a correct quarantine procedure--I seem to know more about fish than the LFS if you catch my drift--which is scary. I consistently quarantine my new fish and would like some help on this anemone. Please advise. Thanks <Bob Fenner> Sick Anemone 12/27/04 This picture is of the base of our LTA: http://www.reefaquariumguide.com/photos/showphoto.php?photo=15071 Seemed to be doing great until yesterday, when he started shrinking dramatically. We had noticed some gray matter on the base for the last few days and thought it was because the clowns were picking at the base, so we moved the anemone to the other side of the tank and the clowns left it alone for a few days. Now the Anemone seems to be really struggling and has developed blisters. The man at the LFS suggested we put him in a glass so that the "sores" might be protected, but as soon as we did that, the anemone started looking worse. Is there any hope? Thanks for any help. Mark <Without knowing how long you have had this anemone, It is hard to guess it's fate. Please remove it from the glass (which will impede water flow), and refrain from any further handling. The clowns will not cause further injury. If you have not done so, please review the WWM sections on anemone selection and care. They are among the most difficult animals to maintain. Best Regards. AdamC.> Anemone problems G'day there Been looking thru your extensive database and has helped me many times in the past , thank you all for that. recently acquired four skunk clowns and two 12" anemones from Vanuatu ( going by descriptions they appear to be pacific LTA , but not ... one is mushroom/tan colored with purple tips , the other is slightly darker with more pointed tips with no purple .. they spent the required 3 weeks quarantine ( NZ rules ) , to my luck I was able to select them personally and looked for all the obvious signs ... they sat in a 180 ltr 3ft tank bare of anything but 3 powerheads ( 2 air assisted , all covered ) + a heater... have been doing weekly water changes of 100 ltrs , the only readings with appear are slight ammonia ( obviously ) as there is no bio , ( I have 20 kg of base rock cycling in a separate 300 ltr 4ft tank ) so cant really do much till that finishes..... lighting consists of only 2 fluoro's ( actinic + full ) on for 14 hours per day ( have added bonus of sunlight for 5 hours in the morning ) try to keep algae down to minimize ph drop at night... been in the tank for about 2 weeks , all going fine , anemones reacting to Mysis added by moving and expanding even more than they where... now the odd thing , passed on the darker anemone to a mate who has a 5.5 ft tank , been running for about 4 months , only livestock are 2 damsels , percula and banded shrimp a couple of soft corals ( doing fine) but he has a unknown factor of adding NZ native species ( snails, shrimps fanworms, anemones etc) but not with much luck on the survival rate. now this is the odd thing , the anemone was in the tank for about 4 days slowly opening up , the last night it was fully inflated but next morning totally deflated and starting to decay , by the afternoon it had fallen apart when they tried to move him/it/she/entity? out of a crevice it was swept in by the current. the only other things to add are that the percula wasn't interested becoming mates and the banded shrimp was continually walking over it... all the water readings where fine except a slight nitrate reading and his lighting consists of 2 actinics and 3 full spectrum that have to punch thru 2 ft of water << Still doesn't sound like much light. But it may be enough. >> . as for my anemone , he's still doing fine and the only issue I have now is separating the dominant skunk pair from the others ( ever tried to do that when they all have a foot long anemone to hide in !? ) .. I also have a white anemone with purple tips in my first reef ( garden reef ) tank and under 2 full spec , 2 actinic and 1 14000 k halide is happy as BOB.... Sorry for yappin' on for soo long but my last question is this , while diving on the Great barrier reef in OZ and off the east and west coasts of Thailand I have noticed several species of clowns sharing the same anemone , can this be done in an aquarium?. << Yes. But in the wild that may be out of limited living space. If there were more anemones they may spread out. So it may be possible in an aquarium, but I'd think you are better off getting them to host in xenia and other soft corals. >> that's for puttin' up with this .... cheers << Don't know if I have much insight on the anemones. Stress from moving is always a problem. Other things like a tear in their foot can be unseen but eventually cause fatal problems. Good luck. >> Klay. << Blundell >> What to do with a dying anemone? 11/27/04 I had a Condy anemone which became all shriveled up. There it sat tiny and unmoving on the bottom of the tank for days, getting smaller and smaller, until it reached less than one inch. I thought it was hopeless and needed to be thrown out. <Yikes! Remind me never to sleep deeply as a guest in your house <G>> My boyfriend said we should keep it around a few more days because it could improve. <agreed... sort of> I felt that throwing it out was the best thing because it could be releasing toxins into the water, even in the case that it wasn't totally dead. <er... ah... no.> He didn't think that it would release toxins until it was dead for a while. <about so, but not the real issue here> To me even if it was still alive, it was as good as dead and toxic. <have faith... this animal is not dying (when they die, they deteriorate in hours for having so little solid tissue).> Please settle this dispute for us, who was right? Thank you very much! Ali <the ill-purchased anemone is likely suffering from a lack of light (5 watts per gallon minimum over the tank), excessive nitrates (over 40 ppm) and/or lack of feeding (never feed large chunks of food, but do offer finely minced meats 3-5 times weekly). My guess is that yours is suffering from some or all of these things. If so, please be sure to research animals better before you buy them to be sure you know and can provide for their needs. We have extensive archives/FAQs on this subject here at WetWebMedia.Com if you'll take the time to read them. My advice here is for you to donate this coral to a LFS or another aquarist better able to provide for it unless you are interested in providing reef-aquarium quality light, water flow and feeding for this anemone. best regards, Anthony> Help with anemone my anemone got sucked in my filter and I removed it some of it got torn off and now the anemone is in a ball like stage some tentacles are shriveled up and the others are plump on the one side still but it has turned a green color and I'm wondering if its dying or can I save it <Maybe> the clown tries to play with it still but it wont open it is laying side ways on the bottom and the torn off piece is on a rock will the 2 pieces die or will they survive what can I do to fix this I need help on this one thanks Mary <Do keep an eye on your other livestock... and water quality (by testing)... remove and keep this animal in a separate system if you can, have a quarantine/hospital tank... there is no use in using "medicines" here. Put the terms "damaged" and "anemone" in the Google search tool on the homepage of www.WetWebMedia.com for much more re others experiences here... and for sure, get and place screens over your pump/filter intakes. Bob Fenner> Rose bulb anemone I have had a rose bulb anemone for about 2 months now in my 15 gallon eclipse. I have taken out the light that was in the hood and replaced it with an 18 inch 96 watt compact fluorescent lamp. I have the original eclipse pump and an extra one for more current. I keep the light on for 10 hours and feed it once a day with about four frozen krill. <Might want to increase the photoperiod by an hour or so. Also, make sure not to feed the anemone large chunks, mince them into pieces about 1\4th inch in size> Over the last two months my anemone has lost its bubble tips and they have become long and I think that it is not as bright in color as it used to. I have tried increasing the amount of food, but it stops taking it after four krill. What can I do to return it back to its health and replenish its bulbs? <Annoyingly enough, this is very common in BTA's, and there seems to be no apparent reason for why they lose their bubbles and sometimes change color. It doesn't seem to have anything to do with food, or lighting. <<Does have a great deal to do with a lack of circulation/current. RMF>> My water quality seems to have an impact on my BTA's bubbles (when I do frequent water changes it seems to bubble more) and possibly with water current. Mine doesn't bubble nearly as much as it used to either, though. It's not a sign of an unhealthy animal, so I wouldn't worry too much about it> Sincerely, John Sorkness <M. Maddox> Condylactis anemone Hello and I thank you in advance for your help!! My husband and I set up our salt water tank about 6 months ago. It is a 29gal. We used live sand and live rock... we have 2 damsels, 2 emerald crabs, 4 hermit crabs, a cleaner shrimp, a clownfish and an anemone.. a Condy (I think). The anemone has a orange/peach body with white tentacles that have a small purple dot on the tip of each tentacle. << Sounds like it. >> For the first few days it looked perfect. We test our water regularly and find no major shifts or abnormal levels. But one morning I woke up to find it had unattached itself from a piece of rock and fell behind the rocks. It was completely withered. It looked very dead. My husband picked it up and moved it to the center of the tank where the lights are bright and by the next morning it looked perfect again. We thought it was a one time event due to temperature...It was up to 80 due to the heat turning on in the house. (First cold night of Fall and we failed to think to adjust the tank heater.) But within a week I noticed it withers again. It has continued to wither every few days. We have fed him several times and for the most part appears very healthy. But he continues to wither often. Please help us... we have tried to figure out what we are doing wrong or if the anemone is unhealthy and should be removed from our tank. << Well the biggest question is what type of lights you have? I have a 29 gal with two 150 watt halides. I'd recommend at least four 55 watt pc lights in that tank. >> Our local fish shop says it is normal, but I can't see how this is normal. << My Condy does the same thing. But it withers once every few months, so this may be a problem. >> I thank you again for your time and help in solving our withering anemone mystery. << Please check lighting requirements and see if that is the problem. >> Becki Varner << Blundell >> Sebae Anemone Hi, <Hello there> I've tried to look up as many articles as possible, however I haven't really found a full answer to my question. <Go on> I had 3 false Percula clowns...I believe my new sebae anemone ate it as it was the clown that had really taken to the anemone that was eaten. <I see> I've only had it for a couple of weeks. Since it "ate" the clown fish...it's been tipped over sitting on its side and really not looking healthy at all. I've checked the water and the levels seem to be fine. I've also cleaned up the water so that it doesn't choke on its own waste. <Cleaned up? It is a good idea to remove solid waste (after the anemone disgorges it), but they don't like sudden or large changes in their environment> I have a standard two ft tank and have one fluorescent and one blue light as the pet shop lady told me that coral and anemone really love the light so I hope it's not too bright. <Mmm, take a read through WetWebMedia.com re this species (actually Heteractis crispa)... they require a surprisingly intense quantity of light... is yours "bleached out?"... that is, white or whitish with pink to purple tips at the ends of its tentacles? It may be impugned from its collection and shipping ahead of your purchase... very common> Can you please let me know if this is normal behavior for an anemone to be rolled over like that? Thanks Cheryl <Not normal... not healthy. Though almost all "giant anemone" species/specimens that live in conjunction with Clownfishes do have periods of more or less tumescence, they should not be flaccid... for any period of time. A warning sign. Again, there is too much to convey to you in this space, time. Please read through the articles and FAQs files archived on WWM. Bob Fenner> Helping a damaged anemone 9/30/04 Hi, this is Carlos D?z from Guatemala, it is always a pleasure surf your site! <a pleasure for us to hear from far away friends too... cheers Carlos> Let me tell you my case: I bought a long tentacle anemone. After a week in my tank the anemone was sucked by one power head (Now I fix it with a proper canister and mesh in the intake of the powerhead to avoid this problem). The anemone looks horrible, but I decided to keep it and try to recover it. The anemone shrinks for at least 4 days, but after that it start to open again and now, three months after the accident, the anemone is full open. but whitening, there is something I can do to help to recover its zooxanthellae algae? water conditions: PH 8.2/8.4, ammonia, nitrite, 0, nitrate 5. temp. 77?F Thank you very much <you have long since overcome the worst of it all... no worries. This anemone can easily recover. The key is to feed it small portions of food regularly (several times weekly with minced meats of marine origin) until its zooxanthellae recover. You will see the anemones white body take on an "ugly" blotchy or "bruised" appearance when the symbiotic algae come back - again, no worries and best of luck! Anthony>
Saving an anemone 9/20/04 I looked all over your site for some help, but kept coming up empty. I have a rock anemone that looks like its on its way out. Its lost all it's zooxanthellae... Looks bleached with light green tips. <this animal needs to be fed and fed often... several times weekly... to save it and maintain it. If it hasn't been getting this sort of feeding up to now, it is the reason for the poor health in large part at least> The problem is: He is in a hole in a rock about his circumference in the back of my tank. He moved there during a power outage. The rock is a base rock for my reef. If I remove the rock, a lot of other problems will ensue. Any suggestions? <for now focus on feeding it... use a feeding tube (soft tubing and a plunging syringe for food slurries/paste> Right now he "shriveled" up in the hole. Chris <I see from your e-mail addy you are from Kentucky? Have you visited the local club LMAS.org? Please do so if not... very good fellowship to be had in local clubs. Anthony>
Anemone's dying from some green stuff Hello Again Crew, << Blundell here. >> Back for more advice. About 4 months ago I had purchased 2 LTA for my clowns. The reason I had bought them is The person I had got the clowns from were in a anemone. I know they do not need the anenomes to survive, however Because they were use to the anemone the previous owner had, They were going into my corals and Damaging them. The anenomes were doing great, water parameters were excellent. I was feeding them chopped up shrimp, Live food and all the other foods . They were always full and open. 3 days ago 1 of them turned over and it had a lot of funny growth and stuff on the toe. The gunk was like green bunches of something I never saw and some white swirl corkscrew shaped stuff. It was literally coming out of the toe. It died 2 days later. A day from that one getting it, The second one had started to get the same thing, It to perished a few days later. Do you know what this could be? << No idea, but it doesn't sound good. >> I did not have a camera to take a picture so I know It is tough to say. One more question. On the other side of this 8 ft. tank is a Malu Sebae, It now has moved to the same corner the LTA were at. Will this anemone die from the same thing. << Doubtful, but I'd still make sure it has plenty of water flow and light. I also wouldn't feed it directly right now. >> Right now it is doing good, the clowns are now in it, These clowns will go in anything, They were in my frog Spawn until they saw the Sebae. I asked the local fish store what this could be and they looked stumped and stated it could have been Bad anenomes to start with. << Possible. >> I didn't have the heart to tell them I got them from him. When I purchased them, I checked the toe for color, and tears, and the mouths were tight and closed. I did notice the corner all the anenomes seem too favor has thousands of Copepods crawling around, I don't know if they can damage the anenomes or not. << I would doubt it. >> Thank you in advance for your help, << The big question is... is it something in the tank that they are consuming, or is it a problem with something in the water affecting them? Unfortunately I don't you'll find out, and will just have to count this as a loss and try again in several months. >> Scott << Blundell >> <Damaged in collection likely... Doomed. B> Parasites in an
anemone? Hello, I was checking out my new
prize LT tonight and saw these little black things. At first I thought
it was some detritus that got caught in the tentacles, but on closer
inspection I realized these little black things were actually INSIDE
the tentacle tissue. Then I thought maybe they were just some
discoloration, but no... the things were moving and crawling around in
there!! << Cool... I guess. >> They can move up to the tip
or they can crawl down, all the way into the flesh of the disc... they
really creep me out! I am praying they are some kind of symbiotic
creature and nothing truly harmful (but they mar the beauty of the
anemone and are gross!). There are about ten of these, of varying sizes
living in different places in my anemone. They vary in size
between just hatched baby brine shrimp size up to sesame seed size.
I've never seen ANYTHING like this before
and suspect that very few folks have... but I'm hoping someone at
WWM help or point me in the right direction. << Can it be
food? Is it something the anemone ingested? No
idea here. >> I had no idea that anemones could harbor internal
parasites, but apparently than CAN and DO! Can anyone help me identify
these things?? << A detailed pic could really help. >>
Also, how does one go about treating an invertebrate for parasites
anyway? << You don't. I wouldn't do
anything, because if it is bad you can make things worse. >> Or
is this something I needn't be concerned about? << Personally
I wouldn't worry at all. >> Here is as close as I can get
with my camera. The picture shows one of the largest ones
and a smaller one to the right. << Unable to open any
attachments. Please try again. >> Thank you!! Julie
<< Blundell >> Anemone opening and closing mouth Hi there, thank you for all the help you provided me in the past. I have a problem with my BTA and I need your help. my tank 33gal it has been set up for 6 months now. Ammonia 0 , nitrite 0.1 (Its been there since my tank done cycle), nitrate 0,ph 8.2 , temp 75F.This anemone has been in my tank for 2 weeks and it hasn't been moving since day1.It was placed in th center under 150w 10k MH (Sylvania bulb). When I first bought there were a lot of missing tentacles .However, it start growing new once. I have noticed something, the mouth is a little bit open some times it is tightly closed but some times its a bit open(1cm x 1cm) it seems to be doing well .Am feeding daily 1/4 inch of shrimp. Should I be worried? << Not really, but that sounds like a lot of feeding. >> Fish : 1 devil damsel, I will be adding couple of clowns next week. inverts : banded shrimp, few star fish, baby sea urchin (sp?). Corals : Bubble coral, few mushrooms, plate coral, xenia, star polyps. << If it is growing new tentacles, and isn't moving around, I'd say it is doing just fine. >> << Blundell >> |
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