FAQs on Freshwater Angelfish Disease
FAQs on Angelfish Disease:
Angelfish Disease 1,
Freshwater Angel Disease 2,
FW Angel Disease 3,
FW Angel Health 4,
FW Angel Health 5,
FW Angel Health 6,
FW Angel Health 7,
FW Angel Health 8,
FW Angel Health 9,
FAQs on Angelfish Disease by Category:
Nutritional (e.g. HLLE),
Infectious (Virus, Bacterial, Fungal),
Parasitic (Ich, Velvet...),
Related Articles:
Freshwater Angels,
Neotropical Cichlids,
African Cichlids,
Dwarf South American Cichlids,
Asian Cichlids,
Cichlid Fishes in General,
Related FAQs:
Angels 1,
Angels 2,
Angelfish Identification,
Angelfish Behavior,
Angelfish Compatibility,
Angelfish Selection,
Angelfish Systems,
Angelfish Feeding,
Angelfish Reproduction, & FAQs on:
Wild Angels (P. altum),
Cichlids of the
World, Cichlid Systems,
Cichlid Identification,
Cichlid Behavior,
Cichlid Compatibility,
Cichlid Selection,
Cichlid Feeding,
Cichlid Disease,
Cichlid Reproduction,

Sick angelfish. Old age? 1/30/20
Hi Crew.
<Hello Rhiannon,>
Back again seeking advice for the first time in many years. This
afternoon my freshwater angel has started looking real bad. I’m not sure
if there’s anything I can do but wanted to reach out.
He’s a zebra angel, I think at least 9 years old.
<That is a very fair age of Angels. For sure the odd specimens makes it
to maybe 10 or even 12 years, but the vast majority do not, even under
good circumstances. Bear in mind that specimens on sale in pet shops
will be a good six months old, so add that to however many years you've
kept your fish.>
He lived through a lot of my beginner mistakes (which you guys helped me
through!) so internally I’m sure not the healthiest fish. But for the
last 6 or so years has lived happily in a stable, healthy tank. A few
hours ago he started gulping at the top of the tank and seems to be
going downhill. He’s swimming very slowly, seems to be struggling.
Normally when I go to the tank he swims over for food, always the first
one over, but he’s not even acknowledging my presence. I did feed them
already today, but a full tummy has never stopped him from begging for
more before.
The tank background: 200L tank cycled many many years ago. I did a water
change yesterday but tested the water just now anyway: ammonia 0,
nitrites 0, nitrates <5.0ppm, pH 6.4 (unchanged). Temp 29C. It’s a
medium density planted tank with CO2 injection and ferts.
<All sounds fine. Is this what he's usually been kept in? Temperature is
towards the higher end of the range for farmed Angelfish, but nothing
outside their tolerance. Water changes to freshen things up are always
worth doing, sometimes with slightly cooler water, to see what happens.>
The only major changes to the tank recently were the addition of
4 juvenile discus 3-4 months ago, and 2 months ago I started
injecting CO2. Tank was transitioned to planted 1-2 years ago and I was
doing liquid carbon until now. Before CO2 injection the tank pH was
around 6.7, its gradually shifted to 6.4 over the two months as I
increased the CO2 from 1 bubble every 2 seconds to 2 bubbles a second
<A low pH should not, in itself, cause problems for Angels, which are
well adapted to soft, slightly acidic water conditions. Provided the
change has been gradual, I can't see this being a problem to your fish.>
Other tankmates are 4 Kuhli loaches, 9 rummynose tetras and 1
Bristlenose Pleco. I’ve not seen any signs of stress or sickness in the
angel before today.
So my question is am I missing something? And if it’s old age, how do
you know?
<I do think old age. There are some pathogens that Discus and Angels can
share, but usually it's the Discus that suffer, not the Angels, which
seem to be the carriers. This is one reason why mixing Discus and farmed
Angels is widely frowned upon. Again, while Angels will often bully
Discus, that's not what we're seeing here.>
My reason for extra concern (aside from my emotional attachment) is that
over the last 6 or so months I’ve lost 5 rummys. I had 5 rummys who were
about 5 years old, and around a year ago I bought 9 more to give them a
bigger school again. Over that time the school has slowly shrunk to 9.
It seems to be mostly the larger ones who have died so I think it’s the
older ones, but it’s hard to tell.
<When you say 'lost' did they sicken and die, or just vanish? Angels can
and will consume bite-size tetras. Adults are perfectly capable of
eating things up to the size of adult Neons. On the other hand, if
you're losing the odd fish every couple of weeks, then a deeper problem
may be involved. Dosing with CO2 should be safe, but there are a couple
of risks. One is displacing oxygen from the water, which is a pernicious
problem because we often tone down water movement to stop the CO2 from
escaping. In an overstocked tank, or one with too little water/air
mixing, the CO2 can displace so much oxygen that the fish suffer.
Cichlids are unable to breathe air, for the most part, so are often the
first fish to show signs of distress compared with those fish that can
use their swim bladders or whatever to breathe air when they must (such
as catfish).>
So perhaps I’m losing fish to the march of time, but I’m worried now
that it’s something I’m missing.
Thank you for your time.
<Hope this helps, Neale.>
Re: Sick angelfish. Old age? (RMF -- any other ideas?)<<Nada mas>>
Hi Neale.
Thank you kindly for your response. As perhaps expected he deteriorated
quickly and passed away overnight.
<Oh dear.>
Very sad about it. Though your response about it being pretty old for an
angel gives me comfort.
<Glad to hear that.>
As to the temperature of the tank, I used to have it at 26C, but brought
it up slowly over time in preparation for adding the discus. There’s
been no aggression from the angel towards the discus, which was a
relief. This is my first time keeping discus and I was worried the angel
might bring an end to that. Instead he seemed to enjoy their company,
would often hang out wherever the discus were, almost seemed to be
schooling with them.
<Indeed, theoretically they're pretty similar (and closely related) fish
with many of the same preferences. In practice though it is
hit-and-miss, and most Discus experts recommend against mixing them. To
some extent it likely depends on the size of the group.>
There was, however, a lot of conspecific aggression amongst the discus
at first. Not what I expected after hearing how shy and peaceful they
<Only up to a point. Both Angels and Discus are pair-forming fish that
become territorial when spawning, which under aquarium conditions tends
to be 'all the time'. On top of that, juveniles and non-breeding adults
form loose groups with a distinct hierarchy, and you really do need at
least 6 specimens to avoid bullying.>
But it calmed down after the first few weeks as they sorted out who was
boss and all has been calm since then. I should mention that when I
first got the discus I did lose one. I bought 3 and then 2 more 2 weeks
later cause I was worried about an ammonia spike from adding too many
too quickly. But in that first 3, one of them got bullied by another and
was quite stressed. Often hiding and not eating. When I added the next
two and the aggression was dispersed he started to come good.
<Precisely so.>
But a week or so later after a water change I forgot to plug the heater
back in, and overnight the temp dropped to 24C. The other discus were
fine, but he looked bad. I did water changes throughout the day to bring
the temp back up, but he soon died. I figured that was because he wasn’t
a healthy enough fish to survive the drop in temp, but it’s worth
mentioning now as part of the bigger picture in case I’m wrong.
<I would agree; Discus aren't going to be killed by a few hours at 24C,
but if a given specimen is weakened already, sure, it could well have
made things a lot worse.>
This was before I started injecting CO2, for context.
I was worried about the oxygen content of the water when the angel was
gulping, because of the reasons you mentioned. I’ve attached a pic from
just now to give you an idea of the amount of plants in the tank.
<The plants look nice, but not enough to be producing useful amounts of
oxygen for the fish. After a few more months I bet this tank would look
great, mind you! Very stylish use of wood and moss.>
When the angel got sick I turned off the CO2 and moved the spray bar up
to create surface agitation in case that made a difference. The tank has
been running at this amount of CO2 for about 3 -4 weeks, so I figured I
would have seen signs of stress before now if it were a problem?
<Possibly, but bear in mind that the 'crunch point' will be at night
when the plants are net oxygen absorbers (during the day they'll be
releasing more O2 than they use up for respiration). So unless you're
watching the tank at midnight, you could easily miss out on the
The lights and CO2 are on a timer, CO2 goes off an hour before the
lights do. The drop checker is usually that mid-green colour, which the
table suggests for soft water is normal-insufficient. I’ve seen
aquascapers say they push the CO2 till the drop checker is in the yellow
and back it off when they see signs of stress in the fish. I’m not at
all interested in pushing limits like that, keeping my fish healthy is
more important to me than the state of the plants.
<A lot of hardcore aquarium plant growers tend to choose small fish like
tetras and barbs with very small oxygen demands. Cichlids are
substantially more sensitive, so this 'push things to the limit'
approach doesn't appeal to me. I'd tend to go with using CO2 at the
lowest setting at first, leave for a few weeks, and if all is going
well, nudge it up a bit. Light intensity is usually the main factor in
plant growth rate, with CO2 being an extra bonus. If your plants are
looking 'leggy' or whatever, it's more likely lighting is what's holding
them back.>
But that said is the drop checker enough of a guide to know there’s also
enough oxygen in the tank? Can I be confident that that amount of plants
(which I intend to keep adding to) is producing enough oxygen for my
fish? I feel like I’m doing the right things, but would love to know if
I’m missing something in ignorance.
<See above.>
As to the rummys, the first one that died I did see. The Kuhli loaches
were making a quick snack of it in the bottom of the tank. The others I
haven’t seen. I don’t think they’re being eaten only because they’ve
lived with that angel the whole time and it never tried to eat them that
I saw, and if it was that I figured I would expect the smaller new ones
to go first?
<I suppose, or else the stupidest?>
Because of all the stem plants on the left near the filter intake it
would be easy to miss it if one died and was being eaten but the Kuhlis.
But it’s also enough stock losses over the months to have me nervous
that there’s something bigger here. I don’t see signs of disease but
I’ve also never really dealt with disease in my tanks so I’d be pretty
ignorant about the signs.
<Oftentimes we can't be 100% sure about fish deaths. For sure Whitespot
is obvious, or Finrot on a fish that's been fighting. But more often
we're trying to puzzle out what's happened, which means ruling out
complicating factors, such as CO2, wherever possible.>
As an aside, I doubt you’d remember (and I don’t remember if it was you
or Bob who responded at the time), but some 7ish years ago I wrote to
you guys about this angel. He jumped out of my tank and I found him in
the mouth of my dog, alive and hurt. You guys talked me through treating
his wounds. He not only survived being bitten by my dog, but lived this
long. We always thought of him as our little miracle fish, and I often
thought of the help I received here. Thanks for doing what you do. Your
advice is forever invaluable.
<Thanks for the kind words! Quite the story...>
- Rhiannon
<Best wishes, Neale.>
Re: Sick angelfish. Old age? (RMF -- any other
ideas?)<<None>> 2/12/20
Hi Neale. New problem here but figured it would be worth adding to the
old thread since all my tank history is here.
<Sure thing.>
I took your advice on board and lowered the CO2 in the tank as a
precaution. It’s been on a little less than 1 bubble per second since
then. All has seemed well until today. My smallest discus is having
buoyancy issues, floating towards the surface and is expending a lot of
energy trying to swim downwards.
<Seems unlikely that this would have anything to do with the CO2.
Buoyancy issues in cichlids can have multiple causes, but usually either
constipation (best bet if the fish is otherwise normal and hungry);
exposure to sudden temperature changes, especially temperature drops
(usually easy enough to determine); or bacterial infections of various
sorts (for which Dropsy, bleeding sores, loss of appetite, changes in
colouration, etc., would all likely follow on).>
It’s a pale yellow colour usually but seems lighter in colour, its
freckles on its face are definitely very pale. It was fine yesterday. My
first thought was a swim bladder issue.
<See above; there really isn't any such thing as "Swim Bladder Disease"
any more than "nausea" in humans -- it's more a symptom of some other
situation or disease.>
Wanted to get your thoughts here, especially given past losses. I did a
water change yesterday.
<Always wise, provided the fish aren't exposed to sudden changes in pH,
hardness or temperature.>
Aside from that the only difference is that I have been trying a new
pellet food my LFS recommended. But that said as far as I know I have
had no success getting the discus to eat them (the Kuhli loaches have
been gobbling it up as the discus just let it sink). The other discus in
the tank all seem fine.
<Which is promising.>
If it is swim bladder, what’s my best course of action?
<See above re: diagnosis. If bacterial, then the usual antibiotics would
be the best bet. Oftentimes, people go with a combination of
Metronidazole alongside an antibiotic, typically a Nitrofuran, as a
useful combo with cichlids that rarely causes stress.>
I’m not going to feed them today. I don’t know that I’ll have any luck
with shelled peas as they wont eat anything that isn’t meat, but I will
try. They’ll gobble up blood worms, beef heart and all but 1 will eat
brine shrimp, but they won’t eat anything else. Have been browsing
discus forums and so far the feedback is that people have had no luck
treating swim bladder in discus. I’m reading through the discus WWW FAQ
meantime but wanted to reach out in case I’m totally wrong here.
<Discus are funny fish. Hexamita parasites are probably ubiquitous among
farmed Discus, and while they're undeniably more adaptable than wild
Discus, farmed Discus are still sensitive beasts. They require more heat
than most other fish, any below 28 C (82 F) their immune system
eventually becomes compromised. Hence parasites like Hexamita, not to
mention the usual Aeromonas and Pseudomonas, can all become problems.>
Thanks for your time,
<Most welcome. Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Sick angelfish. Old age?
Hi Neale,
<Hello Rhiannon,.
Thank you again for your time and wealth of info.
A few hours after writing to you, the discus came good. Was hiding, but
no longer fighting buoyancy and it was pooping.
<So, constipation it is!>
This morning it is swimming eagerly with all the other discus looking
like nothing was ever wrong. I’m inclined to think that a bacterial
infection couldn’t have cleared up on its own so quickly and that it was
just a case of constipation?
<Yes. Very common. Probably more common than we think. Green foods are
the ideal, such as cooked peas, but Discus might turn their snouts up at
that. So offer things like live or frozen brine shrimp and/or daphnia,
which seem to have a pretty decent laxative effect.>
Please correct me if I’m wrong. Keeping a close eye on everyone but all
seems back to normal.
I also wanted to visit what you said about immune system compromise
under 28°C. I have my tank at 29°C, my LFS suggested to drop it to 28
because the plants don’t cope as well above 28.
<Correct. Or rather, most aquarium plants are swamp plants that spend
some time out of the water, often dying back then. At high temperatures
and submerged all year long, they do become 'exhausted'. There likely
are workarounds, and some plants are less fussed than others. It's one
of those situations where some time researching plants known to be good
with Discus might be worthwhile. I've seen things like Giant Vallis and
some Amazon Swords used with great success.>
I’m interested in your thoughts regarding toeing that line. Is 28 too
close for comfort regarding long-term health?
<28 C/82 F should be fine, but I'd not risk lower temperatures with
Would you typically try to keep the tank warmer for discus, or is all
fine as long as it’s within their range?
<See above.>
I’m more interested in healthy discus than maximising plant growth and
Many thanks,
<Most welcome, Neale.>
Dying FW Angel
Hello, I am Yazu Nakarmi a fish keeper from Nepal.
<Good evening from Neale in England!>
I've been on your website and I've found it extremely helpful. Being a fish
keeper, I'm facing a disastrous problem right now. My angel fish are dying
one by one.
<Oh dear!>
I've lost over six of them now. I just can't figure out the problem. Many
white worm like dots appear on the head of the angelfish and the condition
worsens everyday. I just don't know what to do.
<To be honest, nor do I. The photo doesn't really help. If this is
something developing over several weeks, I'd be looking at either a simple
Hexamita infection or something known as Hole-in-the-Head disease, which is
connected with Hexamita but possibly not identical. Either way, you'd treat
this with Metronidazole together with an antibiotic. Metronidazole is about
the only thing that works against Hexamita parasites. The antibiotic helps
clean up wounds and prevent secondary infections. Hexamita and
Hole-in-the-Head infections have complicated causes, and some argue that
the pathogens involved are latent in most farmed cichlids. So what triggers
these diseases? Seems to be environment: overstocking, leading to low
oxygen and high nitrate is probably the biggest issue. Frequent water
changes and lower density stocking will help. There may be a dietary factor
involved as well; in particular, the lack of fresh greens in those cichlids
that need them. Cooked peas will be eaten by hungry Angels, but failing
that, frozen Spirulina-enriched brine shrimp if you can get them.>
Your kind response and help would be much appreciated. Thank you!
<Most welcome, Neale.>
Thank you Neale. What's the dosage for the metronidazole?
<Will direct you to some relevant reading:
Quote: "Metronidazole can be administered orally at a dosage of 50 mg/kg
body weight (or 10 mg/gm. food) for 5 consecutive days.">
Also I've found thick white poop in the aquarium and all the dead angelfish
have red coloured heads.
<White, stringy faeces is a CLASSIC symptom of Hexamita infection.>
I think it is internal bleeding.
<I don't. Cheers, Neale.>
Hemorrhagic septicemia and ulcer issues
Dear WWM team,
Some history-
I have had an established freshwater, 45 gallon tank for 4 months now. When I
upsized from my 30gal, I poured about 15 gallons of established water from the
smaller tank into the larger one and added another seven fish.
<Ah, do remember the nitrifying bacteria are not in the water, but attached to
solid surfaces in well oxygenated areas. Transplanting filter media is the
ideal, but floating plants with established root systems, or plants with
feathery leaves, are almost as good. Even moving the topmost layer of
sand and gravel will help. But alas, 'old' water contains few bacteria, and
while it'll surely contain some, the number will be so few that the cycling
process will barely be abbreviated at all.>
In all, I have 2 dwarf gouramis, 2 cardinal tetras, 4 skirttail tetras (2 white
and 2 black),
<If these are Gymnocorymbus ternetzi, they can be nippy. I mention this because
aggression and physical damage can, will lead to Finrot and other opportunistic
bacterial infections.>
2 mollies, a Redtail shark,
<Another potentially aggressive species.>
a common Pleco ( 4 inches) and 2 angelfish.
<Should also remind you that while sociable enough when young, adults are
territorial. Mated pairs can work, but in groups fewer than 6, you can end up
with bullying.>
I had another angelfish, though it died a couple of days ago from what appeared
to be hemorrhagic septicemia.
<Angels are prone to this, or so it sometimes seems. In truth they are probably
no more sensitive than any other cichlid, but unlike most other cichlids,
they're popular choices among beginners and those stocking smaller community
tanks, so commonly exposed to what are, to cichlids, stressful levels of
ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate.>
After closer analysis of the other two angelfish, I think there may be the very
beginning of the red discolorations to their fins as well.
<I would treat as per Finrot to start with.>
The 30gal tank now has my older 'establisher' goldfish, one molly and a common
Pleco and that tank has been established for almost 9 months. The only new
additions to the tanks were the angelfish and 4 new tetras, as well as some more
Nerite snails, and that was several months ago. The tanks are planted, again
with no recent additions, and the temperatures sit at a steady 78-80 degrees F.
Mechanically, I upgraded the bigger tank to a canister filter with a UV light
several weeks ago. The old filter for that tank then shifted down to the smaller
tank which needed an oversized filter with the mess that 3 medium goldfish make.
I also got the 30 gallon an independent UV light to help with some of the recent
algae outbreaks from too much sunlight this time of year.
These are only 2 of my 6 tanks and they usually have the most cross
contamination out of all of them due to location and the amount of work they
need done to maintain them.
Admittedly, a decent amount of material from the bigger tank makes its way into
the goldfish tank since the goldies like chowing down on some of the more
delicate leaves I keep in the other tank until they no longer look nice. So, it
comes to no surprise to me that the goldfish seem to have a slight discoloration
(a pink hue) in their tails and pectoral fin articulations. I am currently
treating both tanks with Furan 2.
<Don't believe the Angels are 'catching' something from the Goldfish, but if all
else fails, isolate the two tanks as perfectly as possible. This would include
separate nets, buckets, etc., or at least, the use of
sterilising agents in between uses, as done in tropical fish shops.>
The goldies had some flashing/ flitting fin and scraping issues a few months ago
with no visible issues and so they have been through the gauntlet of parasitic
treatments- Artemis, ParaGaurd, Anchorworm/Lice, salt baths. None seemed to work
individually until I tried a concentrated salt bath for 45 min.s and then a week
of ParaGaurd. They have been fine for several weeks until this new issue.
At least 30% of the water is changed either weekly, or biweekly depending on the
water parameters and how clear the water is. I like my tanks to be crystal
clear. The gravel is vacuumed thoroughly.
Nitrates are usually 0-10ppm (for sure less than 25 for the goldies even on a
3wk wait)
Nitrite 0
Carbonate 40-80ppm
Total Alk 80ppm
pH 6.5-7.5
CaCO3 50-120ppm
Ammonia 0
The issues-
The biggest angelfish has what seems to be an ulcer on the top of his head right
on a dark part of his marbling. I found it one day after changing the tank water
and rearranging the plants and decorations and I assumed that I must have
dropped something and it hit him. But, he has had it for several weeks now and
it seems to be growing as he grows. There is no inflammation or 'cotton' like
fluff coming out of it, but there is a slight depression like something just
took off a layer of skin. The subdermal area is dark in color like the black
dermal area that used to cover that area. There appears to be a whitish
periphery along the edge of the ulcer and it looks slightly lose and water
logged compared to the taunt skin surrounding the area (a low-profile fungus?).
Both angelfish appear to have slight pink markings that I don't remember being
present even last week. On the stripped angelfish, it is easier to see a narrow,
red vein that spans the distance on his dorsal region. Due to the demise of the
other angel and the red hues he had all over, I assumed that all of my fish in
the two tanks have been exposed and have hemorrhagic septicemia. All fish are
acting healthy and happy with normal poop, appetites, fins, and begging
My questions-
What is the 'ulcer' on the marbled angel's head and how should I proceed given
that it has been allowed to advance for a few weeks?
Should I be assuming that every pink/ red mark on any of my fish is hemorrhagic
<Red patches on the skin indicate inflammation and/or congestion of the
underlying blood vessels, and just as with humans, such symptoms don't
necessarily imply just one disease. Finrot is far more likely in the situation,
and use of a reliable antibacterial or antibiotic would be my first move here.
Septicaemia simply means a bacterial infection of the blood, but tends to be
systemic (i.e., across the whole body) rather than small, discrete patches
(which tends to imply local infection of skin tissue).>
Thank you so much for your time! I am a fish person and I have a decent amount
of experience dealing with the common fungus/ fin/ ich/ parasite issues. But,
this one is a bit above me and I want to make sure that I'm handling it
correctly since septicemia is nothing to fool around with and I love my fishies!
Plus, the marbled angel ulcer has really stumped me and I'm wondering if it
could at all be related to anything.
Any and all advice would be greatly appreciated! Please don't hesitate to
contact me if I can answer any more questions for you!
Most Sincerely,
<Hope this helps, Neale.>

full-size pix |
Re: Hemorrhagic septicemia and ulcer issues
Thank you, Neale!
<Mot welcome.>
I will treat the tanks for fin rot! Do you have any ideas as to what might
be the cause of the ulcer at the base of the marbled angel's dorsal fin or
are you thinking that this is fin rot as well?
<Could easily be. Finrot is a generic term of Aeromonas and Pseudomonas spp.
infections, and doesn't specifically mean infections are centred on the
fins. You can have Finrot anywhere the skin is damaged sufficiently to allow
these opportunistic bacteria to get in.>
The ulcer is at the base of the fin, but it doesn't appear to touch any part
of the fin/ all the fin tissue looks healthy. When I first saw it, I did
treat the tank with Microbe-Lift Artemis for a few days, but stopped due to
no improvements. Should I just continue the treatment for longer this time
or try giving him a salt bath?
<Salt baths do little/nothing against bacterial infections.>
The potential fin nippers don't bother the angelfish at all as they keep to
different layers of the water column for the most part.
<I'd still watch them, carefully.>
All the fish have their own preferred spots in the tank (there's lots of
vegetation to hide in throughout the water column since I have shelves and
cups for plants/ décor on the tank walls) and they only get aggressive when
someone invades their favorite spot 'without permission'. It is strange to
me that the ulcer is in the place it is, especially since all fins are in
perfect condition with no nips or tears. Besides stress, which he doesn't
appear to be under, what could it be from?
<Hard to say. Different varieties of Angelfish are somewhat more prone to
disease than others, so there may be a genetic predisposition (e.g., a
weakened immune system due to inbreeding) in some cases. Ninety-nine times
out of a hundred these bacterial infections are caused by the environment.
The tricky bit is determining what the underlying issue was. Optimising
diet, water chemistry, water quality, oxygenation, and tankmates will tick
off the most likely factors. You might also try to the old
Metronidazole/Nitrofuran combo as a useful treatment against indistinct
cichlid maladies.>
Thanks again,
<Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Hemorrhagic septicemia and ulcer issues
Thank you for your insights! Fingers crossed that everything works out well. Due
to your help, I’m much more confident in handling the situation.
Thanks again,
<And here's hoping your fish gets better! Good luck, Neale.>
Angelfish.... trouble 5/6/17
Hi! I've searched, read, treated, observed, been patient but I'm stumped. I
bought some angelfish online that all died within about 3 weeks. A couple
were dead on arrival and they just kept dying. I threw everything away from
the tank. In the process of this, I spread something to all my other tanks.
The fish now have small white dots on filaments of pectoral and ventral
fins, fins are frayed and separating between the filaments, most have lost
their scales, "pinkish fuzz" from (see picture), along with fin rot. I've
treated with Furan 2 for 2 weeks, then Levamisole one treatment, then
CopperSafe for one month. Treatment hasn't cured. The fish are eager to eat,
act healthy but very hypersensitive at times. What should I treat with?
<Metronidazole... Flagyl... and hope>
See pictures
Thank you
<Bob Fenner>
Re: Angelfish 5/7/17
Thank you so much!!!!!
<Glad to share Jill. BobF>
Fwd: Angelfish 5/7/17
When do you think I'll see a different if it's going to work?
<Days to a few weeks. B>
Angelfish with white spots that don't appear to be Ick
I searched your site for a problem that I am having with my angelfish that
has a few white spots on it's head that are not Ick.
<Agreed, not Ich; but mucus... perhaps Hexamita/Octomita involvement>
On your site I found this thread... Angelfish with white spots that
don't appear to be Ick 2/6/14
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWAngParasitDisF.htm I believe my fish may be
having the same problem. After reading the tread and replies, I could not
find any evidence of what
the final outcome was? I have a 120 gallon, planted community tank, that is
well established (over 1 year) and is stocked, with tetras, barbs, loaches,
Cory cats and 2 angelfish. I use Flora Max for my substrate and have crypts,
Anubias , Amazon swords, and java fern for my live plants. I have a couple
of photos that I will include and hopefully you can help me out with a
diagnosis and some treatment options. Thank you, Robert
<I do concur and re-suggest what I'd stated per the citation above: "Could
it be hole-in-the-head?
<Doubtful, but may be some sort of external protozoan. I would try a one
shot lacing of their foods w/ Metronidazole; and as this may be a
Fluke/Trematode, with Praziquantel as well>"
Bob Fenner>
Distressed Angel; FW 3/13/16
I have a 29 gallon tank with 4 angels and 6 zebra,
a few plants - it has been set up and running great for a year, the
angels were added 5 months ago at half-grown size. Since then the angels
have exploded with growth - they are already 4 inches and they are
breeding right
there in the community tank (I let them eat the eggs because I don't
have the facilities to raise young angels). The zebra have also bred and
I am growing some of them in another tank. I have a freshwater drip
system that
refreshes the whole tank daily - 0 ammonia, 0 nitrite, 0-10 nitrate, ph
7.6. They are fed flakes, frozen bloodworms, and frozen brine shrimp.
<All sounds good.>
Yesterday "Blackhawk" (angel) began swimming strangely, "panting", stays
near surface, this morning his fins are folded closer to his body. Last
night when I fed him he ate a little, although not as voraciously as
All the other fish are still healthy. The only "change" I can think of
is I scraped some algae off the glass two days ago - but I do this
regularly to no ill effect. What should I do to help Blackhawk?
<There's nothing in what you've told me that's obviously wrong.
So you're going to have to go back to basics and tick off a checklist of
potential Angelfish issues. First up, check nitrite and/or ammonia to
make sure the filter is okay. It's never a bad idea to do a substantial
water change when fish are off-colour, just be sure to keep temperature
and water chemistry reasonably steady as you do so. Change maybe 25-50%
and see what happens.
If the fish perks up, then environment is likely an issue. Of course
check the heater is on, and check any extra gizmos like air stones are
working too. Next up, check social behaviour. One issue with Angels is
they're social when young, territorial when sexually mature. This is why
they're best kept singly, in mated pairs, or in groups of six or more.
If you keep three or four, any pairs that form are likely to bully the
remainder. In groups of six or more this is less of an issue because a
single pair can't harass four or more Angels too seriously, and to some
degree large numbers can actually form fairly stable social groups
(outside of spawning) that doesn't seem to happen when fewer Angels are
kept. Finally, look at social behaviour with other fish. While Zebra
Danios are reliable community fish
alongside other active species of similar size, they can be quite
feisty, both towards each other and anything too slow to get out of
their way. Look for evidence of nipping, for example. While the
Danio/Angel combination is
usually pretty good, in small groups Danios are less predictable than
they are in decent sized schools; say, 10-12 specimens.>
Thanks, John
<Hope this helps, Neale.>
Distressed Angel Blackhawk - more info
I just sent the question about my angel "Blackhawk". I neglected to also
mention that as he hovers near the surface he is also doing a sort of
rapid body shimmy. This shimmy, along with his gill panting looks
exhausting! See my previous email for full info.
<Again, nothing very specific. Rapid breathing can mean thermal stress,
bullying to the point of exhaustion, poisoning (including chemicals in
the air), rapid pH changes... you need to review aquarium conditions and
the room in its in and come to your own conclusions. Shimmying is
somewhat more specific, being typical of fish exposed to the wrong
environmental conditions, the classic case being Mollies in inadequately
hard freshwater conditions. But again, nothing obvious. I'd refer you
back to my original email about what Angels need and why they don't
always get along in small groups, and of course remind you that
isolating an Angelfish in a "hospital tank" that's too small or poorly
filtered will simply make things worse. By and large Angels are hardy
fish, but they are classic cichlids in being
among the first to become stressed if environmental conditions aren't
right. In planted tanks that can include over/mis-use of CO2, so one
step is to switch off CO2 for a week and see what happens. Plants'll be
Another problem can be lack of oxygen if there's a lot of organic matter
in the tank, including dead plants, and of course the plants themselves
use up oxygen by night, so if the Angel looks more stressed in the
morning before
the lights go on, that's something to consider. I'd also remind you
about biogenic decalcification, which in brightly lit tanks can be
massively influential. In short: plants absorb carbonate hardness as a
source of carbon for photosynthesis, resulting in much less buffering
capacity, and that in turn makes pH crashes likely. Not all plants can
do this, but those that can, such as Vallisneria, can be hugely
influential on water chemistry. Cheers, Neale.>
Help with Angelfish issue? /RMF
Good Afternoon, Been trying to figure out what is happening with my FW
angelfish.. I bought 10 or so Blue gene fish back in July of 2014.. At about 1 a
month they have become sick and died.. Many with weird sores at the base of the
dorsal fin and others with them through out their bodies..
Some have just gotten bloating and died. I have treated with general cure, Prazi,
metro, metro flake for possible hex. I have 1 of those fish left and a few of my
other angels in there are acting weird now, staying in the corner breathing
heavy.. The Tetras, Corys, Bristlenoses are fine.
<Mmm; will send this on to Neale for his independent response; but want to ask
for myself: Have you contacted the vendor re these losses? What re the
system, water quality tests? Bob Fenner>
Re: Help with Angelfish issue? 4/18/15
I have talked to the vendor. They had me try the metro but that was about it.
Its a heavily planted 55 gallon. The parameters are good.. 0 ammonia, 0 Nitrite,
5 Nitrate.. Wc 40-50% at least once a week.
<All good>
I attached a few pictures
<Mmm; the marks, apparent bloating, eyes bulging in some specimens... Do you
save up the new water... Am wondering if emphysematosis (the "bends") might be
at play here. BobF>
Help with Angelfish issue? /Neale's go
Good Afternoon, Been trying to figure out what is happening with my FW
angelfish.. I bought 10 or so Blue gene fish back in July of 2014.. At about 1 a
month they have become sick and died.. Many with weird sores at the base of the
dorsal fin and others with them through out their bodies..
Some have just gotten bloating and died. I have treated with general cure, Prazi,
metro, metro flake for possible hex. I have 1 of those fish left and a few of my
other angels in there are acting weird now, staying in the corner breathing
heavy.. The Tetras, Corys, Bristlenoses are fine.
<Jonathan, while I'd like to help, there's nothing here that's of use to me.
How big's the tank? What are the water chemistry parameters? What's the
water quality in terms of nitrite or ammonia? How frequently do you do
water changes? Basically, I need some info here (and I don't mean words
like "fine" to describe water quality). Assuming you got a bunch of sibling fish
from one breeder, there's a good chance they're inbred already, lowering their
robustness (something we see in virtually all these "fad" Angelfish varieties
such as Koi Angels) but in itself this doesn't mean they're doomed to die. So
something is definitely wrong with your system that triggered what would appear
to be a bacterial infection, perhaps Mycobacteria. It's time to be objective,
and review your set-up. Ten inbred young Angels would need careful nurturing,
probably in a clean hospital tank until they were at least half adult size. Zero
ammonia, zero
nitrite, and nitrate below 20 mg/l. Beyond that, a lot depends upon all the
usual factors required when caring for Angels, but more so, since these fish
aren't as robust as, say, old school Silver Angels. Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Help with Angelfish issue?
I have talked to the vendor. They had me try the metro but that was about it.
Its a heavily planted 55 gallon. The parameters are good.. 0 ammonia, 0 Nitrite,
5 Nitrate.. Wc 40-50% at least once a week. I attached a few pictures
<Water quality sounds okay. But how different was your water chemistry to that
of the breeders? Your heavily planted tank... does it use CO2? Not always a good
combo with delicate fish because of the risk of less than stable oxygenation and
pH levels... would settle in new livestock of this type, delicacy in their own,
clean aquarium until at least half size so
you're sure they've put on weight and acquired some degree of health.
Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Help with Angelfish issue? 4/18/15
her water is 7.8 and rock hard Im told.
Mine is water is 6.8 and 1 degree total hardness
<Well, how did you acclimate your new livestock to the change in pH and, just as
importantly, hardness? While I doubt this was the reason for their death, it's
possible it exacerbated any underlying problems.>
no C02
<Fair enough. Well, my money would be on some sort of environmental stress
alongside a microbial (perhaps Mycobacteria) infection. Next time, don't expose
the fish to sudden/dramatic changes in pH and hardness; do quarantine sensitive
livestock for 6 weeks, minimum, and in the case of young Angels, the longer the
better. Angels ship poorly at the "coin size" or smaller stages, but become a
lot more rugged above 3 inches/8 cm.>
<Welcome. Neale.>
Re: Help with Angelfish issue? 4/18/15
Thank you for the help
I just drip acclimated.
Any suggestions to help the fish that are left? Thanks
<So far the remaining fish go, since you've made the change in terms of water
chemistry, there's no point trying to undo that. So instead focus on optimising
water quality, and if possible, and it wouldn't stress them too much, perhaps
move them to a quarantine tank you can keep spotlessly clean.
I'd be thinking something around 20 gallons, minimal (easy clean!) decor, no
substrate, limited/no lighting, some floating Indian Fern if you do have
lighting (Angels love this stuff, and it sucks up nitrate!), same water
chemistry as main tank, and equipped with mature air-powered sponge filter.
No Angel likes fighting against a water current, and youngsters can be exhausted
by it. So air-power is always the best choice where practical. In short, keep
the remaining youngsters somewhere clean, shady, and with a gentle current.
Offer them numerous small meals (4-6 meals is the ideal for Angels below, say,
an inch in length, and even under two inches, I'd be offering 3-4 small meals
rather than just one big dinner). If you leave them in the main tank, check
they're getting enough to eat, not struggling against the water current, have
plenty of shade and shelter, and aren't being harassed by tetras, danios and
other hyperactive species. Cheers, Neale.>
Angelfish gone downhill any ideas? 2/21/14
On Thursday I noticed the angel spending lots of time by the heater not
eating and acting listless. he has sense sunk to the bottom of the tank
and has heavy breathing and is not moving normally. I did a water change
a day after adding Tetracycline. and he seems about the same. He is more
bloated and has one slightly cloudy eye. Due to the roads
being bad( it snowed a ton last night) I have to wait to go out
and get more meds for him. I did turn up the heater and added aquarium
<Alex, the usual advice here is this: Test the water quality (nitrite is
a good start) and the water chemistry (pH will do). Compare to what they
should be. Do a water change of 25-50%. Check the heater (no need to
increase/decrease, just make sure it's where it should be). Don't feed
the fish just yet. Wait to see if the fish perks up after the water
change; if it does, it's a good clue there's something amiss with the
environment. Assess, and act accordingly. Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Angelfish gone downhill any ideas? 2/21/14
looked up swim bladder issues/ angel distress, I think that's what he
<Except that fish that have "swim bladder problems" are almost certainly
stressed or sick in some other way, and what you're seeing is a symptom,
not a disease ("Swim Bladder Disease" as imagined by many fish keepers
basically doesn't exist). So you need to review all possible aspects.
When fish get sick, they find it difficult to swim. It's rather like how
a high temperature can mean all sorts of things in humans, from the flu
to malaria.>
as he still lies on the bottom and struggles to swim properly The L204
has been leaving him alone and the rams are too.. I took out the carbon
and plan on getting meds for him once the snowy roads are cleared.
tomorrow- any meds I can get for swim bladder trouble.
<A sensible approach would be to treat as per an internal bacterial
infection, but if there's some other cause of stress, such as bullying,
obviously that won't help. Do review your aquarium carefully: there's
something going on that's made your Angel stressed or sick, and there's
no information at all that you've supplied me that would be used to
identify the reason(s). Cheers, Neale.>
Angelfish may be dying /Neale
I have a black angelfish in a 46 bowfront. I have another in there, but
he is in the ten gallon for now. I can't tell if the black one has Ich
or not. There are white spots, that do look like salt crystals. Other
times when I look the spots look flat. There are about four or five
spots spread across the body and on the fins, but some more spots are
concentrated near the gills and the fish has small white ribbon like
stuff protruding from the anus. Could this be a fungus?? The fish will
come up for food, but usually won't take it. I am putting the heat up to
the late eighties, which may kill the Nerite snails. I do have Maracyn,
but that is just for fungus. I once read that it was ok to put a fish in
a smaller tank like the 10 gallon and saturate with marine salt for 3-5
minutes then place back in large tank, but I will not do this without
talking to you guys. Thank you for any info
<Whitespot and Velvet can seem similar, but Velvet often gets inside the
gill cavities before the rest of the body, and in that way causes
serious stress to the fish. Treatment is similar to Whitespot, but
Velvet can be more stubborn, and may need a second round of medication.
In either case, both diseases can allow fungus and Finrot-type
infections to set in.
However, pale (often transparent) stringy faeces are normally a sign of
gut parasites, particularly Hexamita. The best approach here would be to
trade the Whitespot or Velvet using the combination heat and salt
treatment, whilst also medicating as per Hexamita, using Flagyl
(Metronidazole). Do remember to remove carbon whilst medicating, if
carbon is used. Cheers, Neale.>
Angelfish may be dying /RMF 2/3/13
I have a black angelfish in a 46 bowfront. I have another in there, but
he is in the ten gallon for now. I can't tell if the black one has Ich
or not. There are white spots, that do look like salt crystals. Other
times when I look the spots look flat. There are about four or five
spots spread across the body and on the fins, but some more spots are
concentrated near the gills and the fish has small white ribbon like
stuff protruding from the anus. Could this be a fungus??
<Doubtful, but possibly>
The fish will come up for food, but usually won't take it. I am putting
the heat up to the late eighties,
<Good, this is what I would do.>
which may kill the Nerite snails.
<Just to 85, 86 F. then will do>
I do have Maracyn, but that is just for fungus.
<Mmm, no; for more than this>
I once read that it was ok to put a fish in a smaller tank like the 10
gallon and saturate with marine salt for 3-5 minutes then place back in
large tank, but I will not do this without talking to you guys. Thank
you for any info
<I would not use a salt bath here... Please review the FW Angelfish
Disease FAQs... Starting here:
and the rest (linked above). Bob Fenner>
Angelfish problem
I saw your site had a large variety of information for sick fish
but when I thought I found the answer the situation only got
worse... My angelfish that’s been in the tank for only 3 months
now has been getting some fungal like growth on the base of its
left fin, which then turned into lumps, then back to fungal.
I used the Kordon Rid Ich Plus
<See WWM re this product... formaldehyde and Malachite... not
often efficacious in hobbyist settings>
treatment for the past 3-4 weeks now but I haven’t been
getting any results and the two lumps on its dorsal fin (went
from white to red) has also been getting worse. I have a 30
gallon tank with another angelfish in it but he’s not
aggressive towards our other problem fish,
<Am not so sure>
the weird thing about it is my black one is in perfect condition
and they have been in the same tank from the shop we got them
from (the tank they were in was about 10 gallons with 2 other
<Too small a volume>
I tried taking some pictures of it as well in case I
wasn’t descriptive enough.
<Something is wrong here... the one fish beating the other
likely. I'd be separating them. Bob Fenner>

Re: Angelfish problem 2/24/12
Thank you for replying so fast and I'll try use that product
you suggested.
<? Welcome. BobF>
Question - Angelfish -- 10/07/11
I've searched Google and angelfish forums for several days
now and cannot find out the information I am looking for, so I
thought I'd ask and see if you knew what was going on with my
fish. I'll try to be as detailed as possible, sorry if its a
long mail.
About two months ago I had a 10 gallon aquarium, with 2 Cory
cats, 2 Rasboras, and 1 glass-painted fish. (The small ones) I
decided to get an Angelfish, and the store said that 2 angelfish
would be fine in that aquarium.
<Uh, no.>
I know, I should have done more research ahead of time, but I
assumed they were being fine. One of them died, and I figured it
was just that fish, and when I was at PetSmart the next day, I
bought another one. (They, also told me that it was fine in a 10
gallon) That one was quite smaller, and it ended up dying, but my
first one was fine. Then after that one died, I did some research
and joined an angelfish forum, and they told me that I needed a
bigger aquarium.
<Correct. We all make mistakes starting out in any hobby, and
I'm pleased you're learning from the ones you've made
so far. Well done.>
So I bought a 30 gallon aquarium, and after I got it up and
running for several days (using the stones, aerator, and castle
from my old aquarium)
first I let my Cory cats stay in there before switching over my
other small fish. Then I bought 2 more Angelfish, another Cory
cat, and a Gourami. I have a heater for up to 50 gallons, a 50-60
gallon filter, two live plants, and an aerator also. The
filter/heater were new as of a month ago.
Everything was going fine as far as we could see, until about 2
weeks afterwards, and we started noticing the angelfish were
staying towards the bottom of the aquarium and not coming up as
much as they use to (they were always very friendly) I then
noticed that their top fins were smaller and looked like they
"fell down" and the part in between the fins looked
like it was filmy and deteriorating. I did water changes and
checked the levels.
The Nitrates were a bit high before I did the water change (like
30? I don't remember its been a couple weeks ago) but they
both ended up dying.
<Now, the odd thing with nitrates (with an "a",
rather than nitrites with an "I") is that they're
fairly harmless to most fish, but cichlids are among those fish
for which this isn't true. You want nitrate levels below 20
mg/l if at all possible. All cichlids, including Angels, need
ammonia and nitrite levels of 0 mg/l.>
I took the dead fish to the store to see if he knew what was
going on, and he said that it was "definitely"
something in the aquarium eating on them.
So I told him what all I had, (including the Gourami in which I
bought from him) and he said that Gourami's can be kind of
nippy and so that was the source of my problem. This was about a
week ago. He said that he would take the Gourami back and switch
it for another Angelfish. So I did that and bought another angel
to go along with it.
<Fin damage can be caused by Finrot, and it can be caused by
physical damage (like fin-nipping). It's very difficult to
tell the two things apart if you don't know what you're
looking for. And worse, physical damage to the fins can let
Finrot start, so you might even be dealing with both at
So that was Last Friday, and yesterday morning one was dead. It
had no signs at all it was just suddenly dead. The other
one's top fin fell down and looked a bit filmy also. It
started hanging at the bottom of the aquarium, opening and
closing its mouth also. We got my 10 gallon up and running again
and put her in there, but she ended up dying too. None of the
other fish are acting differently at all. The Cory's like to
flit to the top every now and then and go back down, but
generally they stay on the bottom. No one is gulping or lethargic
or anything, they are all acting fine. My levels this morning are
0 nitrites, 15 nitrates, 0 ammonia, and 8.2 for the pH. I do have
a lot of algae, its brownish-green with some darker spots here
and there. I took a picture of it but its just normal algae.
<Algae isn't a problem here. In fact your water quality
seems quite good, though the pH is a bit high. I assume you have
very hard water? Farmed Angels should cope with this, but do be
aware it's less than ideal for them. Angels naturally come
from soft, acidic water where the pH tends to be low. I'm not
telling you to change the water chemistry -- that would be risky
if you don't understand how to soften water and how to slowly
change conditions in the tank. But you do need to be aware that
Angels aren't necessarily at their easiest to keep when
maintained in hard, alkaline water.>
I use the API water tester with the vials and droplets, and I use
(well I use to use AquaSafe to do my water changes but the past
two water changes I've used API water conditioner because it
is suppose to help with damaged fish. I feed the fish every night
regular tropical fish flakes, about two pinches as to avoid
overfeeding. My temperature is always between 72-76.
<A bit too cold for these fish. Turn the heater up a notch
today, and another notch tomorrow. Aiming for 25-28 C/77-82 F is
about right for Angelfish. They're very much hothouse
flowers! When kept too cold their immune system doesn't work
reliably. Most Corydoras will be stressed above 25 C/77 F, so
that may limit how high you can go, but Corydoras sterbai is the
exception and thrives in water as warm as 28 C/82 F.>
I'm really at a loss as to what's going on. I love my
angelfish but don't want to keep getting something if its
going to die. what can I do?
<Angels are normally quite easy to keep. But they are
vulnerable to fin-nippers, so choose companion barbs and tetras
with care. Avoid, for example, Serpae Tetras, Black
Widow/Petticoat Tetras, Tiger Barbs and Ruby Barbs. Likewise,
they're so slow that they're easily bullied by aggressive
tankmates including Three-Spot Gouramis (which includes things
like Blue, Gold, and Opaline Gouramis). Angels prefer tanks with
a gentle current, warm water, soft to moderately hard water
chemistry, and suitably peaceful tankmates. They dislike bright
light and they like plants.>
Thank you for your time.
<I do wonder if there's a combination of factors here: bad
luck, cool water, bullying tankmates, and perhaps some
fin-nipping from the Rasboras or Glassfish (the Rasboras
especially need to be kept in groups of 6+ specimens). Cheers,

Pterophyllum leopoldi hangs at surface
Hi guys!
<Hello Aslak!>
I have a 240 litre SA community tank with some (five) young Leopoldi
<Nice fish.>
I've had the fish for about six months. I've noticed that they
from time to time "hang" at the water surface. I know fish
tend to do when there's too little oxygen in the water, however
none of the other fish in the tank does this, and I've read a
couple of places that this behaviour is considered normal for Leopoldi
(or angelfish in general perhaps?) because they like to skim the
surface for algae.
<Perhaps. My understanding of Angels in the wild is that they feed
primarily on insect larvae at the surface. I would be open minded about
the oxygen issue, and check circulation is adequate, especially in
I have tried to find more info but it's a difficult issue to search
for as the search terms give me mostly irrelevant hits.
<I bet. In older books this species was known as Pterophyllum
dumerilii, even though this name is (apparently) a synonym of Pt.
They do seem to stop this behaviour if I direct the flow from the
canister filter along the tank, but I figure that might just as well be
because the increased flow removes the surface algae film or makes it
hard to "hang out".
<Sounds more like the oxygen issue. Do provide a good turnover, 6x
the volume of the tank per hour, but disperse the current by directing
jets at the sides of the tank, tall rocks, etc. Spray bars can work
Alternatively, add an airstone or two.>
I'm also curious about plants. As far as I know Angelfish in
general lives in areas with little or no aquatic plants.
Is this different for the Leopoldi?
<Not so far as I know.>
Right now the tank is scaped with mostly driftwood and roots, but I do
have some Vallisneria in there as well.
<Which will be welcomed.>
I am considering removing the Vallisneria and introduce some Amazon
Frogbit as the only plant life in the tank. Any thoughts on this?
<Floating plants would be excellent additions to this system, but do
ensure they don't block the oxygen exchange between the water and
the air above.>
Thanks for any enlightenment you can provide ;)
Cheers, Aslak
<Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Pterophyllum leopoldi hangs at surface 8/3/11
Evening Neale!
Thank you for your reply. I'll be sure to keep an eye on the
Leopoldis and increase the flow if needed. The last few days I've
had the spray bar turned downwards and "backwards" towards
the wall of the aquarium.
<Can work well.>
I'll once again turn it back out towards the open water if
- Aslak
<Glad to help. Cheers, Neale.>
Unexplained angelfish death (Bob, any better
explanations?)<<>> 2/11/11
Hi Crew, Our 37 gal tall tank was set up in July 2007. The original 5
Corys and 1 cherry barb are still alive and well. Water parameters
Ammonia 0 mg/L, Nitrite 0 mg/L, Nitrate 5- 10 mg/L, KH 53.7 ppm, GH
143.2 ppm, pH 7.0, Temperature 80 F, partial water change of 10
gal/week. In March 2008, introduced three small angelfish. After a few
months, two of them died within a week of each other with no apparent
signs of illness.
The remaining one died one year later from a large lip fibroma. In
August 2009, introduced three medium-sized angelfish. They were
thriving until August 2010, when one developed a few small white bumps
on the rays of its tailfin only. The bumps didn't resolve, but
didn't spread either. About two months later it started to mouth
and spit out all foods (their diet was flakes, frozen bloodworms,
frozen brine shrimp and live fruitflies). It was eager to eat, but
didn't seem able to swallow the food. It had no bloating or other
signs of illness. It died one month later, thin, but no lesions,
redness, patches, or fin damage. Also, inside the mouth and gills
looked fine. Then, one of the other two angelfish started to lay on its
side at the surface. If touched, it would right itself and could swim,
with difficulty and still attempted to eat. After two weeks, it could
only float, and died, with no other signs of illness. The remaining
angelfish then started to mouth and spit out food. After three weeks,
it was found dead with all of its fins missing but no signs of fungus
or infection. My husband's theory is the angelfish were bullied by
the barb and the resulting stress caused the illness, but there were
never nipped or damaged fins. I'm reluctant to introduce new fish
if the tank could be harboring an infectious agent. Both sets of
angelfish were purchased from a store whose owner raises them himself
and quarantines before selling. The fish were healthy for a year,
nothing else was introduced to the tank, and only one fish developed
white spots which didn't look like Ich. The only changes were 1)
replaced BioWheel (due to splashing noise) with Fluval U4 during summer
2010, but ran them concurrently for 3 months and never had detectable
ammonia or nitrite. 2) just before the fish started to spit out food,
ran out of flakes from AngelsPlus and fed with O.S.I flakes.
Thank you for your consideration, Patricia
<Hello Patricia. If all the other fish are healthy, then I'd be
tempted to put this down to the (very) poor quality of Angelfish in the
stores these days. Yes, nippy and/or boisterous Barbs and Angelfish
shouldn't be kept together. Tiger Barbs (including Moss and Albino
Barbs), Rosy Barbs, and Ruby Barbs would top the list here, though the
shy, docile species like Five-Banded Barbs and Dwarf Gelius Barbs can
make excellent companions for Angels. But even if the Barbs were being
nippy or aggressive, you'd expect to see signs of fin-nipping,
including fin damage, Finrot, and fungal infections. Unfortunately the
general quality of Angels in the trade is incredibly low, made worse
because the majority of casual aquarists seem to go for the inbred
varieties like Koi Angels and Veiltail Angels rather than the usually
quite robust standard Silver Angel (3-4 black bars plus red eyes) and,
on the whole, pretty good Marble Angel. Furthermore, many stores sell
Angels at the coin-sized size perhaps 3-4 cm/1.5-inches across. These
tiny Angels simply do not travel well, and because they're shipped
out in vast numbers from bulk producers, there is a high risk of
cross-contamination of diseases. I'd strongly encourage people not
to buy Angels with bodies smaller than 5 cm/2 inches across, and if at
all possible, buy them from a local breeder. Trust me, Angels are among
the easiest fish to procure from members of city fish clubs, often at
better quality and lower costs than your retailer. Failing that, have
your retailer get you some good quality stock at a larger size, and be
prepared to pay a premium. Good quality Angels are plump, sturdy, with
fins that don't have kinks or curls, and well-bred, wild-type
Silver Angels especially have red eyes that positively shine with
vigour (for some reason the red-eye gene is lost in most man-made
varieties). Sure, a pair of prime Angels might cost $50 or more, but
they'll live for 12 years, and they'll give your lots of
pleasure in that time! Cheers, Neale.><<Along w/ your guess,
I'd postulate that there is "something" in this set up...
a geode, seashell... that is "more poisonous" to angels than
the Corys or barb... Please tell us what sort of gravel, decor... you
employ here. RMF>>
Re: More re: Unexplained angelfish death (Bob, any better
explanations?) 2/12/11
Thank you both for getting back to me. The substrate is a small-sized
gravel designated for freshwater aquariums, not colored or cultured,
and not supposed to affect the pH. The decorations are a large piece of
African Mopani driftwood and SeaGarden "silk" plants on
weighted resin bases. Patricia
<Mmm... IF you have interest, I'd place a pad of the product
"PolyFilter" in this system, best in the filter flow path...
to detect colour... indicative of a few types of (metal) poisoning...
To see if there's an easily detected source/type here. BobF>
Re: More re: Unexplained angelfish death (Bob, any better
explanations?) -- 3/8/11
Hi, Bob,
Sorry it took me so long to get back to you, I was finally able to
locate the poly-filter. After 2 days in the tank, it's turned the
color of very dark tannin-stained water. There is a large piece of
driftwood in there,
but the water itself doesn't look tannin-stained. Thank you for
your suggestion, I didn't know about this product. Patricia M
<Mmm, do look about for a local fish shop that does water testing...
ask them to check for free Iron in your water. BobF>
Re: More re: Unexplained angelfish death (Bob, any better
explanations?) 5/2/11
Hi, Bob
I found a fish store that tests for free iron. He was out of the
reagent, but told me the test is usually performed just for nutrient
level for planted tanks. He said it really wasn't necessary in my
case because unexplained angelfish death is always due to parasitic
<Mmm, not in my experience, no. Most I've encountered have been
largely due to water quality issues; secondarily psycho-social>
He then suggested I try dwarf gouramis
<!? Colisa lalia have dismal survival histories these last
and I bought 3 after being assured that they have never had a problem
with Iridovirus.
<...? How could such an assertion be made?>
That was 4 weeks ago and one of the fish already has signs of the
disease (hanging at the top, not eating, slight bulges on both sides of
body). I should have known better because I was aware of this problem.
Thanks for all of your help, Patricia
<Please read here: http://wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/dwfgdis.htm
and the three other Dwarf Gourami Disease FAQs files linked above. See
any pattern here? Bob Fenner>
Re: More re: Unexplained angelfish death (Bob, any better
explanations?) 5/2/2011
<<As Bob suggests, Angelfish mortality is primarily driven by
poor environmental conditions and the wrong tankmates. They aren't
especially prone to disease, though Finrot, Fungus and Hexamita do all
occur if the environment is inadequate. Very small Angels (with bodies
about US quarter size) ship poorly, and it's best to pass them over
in favour of fairly well grown specimens around the 2-3 inch mark. Some
varieties of Angelfish are more delicate than others. If you can, stick
with wild-type Angels, Marble
Angels, or Golden Angels; avoid Koi Angels, Albino and Black Angels in
particular. As for Dwarf Gouramis, I wouldn't bother with 'em
unless locally bred (i.e., you know the breeder, e.g., through a fish
Colisa fasciata and Colisa labiosa are widely traded and infinitely
more robust. They're a trifle bigger and more pushy, and their
colours aren't quite so sharply defined, but at least they're
decent, reliable fish.
Cheers, Neale.>><Thank you Neale. B>
Re: More re: Unexplained angelfish death (Bob, any better
explanations?) 5/6/11
I had read that article on dwarf Gourami disease, but let my desire to
stock this "problem tank" get in the way of better judgment.
If the two remaining gouramis don't make it, I'm not sure what
to do with this tank.
<Many possibilities...>
The water quality is good, the Corys are happy as clams, but the tank
looks empty, has limited surface area and lacks horizontal swimming
space for even small schooling fish.
<A 37 gal. tall? There's still a bunch of choices! Look at the
larger sized Gouramis, the small to mid-sized barbs, Rasboras,
Danios... smaller Rainbows... BobF>
Angel fish problem - 10/21/10
I have a large solid black angel fish that I have raised for years.
About 6 months ago he got a small cloudy translucent whitish patch on
his side that you could only see at certain angles. The edges of it
would get a
little stringy and shed, and it would look somewhat better, until it
enlarged and happened again. There are no bloody edges or eroded blood
streaked areas like I have read about with cotton wool disease or
fungus. I tried an antibiotic, and an antifungal that managed to ruin
the levels in my tank and kill several other fish. It was so long ago I
don't remember what I tried, but I got my tank straightened out and
vowed not to medicate again. This skin problem does not appear in any
way to bother him, which is why I have been trying to ignore it. No
scratching or flashing, no hiding, he is eating very well and acting
very normal. No other fish in the tank have become infected either, but
the patch keeps getting larger, and is now on both sides. His fins are
fine and not frayed, gills are fine, mouth is fine and no cotton tufts
anywhere. All the tank levels are great, and the tank is really clean.
This is a 75 gallon tank with another large angel, 8 mixed tetras, 2
large clown loaches, a few cats, and 2 gouramis. I have a Fluval 404
Please help if you can. I have spent hours and hours on the web and
still can't figure it out, but he's lived with this for at
least 6 months now.
Thanks so much
<Hello Anne. There are two possible things going on here, maybe
three. The first is simple genetic variation. All-black Angelfish have
historically been among the most difficult to produce and the most
difficult to breed consistently. It's very likely yours simply has
variation in the amount of melanin deposited in those scales on its
flanks, and consequently you're seeing a lighter patch. The second
possibility is physical damage.
Sometimes physical damage can cause replacement skin or scales to look
different to how they looked before, in just the same way as scar
tissue on humans isn't always the same colour or texture as the
rest of our skin.
Sometimes nerve damage can cause a similar phenomenon, since fish
"think" themselves certain colours and so things like
mini-strokes or simple trauma can cause odd patches of lightness or
darkness. In either case there's nothing to worry about and nothing
you can do. If the fish has remained in good health for months, and the
discoloured patch is neither expanding nor infected, I wouldn't be
too concerned. The third, outside possibility is mucus-grazing by one
of the fish. Angelfish and indeed other slow-moving,
flat-sided fish are sometimes attacked by Suckermouth catfish, most
commonly Otocinclus, but occasionally common Plecs (Pterygoplichthys
They latch onto the fish, eat some mucous, and then swim away. The
resulting damage ranges from mere irritation through to open wounds,
and there certainly is a very real risk of infection should the
themselves get damaged. I've never heard of Ancistrus or Panaque
species doing this, which is why I prefer these species in community
tanks. You don't say what catfish you've got, but if you have a
common Plec or some Otocinclus, they're definitely not fish I'd
keep with Angels. Hope this helps. Cheers, Neale.>
my angel fish is not swimming properly, please help -
Hi there I have got 2 angel fish and have had them for couple of days
They were both happy and now one of them is not swimming right its like
it has no balance and is sitting at the bottom of my tank the only
thing that I can see that may be wrong is the tail fins have been
nipped at, it is still moving its side fins but not moving around the
tank, as I said its just at the bottom. Is there anything I can do to
save it I don't want it to die and my 2 guppies have taken an
interest in it.
Please reply soon as I don't know what to do.
many thanks
<Hello Naomi. I need a good deal more information than this to
explain what might be going wrong! So let's review. Angels are
sensitive fish, and if given the wrong conditions will quickly become
sick. Angelfish need at least 20 gallons of aquarium space. Angels tend
to be social when young, but aggressive when older. Remember, pairs
defend territories, and two males in a small tank will fight, and the
bigger one will bully the weaker.
I wouldn't keep two males in anything less than 40 gallons.
Unfortunately, sexing Angels is virtually impossible, so luck comes
into it. Water quality must be excellent: 0 ammonia and 0 nitrite, and
that means the tank must have a good filter and that filter has to be
mature, at least 6 weeks old.
Nitrate levels should be low, under 50 mg/l, and preferably below 20
Now, while Angels prefer acidic conditions, that isn't crucial with
farmed Angels. But what does matter is that pH is stable. Water
hardness should be soft to moderate, 5-20 degrees dH is fine for farmed
Angels. Don't be adding random pH potions though! Just test the pH
of your tap water, and make sure the pH doesn't change too much
between water changes. Most problems with Angels either come down to
unstable/wrong environmental conditions or aggression. Do read
Cheers, Neale.>
Re: angel fish w/possible dropsy symptoms
What exactly does high alkalinity cause?
<... Please see WWM re>
The strips I have don't give me a number, just colors. My water is
reading at the farthest/darkest one on the strip.
I need to do a water change, but I'm afraid that will stress her
out. What do you think?
Thank you so much for your quick replies...
<Your message does not make sense to me... sorry. B>
Re angel fish w/possible dropsy symptoms 5/13/10
My water testing strips read "very alkaline"...literally. You
asked me in my first email "how alkaline?"
<Please see WWM re test strips... neither accurate nor precise...
"Very" is not "very" useful>
Will a water change not be good for my sick angel fish at this time
(it's been 3 weeks)?
<... and see WWM re water changes... likely IS a good idea... IF
this system is cycled, stable>
I am not a pro at this. I just was wondering if changing the
water/vacuuming the rocks will stress her? I don't know how else to
ask this...
<You need to read, to have a fuller understanding... your
consciousness is not full enough to ask such hit/miss questions.
Re: angel fish w/possible dropsy symptoms
Thanks...so you think I should probably put her to rest? Or get the
<I don't like to "give up" easily... I would try the
possibilities gone over on WWM. BobF>
Re: angel fish w/possible dropsy symptoms
I apologize for not having the knowledge you hold. I have been reading,
but unfortunately I do not have the time to devote my life to my
<You don't have to devote anything like as much time. You're
missing the point Bob was making. The important thing is to buy one
good book up front, read it, understand it, and apply what you've
learned. Basic freshwater fishkeeping is actually very easy if you
"go by the numbers" and do things step by step.>
Too many different opinions about everything in the aq. world.
<Really, there isn't. Again, the problem is reliance on the
Internet rather than books. The Internet is filled with good
information, but hidden under mountains of garbage. A good book will be
written and edited by experts who've kept fish for decades.
Maintenance of Angelfish is really very straightforward. A 30 gallon
tank; 0 ammonia and 0 nitrite; temperature around 25-28 C; moderate
water current; soft to slightly hard, acidic to slightly basic water,
i.e., 5-15 degrees dH, pH 6.5-7.5. If you don't understand these
things, then learn; if you don't have the tools to measure them,
buy them. Problems come when people keep them with nippy fish, in tanks
that are too small, and in new tanks that haven't been properly
cycled. Like all cichlids, they're sensitive to nitrate and
oxygen-poor water; keep nitrate levels below 20 mg/l and ensure water
circulation is around 4-6 times the volume of the tank per hour, and
that the tank isn't overstocked.>
Thanks for your "help"...I will not bother you again...
<Dropsy is almost always inflicted on fish by careless fishkeeping.
End of discussion. Every time I've seen a fish with dropsy,
it's been maintained in a tank that was overstocked, or water
changes weren't frequent, or nitrate levels were high, or diet was
monotonous. Bob and I have different opinions on treating dropsy, my
experience being that it's almost impossible to cure once small
fish like Angels exhibit the problem. So I tend to recommend painless
destruction of the afflicted fish.
It's important not to "write off" the experience though,
and make sure you have identified why the fish got sick. Be under no
illusions here: you did, somehow, cause the dropsy. We all do, whenever
we have a fish with this syndrome. It isn't a "disease"
but a symptom, and doesn't sneak in at night to get your fish!
It's a sign of organ failure caused by some chronic stress on the
fish, perhaps mediated through a bacterial infection of some sort. So
something YOU did caused this. Before you buy another fish, try to
figure out why. From there, you'll learn, grow, and become a better
fishkeeper. Cheers, Neale.>
Angelfish with gill issue in QT (Bob, any other
ideas?)<Zip> 5/8/10
I have an angelfish that's been in quarantine for some weeks
When I picked him out at the store, I thought I was very thorough in
inspection until a day or so after I got him home. But, he has one gill
that sticks out way farther than the other. Not sure how I missed that,
but you really see it when looking at him dead on to compare his two
Closer look, a thin white translucent membrane over the opening.
<Have seen this with cichlids from time to time. Have assumed its
usually necrotic tissue following Ick, Velvet or similar infection --
these parasites to serious damage to gill lamellae. But may also be
Dactylogyrus or some other macro gill parasite.>My thoughts were, he
has a gill issue, the white membrane is mucus. I had half the mind to
take him back, but the receipt is MIA. And well, I do like him, as I
had picked him in the first place.
I thought, this could be
-Gill parasites (flukes, mites)
<Not sure fish get "mites", but various worm-type things,
-Gill infection (bacterial)
<Following some type of tissue damage, e.g., from Velvet, always a
-Gill disease (I'm unsure about fungus and gill ailments).
<As with bacteria, secondary to physical damage, then yes,
This poor guy, has been treated with salt dips to no end, jungle
parasite guard couple times, Maracyn 2 powder, salt bath, antibiotic
flakes (Which he wont really eat anyway unless he's desperate) with
absolutely NO change whatsoever.
<I see.>
I chose the jungle PG for its reviews on various forums and posts of
positive experiences from others, and Maracyn (fungus/bacteria) for its
reputation and previous experiences of my own. Salt dips/bath to combat
<Broadly, I'd treat as per Dactylogyrus/Gyrodactylus initially,
since that's the most infectious. After that, the other problems
are more likely secondary to something else, and not contagious as
such. So if you can eliminate the possibility of Dactylogyrus,
Gyrodactylus "gill flukes" and similar, you will be freer to
return this fish to a community setting.>
Oddly, he doesn't seem to care much about his gill condition.
Outside of spitting all his food of various kinds except bloodworms, he
generally acts... normal.
<Bloodworms aren't especially nutritious, so I would try to
broaden this.
Angels are carnivores, and enjoy small pieces of white fish fillet and
seafood, and a good quality cichlid pellet like Hikari Micro pellets
should be taken readily.
Yes contradictory statement, but he sure doesn't seem a
'sickly' fish.
Quarantine tank is also a 10g (he is not an adult angel, call it
medium, few inches) so treatments are pretty potent. TBH he seems more
miserable about what I'm doing than the darn ailment itself.
<Likely so, but (domesticated) Angels are very resilient, so I
wouldn't worry overly much.>
At this point I'm starting to feel like I'm just torturing this
fish. Not just because of all I put him through, but he's in a 10g
for weeks which is really unfair all around. But I don't want to
release him from quarantine if he's unsafe for the others.
<As I say, gill flukes are the most contagious parasites, and the
ones to eliminate. Bacterial/fungal infections will be secondary, and
no more contagious than Finrot, i.e., not at all if the other fish are
I also wonder if there's even something wrong or if his gill is
just 'that way'. Would seem unlikely to me, but could it be the
<I'm sure it can happen.>
I've read about gill parasites being unusually difficult to get rid
of, because they are somewhat protected within the gill and shielded by
mucus, but even knowing that its starting to seem like
'unreasonable levels' of difficulty.
<There are particular medications for these gill flukes, which in
some cases will need to be accessed via a vet.>
I'm going to speculate, that either
1. There's nothing wrong with him (unlikely)
2. My diagnosis is wrong (damn it Jim, I'm a scientist not a
3. My choice of medicine sucks
<Do check it's appropriate, and being used correctly, e.g., with
regard to water temperature, carbon.>
4. He's had it long enough, at this point its really badly
established For his sake and mine I'm a little desperate for
resolve. Any advice or comments?
<Under good conditions gill flukes are more an irritant than a
source of mortality, though they can carry viruses between fish, and in
poor conditions blood loss may be a significant stress, cause of
mortality. So while Gyrodactylus and Dactylogyrus are alarming and need
to be dealt with, there's no need to panic. Commercial and
veterinarian treatments exist.>
Thanks again, you are great peoples.
<Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Angelfish with gill issue in QT 5/23/10
Good morning Neale.
<Hello again,>
Another update.
The angel in QT is doing better. Raised the salinity for the past two
weeks, raised the temperature a little and added.... copper. Big
He's eating like a champ and he's very active now. Gets very
excited when I come into the kitchen. The way he reacts to feeding
time, you would think I never feed him at all. This last week, he ate
any type of food I gave
him. This is a good thing.
Now I observe something very strange.
Most all my angels, and many other of my fish, burp up an air bubble
after gulping food off the surface. However, THIS fish blows the air
bubbles out his puffed up protruding gill. The side that has the issue
we previously
discussed. If this is 'natural' I've never seen it. But he
does it every time he eats, he'll blow a few bubbles through it
after each gulp.
<Might just be a result of physical damage from the infection. I
wouldn't be too concerned.>
I'm not really alarmed about it, though this is very odd. And
perhaps an indication of just what's wrong with that gill.
<Indeed. So long as he's eating, fattening up and growing, I
wouldn't worry. Cheers, Neale.>
Mystery Angelfish death 4/21/10
My one blushing angelfish's forehead tuned the color of an off
avocado a while back but he never seemed sick, no clamped fin or
discoloration of the gills, he had a very good appetite, even last
night. When I fed them this morning, I realized that he wasn't
there. I found him at the back of the plants, hiding with almost no
life in him and his forehead was almost black. He wasn't stuck in
the plants. What caused this?
<My best guess, given no other information (water quality, system,
tankmates...) is mechanical injury>
I've been doing regular water changes and giving them a healthy,
varied diet. The other fish are fine, including another angel, neon
tetras, swordtails, sunset platys, corries and a Pleco. Water temp is
at 27C
Kind Regards
Ruan Smit
<When in doubt, refer... Read here:
and the linked files above. Bob Fenner>
FW angelfish in distress --
My breeding male golden angel suddenly started gasping for air at the
of the tank. This went on for about 4 days and I dropped in 2 extra
bubblers to produce more oxygen. I found him finally at the bottom of
the tank between a piece of slate and the tank wall. (it is a 55 gallon
tank with just his female mate and a couple of lemon tetras, one large
clown loach and an African butterfly fish). All the other fish seem
healthy. This fish stayed behind the slate for a couple of days when I
decided to isolate him in a smaller tank, bump up the heat a little and
give him lots of aeration.
<Good moves>
He is still lying on the bottom of this tank, not looking too happy.
Hasn't eaten in days. I know it's probably something to do with
his swim bladder
but I just don't know what to do for him next. He's a pretty
hardy guy and survived a very bad injury about a year and half ago, but
he has bred many times since and has healed and been in perfect health
until now. Any suggestions, it's hard to watch him suffer.
<It is odd that the other angel is not mal-affected by
"whatever" the root cause is here; if it were some sort of
biological disease... I would just continue as you have, with the
improved conditions, and hope for the best.
Bob Fenner>
Sick angel fish --
Hi there, I have a beautiful female Koi angel that I have had for a
couple of years. There is also another female in the tank. They lay
eggs quite frequently but have taken to caring for them together and
are not that
antagonistic as you would expect. About a week ago I noticed a small
hole above one eye, I thought immediately hole in head or perhaps it
cut itself on one of the rocks I have in the tank. I treated the water
with EM for a few days and the hole seemed to close up, leaving a white
area that looked like healing skin.
<"EM" being Erythromycin? This doesn't really help
Hole-in-the-head any; you specifically need Metronidazole at 250 mg per
10 US gallons, once per day for at least three days. Erythromycin may
well inhibit secondary infections, which can lessen the symptoms to
some degree, but it won't fix the problem.>
Over the weekend, things must have gone south as I discovered on Monday
that that area was now full of hair-like fibers, like an eruption of
some sort. I did some checking and calling around and was told that the
fish may have developed a fungus and that I could treat it with
<Pimafix, Melafix, and other so-called "cures" based on
tea-tree oil are notoriously unreliable. For Fungal infections organic
dyes, such as malachite green, work very well. Combinations of formalin
and malachite
green are especially useful because they work against Finrot and
Columnaris ("mouth fungus") as well, eliminating the problem
of telling these apart from Fungus, which can be difficult. Other
medications such as Seachem Paraguard are formulated specifically to
handle both bacterial and fungal infections, and these can be well
worth using, too.>
Well, four days into the mission, the fish looks worse, the fungus
hasn't gotten any better (it looks worse actually), and I have
noticed several additional areas where that fungus is beginning to
grow...I want to help
the fish if I can, or if not, put it out of it's misery.
<Do read here:
It hasn't eaten in a week or more and is at the top seemingly
gasping for air. It does swim around however..but this seems to be
going nowhere. Am I doing something wrong or is this just what happens
sometimes? Thanks,
<Quite possibly you're using the wrong medications. Do switch to
the right ones, and see what happens. I personally would also do a dip
into seawater once, maybe the next day too, until the Fungus clears up.
This is just 35 grammes of non-iodised salt added to a litre of
aquarium water; dip the fish for at least 30 seconds and potentially
several minutes, though removing the fish as soon as it shows signs of
distress, such as rolling
over. The seawater dehydrates the fungal cells, speeding up their
It's much the same as gargling salt water when you have a mouth
Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Sick angel fish --
thanks, I just ordered the Paraguard, will have it by 4:oo tomorrow
afternoon. Hopefully it isn't too late.
<Finger's crossed!>
I'll also try the saltwater dip first, then add the Paraguard to
the tank.
It is a 29 high with other fish and invertebrates in there, the
Paraguard won't hurt them or the tank will it? the tank has some
live plants too, I don't have an air stone, just a charcoal and
floss filter (I took the charcoal out during treatment).
The plants have always seemed to provide all of the O2 that the fish
needed, and none of the other fish are struggling to breathe, just the
one with the fungus. I do a 30% change about every 3-4 weeks, I know
that I
overfeed a little but so far that has not been a big issue with
frequent cleaning and vacuuming. I do have a lot of green hair type
algae on many of the plant leaves....haven't been able to deal with
this, but it is more
of a visual issue than anything else.
<It is actually green algae (i.e., bright green, like a salad) or
red algae (which, despite the name, is usually blue-black to dark moss
green in freshwater species)? I ask because the bushy, hairy algae you
often get
around the edges of plant leaves, for example, is red algae, and it is
notoriously difficult to deal with. Green algae only prospers in tanks
with very strong light levels, and if you have very strong light (at
least 2 watts per gallon), the algae is best, and frankly only
reliably, dealt with by using fast-growing plants and a few, carefully
chosen algae-eating organisms, shrimps and Nerite snails being the
ideal. Red algae is difficult to deal with. The Siamese Algae Eater,
Crossocheilus siamensis, is one of the few common fish that feeds on
this algae, though again, fast-growing plants will dramatically improve
things if you have very strong lighting. Red algae is usually a
nuisance in tanks with poor lighting, insufficient water circulation,
and high nitrate levels (typically because of overstocking and/or
overfeeding). So review conditions, and act accordingly.>
I just mention it in case it is indicative of another water condition
that might be contributory to the fish fungus. Thanks again! Mike.
<Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Sick angel fish
On the Algae, I have had the Red Algae for some time now. I have tried
keeping the tank extra clean with vacuuming and water changes, but the
light is weak (I just haven't coughed up the $ for a better hood),
I have only the filter that sucks up the tank water and filters it
through the carbon and floss cartridge for circulation the circulation
seems to be ok, but perhaps it isn't.
<While it seems paradoxical, low light levels are invariably behind
serious algae problems. Tanks with bright lights generally don't
have algae problems because plants grow too quickly, and somehow (the
science is hazy) this stops algae from developing. While I can't
really explain why this works, I can confirm that it does. Upping the
light, and then adding appropriate fast-growing plant species, will
usually do away with algae once and for all, particularly in
conjunction with Nerite snails and algae-eating shrimps.>
I bought a Siamese algae eater but he got lazy and waits for the frozen
brine shrimp that I feed the other fish. He goes vertical and eats them
as fast as he can....
I did get what looked like a bright green slime growth about a month
ago and that is when I treated the tank with EM, that knocked it out
pretty quickly.
<Again, blue-green algae (Cyanobacteria) is associated with specific
things, usually poor water circulation and high levels of nitrate
and/or phosphate. You'll often see blue-green algae growing first
where the water flow is weakest: around the leaves or roots of plants
for example, or on the substrate. Increasing water flow and reducing
the amount of nitrate (via water changes) usually turns prevents
blue-green algae from becoming established. Erythromycin will certainly
kill many types of blue-green algae (which are of course bacteria, not
algae) but there's nothing to stop them coming back again, should
conditions suit. And they WILL come back.>
I would love to eradicate the red hairy stuff though (it is very dark,
almost black as you say), it seems to choke out the plants that are
there and grows on everything.
<Hair algae is a great nuisance, but nothing really slows it down
once it's established under conditions it likes. Lighting, plants,
and the right snails/shrimps are what you need.>
I feed the fish Mon-Fri with frozen brine and also frozen blood worms.
I have a 29 high and there are far less than 29" of total fish in
Two angels
Two Cory cats
8 Neons
2 barbs
1 Siamese
1 African frog
1 ghost shrimp
2 Otocinclus (sp?)
2 other small tetras
Should I consider a better hood with more light?
<If you wish to deal with the red algae, yes, since this is the only
way the right plants will get established.>
Should I add an air stone for circulation?
<Blue-green algae likes slow water movement, so anything that speeds
up the flow of water around the tank will help. Airstones generally
have minimal impact, so are a bit of a waste of money, but they're
better than nothing I suppose. Usually an additional filter, coupled
with more water changes and less feeding, is the way forward.>
I will be getting the Paraguard at 4:00 today. I'll probably treat
with that for a few days then try the salt water bath.
Thanks again, Mike.
<Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Sick angel fish
Just did the salt bath (I took a 33 oz plastic coffee container, rinsed
it, filled it with tank water and added about 3 plastic coffee spoons
of tank salt. Put the angel in the container, counted to 125 and put
him back in
the tank) and added the Paraguard to the tank. We shall see....
<Indeed. For reference, a level teaspoon is roughly 6 grammes of
salt, so a shade under 6 level teaspoons should give you 35 grammes of
salt, and added to 1 litre of water, that's normal seawater
salinity. It's easier for me to do in metric I'm afraid, since
that's how you learn these things at marine biology school. But I
think it's also pretty convenient. Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Sick angel fish
How often should I do the salt water dips? Once a day?
<Once a day is fine, but often just one dip is enough, and so
I'd hold off doing additional dips for the time being. See how the
medication does. Only occasionally do I find a second dip a few days
later is required, and usually only to help shift some of the dead skin
and mucous. Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Sick angel fish 6/12/09
Hi again, I did another salt dip this morning as I realized that
the initial dip salt concentration was not high enough. This one
clearly did something as the fish clearly reached a point of
stress (yesterday he just swam around for two minutes, today he
rolled onto his side).
<A good time to remove the fish!>
Much of the fungus came away from netting him twice and what is
left seems to be hanging on by a thread. Hopefully it comes off
over the weekend.
<Should do; what you describe is very typical of how fungus
reacts to saltwater dipping.>
Now that I can see the damage underneath the fungus growth, there
is a wound there that looks kind of nasty and he eye is bugged
out pretty good too, it actually looks like she might lose that
eye it is so bad.
<Yes, I see. I'm actually hopeful the eye won't be too
badly affected.>
I will treat the water in the tank Saturday and Sunday with the
Paraguard (this tank is at my work office so I have to come in to
take care of it) and see how he is coming along Monday. (I keep
saying he, but I am pretty sure that it is a she).
<They're actually impossible to sex except when spawning.
If it's any consolation, Angelfish aren't very good at
sexing each other either, and "homosexual" pairs are
quite common, evidenced most often by two females each laying
eggs together on the same leaf!>
At what point to I call it and put her under? She still
hasn't eaten in days, over a week now actually, but is still
feisty enough to evade my attempts to net her. Thanks again,
you've been a fantastic help.
<I suspect he'll be fine, so lay off thoughts of
euthanasia just yet. Your fish actually doesn't look all that
bad; I've seen much worse!>
Ps, I took a few pix. They aren't great but perhaps you can
see what I am taking about. You can also see my red algae...
<Yes, classic sign of inadequate lighting, and the plants
chosen being species that need strong light, so end up doing
nothing much other than cultivating a nice fluffy algae
the wound looks black in the middle, quite a hole in her head
really...I feel terrible about it, I hope that she isn't in
too much pain.
<Do be aware of something called Hole-in-the-Head, which is
not uncommon among cichlids. This requires a drug called
Again, I think you'll be okay, if you can shift this fungus
(which should be gone in a few weeks) and if she looks more perky
by then, have a look to see if the wound is a single wound, or
one of a number of small pits, which is usually how
Hole-in-the-Head appears. Often, Hole-in-the-Head goes along
with long strings of pale (mucous-rich) faeces, since the
Protozoans (Hexamita) responsible start off in the gut and then
move around the body.
Almost always, the trigger is a water quality problem, and in the
case of cichlids, nitrate is one factor often overlooked. If you
skip water changes for too many weeks, Hexamita goes from being
harmless to very dangerous very rapidly. Some have suggests
Hexamita is present in all farmed cichlids, and certainly my
experience has been that a great many cichlid species do succumb
to Hexamita/Hole-in-the-Head infections when exposed to high
levels of nitrate, poor diet, and/or inadequate oxygenation.
Cheers, Neale.>
FW Angelfish Fast Erratic
Swimming Then Falling to Bottom -- 2/21/09 Hi Wet Webber, You
guys/gals are a very dedicated bunch and I appreciate your help.
<Happy to help.> I read through the 3 links and saw an article
that was somewhat similar but not exactly, and I've seen a few
postings online with similar symptoms but no real solution, internal
parasite, bacterial infection, bad water, lead poisoning (I'm from
Brooklyn NY and the house was built 1920 so it is possible but I think
unlikely, tap water is 30-40ppm TDS) etc. so hopefully you can help. No
offense, but I hope there comes a day where I no longer have to visit
your site to figure out what is wrong. <Heh!> The tank is a 55
gallon, PH = 6.4, Ammonia = 0, Nitrate = 0, Temp = 83/84 I
have 4
Discus about 3", 6 Neons, 1 Julli Cory, 2 green Cory and 1 angel
about 4" body <All sound nice. But the water is on the warm
side for Corydoras and Neons, and mixing Angelfish with Discus
isn't recommended, so you may be storing up problems here for the
future. Also, Angelfish view Neons as live food.> The Angel is a
silver and black I bought it when it was about 1.5" in Feb. of
2007. I got it with a black angel that was smaller. They were in a 30
gallon and they paired up and three months later there was a sale on
tanks so I said why not and upgraded to a 55 gallon. Then a month later
I started seeing mating habits so I separated them into a 10 gallon and
they bred and none of the fry survived beyond a few months. Very sad.
<Farmed Angelfish are appallingly bad parents, and almost always you
have to pull the eggs and rear them yourself.> So I put them back
into the 55 gallon. A couple of months later I noticed the black
angelfish out of nowhere would act startled and swim erratically into
things and then sink to the bottom and then wake-up and start acting
normal. This went on for about once or twice a day for a month until it
didn't swim back up, very sad again. So I figured it was a water
problem so I stepped up the water changes. I bought a 20 gallon
Rubbermaid to age the water and instead of changing 7 gallons a week I
upped to 15 a week. I was using an automatic feeder that dumped too
much food so at one point I had a Planaria problem and still see some
but not a whole bunch like before. I went to LFS to get a new angelfish
and he said this current batch wasn't so great but there was 1 that
looked decent so I bought another angelfish and had put in quarantine,
it didn't last a week where it did the swimming erratic and twirled
around fell to the bottom and then swam back up. But it only did that a
few time until it stopped. I chalked that up to the bad batch.
<Don't recommend automatic feeders for precisely this reason.
Fish tolerate starvation much, much better than they do the ruinous
water quality caused by overfeeding.> But now I'm seeing that
with the black and silver angelfish. I have an emperor filter on the
left side of the tank and the discus and angel hang out on the right
side because they don't like the current, the tetras and Corys hang
out on the left side. I have heaters on both ends. I added 2 Neons that
were in quarantine for a month that way they got big enough so the
angelfish wouldn't eat them. But then I started noticing the
angelfish hanging around the left side of the tank. When there were 4
Neons he stood on the right side and only swam to the left side
occasionally. I don't see the discus messing with the angel, the 4
discus are always chasing each other around. I figured the angelfish
was just stalking the 2 new Neons. But for a week I did a head count
and there would always be 6 Neons (4 out in the open, 2 hid) so I
figured alls well. <Hmm... matter of time...> But the other day I
noticed the angelfish was hiding near the bottom the tank almost under
a rock, but I figured it was stalking because I spend a lot of time
near the tank and I didn't hear the water splashing which is the
sound the angelfish makes when they start swimming erratically, its
always a fast thrashing like they got startled and suddenly out of the
blue or when they get excited about something like feeding time.
<Cichlids will go "loopy" when exposed to sudden changes,
so when you see this sort of behaviour, it's always well to check
for possible temperature, water quality, or poisoning issues.> Today
I noticed the angelfish on the left side of the tank and it came over
to the right side to eat and noticed scratches all over and I figured
either it was swimming behind the intake tube of the emperor because it
doesn't really fit or it's doing that fast swimming crash and
dive of death. I sat in a chair about 5 feet away usually when I sit in
that chair the discus and angel follow me to that side. So I just
watched and saw it happen. I also see the angel hiding behind this
small piece of driftwood, which it never did before and I see it hide
behind the plants on the left side of the tank but he never hides for
long only few minutes but I see him hanging out near the bottom and the
angel never went to the bottom just to eat but always swims up near the
surface. <Not normal.> Since the summer the tank has had a green
water problem so I've been changing water about twice a week
whenever I can sometimes 3 but always at least once a week and I always
put water conditioner. The water finally cleared up this week when I
put a 50 micron filter pad but the water parameters were always in
line. I kept the lights off most of the time, blinds drawn and lights
were on only 1 to 2 hours at most. I didn't over feed because I try
to keep the Planaria in check. <Hmm...> I'm sorry for writing
this novel but this is my oldest fish and I really don't want to
see it go. And from the history of this tank and my foray into this
hobby I see the writing on the wall. I'm hoping to give you all the
pertinent details so that you may have a solution for me .but I'm
pretty much bracing myself for the bad news and I am hoping that it is
not something contagious because if the discus dies that would crush
me, those guys are too expensive to replace and times are tough.
<Can't say that it's obvious to me what's wrong with
this fish. Angels should live for around 8-10 years. But the quality of
much farmed stock is variable, and you may be dealing with a specific
genetic issue about which you can't do anything. But other things
you might consider include constipation and aggression. Constipation is
common in Angelfish because they tend to be fed flake and pellet foods
only. Make sure a significant part of their diet includes things like
cooked peas, live brine shrimp and live daphnia. These have a laxative
effect and can help fix so-called "swim bladder disease".>
Thanks for taking the time to help me. Steve <Cheers,
Stripey angel fish with a white pussy looking spot on
it's head 9/11/08
Hi, I need some help if you can please! Im not very up on my fish - I
have 4 angels, all about 2 years old, an upside-down catfish, a red
tail shark fish, an arched cat fish, 2 cardinals and a fairly
aggressive bright yellow Pleco. Over the last few days we saw 3 small
white pimple looking spots along the stripey angels back, but 2 cleared
up leaving on which went pussy - oozing white gunk. Now it looks like
its a spot as it's fairly raised - covered in scales but still
oozing. I don't know if it's a boy or girl, but I think
it's a boy. IT's still eating like normal, follows me up and
down the tank, no change at all in his personality. What should we do?
None of the others have got any spots or anything.
Thanks Josie
<Hello Josie. Your description is a bit unclear (from my
perspective) and a photo would help enormously. White pimples are
usually Whitespot (also known as Ick) and can be likened in appearance
to salt shaken over the fish. But these are not normally associated
with pus or damage to the scales. When fish -- particularly cichlids
(which is what Angels are) -- get pits that are dug into the body,
exposing flesh and pus, that's something else. With cichlids the
culprit is usually the protozoan parasite Hexamita. This parasite is
almost always triggered into causing harm by two things: poor diet and
poor environmental conditions. I think we can discount diet because
Angels are easily maintained on flake and pellets. Diet is usually a
problem with herbivorous fish that aren't given enough green foods.
But water quality remains a possibility. Cichlids are notoriously
sensitive to Nitrate, so even if the water quality seems good in terms
of Ammonia and Nitrite, if the Nitrate is consistently above 50 mg/l,
cichlids will get sick. Often the Hexamita manifests itself in two
distinct ways: pits on the face and body, and copious white or
transparent faeces. Treating Hexamita requires the drug Metronidazole
(Flagyl); see here:
Because Hexamita is a pain to treat, it's best avoided by doing
lots of water changes and not overstocking aquaria. These two things
keep nitrate levels low.
Cheers, Neale.>
Angelfish listless, stares and won't eat
5/29/08 Hi folks. I recently bought 4 medium sized angelfish from a
highly reputable LFS. Put them in a 125 gallon tank. One of them
disappeared within 2 days and showed up dead about a week later. Two of
them are fine and doing great. The final one stays in the back of the
tank near the filter and just stares at the glass all day. He will not
eat, even if the food comes right near him. Every now and them
he'll venture away from the filter, but not go far, and then come
back. Otherwise, he looks in generally good health...no spots, slime,
etc... No idea what to do with him, but please see the following for an
interesting side note... <Angelfish, and indeed cichlids generally,
are sensitive to water conditions, and one of the first things that
happens when they become sick is their appetite drops. Nitrate for
example is relatively harmless to most community fish, but cichlids
become distinctly stressed by levels as "low" as 50 mg/l, and
in most cases 20 mg/l should be considered the maximum safe
concentration. Nitrate provokes a variety of sicknesses, but Hexamita
infections are particularly common. Alongside loss of appetite,
Hexamita infections often cause changes in colouration, listlessness,
stringy faeces, and eventually death. Odd blisters ("holes in the
head") are also commonly associated with this disease and/or high
nitrate concentrations.> About three months ago, I bought another
three angels from the same store. Two are fine. The third also started
staring off into space, and eventually got what "looked like"
ich and some slime on his body. I quarantined him and tried various
medications (fungus, parasite, ich out, etc), but nothing worked. After
a couple of weeks, he eventually died. <This could easily be
Hexamita or some other bacterial/protozoan infection.> I have been
reading something about a new angel disease called "Siamese
Angelfish Disease" with symptoms similar to what I am seeing.
<Never heard of this, I'm afraid.> Can you tell me what's
going on here, and what I might do for this new Angel before he
progresses to the point of the dead one? <Do review water
conditions, particularly nitrite and nitrate. Also try the obvious
thing: change the food. Not all fish like flake, and most of mine
ignore it. Live foods are risky, but wet frozen foods should be safe.
Frozen bloodworms for example are loved by Angelfish. Live brine shrimp
are safe of course, but their nutritional value is nil.> Thanks!
Larry <Cheers, Neale.>
Sick angel fish -- 03/10/08 Hi. We have a 20
gallon tank, which we set up at the end of November 2007. We have one
angel fish, one Botia, one algae eater (not sure of type), two Serpae
(sp?) tetras, three painted skirt tetras, five neon tetras, and three
Danios. <Serpae Tetras (Hyphessobrycon callistus) and Painted Skirt
Tetras (Gymnocorymbus ternetzi) are both incompatible with Angelfish --
they are notorious fin nippers. In addition, please do not buy painted
fish -- this an incredibly cruel practise where paint is injected into
the muscle blocks without anaesthetic. Many fish die in the process,
and their immune system is measurably compromised. All vets and animal
welfare groups are against it, but the Asian fish farms will keep
performing this sadistic process as long as people keep buying
them.> The tank is lightly planted, with gravel. We feed the fish in
the morning with flakes, some/most evenings with pellets. Once per week
we give them bloodworms. We keep the temperature of the tank at
76F-78F. We do monthly water changes (approximately 25 percent). We
check pH, nitrate, nitrite, and ammonia monthly. <Fine.> About
four or five nights ago, we noticed that for the first time ever, the
tank was crystal clear - it had usually been a little cloudy.
<Sometimes happens. Do a 50% water change, and check the mechanical
filter media isn't due for replacement.> We tested the water
last night. pH was 6.0, ammonia 0, nitrite 0, nitrate 5. Historically,
the pH was at 7.2, and the nitrate was between 5 and 10. We also did
the 25 percent water change last night. Water out of the tap is 7.2; we
usually let the water sit for at least 24 hours, if not three or four
days, before adding it to the tank. <Letting water sit isn't
usually necessary. A good dechlorinator does the job in minutes. Also
remember NEVER use water from a domestic water softener. It is not
acceptable for use in fish tanks (too much sodium).> We are not sure
what caused the pH to drop from 7.2 to 6.0. We plan on checking the pH
again tonight. <OK.> As for the angel fish... we have had the
angel fish for about two months. Two nights ago I noticed that the
angel fish was having trouble defecating (long string that would not
come out all the way). The next morning (yesterday), I found it on its
side near the bottom of the tank. I turned on the light, and it started
swimming again. However, I also noticed that its body was slightly
bent/curved. <Not good.> All yesterday and today, the angel fish
is swimming/floating at a slight angle (maybe 5 to 10 degrees from
vertical), sometimes starts swimming in circles (always in the
direction it is bent/curved) and is bumping into the glass a lot. Will
also go to the top of the tank on occasion, something I never saw
before. I have not seen it on its side, or at the bottom, since
yesterday morning. The condition of the angel fish does not seem to
have gotten worse over the last 24 hours. <Hmm... could be a variety
of things. Difficult to say. Toxins like paint fumes and insect sprays
can cause things like this, but so can ammonia in the water or sudden
changes in pH.> Physically, I do not see anything else wrong with
the fish. Stomach does not appear bloated. No change in coloration.
Eyes appear normal. Any ideas what might be wrong with the fish? Any
ideas what we can do for him? Thanks for any ideas!!! David H. <No
firm ideas... not enough data. My main fear will be that the Serpae
tetras especially will turn on this fish in its weakened state --
Serpae tetras have a "feeding frenzy" behaviour. I'm also
concerned by your mystery "algae eater" -- if this is
Gyrinocheilus aymonieri, this is a fish notorious for its bad temper
and bad habits. It will, for example, suck on the side of Angelfish and
eat their skin! In the meantime, I'd check water chemistry, paying
particular attention to whether or not it varies through the day (e.g.,
do a pH test in the morning and another in the evening). If you can
send a photo some time, that would helps. Cheers, Neale.>
Angelfish Die Off, FW comm. 9/27/07 Hello
<Hi there> I own a live tropical fish store in Michigan and
within the past six months, I have not been able to keep freshwater
angelfish alive. Is there a problem that you know of that is causing
these poor creatures to perish after 72 to 96 hours of arrival?
<Yes... a couple in particular... One, an older plaque of Octomita
that was the causative organism of "Angelfish Disease" years
back... can/should be treated with treatment of existing systems (with
Metronidazole/Flagyl), and strict quarantine and treatment with same
for all questionable/Far East imported angels or angels that may have
come in contact with... The second syndrome is "just
exhaustion/stress" from import... Both situations can/are best
remedied by buying your Angels from local, or as local as you can find,
breeder/s> My suppliers out west will not ship to anyone via plane
because they have had other customers complaining of the same problem.
Six months prior, angels were great, healthy, and eating. Now they come
in looking healthy but within a couple of days, perish. Could it be the
same as with the piranha deal? <Mmm, yes> Thank you! Sincerely,
W.L. <Try the Metronidazole... get folks about you to breed/supply
you... Bob Fenner>
FW Angelfish With Black Spot - 3/7/07
Hello, I just found your site and am very impressed. Thanks
so much for providing the service. I am writing because I am
thinking of buying some freshwater angels at an LFS but they have what
I think may be black spot disease (it is a commentary on the quality of
available freshwater angel stock that I am even considering
it...). The fish appear otherwise extremely
healthy. They eat and are very responsive, but they have
black spots that appear to stick out a bit from the
skin. The spots are black/dark brown and maybe half again as
big as Ich spots would be. I have read so many different
opinions on your FAQ and in other sources that I wanted to ask you
specifically. There seems to be little agreement on what
causes this disease - I have seen suggestions of Paravortex,
Turbellaria, the same disease that causes pop-eye, bacterial and viral
infections, etc. The treatments vary widely, as well (Black
Spot Control, Jungle Parasite Guard, formalin, etc.). I just
wanted to know what the current thinking on treating this disease
is. The LFS owner is willing to try any treatment and my
options for getting good angel stock are extremely
limited. Thanks in advance for any advice you can provide.
Mark < If they are wild angelfish then they may have a parasite that
cannot be treated. The typical South American Black Spot disease
involves a very complex life cycle. The parasites attack the fish and
are actually buried into the flesh and go dormant. In this stage they
cannot be treated. In nature a bird would eat the fish and the
parasites would awake from their dormancy and infect the intestines of
the bird. While in the bird, the parasites would lay eggs that would be
dispersed by the bird droppings. The eggs would hatch and infect snails
or eventually fish to start the cycle all over again. While dormant,
they really don't affect the fish. They just look really bad. If
your fish are domestic then I would try Clout for parasites and
Nitrofurazone for bacterial infections. The Nitrofurazone affects some
fungus types
911 emergency Please Help!!!!
Lots of sick FW Angelfish!! I have been breeding Angelfish for a
couple years now, I have 37 aquariums, <And long and
strong arms from water changes... no doubt!> and 2 of them that are
full of breeder angels and they are SICK, this is the first
time I have had sick fish in the hatchery. Here are the symptoms,
The fish are not as excited to eat, they do not have full control
of how they are swimming. And they are beginning to form a
gray/white film on them, they hold there fins close to
there body, and have lost a lot of color. I have only
lost 2-3 so far and I really want to get control of this
stuff before it kills my fish. There is about $350 worth of
angels in these 2 tanks and they are sick PLEASE HELP!!! I
have been treating them with Life Guard with little success, <Mmm,
one of the ingredients here...> so I am doing a 50% water
change right now to get them some fresh water, it is really
weird though because only the angels get it, not the Plecos or Loaches
or anything. What should I do? I really need some help as
SOON as possible. THANK YOU SOOO MUCH Clint <I do wish that you (and
most all young people on the planet actually) had ready-access to a
cheap microscope... to do a simple look/see at the slime, possibly some
of the insides (of the dead specimens) here... I suspect either
"our old friend/nemesis" Octomita/Hexamita (the causative
organism of FW Angel "plague" some years back, and/or
flukes... Skipping ahead... I would still look into Ed Noga's
"Fish Disease; Diagnosis & Treatment", a QX5 or lower
series microscope, some simple staining gear... (a couple hundred
dollar investment in all... very worthwhile for what all you have
invested here...) and treat (and soon) for both of these... With
Metronidazole/Flagyl AND an Anthelminthic... See WWM, Noga... re
dosages, methods... NOW. Bob
Angelfish With Prolapsed Rectum 12/8/06 Hello--My
kids noticed something weird on our angelfish. They said it looks like
its "guts are coming out its butt" and they're right.
First we thought it was just fish poop, but it looks round (like
'guts') and it's sort of red and white. We have a
'community' tank, 30gal, and have assorted fish in there. We
have a weather loach, wide mouth Pleco (its a small one--won't get
big), a twig catfish, an albino rainbow shark and a big Pleco. It's
probably over crowded, but they all do fine. We've had some of them
for years. The large Pleco we acquired recently. When we got it, I was
careful not to let any of the water from the pet store into the tank.
I'm wondering could we have gotten something bad (disease) in the
tank from him? I am not able to separate him because I don't have
another tank. I am unable to send a pic of the fish. I have tried but
my camera isn't agreeing with me. Do you have any ideas about what
it could be? Thanks--Ellen < Two things could be going on. The first
is the angelfish eats too much at once. Big meal in, big problem on the
other end. Feed your fish once a day and only enough so that all of it
is gone in a couple minutes. Keep the water clean and watch for fungus
or bacterial infection on the extended intestines. If you fish is not
eating then it could be an internal bacterial infection. This should be
treated in a separate tank with Metronidazole and Nitrofuranace or
Angelfish dying 7/18/06 Hi Crew,
<<Hi, Aaron. Tom>> Recently I have set up a tropical tank.
The tank is 23L big and has already be filtered for over 1 week. Just
yesterday I have placed 4 angelfishes inside, they are all very small.
<<Angelfish won't stay "small", Aaron. Perhaps you
already had future plans to upgrade. These fish would need
approximately ten times the size aquarium that you placed them in. Size
alone isn't the reason for this, though. Angelfish are very
sensitive to their water conditions. Only a sufficiently large tank can
afford them the "stability" that they require to survive and
thrive. Also, these fish need a fully cycled aquarium. One week is not
nearly long enough to completely cycle even a 23L aquarium.>> I
do not have a clue why they died the next day like in the afternoon,
but I'll tell you what happened. <<Okay.>> I tested
everything like pH and everything was all good.
<<"Good" is too subjective a term when we're trying
to help someone, Aaron. If you would, in the future, please provide us
with specific readings particularly on ammonia, nitrite, nitrate and pH
levels. These are the "Big Four", so to speak. Anything else
you can share will undoubtedly help us even more.>> The 1 problem
I think was my filter. My filter is really, really loud. Something is
wrong with it, but it works perfectly fine. <<Not being sarcastic
but, it doesn't sound like it, Aaron.>> It sounds like this
loud vibration sound within the motor or something. But I placed them
into the tank in the afternoon. At night, when I was going to sleep, I
turned off the filter because it was too noisy. <<I understand
but this probably wasn't the best thing to do.>> The next day
when I woke up they were all very lively and swimming happily. So I
turned on the filter and went to school. When I got back from school,
which is around 7 hours later, 2 of them were already nearly dead,
getting sucked by the filter. After around 3 more hours the other 2
just started to die as well, falling onto their sides. So, what do you
guys think they died from? Was it because of the really loud filter
machine? Btw, the filter machine was a Jebo brand. <<Quite a few
possibilities here, Aaron...unfortunately. First, the combination of an
uncycled tank coupled with the filter being shut down overnight may
have led to a dramatic ammonia "spike". (Frankly, the filter
being turned off wouldn't have prevented a spike in ammonia but it
may have reduced the effect somewhat.) Second, your fish may have been
sick when you purchased them though I might have thought this would
take a little longer to manifest itself. Third, the vibration in your
filter motor may have caused it to overheat excessively, raising the
water temperature beyond what your fish could tolerate. In conjunction
with this, the constant vibration may have proved too much for them to
tolerate, as well. In short, they may have been stressed to death. (Of
the three I've noted, I believe the third is the most likely.)
I'm also going to surmise that your filter is one of Jebo's
"internal" types based on the size of your tank so the fourth
possibility I might envision would be an electrical wiring problem at
the motor causing both the "vibration" and an excessive
amperage draw. This "may" have led to an electric current
being introduced into your tank. Could be imperceptible to you and me
but deadly to your fish. My recommendations? Throw the filter into the
trash or get your money back. Don't purchase any more fish until
you research them thoroughly to see what type of environment they - at
adult size! - require. Research cycling an aquarium and don't add
any fish to one that hasn't been completely cycled. (We all make
mistakes. The trick is to avoid duplicating them.) ;)>> Thanks
guys <<You're welcome, Aaron. Tom>>
Freshwater Angelfish
Finrot 4/9/06 I have 2 angels along with one huge
goldfish which should be moving away in a few days (my moms co-worker
wants him), <Good... mis-mixed here> 1 Gourami, 4 platys and 2
Corys in a 37 gallon tank. One angelfish's' tail, about 2 weeks
after I got him from PetSmart, started to disintegrate. <Likely
stress and poor environment in combo. working here> I asked around
and someone told me it was Finrot. <A description, like your having
a "fever" or "cold" that tells little to nothing re
root cause/s> At that point I had him in a quarantine tank because I
didn't know what it was. That was about 2 months ago. I did a water
change and everything was fine except for nitrate which is still
extremely high! His tail did stop disintegrating and it had gotten so
bad that you could see part of his back, very close to his tail because
everything was gone! It started to grow back and it still is really
really slowly! Seriously, I have been waiting for it to get better for
2 months and it has only grown back about maybe 1/2 a centimeter! I
know nothing is disturbing him that I can see because my other
angelfish was getting it too on his tail, but it stopped soo much
faster, But even with him the recovery has been slow, He still has much
of a tail and it seems nothing is wrong with him but if you look real
close you can see that at the top and the bottom of his tail, he has 2
strings showing how long his tail was. Nothing seems to be happening to
either of their tails and I hope they will get better because the one
definitely looks terrible without his tail! Is there anything I can do?
Marc <Read... on WWM re FW Angel Disease, Systems... Bob
Mysterious Death In A
Long-Established System - 11/05/2005 Hello to all - I have a
question about my freshwater aquarium, but before that, I would like to
thank all of you for sharing your knowledge and advice. <Your
kind words are so very appreciated.... Thank you.> I have WWM
dailies as my homepage and every morning, before I do anything else
(except turn on my aquarium lights and say hello to my buddies, of
course) I read through your questions. I have used your search tool
many times, rather than asking directly, and I find all the answers I
need, and more! <Ahh, delightful! Would love to know how to
make this easier/more obvious to other folks....> I can't seem
to find the answer to this mystery though, so please forgive me if I
have overlooked. <No worries.> I am not new to fishkeeping,
but everyday there is something more to learn, I know. <As
with everything in life. May I always be ignorant, that I have
something to look forward to learning!> I also know, learned from my
30+ years of aquarium keeping experience and confirmed through your
advice on WWM, that regular water changes, patience and quarantine will
practically guarantee success. I haven't lost a fish in 8 1/2 years
until today and I am devastated because I loved my baby. <Oh dear.
So sorry to hear this....> Here goes: 125 fully planted tank, magnum
canister filter w/ carbon changes every 2 wks, output powering 2
BioWheels, set up for 4 years. 10 gallon water change on Mondays, 5
gallon on Thursdays, just a siphon water change-not a gravel vacuum
because the tank is so heavily planted. <All sounds great so
far.> This tank has been running for 5 yrs, set up because my
angelfish in the 55 gallon was really tall and I wanted him to have
more room. His tankmates were 3 lemon tetras and 1 upside down catfish
in the 55g. I regularly change light bulbs for the plants, prune them
weekly, feed very sparingly, if at all. I have the 55 still set up with
spare plants, thinned from the big tank, and I sell them to pets shops
and give them to others. <Excellent!> Only fish in the 55 until
recently was small school of zebra Danios to keep it interesting. For
some reason, I thought my 5 fish in the 125 g needed friends after 5
years <I admit, your stocking scheme is actually more conservative
than my own. Surprising.> and so went to the LFS and bought 6 neon
tetras, 5 Cory cats, 3 guppies and 4 Otocinclus cats. These new fish
were placed in quarantine in the 55 for almost 7 weeks
(patience). <Patience, indeed!> After the quarantine, and
everybody still was in great shape, I transferred the newbies in with
the old timers. The big community was all happy for 2 wks, then,
horror, my 8 1/2 year old Andy angelfish died. <Devastating.... I am
so sorry....> He had just been hovering in the corner for the last 2
days and hadn't been coming up and eating the little pinch of
frozen bloodworms from my fingers like he did every morning for the
last 8 yrs. Andy was very big-much bigger than the palm of my
husband's hand and kind of old, I guess, for a fish.
<Yes.> I don't know what the lifespan of an angelfish
is. <'Bout Andy's age. They can live for a long time,
but Andy was a ripe oldster.> I took him out, did an emergency 25%
water change, started my search on WWM, and looked over to see my 3
lemon tetras (5 yrs old) hovering in the same corner. <Hmm....
perhaps coincidence.... and, on the other hand, perhaps not.> They
didn't come up to eat even, and they are piglets.
<Disconcerting, to be sure.> Everyone else is having a ball-even
the upside down catfish (also 8 1/2 yrs). So, my questions: Was Andy
just so stressed out because his world had changed? <Mm, I do
suspect disease.... perhaps viral.... or pathogenic.... My thoughts
here: Your five fish had not had anything "new" in some
years. No introduction of "normal" pathogens that are
ever-present on nearly all fish to some minor degree. This
long-established, healthy system may have just been too
"healthy".... perhaps the new livestock had something that
they brought with them, not in virulent amounts, that transferred to
your angel, who was perhaps free of whatever it was for several years.
As old as the fellow was, it took him out. This is all just
speculation.... but is my first best guess.> Could I have done
anything differently? <No, hon. You could not have foreseen
something like this. You did everything perfectly.> Are my lemon
tetras traumatized too? What is their lifespan? <Mm, tetras
for the most part are MUCH shorter-lived than fish like angels.... if
these guys are 8.5 years old, not only will I be surprised, but
I'll be moving into your fish tank in short order, in the hopes of
extending my own lifespan.> Should I try to remove them or will that
just cause everybody to go nuts? <If they are exhibiting
obvious signs of illness, I would strongly consider removing them to a
quarantine system to observe them apart from the other, healthy
livestock.> Sorry for the novel, but I am just stumped (and very
upset). <Completely understandable.> Thanks so much. You
guys are great. <As are you.> I need a poster of Bob and
Anthony and the whole crew to put up in my fish room. <Hey, now
that's not a bad idea! Maybe we should have a
"centerfold" Crewmember in the CA online mag, eh? (grin)>
Patty <Wishing you well, -Sabrina>
Mysterious Death In A Long-Established System - II
- 11/07/2005 Sabrina- thanks so much for your insight about my
fish traumas. Sadly to say, my lemon tetras have passed on. Andy and
Flipper (the upside down catfish were and are 8 1/2 years old. The
lemon tetras were barely 5 yrs old, their records going back to
October, 2000. (I consider the day I bought my fish as their
birthday!) <Wow. Some geriatric characins, I think. I'm not so
knowledgeable about characins, but I do think that's pretty aged
for most smaller tetras....> I had not really considered that
these old timers had lived in a "bubble" and thus were not
able to fight off normal fish pathogens. <Again, just a
theory.> As I said, I will always be learning. <As will
I/we.> You all have convinced me that saltwater isn't as hard
as I had always heard it to be, and I have had a healthy tank going
now for over a year. Water changes and even more patience required
than freshwater, huh? <Mm, yeah, pretty much.> I also
have a very low stocking scheme in the saltwater half of my fish
room, as you advise, and I have never had a problem. <Ahh,
very good!> I don't believe I will be adding any new fish
though. I'll just set up another tank! (good excuse) Thanks again
for your time and generosity in sharing your knowledge, Patty <And
thank you again for your kind words.... All the best, -Sabrina>
Fish Illness I breed angelfish and recently a
couple of juvies developed redness around the mouth between the eyes.
They were in a cichlid tank (they were fish I was culling) with two
cichlids and a handful of feeder fish, Rosies. I removed the juvies
because of the redness thinking the angels were too big for the
cichlids to consume. I put them in with approx. 50 other juvies who are
now getting the same symptoms redness, not active, sometimes staying at
the top and within two days are dying. At a closer look at the Rosies,
a few were "bent" looking. Not having straight bodies. The
only thing I've found online that maybe wrong is fish tank
granuloma. <careful here... the possibility of mycobacterium too.
Contagious to you (bent spine symptoms... Fish TB)> Is it possible
this is what's wrong? <does not seem likely to be granuloma at
all> Thank you for your time, Stacey <alas... still too difficult
to diagnose here without seeing the fish/symptoms. Let me suggest for a
good general reference, Untergasser's "Handbook of Fish
Diseases" or for something much more involved, the new work by
Noga. Plenty of pictures therein both to help with the diagnosis. Best
regards, Anthony>
Sick Angels Hello all, I had a breeding pair
of freshwater angelfish, they had been in a 80 gal community tank, but
the bickering with other angels was becoming a problem for the fins, so
I moved them to their own 29 gal (temp 84, ph 8.2ish, no ammonia,
cycled sponges for bio-filters, 80% water changes every other day)
<Temp should really be no higher than 80, pH is a bit high too, it
should be under 8.0 although if the old tank was also kept at 8.2 this
shouldn't be a problem. The water changes may also be a bit on the
drastic side, even for a new tank. Really, no more than 50% every other
day or 25% daily until the tank is fully cycled would be the best. And
be sure to make sure the new water is properly conditioned before
adding it to the tank. You say no ammonia but what about nitrites?>
Very shortly after that, the female developed long, grey strings of
slime hanging off of her and her fins got very ragged, 2 days or so
after that, her eyes got cloudy and she would not eat. She just drifted
around the tank at the top, breathing hard, but not gasping. Then the
male started to show the same signs. Day before yesterday (about 1 1/2
weeks from onset of symptoms) the female died. <Possibly a bacterial
infection of some sort. Take a look at http://www/wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/fwfshparasites.htm
> Treatments I tried are - Salt bath, 1 tbsp per gal for 20 min
- then simultaneously -parasite clear - super sulfa for 5
days, the 90% water change and then Clout by itself, now I am using
only Maracyn, 1 tab per 10 gal every other day, I am on day three, and
the male is not getting any worse, but not better either, and has not
eaten for over a week now, I am also using a fair amount of slime coat
stuff to help him retain at least some slime (water conditioner by
Proquatics) but his eyes are not showing any sign of clearing....
Help!!! <Check the above link and try treating
with a medication for bacterial diseases.> Thank you in advance,
Aimee <You're welcome! Ronni>
Re: Sick Angels Ronni - re the sick angels....
<Good morning> If you assume the grey slime is a normal
stress/parasite/adverse conditions reaction, it is no wonder they
stayed with a combination of high pH, mega water changes with water of
undetermined quality and a battery of salt and
treatments. Add to this slime coat - well this doesn't
'retain' slime, it merely 'encourages' its production -
these fish must be sweating slime! Your comments - am I talking
'jibe'? Wayne Oxborough <I really do think the slime is
being produced in such great quantities because of all of the
treatments and such. Recommended course of action for now is to run
carbon for a day and then treat only with a single medication as
suggested at http://www/wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/fwfshparasites.htm
. This should help slow down the production of slime and hopefully also
treat what is ailing them. Ronni>
Angel Losses For years, I had beautiful
angelfish in Indiana. But here in Sun City, Az. they have been dying.
INFO- 20 gal. tank. Bio filter for up to 30 gals plus air stone. Tank
has been up for two and a half months and cycled. Some plastic plants
but live plants are doing great. Temp-82. Test as of
tonight: Nitrate-40 Nitrite-0 Hardness-150 Alkalinity-120 PH-7.6
Ammonia-0. Added fish tank salt as directed. <Okay, so
far, so good, but a 20 gallon tank is far too small for angels, unless
you're doing a bare-bottom breeding setup for one mated pair of
angels, and no other fish.> Have had 6 little angels and 2 Cory cats
in the tank for the last month but--I would lose one or two angels one
week, replace, etc. <It's not a good idea to replace fish that
have died until you know what it was that killed them, or you'll
run the risk of the new fish getting sick with the same thing.> For
the last week or 10 days, all has been great, then 4 angels dead one
morning. I only feed them as much as their "eye", change 15%
of the water once every week. Have had the water tested at different
pets stores. They say every thing is good but the angels still die.
<It's really hard to say what's going on without knowing any
symptoms. Please do let us know what you're seeing
happen with them; look for frayed fins, grayish or filmy skin, labored
breathing, disorientation, or just absolutely anything amiss, and
hopefully we can help you diagnose what's going on.> This is
getting very depressing. Hope you can help me as you have others.
Thanks, Lorraine <Will certainly try
to!! -Sabrina>
Angelfish in general Hello, My name is Michael
Hoefnagel and my family recently bought me an angelfish for my aquarium
as a gift. However I know very little about angle fish thus and your
website was very helpful in answering most of my questions. I do
however seem to have a problem I have a single angle and it seems to
just float at the top of my tank and kind of moves with the current. He
has not at this point eaten anything... Is there something wrong with
my fish and if so is there anything I can do? < You tank should be
at about 80 F. Check for white spots or any other signs of disease. Try
offering some brine shrimp to get him to eat. It doesn't sound like
normal angelfish behavior. Watch the other fish too. This angelfish
could be a carrier of disease to the other fish.-Chuck> Thanks for
your help Michael Hoefnagel
Angelfish Problems I've been having
trouble keeping Freshwater Angelfish. When I am at my LFS they look
healthy, but within a matter of a day or two they die. Why is this? I
thought these are hardy fish. pH is acidic (slightly) and no trace of
ammonia, nitrite, or nitrate. The temp is 76-78 and it is a 29-gallon
tank. The fish are usually 1/2"-2" long. Can you help me?
Jahner < Young angelfish are actually pretty delicate. Especially
some color forms like black angels. I would recommend that the next
time you get silver or marble colored angels. Place them in a small
tank like a quarantine or hospital tank and feed them well. I like to
use live California black worms or baby brine shrimp to get a good
solid protein meal inside them. This goes a long way to your fish
building up their immune system. In a 29 gallon they may have trouble
finding food or competing with smaller but much faster
Angelfish Trouble.. F/W? S/W? Hi.
<Hello, MikeB here.> I bought an Angelfish almost a week
ago and I have kept the conditions excellent in my tank. I have a 50
gallon tank and not too many other fish. I feed my Angelfish as
directed from the pet store but suddenly it is having a buoyancy
problem and wedging himself behind my filter and I'm not sure how
to help it or if I can. I would really like to know if there is
anything I can do to help him other then possibly wait a couple days to
feed him to see if maybe it was a problem with overfeeding. Thanks,
Krissie. <Krissie, it sounds like a swim bladder problem. I would
try using one tablespoon of Epsom salt per ten gallons of water and not
feed your angelfish for a couple of days. Good Luck.
Angelfish with Acne There are three pinhead
size bumps about 2 MM apart just below the left eye of my fish,
He's almost 10 inches from top of fin to bottom (Angel Fish) he
doesn't seem to be acting weird but I'm sure they are not
supposed to be there. They don't look like Ich more like tiny white
teeth coming from the inside of his head if that give you a better
image. Please Help John < Your angelfish has probably scraped
himself on a rock, piece of wood or a plant stem. This could even be
caused by you fish attempting to get some food out of the gravel. It is
probably a bacterial infection followed up by a fungal infection. I
would isolate the fish in a hospital tank and treat with Nitrofurazone.
It will take care of both problems.-Chuck>
FW, Angelfish woes/Less than pristine water
conditions 9/23/05 My angelfish has been hiding in a log
lying down. Sometimes she is up in the corner above bubble
bar. <Is she gasping, this is often a sign of poor oxygen
concentration in the tank, you may need to increase aeration and water
changes.> She got stuck in the lava rock last night due to her being
to larger for such a small hole. <Ouch, I would remove the rock to
avoid this in the future, the stress alone can lead to demise no to
mention the physical damage.> I am not sure how long she was stuck
because she was like that when I came home after 8 hours. I managed to
get her out but now she is lying down and another fish was nibbling on
her fins. <Has this aggression been persistent or is the first time
you have observed it?.> She is a year old. I have put her
in a tank alone now but she still lies down but will swim around when
you pick up the bowl she is in. We tested the water the
ammonia level is more than 1.0 but less than 2.5 <Sounds
like the tank she is in/has not gone through the nitrogen cycle, that
ammonia reading is enough to kill any fish, I would start performing
LARGE water changes to compensate. And see here for more detail about
the nitrogen cycle.
. Also if your LFS has a product called Bio-Spira I would purchase
some. This product contains live bacteria to help out in your cycling
process.> The pH is less than 6.2 the water was yellow. <The
color is likely form dissolved organic compounds in the
water.> The Nitrite is 0.05. What do I Need to do to my
water and what will help my angelfish? <Change a large amount of the
tank volume, I would do 50% daily or twice a day for the next week or
so, make sure to use a dechlorinator such as Amquel to treat tap water.
Running Carbon is not a bad idea either.> Please help I
do not want to lose her or any of my other fish. <Understandable,
Adam J.>
In Response to Angelfish Woes Thanks for
replying so quick. <No problem, I know how it is to see one of your
specimens suffering. Its not a good feeling.> We are
going to do the water changes. <Awesome!> We had a
Couple months ago did a good cleaning on the tank and had some distress
and we did several water changes and seemed fine after
that. The water test was good. <For best
results/stability try doing a water change once every 2 weeks, every
week if you can, 10-20% of your tanks water volume would be a great
start.> As far as the aggression with the fish that was the first
time for that. I think it was just because she is ill.
<Im inclined to agree.> I have read your site about the Bio-Spira
and I will get some. I have an hour drive to the nearest
store but I will be doing whatever I need to save my fish.
<I admire your dedication.> I have 17 fish. Again
thank you so much for helping me. You are a great site for
help and do not keep people waiting. <We try our best.>
I will recommend you to others I know when they need help
or just want to read up on things. <Thank you very much, responses
like this one make it all worth it, wishing you and your critters well,
Adam J.>
Bloated Angelfish 8/30/05 HELP!!!! My angel
fish is so filled with gas, he looks like he's
swallowed a ping-pong ball....what should I do? More antibiotics? <
The Metronidazole should have done the trick , but it appears that
either the conditions that caused the bloat are still in place or the
Metronidazole was ineffective. At this point I would switch to a double
dose of a Nitrofurazone medication in a hospital tank or to Clout as a
last shot.-Chuck.>
Bloated Angelfish 8/31/05 Thanks for
quick response - he's sooooo sick. By the way, another web site
suggests: if one is either trained to handle fish or is a veterinarian,
one could try putting a small pin hole into the bladder to allow
the gas to escape.... as a last-ditch effort - he's probably about
to die should I try this? Anne < I guess it is worth a try if you
have nothing to lose. Most of the time the trauma kills the fish. Try
it if you think all hope is lost and write back if it
Angelfish Going to Heaven 8/16/05 I love
this web site! you guys are so helpful! I'm so confused right now.
I've been doing freshwater aquariums now for about 5 yrs and have
never come across what is happening with my fish tank now. I have a 125
gallon aquarium, right now i only have 2 blood parrots, 2 angel fish, 1
rainbow shark, and 1 Kribensis. My problem is with the angel fish. I
use to have 4 angel fish. 2 were about silver dollar size, and I had
them a while longer, and the other 2 were about quarter size and newer.
One of the bigger ones became ill and was floating at the top, not
eating. He died. Then the other big one also came down with the same
symptoms, except we actually saw her cough up blood and have blood come
out of her gills. We knew which were male and female because they had
bred shortly before. I had my water tested and everything, and
everything was perfect. We did a water change, added copper safe, and
treated with an antibiotic. None of my other fish were acting strange.
Now about a month later, my smaller angel fish are about silver dollar
size, and one has started doing the exact same thing as the other two
did before they died. And I'm sure my last one will do it too. They
also bred shortly before becoming ill. The only thing I can see causing
this is that they were a bad batch from the store. All my other fish
were bought from different stores except for my angel fish, they were
all bought from one store, and they are the only ones with these
symptoms. I'm not sure what I should do. There is no aggression
going on in the tank. I have had blood parrots and angel fish together
for years and they get along great. It has been about a month or so
since my first angel fish died. Do you guys have any ideas? or any
suggestions for what i should do? like I said, my water is good, we did
a water change just a few days ago, and added the dechlorinator, and we
have copper safe in there, and treated it just a few weeks ago with
antibiotics. Thank You So Much!! < If the fish died shortly after
they bred then they must have been in pretty good shape to breed. The
stress of breeding may have lead to an internal bacterial infection.
Domestic angelfish don't have too much resistance to disease. I
would treat them for internal anaerobic bacterial infection with
Metronidazole as per the directions on the
FW Angelfish with Swimming Problems 7/19/05
Hi: I hope I didn't miss the answer on your website, but if I did,
apologies ahead of time. I have an angel fish - silver striped,
freshwater - who has air bladder disease. At least I think that's
what it is. He's lying on his side, trying so hard to swim. He eats
when he can upright himself. I have put him in a hospital tank, away
from his obnoxious co-specimens - two other angel fish, same species,
who were picking on him. (If he lives, I will not return him to
the big tank. He can have the hospital tank and I'll
find him new friends.) Anyway, the main tank is 75 gallons with two
filters (the 500 size.) I have about 15 fish in there,
mostly small tropicals, half dozen neon tetras, some penguin tetras,
and five plain vanilla tetras - pale in color. I also have a
so-called Tri-Color shark and one Pleco. I had a terrible
case of free-floating algae - months and months of green water and
finally got rid of it about two weeks ago. A day or two later, just
when I thought things were finally OK, my poor angel fish was bobbing
around on his side. I am treating him with antibiotics (gram-positive
Maracyn) and just began treating him with a gram-negative medication
(Maracyn II.) Is there anything else you can suggest I do? This fish is
the only one I've ever owned that actually had a personality -
he's trying really hard to survive - and I'd like to help
him if I can. Anne S. < Keep in the isolation tank and treat with
Metronidazole. The key to a successful recovery is quick treatment.
Once the fish is eating you should be home free.-Chuck>