FAQs on Freshwater Angelfish Disease/Health
FAQs on Angelfish Disease:
Angelfish Disease 1,
Freshwater Angel Disease 2,
FW Angel Disease 3,
FW Angel Health 5, FW Angel Health 6,
FW Angel Health 7,
FW Angel Health 8,
FW Angel Health 9,
FAQs on Angelfish Disease by Category:
Nutritional (e.g. HLLE),
Infectious (Virus, Bacterial,
Fungal), Parasitic (Ich, Velvet...),
Related Articles: Freshwater Angels, Discus, Juraparoids, Neotropical Cichlids, African Cichlids, Dwarf South American Cichlids, Asian Cichlids, Cichlid Fishes in General,
Related FAQs: Angels 1, Angels
2, Angelfish Identification, Angelfish Behavior, Angelfish Compatibility, Angelfish Selection, Angelfish Systems, Angelfish Feeding, Angelfish Reproduction, & FAQs on:
Wild Angels (P. altum),
Cichlids of the
World, Cichlid Systems,
Cichlid Identification, Cichlid Behavior, Cichlid Compatibility, Cichlid Selection, Cichlid Feeding, Cichlid Disease, Cichlid Reproduction,

Angelfish lying flat on bottom
of tank 11/18/09
Hello WWM,
<Hello Barbara,>
I'm sorry to bother you, but I did look through your site, and
could not find my exact problem.
I saw lots of entries on fish lying flat, but nothing specific to what
I am observing. I have a 44 gallon tank, established since March 2009.
It contains two angelfish that are full brothers, and are two years old
as of
this past September. It also houses four Congo tetras, a Bristlenose
Pleco, and a 6" lace catfish (Synodontis). (the fish besides the
angels are recent "rescued" fish and temporary) Everyone gets
along fine.
<As they should; this sounds like a nice combo. I happen to like
Lace Synos a lot myself, and it's shame these bigger Synodontis
aren't more widely kept.>
One angel has grown since I put them in this tank last March, and is
now about 4" across. The other one has not grown at all, (it is
about 2.5 to 3" across), and has slowly gotten thinner and
thinner, although he appears to eat well.
<Ah... I see. Often with farmed Angels you have problems with
"wasting diseases" of various types, sometimes worms,
sometimes bacterial.>
Previous to this, he was a big eater, and grew at the same rate.
<Can also be simply a social thing. Angelfish are not gregarious. If
you have two males, one *will* become dominant. As such, he'll take
more food than his brother.>
For the past two weeks, he now lies flat on the bottom of the tank,
breathing hard
<Now, this is serious...>
When I feed, he will struggle to swim up to the surface, and eat food
in a very enthusiastic manner, as if he is starving.
<I would put in his own tank (10 gallons upwards) and feed
separately from the other Angel. In the hospital tank, treat the Angel
with Metronidazole and Nitrofurazone as per the packaging.>
I feed sinking granules by Tetra, Tetra Crisps, and frozen brine
shrimp, along with a few "treat" foods such as freeze dried
Tubifex worms from time to time and freeze dried baby shrimp. There are
no other signs of
Water quality is 8.0 for pH (he is captive bred and was bred in local
waters with similar pH), 0 ammonia, 0 nitrite, 10ppm nitrate. Water is
ground spring water, but I use AquaSafe with each water change, and
other chemicals. Filtration is for up to a 70 gallon tank, partial
water changes, and vacuuming of 25% every two to four weeks.
<All sounds fine.>
As I believed he had an internal bacterial infection, I have tried
treating with Maracyn Two and Maracyn.
<These two aren't terribly effective... they're sort of like
penicillin... good for some stuff, but less so for others, especially
drug-resistant strains.>
He seemed to get stronger for a day or so after treating with Maracyn,
but has grown weaker since. I work at UPG Aquatics, and am an
experienced fish keeper. I have kept reef tanks, biotope systems,
community systems as well as a 3,500 gallon pond. From discus to
corals, and have never had a fish act like this. Usually, once a fish
gets to this point, they seem to perish in a day or so.
This fish is fighting for his life. Normally, I would just humanely
euthanize the fish, but he shows so much fight.
<May still be necessary.>
In any case, I typically do not use medications, except in extreme
cases, and do not want to just throw more in without any positive
results. I am now thinking parasites, but I don't see how he could
have gotten them.
<May well have shipped with them. Some evidence things like Hexamita
are endemic to cichlids, and only cause problems under certain
Stress caused by fighting between the two Angels could well be the
Can you help me?
<Hope this helps, Neale.>
RE: angelfish lying flat on bottom of tank...
Hello Neale,
<Hello Barbara,>
Thank you for your reply.
<Always happy to help.>
I will try the meds you have suggested.
<Chuck certainly recommends these two medications for treating
diseases of this type. I can't vouch for them from personal
experience, since they aren't available in the UK without a
Hopefully, he isn't too far gone.
<I hope so too.>
<Good luck, Neale.>
RE: angelfish lying flat on bottom of tank
Hi Neale,
Well, I don't know who Chuck is,
<Charles "Chuck" Rambo... one of the American crewmembers,
and a noted cichlid expert; see here:
but I did want to say I was a bit surprised at your comment on the
Mardel products.
<Not sure I said anything about them... merely that Maracyn is a
good standby antibiotic, but doesn't cure everything, certainly not
protozoan infections. While some Mardel products are sold in the UK,
antibiotics are not, as is actually the case virtually everywhere
except in the US. I've had discussions with vets about whether
over-the-counter antibiotics are a good thing, and they seem divided.
There are arguments to be made on both sides. On the one hand, it's
more convenient and often cheaper to buy antibiotics from a pet store
rather than from a vet. So that reduces suffering and improves fish
survival rates. But on the other hand there are legitimate concerns
that misuse of antibiotics can create long term problems with drug
resistance, especially given that dosing with antibiotics reliably is
beyond the abilities of most aquarists (how many aquarists know how
much their fish weigh?).>
I have used them for over 20 years with great success in most cases.
They have only failed me once. The company I work for makes a few
medications, two of which are the ones you recommended, so I did a
water change last night and introduced them.
He still looks pretty bad this morning, so it may be too late, but
we'll see. He's hanging on anyway. You guys are great. I
recommend you to our customers daily. (I'm in technical support,
and have been for 18 years) I don't usually need to ask for help
with a fish tank, but this poor fish has me stumped. Thanks again for
all your assistance.
<I'm happy to help.>
<Cheers, Neale.>
RE: angelfish lying flat on bottom of tank
Interesting that antibiotics are only sold OTC here in the States. I
didn't know that.
<Indeed the case, at least in Europe and Canada. I dare say in
Somalia the law isn't quite to strict!>
I had heard that hydrogen peroxide was popular in Europe though.
<Not for treating fish... fairly nasty stuff!>
I typically don't use any antibiotics these days, I gave that up a
while ago, until this guy got so sick. In most cases, a water change
takes care of any problems I have in my tanks.
That didn't help this time, and since he is fighting so hard, I
decided to try to save him. I suspect he will need to be humanely
destroyed though.
I'll make that decision tonight.
<I understand.>
Anyway, seriously, your site is wonderful, you guys are great, and I
recommend you to newbies all the time, who have all sorts of questions
about their new hobby.
Take care and keep up the great work,
<I plan to, and I will try to...>
<Cheers, Neale.>
Marble Veil Angelfish with reoccurring Fin Rot
Hello There, I hope you can help me, as I have gained valuable
information from your site many times.
<I'll do my best to help!>
I have had an angelfish for approximately a year and a half. I
got it when it was about the size of a quarter, it is now full
grown to approximately 6 inches, well almost, if not for her tail
<That's a pretty good growth rate! So you're probably
doing most of the right things already. Angelfish are fairly
hardy, but the veil-tail forms are, unfortunately, that bit more
delicate than the short-fin sort.>
The fish had torn fins when I purchased her long ago, which I did
not notice until the next few days after I got it. Long story
short, she continues to have it, get better, then get it again,
and tail has never been completely full. I have tried everything
that has been suggested on line including medications, water
conditions, weekly tank and filter maintenance. Proper and varied
<The thing with veil-tail fish of any kind is that they
don't have "natural" fins. The blood flow and
immune system evolution produced for these fish is adequate for
fish with regular fins, but with long-finned types, these systems
are overloaded. It's a bit like why shorthair cats can
usually groom themselves just fine, but longhair cats invariably
need help from humans, otherwise they get furballs. So with
veil-tail Angels you need
to be that bit more solicitous in terms of water quality.>
She has always eaten like a piggy, and seems okay, except for the
tell tail sign of fin loss and fin ray loss, and occasional white
edged rays, and tissue, etc. One individual from allexperts.com,
whom I sent a photo
to, told me these were just pimples, like we get, and she looked
healthy, also that the fins will slough off several times after
medicating, and once medicated the fin rot will not come back. I
don't buy it, this is not
<I would broadly agree. While fish certainly can get pimples
and harmless cysts, just like any other animal, in this case,
I'd be a little more open minded. Specifically, Finrot begins
with the development of tiny blockages in the blood vessels that
go through the fin membrane. These swell up, becoming obviously
off-white lumps, and then eventually when all the tissue dies
because of the blocked blood flow, you see the red inflamed
tissue underneath. With no more blood, the nearby skin tissue
dies, and that's why the fin membrane erodes.>
I have tried the medications as follows: Jungle Fungus tabs,
Maracyn TC; Maracyn II; Melafix; Pimafix; Furan; Jungle
Anti-bacterial Food, CopperSafe, Quick Cure.
<Not all of these are Finrot medications, in particular things
that combat fungus or Protozoans won't do any good at all.
But more importantly, if the aquarium conditions aren't
"just right", the disease will keep coming back.
It's important to realise that the bacteria that cause Finrot
are present in all aquaria. They do good, even! They're part
of the nitrogen cycle, breaking down organic material (such as
uneaten food) into the ammonia that the filter bacteria handles.
The problem is that if your fish are stressed, their immune
system weakens, and these otherwise harmless bacteria are
"allowed" to digest healthy fish tissue as well as
their usual dead
All these medications, followed directions to the "T",
then no medications and just clean water and good husbandry,
throughout the year and a half.
The fish should be dead already with all the medication. I just
don't get it. Tank is 29 gallon; No Ammonia, No Nitrites, 5
ppm Nitrates. PH 6.8. Soft GH/KH. One HOT Micro Magnum Filter (I
reduce the out take with something to cut flow, so I don't
blow fish out of tank) for a 55 gallon tank, and one Whisper Bio
Filter for a 30 gallon tank, so plenty of circulation and
<While the water quality sounds good, I'd perhaps try
testing the ammonia or nitrite across one day, maybe every 3-4
hours, to see if there are any spikes caused by, for example,
feeding. I'd also see how stable the pH is from water change
to water change, testing every couple of days. While soft water
sounds good in principle, in practise soft water aquaria often
exhibit pH swings (declines) as background acidification
overtakes the ability of the carbonate hardness (the critical
bit!) to compensate.>
Tank holds only the Angelfish and four Amano Shrimp, which just
got added recently, after quarantine, of course. I was thinking
of using Maracyn Plus next, its supposed to be okay for the
shrimp. Please HELP. I don't want her tail eaten up to her
imminent death, I fear this will eventually happen.
<I would look closely for the tell-tale lumps in the fin
tissue before doing anything else. Sometimes, veil-tail animals
have a ragged appearance, and there's nothing at all you can
do about it. But if there are lumps in
the fin, or patches of redness, then that's a key sign of
Not to mention I am very anal and want the fish and animals I
care for happy and healthy. In addition, I just did a water
chemistry and the Nitrates are no Zero as well. Thank you again.
<Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Marble Veil Angelfish with reoccurring Fin Rot
Thanks Neale. I am assuming then you suggest no more medications,
and just make sure my PH, Ammonia, Nitrite are not fluctuating
throughout the day?
<Not quite. I mean, don't use medications "at
random", hoping one of them will work. Instead, decide what
the problem is (and it sounds like Finrot) and treat accordingly.
Maracyn is a good starting point, but if it doesn't work,
switch to Maracyn II; between them, these two different
antibiotics handle most of the bacteria that cause Finrot. Some
other products are listed here:
Although we've added Melafix to the table, it's not
really all that useful, and is at best a preventative rather than
a cure.>
If I decide to medicate again, what do you suggest I use this
<Initially, Maracyn seems to work in many instances.>
Some more questions, if I may? I have a 14 gal quarantine tank,
which has Ick for second time. The second batch of fish, as
follows: 5 Black Neon, 3 Leopard Cory, 1 Guppy toddler, and 1
Cardinal Neon. I started with CopperSafe, but then read on
"Kordon's" site that new research finds that copper
is not good for the fish, and not to use it. As we both know Cory
and tetras are delicate, so I am now using the natural "Ich
Attack" medication from Kordon.
<Copper isn't necessarily dangerous, but yes, it is a
toxic. If used as indicated on the bottle, most fish aren't
bothered by copper-based medications. There are some exceptions
though, notably Clown Loaches, Mormyrids and various other
"oddball" fish. If you're worried about copper, the
best (and safest) alternative for treating Ick is the old
salt/heat method. All you do is make up a brine solution in a jug
containing 2 to 3 teaspoons of tonic (or kosher salt) salt per
gallon of water in the aquarium. When dissolved, pour into the
outflow from the filter. Raise the temperature of the aquarium to
between 82 and 86 degrees F. Leave thus for about two weeks, and
by the end, do water changes as per normal to flush out the salt.
Usually this treatment kills Ick as soon as the white spots
burst, and the salt concentration is too low to harm your fish
(or plants, or snails, or shrimps, or filter bacteria). It's
the method of choice where "delicate" fish are
This I will use daily, with water changes, every other day, and
will treat for 32 days, do you agree with this treatment?
<It isn't what I'd do, but it should work.>
I am on the sixth day, and still see signs of ick. This is my
second batch of fish from the same source that got the ick the
first time, and these two instances are my first experience with
this, in over a year of fish keeping. Most of my fish are from
the same online store, just recently got this ick from them.
I treated the first ick batch with "Quick Cure", only
had 1 Black Neon, 4 Cardinal Tetras, and five Amano Shrimp, which
got moved to a bucket while treating with "Quick
I treated twice with the Quick Cure (total of 6 days, at half
dose), then treated for 7days with the Ich Attack, at that time I
put the shrimp back into quarantine while treating with the Ich
Attack which is safe for them, just in case any ick attached to
shrimp. All seemed well. I kept this first bunch in quarantine
for two extra weeks, so in total these fish and shrimp were
quarantined for six weeks, with raised temp to 82. All visible
signs of spots were gone, so I gave cardinals to a friend, kept
the one black neon in quarantine to keep bio bacteria happy, and
put shrimp into angelfish tank. Then got the second batch, black
Neons, Corys, now this group of fish have ick. I am upset, I have
read that ick can be inside fish, even when signs are not
visible, that you should quarantine for longer then four
weeks, and treat for an entire month.
<No, no, no. The Ick life cycle lasts less than a week at
tropical temperatures. While inside the skin of a fish (including
the gills, but no deeper inside the body) the parasite can't
be killed. All, and I repeat ALL, Ick medications work by killing
the free-living parasites that emerges when the white cysts
burst. Hence, turning the temperature up speeds up the life
cycle, getting the Ick from the cysts to the swimming stages as
quickly as possible. Once all the swimming stages are killed,
that's it; the infection is done. It will never come back
unless there's something wet (a fish, a plant, a snail, a
net, a rock) carried from an infected aquarium to a clean
Also that ick can actually take up to a year to really get rid
of. Quarantine for a year, really?
Now I fear I have given away sick fish, so I am having friend
treat her tank with Ich Attack because she has pictus catfish,
and they are too delicate for other medications. Also, the shrimp
that are now in the angelfish tank came from the quarantine tank,
where the ick was, I moved them to angelfish tank once I thought
the first case of ick was gone, prior to the second batch of
fish, which now have ick. So should I assume the shrimp will put
ick in my Angelfish tank, and treat her tank with Ich Attack?
Also, I have a 52 gal that has been running for 7 months, all
fish put into this tank were quarantined, this prior to any ick
However, I noticed last week that one of the peppered Cory in the
52 gal, scratched itself on a rock. Now how on earth did this
tank get anything, and what should I do? No signs of spots, but
now I know that ick starts off not being seen. I always make sure
I do not put wet hands from quarantine into any other tanks, and
never mix equipment, each tank has its own, and no fish that had
ick have been put into the 52 gal tank. I thought maybe I should
use the "Ich Attack" for precautionary purposes on my
52 gal as well? I have 2 Amano Shrimp, Snails, Pleco, Corys,
Cardinals and live plants in the 52 gal, so medications have to
be used
that these animals and plants can handle. The 52 gallon has 0
Ammonia, 0 Nitrite, 10 ppm Nitrate, Temp 80, PH 7.6, Med/Hard
KH/GH, ideal buffering per test strips, UV Sterilizer, Wet/Dry
Filter, Magnum Micro Filter, and occasional filtering with Diatom
Vortex. The 14 gal Quarantine has 0 Ammonia, 0
Nitrites, 5 ppm Nitrates, 80 Temp, Soft KH/GH, ideal buffering
per strips, Penguin Bio Wheel for 20 gallon tank.
<I'd run all your tanks through the salt/heat cycle for 2
weeks. That should clean them all.>
Have a lovely day.
<You too.>
P.S. Should I even trust that any ick fish will ever be free of
ick, or as I have read can be carriers of the disease, afraid to
ever introduce any fish ever infected with ick to my 52 gallon
<In theory, and often in practise, Ick does indeed get into
healthy tanks via new fish picked up at aquarium shops.
Quarantining new fish for 2 weeks should reveal the presence of
Ick on tropical fish, but because the Ick life cycle takes longer
at lower temperatures, coldwater fish need to be quarantined for
longer, up to 6 weeks.>
Sincerely, Lueppie
<Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Marble Veil Angelfish with reoccurring Fin Rot
Well, all signs show right now for the angel is a bit of white
around a couple of bare fin rays, but not furry fungus, most
likely bacteria, correct?
A couple of white bumps on rays by tissue, however, no signs of
redness. I hardly ever see the redness, only very little just
once, a long while ago.
No redness at base of tail ever, since I've been battling
this (thank goodness). I think I would like to try the Maracyn,
to comfort my nerves.
I mean either way, the fish will be stressed via medication or
having her poor tail eaten!
<Quite possibly.>
Cool, Maracyn brochure says safer for inverts!!!
That is awesome..I was again, from reading other stuff, under the
assumption that Cory cats could only have a half teaspoon per
gallon, and as for the Leopard Frog Pleco, I read they should not
have any at all., along with pictus cat fish, and plants.
<Low salt levels do no harm at all to catfish.>
Geesh! So great, I can treat all my tanks this way, as well as
tell my friend to do it, just in case I passed the ick along! You
are great! I am so glad I don't have to use poisonous
<Yes, that's the idea: the salt/heat method is gentle,
works almost all of the time, and doesn't cost much. What
more could you ask?>
<Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Marble Veil Angelfish with reoccurring Fin Rot
Sorry, please forgive my ignorance. When you say tonic or kosher
salt, this is not the "Aquarium Salt", but table salt,
with no Iodide, or some other salt. My salt at home in
ingredients says, Salt, Calcium Silicate? Thanks
<Tonic salt is the same thing as aquarium salt. It's plain
sodium chloride without any additives (iodine, calcium silicate,
or whatever). That's what you want here. Cheers,
Re: Marble Veil Angelfish with reoccurring Fin Rot
Okay, I see, there is actually "Kosher" salt you can
get at the grocery store, with no additives. Why then do they
sell the "Aquarium Salt" and state it can be used for
disease treatment.
<Because they do... there's no real reason.>
So many conflicting opinions, makes it so difficult for first
time fish people.
<Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Marble Veil Angelfish with reoccurring Fin Rot
(RMF, second opinion please) 6/23/09
Well Neale,
I think I just figured out why a few fish in the 54 gallon are
flashing and scratching. I just noticed red gills the outside of
where the gills met, with a 2 mm string of white hanging on
inside of gill area. I fear I have gill flukes or something.
<Gill flukes are very uncommon among aquarium fish;
they're more of an issue with pond fish. It's not
impossible, but just not all that likely.>
I have to treat main tank, since my quarantine is filled with ick
fish! I am going to use Prazi pro, I hope it don't kill the
two Amano Shrimp in my tank, what else can I do, must treat
before fish get sicker...any suggestions.
<Really need a photo to be sure. But my gut feeling is that
the white strings are dead tissue, and you're looking at
something that's affected the gill membranes.>
I am refreshing tank water as suggested by medication. Thanks
<Cheers, Neale.>
<<Mmm, I don't think this is actually originally a case
of "Fin Rot" period... but just the genetic expression
of what Veiltail Angel is... the resultant observations can be
attributed to the efforts at "treating" here. I would
leave off with any further medicating. BobF>>
Re: Marble Veil Angelfish with reoccurring Fin Rot
(RMF, second opinion please) - 6/23/09
Thanks Bob and Neale,
Very interesting, so basically this type of angelfish is very
prone to this
<Mmm, not "prone"... actually selectively bred for
this particular "expression"...
and I have to just live with it, and so does the fish, very sad.
Why do they breed fish to have such health issues!
<Mmm, sometimes such a loss of vitality is "part of the
ticket" with sport mutations that are selected
I will just continue good husbandry and hope for the best!
<This fish, and your others will likely do just fine with your
efforts at providing good environmental conditions and nutrition.
Cheers, Bob Fenner>
Re: Marble Veil Angelfish with reoccurring Fin Rot
(RMF, second opinion please) 6/25/09
<<Mmm, I don't think this is actually originally a case
of "Fin Rot" period... but just the genetic expression
of what Veiltail Angel is... the resultant observations can be
attributed to the efforts at "treating" here.
I would leave off with any further medicating. BobF>>
<Bob is quite right, I think I'd mentioned this
possibility at one point.
But if you see off-white "lumps" in the fins,
that's usually clogged blood vessels, and a sign that Finrot
is around the corner. If there's red streaking, it's
certainly Finrot. So observe, and act accordingly. Cheers,
Re: Marble Veil Angelfish with reoccurring Fin Rot
(RMF, second opinion please) 6/25/09
Thanks Bob and Neale,
Very interesting, so basically this type of angelfish is very
prone to this and I have to just live with it, and so does the
fish, very sad. Why do they breed fish to have such health
issues! I will just continue good
husbandry and hope for the best!
<Yes, veil-tail anything will be weaker than fish with fins of
regular length. Likewise albino fish, balloon Mollies, tail-less
Discus, and so on.
It's increasingly the case that fish that were more or less
hardy when first imported -- such as Guppies, Dwarf Gouramis and
Ram Cichlids -- are now far more delicate, and need to be looked
after very carefully, assuming you can even by specimens that
aren't diseased right from the start.
Cheers, Neale.>
Angelfish belly and cichlid questions
<Good morrow Alastair>
A couple of questions for your very helpful team:
Firstly, I have a pair of angelfish in a 50 gallon tank (with a
pair of Gourami, some barbs, a few Plecos, and a shoal of x-ray
tetra). Today I spotted that one of the angels has a swollen
belly - photos attached.
<I see this>
The swelling is quite localized, in an area about a centimetre
round, just where the feelers grow from. Is this something I
should worry about? or might the fish be female and pregnant?
Just tested the water, nitrite and ammonia 0, ph about 7.4.
<I would hold off for now... perhaps, hopefully this apparent
swelling is transient... given the mix of other fish life you
list, that they are fine, I am wondering if this isn't
temporary... At any length, I would not "treat" for
this per se at this juncture>
Secondly, I've just acquired a 55 gallon tank full of
established Malawi cichlids, plus some other fish that don't
belong there. There are a couple of 4-inch clown loaches, and two
Ancistrus, which I plan to move
to the 50gallon on the advice of the LFS,
<Yes, I would do this as well>
plus what I think is a large south American cichlid - photo
attached. Is he ok to live in with the Malawi cichlids or should
I look to rehouse him? He seems pretty shy and spends most of the
time hiding in the ocean rock or chilling near the bottom.
<And given the reported behavior I would move this neotropical
Cichlid elsewhere as well. Bob Fenner>
Re: angelfish belly and cichlid questions
Sorry - forgot to say that the angelfish is spending much of the
time near the bottom of the tank, not moving very much, though
did come to the surface and eat when I fed this morning..
<Mmm, a good sign that it is eating... again, I urge patience
here. BobF>
Re: angelfish belly and cichlid
questions 6/18/09
Hi Bob,
Thanks for the message. As you suggested, I waited a couple of
days, and the angel's swelling disappeared overnight last
night. No sign of any laying tube, so I guess it was temporary
constipation or similar. S/he's looking totally happy and
healthy again!
<Ah good>
I moved the Ancistrus and loaches to my planted community tank
today, acclimatizing them slowly to the new conditions, and they
seem to be happy there. I moved my big 10" Sailfin Pleco the
other way - I read that big enough specimens can get by fine in
cichlid tanks, and I think if I hadn't done this the filter
in the planted tank would have gotten overloaded. He seems happy
and is feeding hungrily in the cichlid tank, so fingers crossed
this'll work out.
<Am hoping>
And the neotropical cichlid is going to be taken in to the LFS in
a few days - they're a big place and will able to take good
care of him.
<Tres bien!>
Thanks again for your kind and careful advice,
<Most welcome my friend. BobF>
Angelfish swimming on side in
upper corner of tank
Angelfish With Internal Infection -- 12/14/09
Hi there, my angelfish is gravid. Her and her partner used to lay eggs
and fertilize at least every 4-6 weeks (they would get eaten by the
Pleco though). She has not laid any eggs in about 3 months. She is
quite huge right now. In an effort to get them to be successful we have
separated our other fish from them and have them in a 20 ft tank with
just our Pleco. We noticed over the past few days she just goes into
the upper corner of the tank (near where the heater is) and just pokes
into the glass. Today, I found her lying on her side in that corner
swimming randomly. The male will go to her and start chasing her, and
she can take off and swim fine (upright) but then she just goes back
into the corner again as soon a she can.
Nitrate: 20
pH: 7
Nitrite: 1
I am so worried about her because I don't know what could be
causing it and all I want to do is save her. Any help would be greatly
Thanks so much
<The repeated spawning attempts have left your female angelfish very
stressed and she may be egg bound or have an internal infection. The
key to a successful recovery is a rapid aggressive treatment. I
recommend placing her in a hospital tank with clean water. Treat with a
combination of Nitrofuranace and Metronidazole. If the infection has
already affected her ability to swim then it may be too
Sick angel fish --
Hi there, I have a beautiful female Koi angel that I have had for a
couple of years. There is also another female in the tank. They lay
eggs quite frequently but have taken to caring for them together and
are not that
antagonistic as you would expect. About a week ago I noticed a small
hole above one eye, I thought immediately hole in head or perhaps it
cut itself on one of the rocks I have in the tank. I treated the water
with EM for a few days and the hole seemed to close up, leaving a white
area that looked like healing skin.
<"EM" being Erythromycin? This doesn't really help
Hole-in-the-head any; you specifically need Metronidazole at 250 mg per
10 US gallons, once per day for at least three days. Erythromycin may
well inhibit secondary infections, which can lessen the symptoms to
some degree, but it won't fix the problem.>
Over the weekend, things must have gone south as I discovered on Monday
that that area was now full of hair-like fibers, like an eruption of
some sort. I did some checking and calling around and was told that the
fish may have developed a fungus and that I could treat it with
<Pimafix, Melafix, and other so-called "cures" based on
tea-tree oil are notoriously unreliable. For Fungal infections organic
dyes, such as malachite green, work very well. Combinations of formalin
and malachite
green are especially useful because they work against Finrot and
Columnaris ("mouth fungus") as well, eliminating the problem
of telling these apart from Fungus, which can be difficult. Other
medications such as Seachem Paraguard are formulated specifically to
handle both bacterial and fungal infections, and these can be well
worth using, too.>
Well, four days into the mission, the fish looks worse, the fungus
hasn't gotten any better (it looks worse actually), and I have
noticed several additional areas where that fungus is beginning to
grow...I want to help
the fish if I can, or if not, put it out of it's misery.
<Do read here:
It hasn't eaten in a week or more and is at the top seemingly
gasping for air. It does swim around however..but this seems to be
going nowhere. Am I doing something wrong or is this just what happens
sometimes? Thanks,
<Quite possibly you're using the wrong medications. Do switch to
the right ones, and see what happens. I personally would also do a dip
into seawater once, maybe the next day too, until the Fungus clears up.
This is just 35 grammes of non-iodised salt added to a litre of
aquarium water; dip the fish for at least 30 seconds and potentially
several minutes, though removing the fish as soon as it shows signs of
distress, such as rolling
over. The seawater dehydrates the fungal cells, speeding up their
It's much the same as gargling salt water when you have a mouth
Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Sick angel fish --
thanks, I just ordered the Paraguard, will have it by 4:oo tomorrow
afternoon. Hopefully it isn't too late.
<Finger's crossed!>
I'll also try the saltwater dip first, then add the Paraguard to
the tank.
It is a 29 high with other fish and invertebrates in there, the
Paraguard won't hurt them or the tank will it? the tank has some
live plants too, I don't have an air stone, just a charcoal and
floss filter (I took the charcoal out during treatment).
The plants have always seemed to provide all of the O2 that the fish
needed, and none of the other fish are struggling to breathe, just the
one with the fungus. I do a 30% change about every 3-4 weeks, I know
that I
overfeed a little but so far that has not been a big issue with
frequent cleaning and vacuuming. I do have a lot of green hair type
algae on many of the plant leaves....haven't been able to deal with
this, but it is more
of a visual issue than anything else.
<It is actually green algae (i.e., bright green, like a salad) or
red algae (which, despite the name, is usually blue-black to dark moss
green in freshwater species)? I ask because the bushy, hairy algae you
often get
around the edges of plant leaves, for example, is red algae, and it is
notoriously difficult to deal with. Green algae only prospers in tanks
with very strong light levels, and if you have very strong light (at
least 2 watts per gallon), the algae is best, and frankly only
reliably, dealt with by using fast-growing plants and a few, carefully
chosen algae-eating organisms, shrimps and Nerite snails being the
ideal. Red algae is difficult to deal with. The Siamese Algae Eater,
Crossocheilus siamensis, is one of the few common fish that feeds on
this algae, though again, fast-growing plants will dramatically improve
things if you have very strong lighting. Red algae is usually a
nuisance in tanks with poor lighting, insufficient water circulation,
and high nitrate levels (typically because of overstocking and/or
overfeeding). So review conditions, and act accordingly.>
I just mention it in case it is indicative of another water condition
that might be contributory to the fish fungus. Thanks again! Mike.
<Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Sick angel fish
On the Algae, I have had the Red Algae for some time now. I have tried
keeping the tank extra clean with vacuuming and water changes, but the
light is weak (I just haven't coughed up the $ for a better hood),
I have only the filter that sucks up the tank water and filters it
through the carbon and floss cartridge for circulation the circulation
seems to be ok, but perhaps it isn't.
<While it seems paradoxical, low light levels are invariably behind
serious algae problems. Tanks with bright lights generally don't
have algae problems because plants grow too quickly, and somehow (the
science is hazy) this stops algae from developing. While I can't
really explain why this works, I can confirm that it does. Upping the
light, and then adding appropriate fast-growing plant species, will
usually do away with algae once and for all, particularly in
conjunction with Nerite snails and algae-eating shrimps.>
I bought a Siamese algae eater but he got lazy and waits for the frozen
brine shrimp that I feed the other fish. He goes vertical and eats them
as fast as he can....
I did get what looked like a bright green slime growth about a month
ago and that is when I treated the tank with EM, that knocked it out
pretty quickly.
<Again, blue-green algae (Cyanobacteria) is associated with specific
things, usually poor water circulation and high levels of nitrate
and/or phosphate. You'll often see blue-green algae growing first
where the water flow is weakest: around the leaves or roots of plants
for example, or on the substrate. Increasing water flow and reducing
the amount of nitrate (via water changes) usually turns prevents
blue-green algae from becoming established. Erythromycin will certainly
kill many types of blue-green algae (which are of course bacteria, not
algae) but there's nothing to stop them coming back again, should
conditions suit. And they WILL come back.>
I would love to eradicate the red hairy stuff though (it is very dark,
almost black as you say), it seems to choke out the plants that are
there and grows on everything.
<Hair algae is a great nuisance, but nothing really slows it down
once it's established under conditions it likes. Lighting, plants,
and the right snails/shrimps are what you need.>
I feed the fish Mon-Fri with frozen brine and also frozen blood worms.
I have a 29 high and there are far less than 29" of total fish in
Two angels
Two Cory cats
8 Neons
2 barbs
1 Siamese
1 African frog
1 ghost shrimp
2 Otocinclus (sp?)
2 other small tetras
Should I consider a better hood with more light?
<If you wish to deal with the red algae, yes, since this is the only
way the right plants will get established.>
Should I add an air stone for circulation?
<Blue-green algae likes slow water movement, so anything that speeds
up the flow of water around the tank will help. Airstones generally
have minimal impact, so are a bit of a waste of money, but they're
better than nothing I suppose. Usually an additional filter, coupled
with more water changes and less feeding, is the way forward.>
I will be getting the Paraguard at 4:00 today. I'll probably treat
with that for a few days then try the salt water bath.
Thanks again, Mike.
<Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Sick angel fish
Just did the salt bath (I took a 33 oz plastic coffee container, rinsed
it, filled it with tank water and added about 3 plastic coffee spoons
of tank salt. Put the angel in the container, counted to 125 and put
him back in
the tank) and added the Paraguard to the tank. We shall see....
<Indeed. For reference, a level teaspoon is roughly 6 grammes of
salt, so a shade under 6 level teaspoons should give you 35 grammes of
salt, and added to 1 litre of water, that's normal seawater
salinity. It's easier for me to do in metric I'm afraid, since
that's how you learn these things at marine biology school. But I
think it's also pretty convenient. Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Sick angel fish
How often should I do the salt water dips? Once a day?
<Once a day is fine, but often just one dip is enough, and so
I'd hold off doing additional dips for the time being. See how the
medication does. Only occasionally do I find a second dip a few days
later is required, and usually only to help shift some of the dead skin
and mucous. Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Sick angel fish 6/12/09
Hi again, I did another salt dip this morning as I realized that
the initial dip salt concentration was not high enough. This one
clearly did something as the fish clearly reached a point of
stress (yesterday he just swam around for two minutes, today he
rolled onto his side).
<A good time to remove the fish!>
Much of the fungus came away from netting him twice and what is
left seems to be hanging on by a thread. Hopefully it comes off
over the weekend.
<Should do; what you describe is very typical of how fungus
reacts to saltwater dipping.>
Now that I can see the damage underneath the fungus growth, there
is a wound there that looks kind of nasty and he eye is bugged
out pretty good too, it actually looks like she might lose that
eye it is so bad.
<Yes, I see. I'm actually hopeful the eye won't be too
badly affected.>
I will treat the water in the tank Saturday and Sunday with the
Paraguard (this tank is at my work office so I have to come in to
take care of it) and see how he is coming along Monday. (I keep
saying he, but I am pretty sure that it is a she).
<They're actually impossible to sex except when spawning.
If it's any consolation, Angelfish aren't very good at
sexing each other either, and "homosexual" pairs are
quite common, evidenced most often by two females each laying
eggs together on the same leaf!>
At what point to I call it and put her under? She still
hasn't eaten in days, over a week now actually, but is still
feisty enough to evade my attempts to net her. Thanks again,
you've been a fantastic help.
<I suspect he'll be fine, so lay off thoughts of
euthanasia just yet. Your fish actually doesn't look all that
bad; I've seen much worse!>
Ps, I took a few pix. They aren't great but perhaps you can
see what I am taking about. You can also see my red algae...
<Yes, classic sign of inadequate lighting, and the plants
chosen being species that need strong light, so end up doing
nothing much other than cultivating a nice fluffy algae
the wound looks black in the middle, quite a hole in her head
really...I feel terrible about it, I hope that she isn't in
too much pain.
<Do be aware of something called Hole-in-the-Head, which is
not uncommon among cichlids. This requires a drug called
Again, I think you'll be okay, if you can shift this fungus
(which should be gone in a few weeks) and if she looks more perky
by then, have a look to see if the wound is a single wound, or
one of a number of small pits, which is usually how
Hole-in-the-Head appears. Often, Hole-in-the-Head goes along
with long strings of pale (mucous-rich) faeces, since the
Protozoans (Hexamita) responsible start off in the gut and then
move around the body.
Almost always, the trigger is a water quality problem, and in the
case of cichlids, nitrate is one factor often overlooked. If you
skip water changes for too many weeks, Hexamita goes from being
harmless to very dangerous very rapidly. Some have suggests
Hexamita is present in all farmed cichlids, and certainly my
experience has been that a great many cichlid species do succumb
to Hexamita/Hole-in-the-Head infections when exposed to high
levels of nitrate, poor diet, and/or inadequate oxygenation.
Cheers, Neale.>
White Spots on Angelfish, Larger
than Ick - Help please! 5/5/09
<Hi there Joe>
A couple days ago, I noticed several white spots on my freshwater Black
Angelfish. I got him about 5 months ago and he's currently about
3.5" from mouth to tail. The spots look larger than your typical
Ick. The largest spot is about the size of a poppy seed and appears to
protrude from the fish. There were 3 spots on the fish at first, all on
the same side.
These subsided and left small white marks behind, but now there are
four more on the opposite side of the fish. Then today I noticed that
he is spitting out his food. He had a great appetite until today, and
he still
looks very hungry rushing up to the food but then takes it in his mouth
for a few seconds and spits it back out. This is the second time
I've had issues with angelfish.
<There are some formidable... historical issues with captive
Pterophyllum, particularly the black/er hybrids>
A fish I had before I got this one began spitting out his food one day,
then developed bumps that looked like they were under the scales before
finally succumbing.
<A good clue>
Do you have any idea what this illness might be and how I might be able
to treat him for it?
<Could be a worm of various sorts (phyla)... and some Protozoans can
produce such etiologies...>
The tank is a 75 gallon. Water parameters are pH=7.4, KH=7 degrees,
GH=10 degrees, temperature 82, ammonia=0, nitrite=0, nitrate=10ppm. The
tank has a UV sterilizer.
These angelfish are beginning to break my heart. Any ideas you might
have would be greatly appreciated.
<W/o any further "look-seeing", use of a microscope (and
unfortunately sacrificing the specimen/s), I would peremptorily treat
with both an effect vermifuge and protozoacide (my choice? Praziquantel
Metronidazole). Please see WWM re these (the search tool), and
carefully read and heed the product inserts. Bob Fenner>
Angelfish, FW... hlth.
<Hello Claire,>
I just have a quick query... I came downstairs this morning to find one
of my angel fish stuck under one of my plants, I thought this odd at
first as it is generally a strong swimmer and wouldn't get
<Agreed, though if the aquarium is small, Angelfish can get wedged
into corners if the plants are stiff, plastic plants without much
However when i moved the plant away from him, I noticed that he seems
to be paralyzed in a left turning motion - I'm not sure how else to
describe it?
<Could be either physical damage (e.g., from bullying) but also a
reaction to water quality/chemistry/temperature issues. Cichlids react
exceedingly poorly to sudden changes, so when they act
"loopy" it's a good idea to review the tank. Doing a 50%
water change is rarely a bad idea if chemistry
and quality seem okay; it's just possible the water has been
poisoned with something, and by doing a water change, you can flush out
some of what's in there. If the fish perks up, then repeat with one
or two further water changes 6-12 hours apart.>
He is almost curled up, and can't seem to swim at all, even off the
bottom of the tank.
<Ah, this is serious.>
I have Googled and tried calling my local Fish Store but thanks to the
public holiday I'm at a loss and Google isn't helpful. I was
hoping you could give me some insight as to what may be the problem??
And if it is curable???
<Cheers, Neale.>
FW Angelfish postmortem
2/25/09 Hello Crew, <Nicole,> I'm writing in with
some sad news from my tank here -- I've lost three angels over the
past week. My tank is a 46g planted tank, 0ppm ammonia, 0ppm nitrite
and 0-5pmm nitrates (actually kind of a problem for my plant growth,
but that's a different story). pH is a bit high (7.8) but steady,
and temp is at 79F. The tank has been up and running with no problems
for about three months, and has one Opaline Gourami, a few platies and
half a dozen bronze Corys. <How big were these Angels? The
coin-sized specimens are notoriously delicate and often underweight,
and I wouldn't recommend anyone buy them. Much better to go with
specimens 5 cm (about two inches) in diameter upwards.> About three
weeks ago I introduced 4 angelfish, and all seemed fine at first -- I
was watching them pretty closely for the first two weeks for any signs
of aggression, as I was worried about how the Gourami would take the to
angels. Aside from a bit of chasing I didn't see any actual nips or
other problems, until a week ago when one of the smaller angels came up
to feed with severely damaged fins. I wasn't sure if the angel had
been attacked by the Gourami or one of the other angels (one of the
angels has grown a lot faster than the others, from a nickel or quarter
sized body to probably about 5cm body length in a few weeks!). <Ah,
Opaline Gouramis can be aggressive. Males have longer dorsal fins than
females, so sexing isn't difficult. Males are (sometimes) very
aggressive, and can, will molest things like Angels as well as other
Gouramis.> By the next morning, the angel's fins were looking
ragged, spiky, and much shorter, and I thought this might be a case of
Finrot and not just an attack. <The two things often go together.
Physical damage opens the way for Finrot and Fungus.> I set up a 5g
hospital tank and moved the angel there, and treated with Maracyn
tetracycline. He looked pretty bad, and I wasn't surprised that he
didn't make it more than a day. By this time, another one of the
angels was showing signs of the same thing -- raggedy, clamped fins,
less activity and less appetite, but not nearly as advanced. I moved
that one to the hospital tank and medicated, but the tetracycline
seemed to do nothing, and he also died within a few days. Same story
with the last guy -- clamped fins with a bit of fraying to completely
deteriorated fins and death in a few days, despite the antibiotics.
<Hmm...> The remaining tank inhabitants seem to be fine, and I
don't think I'll introduce anyone new soon. But, I'm hoping
that you can give me some postmortem thoughts so that I can learn more
from this and better care for my Angelfish in the future -- do you
think the Gourami or the larger Angel might have been harassing the
little ones, maybe at night when I wasn't watching? <Well,
it's certainly a viable explanation.> Should I have used a
different med for the fin rot? <Maracyn should work, but if it
doesn't, swap for Maracyn 2.> I'm feeling a bit dismayed
here, because I thought that Finrot was treatable, especially in the
case of the last two where I removed them earlier. What should I do for
next time? <There's a definite art to stocking community tanks,
and that does involve knowing which fish "turn nasty". Male
Trichogaster trichopterus are certainly on my list of fish *not* to
keep in community systems, despite widely being sold as such.> My
apologies for not writing in sooner when some advice might have
actually saved a fish, but I've been feeling a bit run ragged
myself with all the water testing and changing and medicating and fish
dying. thanks, Nicole <Good luck, Neale.>
FW Angelfish Fast Erratic
Swimming Then Falling to Bottom -- 2/21/09 Hi Wet Webber, You
guys/gals are a very dedicated bunch and I appreciate your help.
<Happy to help.> I read through the 3 links and saw an article
that was somewhat similar but not exactly, and I've seen a few
postings online with similar symptoms but no real solution, internal
parasite, bacterial infection, bad water, lead poisoning (I'm from
Brooklyn NY and the house was built 1920 so it is possible but I think
unlikely, tap water is 30-40ppm TDS) etc. so hopefully you can help. No
offense, but I hope there comes a day where I no longer have to visit
your site to figure out what is wrong. <Heh!> The tank is a 55
gallon, PH = 6.4, Ammonia = 0, Nitrate = 0, Temp = 83/84 I
have 4
Discus about 3", 6 Neons, 1 Julli Cory, 2 green Cory and 1 angel
about 4" body <All sound nice. But the water is on the warm
side for Corydoras and Neons, and mixing Angelfish with Discus
isn't recommended, so you may be storing up problems here for the
future. Also, Angelfish view Neons as live food.> The Angel is a
silver and black I bought it when it was about 1.5" in Feb. of
2007. I got it with a black angel that was smaller. They were in a 30
gallon and they paired up and three months later there was a sale on
tanks so I said why not and upgraded to a 55 gallon. Then a month later
I started seeing mating habits so I separated them into a 10 gallon and
they bred and none of the fry survived beyond a few months. Very sad.
<Farmed Angelfish are appallingly bad parents, and almost always you
have to pull the eggs and rear them yourself.> So I put them back
into the 55 gallon. A couple of months later I noticed the black
angelfish out of nowhere would act startled and swim erratically into
things and then sink to the bottom and then wake-up and start acting
normal. This went on for about once or twice a day for a month until it
didn't swim back up, very sad again. So I figured it was a water
problem so I stepped up the water changes. I bought a 20 gallon
Rubbermaid to age the water and instead of changing 7 gallons a week I
upped to 15 a week. I was using an automatic feeder that dumped too
much food so at one point I had a Planaria problem and still see some
but not a whole bunch like before. I went to LFS to get a new angelfish
and he said this current batch wasn't so great but there was 1 that
looked decent so I bought another angelfish and had put in quarantine,
it didn't last a week where it did the swimming erratic and twirled
around fell to the bottom and then swam back up. But it only did that a
few time until it stopped. I chalked that up to the bad batch.
<Don't recommend automatic feeders for precisely this reason.
Fish tolerate starvation much, much better than they do the ruinous
water quality caused by overfeeding.> But now I'm seeing that
with the black and silver angelfish. I have an emperor filter on the
left side of the tank and the discus and angel hang out on the right
side because they don't like the current, the tetras and Corys hang
out on the left side. I have heaters on both ends. I added 2 Neons that
were in quarantine for a month that way they got big enough so the
angelfish wouldn't eat them. But then I started noticing the
angelfish hanging around the left side of the tank. When there were 4
Neons he stood on the right side and only swam to the left side
occasionally. I don't see the discus messing with the angel, the 4
discus are always chasing each other around. I figured the angelfish
was just stalking the 2 new Neons. But for a week I did a head count
and there would always be 6 Neons (4 out in the open, 2 hid) so I
figured alls well. <Hmm... matter of time...> But the other day I
noticed the angelfish was hiding near the bottom the tank almost under
a rock, but I figured it was stalking because I spend a lot of time
near the tank and I didn't hear the water splashing which is the
sound the angelfish makes when they start swimming erratically, its
always a fast thrashing like they got startled and suddenly out of the
blue or when they get excited about something like feeding time.
<Cichlids will go "loopy" when exposed to sudden changes,
so when you see this sort of behaviour, it's always well to check
for possible temperature, water quality, or poisoning issues.> Today
I noticed the angelfish on the left side of the tank and it came over
to the right side to eat and noticed scratches all over and I figured
either it was swimming behind the intake tube of the emperor because it
doesn't really fit or it's doing that fast swimming crash and
dive of death. I sat in a chair about 5 feet away usually when I sit in
that chair the discus and angel follow me to that side. So I just
watched and saw it happen. I also see the angel hiding behind this
small piece of driftwood, which it never did before and I see it hide
behind the plants on the left side of the tank but he never hides for
long only few minutes but I see him hanging out near the bottom and the
angel never went to the bottom just to eat but always swims up near the
surface. <Not normal.> Since the summer the tank has had a green
water problem so I've been changing water about twice a week
whenever I can sometimes 3 but always at least once a week and I always
put water conditioner. The water finally cleared up this week when I
put a 50 micron filter pad but the water parameters were always in
line. I kept the lights off most of the time, blinds drawn and lights
were on only 1 to 2 hours at most. I didn't over feed because I try
to keep the Planaria in check. <Hmm...> I'm sorry for writing
this novel but this is my oldest fish and I really don't want to
see it go. And from the history of this tank and my foray into this
hobby I see the writing on the wall. I'm hoping to give you all the
pertinent details so that you may have a solution for me .but I'm
pretty much bracing myself for the bad news and I am hoping that it is
not something contagious because if the discus dies that would crush
me, those guys are too expensive to replace and times are tough.
<Can't say that it's obvious to me what's wrong with
this fish. Angels should live for around 8-10 years. But the quality of
much farmed stock is variable, and you may be dealing with a specific
genetic issue about which you can't do anything. But other things
you might consider include constipation and aggression. Constipation is
common in Angelfish because they tend to be fed flake and pellet foods
only. Make sure a significant part of their diet includes things like
cooked peas, live brine shrimp and live daphnia. These have a laxative
effect and can help fix so-called "swim bladder disease".>
Thanks for taking the time to help me. Steve <Cheers,
Hole in the head?? Angelfish
with Internal Infection 2/20/09 Hi Folks; I love your website.
A goldmine of information I wish I knew about a year ago. My problem- I
have an angel fish who started acting lethargic, and would float around
the corners of the tank (55 gal) at an angle. I didn't know what to
do, so I hoped it would just pass. I waited two days and my wife
noticed a red spot near his gills that is now a hole. Two days after I
first noticed his symptoms, I found your site. I immediately setup my
old 20 gal as an emergency hospital tank. I couldn't wait for
cycling so I transferred him. < Usually cycling is not needed
because if you do medicate the tank, the treatment would affect the
bacteria anyway.> Before I transferred him he had taken to lying on
his side in the tank. I have removed the carbon filter from the hush 35
filter I use for that tank and medicated with Jungle Tank Buddies
Parasite Clear, as it contains Metronidazole (which you
recommend).Since transferring him, I can't say he is any better but
he also doesn't seem to be worse. If I tap the tank gently, he gets
up and swims around for a couple of minutes and then settles in again.
I am unsure of how to proceed, what to watch for. or if he will make
it. He came from my 55gal tank (which I have also medicated the same
way. I have noticed some different skin markings on one of my Gouramis
and one of my Bala sharks. History of the 55 gal tank is good. I almost
always do a 20% water change every week. I did miss a week just before
I noticed my angel fish acting strange. I keep a computer log of all my
water readings, observations and treatments and I have a full year of
data. My pH occasionally drops to 6.0 in a week, but usually only drops
to 6.3 I try to maintain 6.8 to 7.0 My ammonia is almost always 0, same
for nitrites. My nitrates usually climb to 20 or 30 in a week, but the
water change seems to correct that. My water is almost always crystal
clear. I use a penguin 350 filter with bio-wheels to keep the water
clean. I have a leopard Plec, another Plec I inherited from my
daughters tank (pepper Plec I think) a small striped orange and black
algae eater, 3 Bala sharks, 2 Gouramis, a red tail shark 2 neon tetras
and 3 fish I don't know the names of (sorry). Feeding has always
been Nutrafin flake food and occasional freeze dried bloodworms. In the
last 2 months, I have twice put zucchini in the tank, and today a small
piece of carrot. < The squash and carrot contain land based plant
cell walls that may not be digestible by the angelfish. If the fish
cannot digest these things then bacteria in the gut start to work on
them. This may cause an infection and a blockage. This may be the cause
of the problem.> I think that the tank has been well looked after
and maintained, and because of that I rarely have to add anything but
tap water conditioner and Prime (by Seachem) at water changes. I keep
the 55 gal tank at 76 F and my emergency hospital tank has been 78 to
79 F. I am currently raising this to 81 F because I understand that the
angel fish will do better in the warmer water. Can you see anything I
have missed? I tried to find Jungle hole in the head treatment, but it
is not available in Canada. Regards Floyd Abbotsford BC < I would
recommend using Nitrofuranace in addition to the Metronidazole. The
Nitro is a wide spectrum antibiotic that may be absorbed into the
Follow-up to hole in the head??
question 2/22/09 Follow Up Treatment of Angelfish Thank you
for your responses. I went out and bought Furan2, it contains
Nitrofurazone (couldn't find a treatment with Nitrofuranace). I
medicated with 2 capsules of powder ( the recommended dose on the
label). I also bought a general and carbonate water test kit. General
hardness was 3.92DH and the KH was 40mg/L as CaCO3. I will stay on top
of the situation and hopefully save my little angel fish. Observation -
after the Metronidazole treatment but before Nitrofurazone treatment, I
found he had even less energy, but seemed to be gasping a little bit
less. Also, his sense of balance seems to have improved slightly. I
hope the resolution of this problem helps others as well. I had no idea
that the pH swings were caused by poor reserve of alkalinity. Regards
Floyd Abbotsford, BC Canada < The medications will take time to
work. The Furan II should be as effective against internal bacterial
infections. Go back to the WWM page and search alkalinity to give you
some idea on where you are.-Chuck>
Hole in the head?? FW Angel,
dis. 2/20/09 Hi Folks; <Floyd> I love your website. A
goldmine of information I wish I knew about a year ago. <Ahh!> My
problem- I have an angel fish who started acting lethargic, and would
float around the corners of the tank (55 gal) at an angle. <Unusual
beh.> I didn't know what to do, so I hoped it would just pass. I
waited two days and my wife noticed a red spot near his gills that is
now a hole. Two days after I first noticed his symptoms, I found your
site. I immediately setup my old 20 gal as an emergency hospital tank.
I couldn't wait for cycling so I transferred him. Before I
transferred him he had taken to lying on his side in the tank. I have
removed the carbon filter from the hush 35 filter I use for that tank
and medicated with Jungle Tank Buddies Parasite Clear, as it contains
Metronidazole (which you recommend). <Yes> Since transferring
him, I can't say he is any better but he also doesn't seem to
be worse. If I tap the tank gently, he gets up and swims around for a
couple of minutes and then settles in again. I am unsure of how to
proceed, what to watch for. or if he will make it. <Mmm... best to
wait at this point... Am suspecting something internal... not
really/easily treatable> He came from my 55gal tank (which I have
also medicated the same way. I have noticed some different skin
markings on one of my Gouramis and one of my Bala sharks. History of
the 55 gal tank is good. I almost always do a 20% water change every
week. I did miss a week just before I noticed my angel fish acting
strange. I keep a computer log of all my water readings, observations
and treatments and I have a full year of data. My pH occasionally drops
to 6.0 in a week, <Mmm, I'd be bolstering the alkalinity. Please
read Neale's excellent piece here re:
http://wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/fwsoftness.htm and the first
linked FAQs file at top> but usually only drops to 6.3 I try to
maintain 6.8 to 7.0 <This is a huge variation in a week... Again,
I'd avail myself of a simple prep. even just Baking Soda...> My
ammonia is almost always 0, same for nitrites. My nitrates usually
climb to 20 or 30 in a week, but the water change seems to correct
that. My water is almost always crystal clear. I use a penguin 350
filter with bio-wheels to keep the water clean. I have a leopard Plec,
another Plec I inherited from my daughters tank (pepper Plec I think) a
small striped orange and black algae eater, 3 Bala sharks, 2 Gouramis,
a red tail shark 2 neon tetras and 3 fish I don't know the names of
(sorry). Feeding has always been Nutrafin flake food and occasional
freeze dried bloodworms. In the last 2 months, I have twice put
zucchini in the tank, and today a small piece of carrot. <Ah,
good> I think that the tank has been well looked after and
maintained, and because of that I rarely have to add anything but tap
water conditioner and Prime (by Seachem) at water changes. I keep the
55 gal tank at 76 F and my emergency hospital tank has been 78 to 79 F.
I am currently raising this to 81 F because I understand that the angel
fish will do better in the warmer water. <Yes...> Can you see
anything I have missed? I tried to find Jungle hole in the head
treatment, but it is not available in Canada. <Is largely
Metronidazole/Flagyl as well... Again... am suspecting that this Angel
has other than an Octomita/Hexamita issue. Only time can/will tell
here.> Regards Floyd Abbotsford BC <Thank you for sharing,
writing so well. Bob Fenner>
Re: hello (Pterophyllum; water quality) 12/30/08
Ammonia and nitrite are usually at 0 or very low, they were low when
the angels got sick. <Do understand that "zero" and
"very low" are not the same thing. A safe freshwater aquarium
registers zero ammonia and nitrite levels all the time. An unsafe
aquarium will reveal levels above zero. It doesn't really matter
how much above zero the levels are, though obviously higher levels are
increasingly dangerous, meaning they do more damage within shorter
periods of time. Most tanks with non-zero nitrite or ammonia levels are
some combination of the following: overstocked, overfed, or
under-filtered. Looking over your stocking list, seven adult Goldfish
and two adult Plec catfish easily overstock a 45 gallon system all by
themselves. You can mitigate problems by upping the filtration and
performing big (50%+) water changes more than once a week, but still,
the sooner you fix this problem, the better. In the meantime, varying
water quality will mean that these fish will be prone to opportunistic
infections such as Finrot (evidenced by the red streaks on the fins of
your fish). Now, when it comes to Angels in their own tank, your issues
are more specific. Yes, Angels are sensitive to ammonia and nitrite,
just like any other fish. But being cichlids -- members of the family
Cichlidae, despite their exotic appearance -- Angels are also extremely
sensitive to nitrate. True, this varies from specimen to specimen,
fancy varieties like Veil-tails, Koi and Blacks being more delicate
than the hardier wild-type or old school varieties like standard Marble
Angels. But regardless, you're aiming to keep nitrate below 20 mg/l
where possible. Or put another way, the lower the stocking density, and
the more water changes you do, the better your Angels will thrive. Like
most other cichlids, they likely come with certain parasites "out
of the box", at least where mass-produced fish are concerned;
things like Hexamita. As latent, and quite possibly normal, symbionts
within the gut these do no harm, but if you don't provide good
conditions in terms of water quality, temperature and diet, such
parasites can become serious threats to life. Note that I don't
mention water chemistry here: provided your water chemistry is stable
and within the range 5-20 degrees dH, pH 6-8, Angelfish really
aren't fussed. You're more likely to cause problems by
inexpertly manipulating water chemistry than by exposing Angels to what
you might thing is water that is too hard and basic compared with the
wild. There's no real "magic" to keeping domesticated
Angels, but you do need to accept that they aren't as tolerant of
lapses in water quality management as many other popular fish.> The
male that I was talking about died a little while ago. Help with what I
can do to fix the situation, why all three tanks got the similar
problem etc thanks <Hope this helps. Much about Pterophyllum care
here at WWM; have a read, and if you have some specific questions, get
back in touch.
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWsubwebindex/fwangelfishes.htm Cheers,
Neale.> re: hello (Pterophyllum; water quality) thank you <Most
welcome. Cheers, Neale.>
Angelfish lump on anus 11/27/08
Please see attachment of my angelfish
<I see this>
I have had this angelfish for 5 years, I recently moved and a
friend of mine kept my fish for 3 months. When I picked it up
this is what I found, fish is lively and eats well. No one at the
fish store can tell me what this is.
Thank you in advance.
Mike Owens
<Appears to be a case of prolapse... see WWM, the Net re
Cichlid anal prolapse.
Bob Fenner>
thin stool, FW Angels... lumenal Protozoan parasites?
Okay I have angels and have been battling the thin white stool issue.
Now some have nice stools some have normal colored stools but they are
thin and some have the thin white stools.
<Mmm, too likely Protozoan lumenal parasites...
I do daily or bi daily water changes, I have r/o water that is set at
6.5ph ammonia and all parameters are great.
I have treated multiple times with metro
<Oh! But... this is a clue>
both in food and in the water with the temp raised, used Prazi,
parasite clear and have recently given dewormer flake. I stopped
treating the tanks a while back and just focused on medicated feed.
Either metro laced color bits or the dewormer flake. It is frustrating.
I also have breeders that have their eggs falling off the pvc
I tried to find this in the search but kept coming up with can worms or
other breed problems not related so I am sorry if this was posted
somewhere and I just did not find it.
I have no deaths and everyone seems to be eating just fine. I have high
protein vitamin ladened flake food and feed bloodworms and frozen brine
a few times a week. Live brine on occasion and baby brine on
<Mmm... time to have someone take a closer look... at this fecal
material, under a microscope, your operations, sterile procedure.
Something is definitely amiss here... Re the Metronidazole, you
didn't get a "full dose" into these animals... or they
would be dead... from too much exposure. I would re-read on WWM re
methodologies for administration. It is very likely you've
cross-contaminated your systems with this single-celled bedevilment...
very easily done... and now it may take the patience of Job to
systematically treat all. Do you have a LFS with a microscope, folks
who know how to use it? Or a learning institution/college with a life
science department nearby? Bob Fenner>
Re: thin stool, FW angel dis. et al. reading
I am having a hard time navigating your site could you please give me a
link to this
<This? Metronidazole/Flagyl? Microscope use? Angelfish disease? Have
you tried the cached search tool here?:
I am not sure what you mean by they would be dead with a full dose.
<This protozoacide would have damaged your fish/es through killing
their kidneys had it been administered at physiological dose
"multiple times"... See WWM re. RMF>
Re: thin stool... 9/21/08
and I am sorry I used the link and punched in using metro and it takes
me to gold fish links which are nothing about metro, same when I punch
in thin white stool.
<... Please, don't write... instead read where you were referred
to. There are clear instructions on how to use the search tool,
indices... With terms used highlighted in the cached view. B>
Re: thin stool 9/21/08
recommended treatment for metro is daily in the water and or in the
feed both for a coarse of 10 days for resistant strains. I had done it
in the water for the 5 day treatments gave them a rest for a couple
weeks and dosed again. These treatments were done over the coarse of
time like months not every week.
<... drug concentration...>
When this did not work I did the 10 day treatment, which again
didn't work.
Rest high quality feed, lots of clean pure water and they all look
great eat well and most breed well.
<Good... Then I would not be overly concerned... this "thin
stool" issue may be nothing deleterious... hence the suggestion to
use a scope...>
Still have the thin stools on a lot of them and thin white stools on
I have to wonder if this is not something else.
I will look at what you sent me to see if I can find the article.
<Not an article... but various inputs from disparate FAQs. B>
Angel fish, FW, dis., reading 11/26/08 Hi,
I've had my angle fish for years now, she's been doing ok, but
lately i noticed that she has white bumps on her especially around the
mouth area, what could those be?
<Mmm, "nothing good"... tumours perhaps, maybe evidence of
"hole in the head"/Neuromast destruction... from a myriad of
Also i think she might be laying eggs soon because her lower area is
huge, it has been for a couple of days, this hasn't happened before
she's laid eggs before and i never noticed a bulge like that.
<This could also be pathogenic in origin>
However, a few weeks ago I did put in an air pump into the tank and it
is near the plant where she usually laid the eggs, do you think this
would prevent her from laying the eggs, if that's even the reason
she's so huge?
<Not likely, no. She can/will find elsewhere, or resorb the
Another thing, when I came home today, I noticed that she has white
circles around her eyes, but it's not on her eyes, and they
aren't cloudy, what could this be?
<Mmm, perhaps more evidence of something going on here that
shouldn't be... water quality, other stressor-wise>
And lastly, I have a 10 gallon tank,
<... much too small. The root "problem" here is induced,
environmental... too little space for dilution, stability,
with 3 fish: the angel (and she's about the size of a large palm
and I want to say I've had her for around 5 years) and 2 Bolivian
tiger angels (they are about 2-3 inches long and I've had them for
2 years). Should I have a larger tank and if the 10 gallon tank is ok,
what type of filter should I have, because right now I have a Whisper
5-15 filter.
<Read here:
and the linked files above. Bob Fenner
angelfish with something on its "face", FW,
English, reading 9/17/08
28 gallon tank, with heater, light, filter, bubbles, living plants
2 Cory catfish (about 1 year old)
2 Otto (less than a year old)
1 molly (about 2 years old)
<Mmmm, needs very different water quality than the rest of the fish
species listed here>
1 angelfish (about a year and a half old)
the problem is with the angelfish.
<The beginnings of sentences are capitalized...>
swims fine, wants food all the time (a bit more than normal though in
the last few days and i
have noticed that I have to break the pieces up smaller so she can eat
2 weeks ago i noticed a small white-cream dot on her front side, in
front of the gill, lower than her mouth. than a day later the molly had
<Likely from stress of being in "the wrong water
conditions"... Please read here:
treated the tank,
<... with?>
molly is normal again. however the thing on the angelfish was still
there. read some stuff online and gave the angelfish a saltwater dip
(1tbs, 4.5 gallons of water, for 30 min) 3 days ago, the dot-thing
today I watched the angelfish for longer than usual, she acts like she
always does. but the white-cream thing is there still and it has gotten
longer, it now sticks out from her body a bit and on her body the area
has swollen. it really looks like a worm or something has buried
it's head into her and it's tail is sticking out.
I can't find anything online though. i searched for parasites,
since that is really what i think it is, but nothing comes up matching
what this thing looks like. the side of her 'face' is a bit
swollen so it is a little bit harder for her to eat, so i have been
breaking the food up smaller, she is eating normally other than that,
if anything she is more eager for food (not less). The thing on/in her,
it is almost like if I could just hold her still I could pull it
off/out, but I do not know if that would hurt her and have no way of
holding her still, she is a fast one (and pretty smart, took me forever
to catch her for the dip)!
the other fish are all acting and all look normal. i am at a lost, i
don't know what to do.
<Mmm... have seen this sort of thing before... Could be our old
nemesis Octomita (Hexamita) rearing its ugly head yet again... maybe
even a worm of some sort... I would treat sequentially with
Metronidazole, then an anthelminthic... See WWM re. Bob Fenner>
Stripey angel fish with a white pussy looking spot on
it's head 9/11/08
Hi, I need some help if you can please! Im not very up on my fish - I
have 4 angels, all about 2 years old, an upside-down catfish, a red
tail shark fish, an arched cat fish, 2 cardinals and a fairly
aggressive bright yellow Pleco. Over the last few days we saw 3 small
white pimple looking spots along the stripey angels back, but 2 cleared
up leaving on which went pussy - oozing white gunk. Now it looks like
its a spot as it's fairly raised - covered in scales but still
oozing. I don't know if it's a boy or girl, but I think
it's a boy. IT's still eating like normal, follows me up and
down the tank, no change at all in his personality. What should we do?
None of the others have got any spots or anything.
Thanks Josie
<Hello Josie. Your description is a bit unclear (from my
perspective) and a photo would help enormously. White pimples are
usually Whitespot (also known as Ick) and can be likened in appearance
to salt shaken over the fish. But these are not normally associated
with pus or damage to the scales. When fish -- particularly cichlids
(which is what Angels are) -- get pits that are dug into the body,
exposing flesh and pus, that's something else. With cichlids the
culprit is usually the protozoan parasite Hexamita. This parasite is
almost always triggered into causing harm by two things: poor diet and
poor environmental conditions. I think we can discount diet because
Angels are easily maintained on flake and pellets. Diet is usually a
problem with herbivorous fish that aren't given enough green foods.
But water quality remains a possibility. Cichlids are notoriously
sensitive to Nitrate, so even if the water quality seems good in terms
of Ammonia and Nitrite, if the Nitrate is consistently above 50 mg/l,
cichlids will get sick. Often the Hexamita manifests itself in two
distinct ways: pits on the face and body, and copious white or
transparent faeces. Treating Hexamita requires the drug Metronidazole
(Flagyl); see here:
Because Hexamita is a pain to treat, it's best avoided by doing
lots of water changes and not overstocking aquaria. These two things
keep nitrate levels low.
Cheers, Neale.>
Ulcers on angelfish, FW 8/12/08 The issue in question is
currently isolated to my 29 gallon tank. The tank is about 19 months
old and decorated with driftwood and a few live plants including
Corkscrew Val's, Ludwigia, Anubias, and Amazon Swords. Despite the
presence of plants it is by no means a "planted" tank. The
lights are controlled by a digital timer. Filtration is provided by an
Eheim Ecco 2232 loaded with coarse and fine filter pads as well as
Substrat Pro Bio Media. The water is also passed through Current's
8 watt Gamma UV filter fitted with a Mini Jet 606 pump. The water
parameters are consistently 0, 0, and 20 ppm for ammonia, nitrite, and
nitrate respectively. Inhabitants include 3 angelfish (Pterophyllum
scalare) and two Keyhole cichlids. They are feed a variety of quality
foods including flake, pellet, and freeze dried worms. <All sounds
dandy.> The infected fish is the most recent addition, the third
angelfish. This fish was first quarantined for two weeks with no signs
of disease. It had been in the 29 gallon tank for about four weeks
before the symptoms were first observed. It may be important to point
out that this fish is not being bullied, and has always been able to
eat it fair share. All other fish have not thus far and have never
displayed any symptoms of disease. As far as I'm concerned they
have always been in excellent health. <OK.> The first
observations of symptoms on this fish were white patches randomly
covering the body. These observations were made after a two night
vacation. Some were on the right caudal peduncle, one at the base of
the caudal fin, another at the tip of an anal fin spine, one spot on
the each side's gill cover, and the last just above his mouth. I
immediately treated with API Fungus Cure. At the end of the recommended
treatment period most white patches were clearing so I continued
treatment with Pimafix. At this point I noticed that the white patches
left holes or ulcers on each gill cover and the spot just above the
mouth. These ulcers are not bleeding or leaking anything, and are not
remarkable other than just being present. After this I also added
Melafix to prevent possible secondary infection, and to utilize any
healing effects that the added Aloe may provide. I also started feeding
the only medicated food I had which contains sodium sulfathiazole and
Nitrofurazone. <There's really two things that spring to mind:
Finrot (or something similar) or Hexamita. Now, Finrot is almost always
associated with water quality, but in this instance that doesn't
seem likely. Your tank sounds well maintained, though I'd argue a
trifle overstocked for five cichlids of moderate size. But your nitrate
level is low and the ammonia/nitrite levels are zero, so that's
probably not an issue. Physical damage is the other common cause of
Finrot, whether through transportation (careless netting especially) or
fighting. Angelfish *are* territorial, and I've not seen many trios
work in small tanks. On the whole Angelfish work either as singletons,
mated pairs, or groups of 6+. Three specimens is a funny number,
because you could easily have a pair who resent the newcomer. Angelfish
are impossible to sex outside of spawning (and even then they make
mistakes themselves!) so this one is difficult to confirm either way.
But I would definitely observe their social behaviour. Things like fin
flicking and chasing are typical signs of aggression. Angelfish
sometimes even make audible croaks when they're being threatening.
Next up, Hexamita, a protozoan probably latent in many cichlids but
only problematic if conditions deteriorate in some way. Because this is
a slow-acting disease, the fish could have developed sickness at the
retailer, and only now are the problems manifesting themselves
regardless of how well you're caring for them. Hexamita does at
least two different things. Firstly it messes up the digestive tract,
leading to the classic white stringy faeces, or it causes pits to
appear on the face and body (the symptoms known as "Hole in the
Head"). Treatment of Hexamita is difficult, but Metronidazole
added daily at 250 mg per 10 US gallons for at least 3 days is the
standard therapy. Medicated foods work even better if the fish is
eating. Now, I have to admit neither Finrot nor Hexamita seems to fit
100% the symptoms you describe; photos would help.> Does it seem
like I really have this under control? <Difficult without
confirmation of the sickness.> Can I do anything further to heal
these open ulcers and how long can I expect this to heal? <You
should certainly be treating for Finrot/Fungus if only to prevent
secondary infections. In the US Maracyn seems to be the drug of choice
for this; in Europe I recommend eSHa 2000. Pimafix/Melafix are largely
useless and at best unreliable.> Lastly, what am I dealing with
here? <Not sure.> I feel Hole in the Head disease just
doesn't seem to fit here. <Agreed, but certainly worth
considering.> Certainly pictures I've seen don't seem to
match, whereas HITH seems to form pits these are open wounds or ulcers.
<One possible alternative is "Discus Plague", a nebulous
collection of symptoms with no obvious cause and no agreed treatment.
It sometimes affects Angels, particularly commercially bred ones rather
than wild-caught ones. I don't think is likely, but I'm
putting it out there for your consideration and research.> Thank you
for your time. <Cheers, Neale.>
Question regarding cichlid behavior Angelfish and Cichlid
Question 07/28/2008 I have two questions the first is about a angel
fish I have had for about a year I was housing it in a 20 long with
tetra a couple of Corys and some other peaceful fish. The question is
this recently it has done nothing but hid in the corners of the tank
and lay on its side. The water quality is good AMMONIA =0 NITRATES =0
PH=7.4 NITRITE=0. I use CO2 on this system due to live plants a
Marineland 100 hang on back power filter as well a Eheim canister
filter rated for around 30 or so gallons. I would really like to make
sure it is ok or if there is something that can be done for him also he
still eats but not a lot. < Your angelfish may have an internal
infection. It sounds like he is the dominant fish in the tank so no
other fish are picking on him. I would recommend transferring him to a
hospital tank and treating him with Metronidazole and see if he gets
better.> The other question is this I have an African cichlid tank
it is 37 gallons I was wondering if you know if cichlids can recognize
the same fish if they attacked it previously. I took one out that was
beat up, treated it in a hospital tank and when I put it back in the
attacked it again and almost killed him or her again. <Cichlids are
very smart and recognize colors and patterns. The fish that was beat up
represents a threat to the meaner cichlid. The dominant fish does not
like the other fish because it may look like another male and want to
challenge him for territory or females.-Chuck>
Sick angelfish, FW - 6/20/08 Hi, I have an established 40
gallon tank with the angelfish, 2 swordfish, 1 bottom feeder and (I
know) one goldfish. I have had these same fish together for over 5
years. I have never added anything new to this tank. I do weekly water
changes and everything else seems to be fine. No trauma or fighting. I
noticed today that my angel seemed a little more excited than usual
when I was feeding her this morning. I was a little concerned and
noticed that she did not calm down after her feeding. She kept trying
to get my attention and was almost following me around. The clincher
was that I noticed that she was gulping little bits of air from the top
of the tank. I know she is sick but do not know what to do other than
do another water change and increase the temp by a little bit. I did
not see any unusual behavior last night. Please advice. Is there any
hope? Is she just too old? I don't have a secondary tank to
separate her out. This is so distressing. Thanks! Julie <Hi Julie.
There isn't anything obvious to blame here; Angelfish are generally
fairly robust fish, and assuming it gets settled into a tank properly,
the average Angelfish does quite well without complaint for anything up
to 10 or more years. Obviously the first thing to do is check water
chemistry/quality; looking that the pH is stable and that there's
no nitrite in the water is a good approach to take. Gasping is often a
sign of problems with water chemistry/quality, and Angels, like all
cichlids, are particularly sensitive to their environment. Do also
check the water isn't too warm or too cold, as both of these things
can cause problems; the normal 25C/77F is good for tank-bred Angels in
mixed species settings. If the fish is eating properly and shows no
abnormal swelling, colouration, or fraying on the fins, you can
generally assume it's healthy. I know this isn't very helpful,
but at least I can say that no, it isn't old age, and no, it likely
isn't dying. Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Sick angelfish - 6/20/08 Thank you so much Neale,
<Happy to help.> I hope you are correct. I really do. She is a
spitfire and the "light" of my tank for a LONG time. The temp
is always stable so that can be ruled out. I will do a large water
change and watch her carefully. <Changing the water -- assuming you
keep the temperature and water chemistry reasonably stable -- is always
a good idea. Those little "dip stick" water chemistry/quality
tests are also great for things like this. They may not be perfectly
accurate, but they're plenty good enough to alert you to a crisis,
and being cheap and easy to use makes it more likely we'll use
them!> Good to know she has the capacity to live for 10 years!
<Angelfish can easily top 12 years, but 10 years is a good
"average". It's perhaps worth observing lifespan in the
wild is surely much less than that. Cichlids tend to live longer, get
bigger in captivity.> Believe it or not last winter we lost power.
The tank dropped to 60 degrees. I had to warm it up with warm water in
the dark with flashlights. She stressed a little, did not eat but
managed to pull through fine. She is a tough girl! <Cichlids are
indeed notoriously sensitive to cold water. I guess their highly
sophisticated brains don't work when they get cold! For short
period they go loopy and seem to lose orientation as well as appetite,
but usually recover none the worse for wear. Prolonged cold periods
will kill them. There's quite good data from observing how (feral)
cichlids have spread across Florida, USA; they have advanced only so
far north and then no further. There's a cut-off line where the
regularity and coldness of winter stops them in their tracks, about
halfway up the state. Anyway, as you've observed, good quality
tank-bred Angelfish are really very adaptable and robust. But
there's a lot of variation in quality, as well as inbreeding
involved in making really fancy varieties, so you never really know.
Great fish though, very characterful.> Thanks again! This is a great
service! Julie <Good luck, Neale.>
Re: Sick angelfish -- 06/23/08 Update: Neale she is doing
fine! Thank goodness. The tank could not be any clearer! You were right
on the money. I hope to have her for another 5 years. Thanks again!
Julie <Hi Julie, this all sounds good news. Keep us posted if she
starts behaving strangely again. Cheers, Neale.>