FAQs on Centropyge Angelfishes
Nutritional Disease
FAQs on Dwarf Angel Disease:
Dwarf Angel Disease 1,
Dwarf Angel Disease 2,
Dwarf Angel Disease 3,
Angels and Butterflyfishes & Crypt,
FAQs on Dwarf Angel Disease by Category:
Environmental, Social,
Pathogenic, Genetic,
Related Articles: Centropyge
Angels, C. loricula/Flame
Angel, Lemon/y Dwarf Angels, A
Couple of Lemons; the True and False/Herald's (nee Woodheadi)
Centropyges, Potter's Angels, Reef
Safari! Keeping Multibarred Angelfish By Alexander
Related FAQs: Best FAQs on
Centropyge, Centropyge Angels
1, Centropyge Angels
2, Centropyge Angels 3,
Centropyge Angels 4, Dwarf Angel Identification, Dwarf Angel Selection, Dwarf Angel Compatibility, Dwarf Angel Systems, Dwarf Angel Feeding, Dwarf Angel Reproduction,
Copper exposure typically results in non-feeding
Angelfishes for Marine Aquariums
Diversity, Selection & Care
New eBook on Amazon: Available
New Print Book on Create Space: Available
by Robert (Bob) Fenner |
Multicolor Angel and Ich 09/29/10
Hello All,
I've had a small multicolor angel (not quite two inches) in
quarantine for 2 1/2 weeks. She is only picking at my rotation of food
(Mysis shrimp, bloodworms, spectrum pellets, Cyclop-eeze, and a frozen
<Very typical>
but looking at the "kissing marks" on the decor and glass,
I'm assuming substantial nutrition is coming from the
<And what's associated with them>
The good news here is that she is active in a normal dwarf angel way
(darting in and out of hiding, curious- but cautious when I'm
around the tank). Her eyes are clear, her belly is round and her feces
are dark green and seen on a regular basis. She has one tank mate in
quarantine, an orchid Dottyback destined for another tank.
The problem is that two days ago I saw her "scratch" twice
and then go about her business.
Tonight I noticed three salt grain spots on various spots on her
(The Dottyback has no sign of infection, yet.) After 12 years in the
hobby, my gut is saying these are Ich spots, but for better or for
worse I've never had to treat an angel for Ich. After looking
through the FAQ, it sounds like there are many different opinions about
how to proceed now.
I am particularly concerned that the angel is dependent to a high
degree on foraging on the liverock and diatoms/algae and that chemical
use would take away this food source.
The quarantine tank is 25 gallons, bare bottom, with two pieces of
liverock for grazing, and some plastic hidey holes. I have two little
hang on filters and a Prizm skimmer going. I do have a second potential
quarantine tank (30 gallons) which has its own heater, but no filter or
skimmer. I have about 15 gallons of pre-made salt water on stand by.
FWIW, my display tank is a 46 gallon low light reef.
Considering the small size of this angel and dwarf angels sensitivity
to chemicals, I would appreciate any and all advice.
My thanks in advance-Tricia
<I am inclined with small Angels (of size, not necessarily species),
to especially be careful re the use of toxic medications... IF
anything, I might use Chloroquine Phosphate (one dose) on/with this
fish... but am more likely (if this were my own situation) to just do a
cursory pH-adjusted freshwater bath (likely w/o any additional chemical
presence) and place this fish in your main display. Yes, there is a
risk (always) of spreading Cryptocaryon... but there is a very good
chance that your and almost everyone's systems have resident crypt
infestations (already). Bob Fenner>
Re: Multicolor Angel and Ich 10/28/10
Mr. Fenner (and crew),
I just wanted to give a short update. The multi-color angel is fairing
well. The Ich did make it through the dip, so I decided to add a
cleaner goby to help things out. The angel and goby found each other in
about a week. Since then the Ich on the angel has decreased to the
point that I can't see any more spots. The goby is also cleaning
the wrasse on occasion, but I haven't seen any spots on the wrasse
or the Firefish.
Everyone is eating well and no one is scratching (though the goby
growing quite fast!).
I am hopeful that my tank has reached "balance" with the Ich.
I guess time will tell.
Thank you again for your advice-Tricia
<Thank you for this report Tricia. I do agree with the sentiment and
hope expressed therein. BobF>
Bicolor Angelfish issue.. Feeding, QT too small.
<Hello Tyler>
I bought a Bicolor Angelfish from a reputable LFS three days ago.
I have placed (her, I think), in a 10 gallon quarantine tank.
<Too small>
This QT has been up for three weeks, with water from the main 120
gallon reef. They are not plumbed together. In the QT I have a small
amount of sand, a few small pieces of live rock, and a frag of Trumpet
Coral, Star Polyps, and a Tubeworm. These are there to test potential
<Good practice, but you will have problems here>
The problem is that this fish refuses to eat.
<Did it eat in the shop? Essential that you buy this fish already
feeding, as this is a difficult fish. Have you read here
It is from all appearances in great shape- it swims constantly, all
around, bothered a little by its reflection in the glass. Nevertheless,
it just won't touch anything.
<It is not likely to in this setting>
I've tried 3 varieties of frozen food (2 Rods, one homemade gumbo),
many more dry foods as well, I'm using garlic, and I hang small
algae sheets in the corner of the tank.
<This fish needs live rock to pick on, and in which to hide. It will
not feed if it does not feel secure, which is impossible in such a
small setting>
I've read all the FAQ's on WWM I could find about this, but
I'm bothered that I never hear how the suggestions end up working
<Have you read here:
What am I doing wrong??
<The setting is too small. If you are going to try to tackle a
difficult fish like this, AND keep good quarantine protocols, then you
needed to have ready a much bigger QT system for it, with good live
rock for it to graze. If you can't provide this then you will need
to move this fish prematurely (after a week or so) to the main system,
with all the risks that this action brings>
Isn't there something this fish can't resist?
<Not prepared or frozen, no>
I'd appreciate any help you could provide.
<No problem>
Tyler Smith
Sick angel... C. argi 10/16/07 HI, I have a 55 gallon
tank with two O. clowns, one yellow goby, one royal Gramma, and a
cherub angel. About a week ago, the angel stopped eating, and his fins
became ragged and frayed looking. <Mmm, maybe the Gramma...> I
put him in quarantine, where I noticed one of his eyes was bulging. I
have been searching and asking everywhere for help, and a few sources
said he has fin and tail rot and to treat him with Maracyn. <Mmm,
no> However, I do not think that is what he has. His eye bulged for
only one day, but is now back to normal. I am almost certain he is
blind, He swims in circles all day long occasionally bumping into
things, and he will not eat at all. I have tried holding food right up
to him but I get no response. He has not eaten in almost 7 days, and I
am really worried about him. Should I use the Maracyn? I don't
think it will help, but I just don't know Charlene <Does the
system afford sufficient dark areas for this little Centropyge to get
out of the light? What foods, supplements have you been offering? If
this fish is still feeding, I would try Selcon, and Spectrum pelleted
food of sufficiently small diameter. Bob Fenner>
Re: sick angel, blind C. argi 10/16/07 Hi,
Thank you for responding to me! I submitted the question about my sick
Cherub, who I think is blind. The main system is set up with about 30
pounds of live rock, with some pieces of base rock arranged so there is
many crooks, crannies, and caves. The angel really loved swimming
through them, and the tank is taller rather then wider. I have been
feeding him a variety of Mysis shrimp, pygmy angel formula from ocean
nutrition, frozen emerald entree, and ocean nutrition green marine
algae, which I would hang on the wall. Now that he is in quarantine, he
is not eating at all, at least that I have seen. It has been 13 days
now that I have last seen him eat. He swims from one side of the tank
to the other almost without stop until the lights go out and then he
goes over to one corner and turns almost completely white in color. I
have added nothing to the hospital tank but vitamins (vita chem) and a
little bit of Entice to his food (which has no effect) I have also been
doing bi-weekly, small water changes to keep the water quality clean.
Ph- 8.4, nitrates-o nitrites-o temp 78 SG 1.023 Is there anything else
I can do for my little fish? <Mmm, perhaps a deficiency syndrome
still...> Thank you, Charlene (do fish ever regain lost eyesight?)
<Yes. Do keep trying the supplementation to foods. Bob
Coral Beauty Dx HLLE Rx multiple approaches
1/6/07 Hello Everyone, <Hi Carol, Mich with you
today.> I just came across your website tonight and thought you
might be able to help. I have had my Coral Beauty Angel
for about 6 months now. Right after I got it, the new
Flame Angel got pop-eye and while treating for pop-eye the Blue
Tang got Ich. <Are you familiar with quarantine
procedures? If not please read here:
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/QuarMarFishes.htm >
Over the course of the next few weeks we lost several fish.
<Sorry for your loses.> I got the tank, treatments and fish
under control and have looking good water-wise for about 3
months. The only problem left now is with my Coral
Beauty. At the end of the Ich, when the other fish
either died or got better, it developed white divots around its
eyes and down either side of its body. His appetite and
behavior has not changed. It seems perfectly healthy,
except for these divots. I have asked 3 saltwater fish
stores in my area and no body has heard of anything likes
this. Can you tell me what it might be and what I can do
to get my fish beautiful again? <Does look like HLLE
Head and Lateral Line Erosion. Is common in tangs and
angels. HLLE is linked with poor water quality,
nutritional deficiencies, and the protozoan Octamita (Hexamita
necatrix. "Stray voltage" has also been
anecdotally associated with HLLE. To try to improve the
health of your beauty, you will want to make sure you are keeping
on top of you water changes, make sure your tank is grounded, to
eliminate any stray voltage, and try supplementing your feedings
with a vitamin supplement (vitamin C and vitamin D
especially) such as Selcon. Steamed broccoli has
also been used to successfully treat HLLE. You can also
read more here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/hllefaqs.htm and here http://www.wetwebmedia.com/hllefaqs2.htm and here http://www.wetwebmedia.com/hllefaqs3.htm > My tank is a
75 gallon fish only that has been set up for 3 years. Thank you for
all your help and time, <Hope this gives you a place to
start. Good luck! -Mich> Carol |

Sick Coral Beauty 9/19/05 Hi Guys <How goes
it?> I kinda feel guilty having to bother you, but I have a Coral
Beauty in need. <Not a problem, that's why we volunteer :)> I
have a 20 gallon tank (a little small) with two protein skimmers, both
for 60 gallon tanks and I'm using carbon and Poly Filter with
20-25% water changes weekly. <Sounds good> The water is 78 F,
S.G. 1.024 , ph 8.2 , ammonia 0, nitrite 0, nitrate 0-5.
<All good> The animals are 1-Coral Beauty (Sunrise), 1-Black
Clown (Dab), 1-Banded Shrimp (Aunt Tennay), 1-Turbo Snail (Wetfoot).
I've had them for a little more than a year. I was feeding Brine
shrimp with Spirulina almost exclusively (my mistake I think). <Not
nearly varied enough, and brine shrimp do not provide much nutritional
value> I'm now feeding seaweed (red and green), Spectrum dry, an
omnivorous and an Angel formula with sponge in it. <Great!>
Sunrise has fading color to the point of spottiness in places, lightly
tattered fins and has done some twitching and scraping, is losing his
appetite and hides too much now. The quarantine tank is ready but I
can't figure out if I should use it or what I would do if I did.
<Keep up the varied diet...try to get a hold of some live Mysid
shrimp (www.Reed Mariculture.com is a great source of live foods of all
types) to feed Sunrise as well. Don't make the move to a
quarantine tank until you can positively identify a
disease. This will hopefully work itself
out. Everything else you're doing is fine, so for now
it's just wait and see> Thanks for any help you can offer.
<Anytime> James <Michael Maddox>
New Angel- Old Problem? (Encouraging A New Fish To Feed) To
the crew, <Scott F. your Crew Member today!> Hey guys...first of
all thanks for your help in the past. I have a new
problem. I recently bought a Bicolor Angel and put him into
a quarantine tank for observation before putting him into my main
tank. He has been in there for 5 days and this morning I
noticed some orange spots on his body (none on his fins). From what I
have read on your site and in some books, it sounds like a bacterial
infection. <I'm not so sure...I've seen this before on this
fish and Lemonpeel Angels without incident, so I'd observe for a
while before embarking on a course of medical intervention.> I got
him some Green Marine Algae sheets from Ocean Nutrition and some
Spirulina 20 flakes from Aquatrol. He has been active, but I
haven't seen him really eat since I put him in quarantine. <Not
totally uncommon with this species. They can be a bit finicky at first.
I'd recommend trying a more varied diet of items such as Mysis,
some of the "Formula" foods from Ocean Nutrition, or even
some enriched frozen brine shrimp, just to tempt him into eating. Also,
placing a well-encrusted piece of live rock from your system may
provide the fish some natural foraging, and may stimulate his appetite.
If it's getting to be "desperation time", as far as
getting the fish to eat, you may want to dose some aquarium vitamins,
such as Boyd's Vita Chem, right into the water to give him some
nutrition (Follow manufacturer's dosage recommendations, and
maintain excellent water quality while using vitamins).> He is in
the tank with a damsel and they seem to be getting along fine. Water
quality seems good...0 Ammonia, 0 Nitrites, 30ppm Nitrates, and 8.4
pH. Does this sound like a bacterial
infection? Could it have been caused by the Nitrates? What
meds should I use? Thanks! Mark <I doubt that the
nitrates are an issue at this juncture. While I suppose it is possible
that the fish could have some sort of infection, if the fish appears
otherwise healthy, I would hold on medical intervention. More important
to me is to get the fish eating as quickly as possible. My personal
mantra of "a fish that eats is a fish that lives" applies
here. If you can get him eating, that's half the battle. Should
this turn out to be a medical issue, it will be relatively easy to
treat with antibiotics, but only if absolutely necessary...Get this guy
eating ASAP! Good luck! Regards, Scott F.>
Flame Angel Flashing
7/29/04 Hey guys, <Hi Nathan, MacL here with you tonight>
I have a Flame Angel that is flashing on some PVC pipe. I have never
seen him flash or rub himself on anything else such as the rocks, fake
corals or gravel. He has no spots and no apparent problems.
<Sounds like something is bothering his gills though. Is your tank a
reef tank or a fish only tank? If reef you might want to invest in a
neon goby or a cleaner shrimp.> He is eating well. Could he be
rubbing on the PVC pipe because it is soft and a little slimy and feels
good or do you think he has a disease? <I think something is
irritating him for him to be rubbing.> What do you
think? Water conditions are immaculate. No Ammonia or
Nitrites and Nitrates are below 5.<I got to say I'd prefer
nitrates at 0.> Temp., salinity and PH good. I feed 80% my home brew
frozen food from Bob's book of Spirulina, Green Algae, Zo? And a mix
of Shrimp, Mussels, Squid and Scallops and 20% Algae, Formula 1 and 2
and Spirulina Flakes soaked in Zo? Is Spirulina good for Tangs and
Angels? <Yes but angels do need some sponge in their diet as well.
There are some good angel mixes.> Not as a primary food especially
for Angels, but as a supplement especially when soaked in vitamins? I
thought the ingredients of what is the name of that flake food that is
made in Alaska, big company I am sure you know the name, herbivore
looks good. What do you think? The first ingredient is Kelp and the
second is Spirulina and then Salmon, and other fish. Is Kelp good for
Tangs? <Yes, but so is the Nori you get in a Chinese store same
thing much better price.> Is this a good supplemental food to go
along with my home brew? <Yes but I would invest in some frozen
foods with some sponge in them.>
- Flame Angel Issues - Hi My
flame angel just came with this disease today. Can you identify it for
me and suggestions on how to treat it, please. <Hmm... the picture
is just blurry enough that I can't be 100% sure what that is. If I
were to hazard a guess, I'd say that it's probably Lymphocystis
- a viral condition that comes and goes on its own. There is no
treatment.> I have had him for about 6 months. Thanks in advance.
<Keep on eye on the fish... as long as it's eating and otherwise
doing fine, I wouldn't be too concerned.> Gaurav
<Cheers, J -- >
- Flame Angel Quarantine - Hi
again, Last question on the flame. She has been in the q tank for
about 3 weeks w/no sign of infection for a week. She is still not
eating. <Has the fish also not been eating for three weeks?> I
was wondering if it would be ok to put her back in the main tank so she
could feed off the live rock, I have tried all the normal food stuffs
(Nori, Mysis, brine etc.) but she won't even look at it. <I
would go ahead an place this fish - perhaps a ph-adjusted, freshwater
dip before you make the move.> Any ideas would be great. <Hmm...
if you can get your hands on the TMC Gamma frozen foods in your area,
seek out their whole cockles in the shell. More often than not, one of
these thawed out and cracked open is hard to resist for most any
fish.> Thanks <Cheers, J -- >
- Flame Angel
Quarantine, Follow-up - Yes, She had not eaten in three
weeks. <Amazing... would not have predicted this fish could last so
long.> I transferred her back into the main tank. She had a rough
bought w/Brooklynella (sp) (lost an eye, wouldn't eat for 3 weeks,
secondary fungal infection, lost most of her fins, and lost almost all
her color). <You didn't tell this part of the story before...
this explains a lot.> The color has returned and she ate 4 brine
shrimp tonight (hard to get food past a dwarf lion that even eats flake
food!!!) <Oh... no good. A one eyed fish should be in a peaceful
tank without competition, or better yet with other one eyed fish.> I
wonder if the loss of the eye will effect the way she eats?? <Oh for
certain, the flame angel is now at a severe disadvantage.> She
seemed to be missing them as they float by. Maybe she needs to
adjust to one eye or maybe too weak, time will tell.
<Indeed.> Thanks for all your help, <Cheers, J --
- Flame Angel Quarantine, Postscript - Also we
do not have TMC Gamma food out here. Any other ideas???
Thanks <Yeah, whole mussels in the shell. Just crack them
open... but, you're going to have a hard time sneaking them past
that lion. You really should reconsider your livestock list if
you're going to care for this one eyed fish. Cheers, J --
New Coral Beauty Angelfish I brought home a coral beauty a
day or two ago and I have him quarantined. <Good idea.> He has
not eat any Mysis shrimp as of yet so he has me a bit worried. I was
doing some reading and I came across this: "Dwarf angels are
susceptible to the common parasitic scourges of Ich (Cryptocaryon), and
velvet disease (Amyloodinium), and unfortunately sensitive to
conventional treatment (copper with or w/o formalin formulations).
" My angel doesn't appear to have a disease but I do maintain
a small amount of copper in my tank to remove any disease on his body
or anything that could infect my main tank. He has no problems other
than not eating. My quarantine tank doesn't quite have the
macro/micro algae growth that my main tank does so I was hoping he
would get by on Mysis until introduction into the main tank. Should I
be worried, remove the copper by doing a massive water change, or is
his not eating just from being new? I've always read not to be
worried if your fish doesn't eat for a day or two. but in my own
short-lived personal experience I've never had a fish not eat after
the first 24 hours. (notice I prefaced it with short-lived.) <I
always recommend that people quarantine their new fish and perform
daily, small water changes (10% everyday for the two to three weeks of
quarantine. This helps to promote the fish's immune system and
helps to remove any parasites. I would start doing this now and allow
the copper levels to diminish. -Steven Pro> thanks for the
Centropyge Angel Concern Yo... would it be Anthony,
Steve Pro or Bob? <Oh wise Web publishing Garoo... you
have Anthony Calfo here by the grace of your guidance and instruction
(smile)> I have a potters which has been in quarantine now for
about a month, <bless you for the discipline to run a full
quarantine!> and is a very enthusiastic eater. Anyway... this
morning, it's quite faded... but still excited to eat and doing
normal things around the tank. Water checked out normal. Given their
propensity to crap-out before your eyes, I am concerned... any thoughts
as to what this might be? <singularly, the symptom on this
fish that has demonstrated stability and acclimation otherwise is no
cause for concern yet> I've always though fading was
either age and nutrition induced, or signs of impending doom.
<the former certainly not applicable with consideration for the
short time that you've had it since import, the latter always a
possibility for the very same reason> I suppose
attitude/psyche could be another. He's got a cleaner shrimp as
tank-buddy, should I get him something else to interact with?
<if it was me... dancing girls would make me feel better. For your
angelfish however, the suggestion of dither fish could be helpful but
not recommended with due caution on the chance that we could be looking
at a pre-curser to a pathogenic condition (although unlikely in my
opinion)> Thoughts? <No worries yet... I'd
suggest an observation period (3-5 days) looking for any evidence of
repetitive or escalating symptoms. A fish that has gone through a month
of quarantine, eats very well and shows now other or pathogenic
symptoms should not be subjected to non-specific, prophylactic
medication for example. It would not serve the greater good. Keep us
posted> Thanks. J -- <truly...thank you sir for the
excellent education. We're carrying on smoothly, I believe, thanks
to you. I may join up with you in San Diego later too... what dates are
you and Zo going? Anthony>
[regarding Centropyge fading] Follow-up Uggh...
doesn't look good. I guess it's good he's been eating for
the month because I do believe we're about to "go through
it" He was in his den this morning, chillin' which is abnormal
- very gregarious most times. On observation from the opposite side,
the fading was more pronounced and one of the fins looking ragged, eyes
are quite clear and he is alert, albeit subdued, and perhaps a little
bit of slime-coat slough-off?? Only guess on the fin was perhaps a
run-in with the intake of the trickle filter... nothing else in that
tank but a cleaner shrimp and [well inspected, quarantined] live rock.
So... amazingly enough, decided to come out and eat/nibble - didn't
feed very heavily, but it certainly had the energy to get around the
tank for food vs. swim and sink, swim and fall over. Tossed in some
live macro from one of the fuges as a day-nibble, see if that is
interesting to it... not interested in the live rock fauna that is
there it would seem. So... I have an idle 25w UV I can bring to bear on
the system, but I'm thinking it might be a too-little, too-late
type augment. <agreed... but for posterity, perhaps add it
anyway> In any case, will be stopping by HD on the way home to get
some tubing and clamps so I can get this moving... anything else? Eye
of newt? Will also be doing a double check on the water chem.
tonight. Cheers, J <bummer dude (my professional and technical
opinion in a nut shell)... furthermore, please evaluate the fish
head-on (narrow view, face-to face) and tell us if you are seeing any
irregular or asymmetrical respiration: either gill closed or favored
while the other pumps? seem faster than normal. (say...1/sec)?
any sloughing from gills? We're looking for evidence of parasitic
organisms. Bacterial infection seems highly unlikely after a month of
demonstrated good behavior in good water quality. Unfortunately, you
may realize why a full thirty days is necessary for screen for
disease... day 29 does not mean home free. Very sorry and hoping for
the best. Again...keep us posted please. Anthony>
Lemon peel angelfish Hi, I have a 3 month old 50 gal reef
tank. I recently purchased a Lemonpeel angel fish to add to my 3 other
clown fish. They all seem to be getting along, however I never see the
angel eating the frozen shrimp that is fed to the other fish. I bought
some formula one today and it seemed to begin to peck at it. However,
the thing that concerns me the most is that the angel has developed
black areas around its eyes, and a small red bump right in the middle
of his side. <Not good signs...> I will get another water check
soon, however my last one indicated that my water is in good condition.
My temp is ~79 and salinity is 1.023 at that temp. Any ideas or
suggestions? The behaviour of the fish is the same as always, no
scratching or anything like that. <Still... I would try expanding
the food menu, using some types of algae (live, prepared), add a
vitamin prep. directly to the water about once a month. Hopefully this
specimen will rally. Please do read through the various FAQs on the
genus Centropyge posted on our site: www.WetWebMedia.com... sometimes
this species turns around... and is best kept in this sort of
setting... though a larger system would be a plus.> Thanks, Deniz
<Bob Fenner>
Angelfishes for Marine Aquariums
Diversity, Selection & Care
New eBook on Amazon: Available
New Print Book on Create Space: Available
by Robert (Bob) Fenner |