FAQs on Freshwater Angelfish Genetic Disease
FAQs on Angelfish Disease:
Angelfish Disease 1,
Freshwater Angel Disease 2,
FW Angel Disease 3,
FW Angel Health 4,
FW Angel Health 5,
FW Angel Health 6,
FW Angel Health 7,
FW Angel Health 8,
FW Angel Health 9,
FAQs on Angelfish Disease by Category:
Nutritional (e.g. HLLE),
Infectious (Virus, Bacterial, Fungal),
Parasitic (Ich, Velvet...),
Related Articles:
Freshwater Angels,
Neotropical Cichlids,
African Cichlids,
Dwarf South American Cichlids,
Asian Cichlids,
Cichlid Fishes in General,
Related FAQs:
Angels 1,
Angels 2,
Angelfish Identification,
Angelfish Behavior,
Angelfish Compatibility,
Angelfish Selection,
Angelfish Systems,
Angelfish Feeding,
Angelfish Reproduction, & FAQs on:
Wild Angels (P. altum),
Cichlids of the
World, Cichlid Systems,
Cichlid Identification,
Cichlid Behavior,
Cichlid Compatibility,
Cichlid Selection,
Cichlid Feeding,
Cichlid Disease,
Cichlid Reproduction,

Angelfish with Swim Bladder Problems, Won't Eat Peas,
Seaweed or Vegetables. Genetic, soc. dis. f's 6/4/14
Dear Wet Web Media Crew,
Hello from Houston, Texas. I love your site by the way. I must say your
advice is much better than what I generally find online and from
aquarium shops and very useful. I have been
keeping fish since I was three and I
have yet to see a resource so comprehensive.
<Thank you for this valuable input; kind, encouraging words>
I currently am having severe problems with my female freshwater
angelfish Gabriella (I believe she is
of the koi variety). Around the start of May I
noticed she was listing on her side occasionally but since she
did it when the lights were off and where plants overhung her I thought
it was just her maneuvering. But unfortunately
it turned out to be real swim bladder issues.
I suspect constipation because I haven't seen her poop
anything other than 1 or 2 mucus strings the whole month. I feed
my fish
vegetables to prevent this problem but unfortunately she refuses to eat
any of them.
<Other laxative foods might help... brine shrimp (frozen/defrosted or
live), Daphnia...>
The tank I normally keep her in is a 105 gallon aquarium with a canister
filter and an undergravel filter,
<I do hope this gets vacuumed regularly>
and I acquired 8 years ago as part of a deal
with Aquarium Environments Inc., which comes to service the tank
with ~90%
water changes once a month.
<Mmm; a poor routine... MUCH better to vacuum once a week... just 20-25%
at a time>
It originally was given to me with a set of
fish that came with it (I didn't realize this was part of the deal
initially), including tiger barbs, silver dollars, Mbuna, parrot
and Leporinus.
<Wow! WW III, IV and V!>
Needless to say this didn't work out. All I have all of the
original set of fish are three silver dollars (2 were killed by
the Mbuna) and since then I have been
struggling to build a tank around these three.
Right now I have five Blackskirts tetras, five
Corydoras, one dwarf neon rainbow, the
angelfish, and four weather loaches. I know I should have more
of the dollars, Blackskirts, rainbows, and cories, but I have
reasons for this. The rainbowfish introduced a
weird disease into my tank that caused bloody,
bubbly feces, ulcers, gill hypertrophy with white stripes,
bloating, and skeletal deformity, and it wiped out most of my 12
and 20 Blackskirts , all but one of the ten
<... quarantine of new stocks>
The silver dollars remained unaffected
throughout, but they are so huge that I can't find any
of a similar size in stores and I worry the small ones I do find
will be bullied by them rather than be
recognized as part of a school.
Enough about the 105-gallon tank, though (that's for another day...it's
a long story involving terrifying diseases and
nigh-invulnerable silver dollars for some
reason). Now that the Blackskirts were few in number, and
Gabriella was having trouble swimming, they fin-nipped her like crazy,
breaking bones and drawing blood. I set up a 12-gallon hospital
tank with a BioWheel for her. I seeded the
biofilter with gravel from my undergravel
filter and put salt and epson <Epsom; not the printer> salt in the tank
for her fins and constipation respectively. I
set the temperature to 82 degrees.
When I caught her she had bloody streaks on her fins and inflammation on
the fin base, so I gave her a full course of API Tetracycline,
which cleared it up. Since then I've been
doing water changes every two days to
clear the color stain in the water (I don't want to use carbon to do it
in case I need to medicate again)
The problem is that while she is cured of infection her swim bladder
issues remain and I'm not sure what to do if I
can't get her to eat anything that will
unblock her system. Everyone recommends peas, but she won't eat them.
I tried hand-feeding her, but she still refuses. I then tried feeding
her seaweed, since I know from past experience
she will occasionally eat that, but she still
wouldn't eat. She swims so poorly she has trouble eating
anything, and she is too afraid of my hands to accept anything. She will
be excited to see me when I walk by and try to
swim upright for a while, but it exhausts her
and she is forced to sink to the bottom of the tank again.
If you could please give me some advice that would be great.
<The laxative crustaceans mentioned above>
She breaks my heart, even though she has been
a bully to the silver dollars (my sister's
favorites) before she got ill. She has bred before, and I wanted to give
her to someone else now that the Blackskirts are aggressive to
her, but with her such a condition I cannot do
Please help.
Thank you.
<Well; the troubles are very likely related to this being a "Koi"
variety (given to genetic issues); the maintenance
routine and the long-standing social disease... getting beat on.
This fish may recover in time; but can't live as it had been. Bob
Re: Angelfish with Swim Bladder Problems, Won't Eat Peas,
Seaweed or Vegetables. Use of frozen/defrosted foods
Dear Wet Web Media crew,
I followed your advice and began feeding Gabriella (the angelfish)
brine shrimp. She loves them and I think she may have
produced a bit of feces (I'm not 100% sure it
is that, though--it could be an uneaten brine
shrimp with the gills fallen off). Do you have any idea how long
it should
take for her to get unblocked if I feed her brine shrimp regularly?
<A few days>
The rest of my fish also like them and I think it will be useful for the
Corydoras since they also are somewhat more carnivorous than the
other fish. I've never fed my fish frozen food
specifically for fish before; only dried,
freeze-dried, and people foods (like vegetables and seafood).
<Ahh; both can be good... some FD can cause constipation>
I think I'll use it instead of freeze-dried
from now on; it should allow me to navigate
situations like where the store tells me their freshwater
gobies are eating pellets but actually they only
want frozen worms.
<Ah yes>
As for the routine, it makes sense then that is the case, because
sometimes one or two of the fish die when the
service comes. I always assumed it was because
they move decor around and scrub algae off the sides (making a lot
of stressful movement) but I think it's more likely the fish are
getting shocked by sudden changes in water
quality. I can do 20-25% changes weekly from
now on, but I don't think I can turn the gravel over completely
that often
because...I'm short.
<We both reach all the way to the ground! Look for a longer siphon...
Python products makes a wide array of lengths>
The tank combined with the stand is so tall I
need to stand on a chair just so I can feed the
<Perhaps a nice two or three level step stool:
The cover is very
<Have someone handy take a look... and possibly arrange a lift that can
be pulled up to raise and lower this... See here:
and the linked files above>
and so is the decor (there is a whole cypress log and several
mountain rocks in there).
<Have someone help you... to scoot these about periodically>
I can vacuum the gravel parts that are exposed, but I think I'll need
the service to still completely go through everything. If I do weekly
water changes and tell the service to reduce the
amount of water they change (so it's not so traumatic) is that
(Also the service uses a carbon bottle when changing the tank
water...they claim if I do water changes of my
own I could traumatize my fish by not using
this. I was just going to use a chloramine detoxifier like
Amquel ...is
that adequate?)
With regard to quarantine since my tank is large and the maintenance
schedule monthly I typically have added one or two large fish or
10-20 small schooling fish within a limited
time window right after the service comes. The
problem is this makes it hard to quarantine as it requires a
large isolation tank and I don't have space for one. I think
changing the water more often will solve this
as it will make the tank clean enough to let
me add fish gradually at any time of the month.
One last thing: when I test the main 105 gallon tank with my API master
liquid test kit right before the service comes, I get
three 0's for
ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate.
<Unusual to have no NO3 accumulating, registering. See WWM re>
I don't buy the latter one much,
<Ah, me neither>
but none of my reagents are expired, so what
is the problem?
<Read on!>
The service people claim it may not register
because my tank is actually one of the cleanest they've
seen (there's barely any organic waste in the gravel and such so
they say...this is probably only b/c the
current stocking density is low and I feed my
fish as much as I know they can eat)
<Is possible>
but I take their advice skeptically. I bought
a new nitrate test reagent a few days ago, and I'm
going to see what it says.
Also, one thing the service did claim is that my water is incompatible
with my fish. A water test right after their
water change revealed a pH of 7.9, GH of 11
degrees, and KH of 5 degrees. Is this reasonable chemistry for
community fish to adapt to if I keep the water maintained?
<Many species; yes>
Thank you for your patience,
<And you for yours. Bob Fenner>
Re: Angelfish with Swim Bladder Problems, Won't Eat Peas, Seaweed or
Vegetables 6/10/14
Dear Wet Web Media Crew,
Hello again.
I would like to report that Gabriella (the angelfish) is eating more and
more and is swimming more, floating backwards less when she does so. She
still spends a lot of time on the bottom, though, and hasn't had
much...excrement, but I think the fact she is eating more is a good
I reluctantly added carbon to the hospital tank filter since apparently
water changes weren't getting the tetracycline red stain/yellow foam
out, and I want to see more clearly if her fins are improving. I had in
where carbon would be the gravel from the main tank's undergravel
filter, and I had to remove it, but I didn't want to take out too much
biofilter (not sure how much bacteria spread to the BioWheel yet) so I
just put in the bottom parts of the tank where Gabriella hasn't liked to
Unfortunately she's changed her mind and decided to sit there anyway. Do
you think I should take the gravel out, because I don't want to scrape
her skin.
<Leave the gravel there>
One development that has concerned me is that her left pectoral fin base
(where the joint next to the body is) has gotten really red, with two
pinpoint dark red spots. Nowhere else on her pectoral fin is there any
sign of fin rot or any bite marks left from when Blackskirts nipped her
and I think a reason for the redness may be she lies on her right side
and waves constantly her left fin to push herself around along the
bottom. Is it possible a fish could injure a fin from overuse and what
should I do about this? Should I add salt back to the water to prevent
(There are red lines running parallel to the fin rays at the far forward
fleshy part of her anal fin and in her pelvic fin but I think these are
blood vessels?)
With regards to the main tank, I did the nitrate test with the new test
reagent and found 20-40 ppm (my sister thought it looked like 80 but she
was placing it down on the paper and this shadowed it...I think you have
to hold it above of the paper). Regardless this looked too high for my
tastes and so I did a 20% water change...
nitrates went down to 10-20 ppm. Two days later the service came and did
a 50% water change. From now on I am doing weekly 20-25% changes and I
think this should help with the one or two fish
slowly dying of mystery diseases I have had over the years since. These
sick fish typically have been small schoolers so it possible they are
stressed by the silver dollars?
<Some; yes>
They don't chase or bite them, and I've never seen any wounds on the
small fish, but perhaps the dollars are just too big. When I had more
schooling fish than I do now the service people said they'd never seen
them school so tightly and claimed it was cause they were scared of the
Case in point: while changing the water I found the defleshed bony plate
of one of my large Corydoras. It was emaciated when it died. I have been
trying to feed them sinking wafers at night but the silver dollars
literally snatch the wafers right out of their mouths. I literally have
to throw in five handfuls of wafers before they leave them alone. Should
I hide the wafers in a nook the dollars can't reach?
<Best to feed both groups (in different areas) simultaneously>
Thank you,
<W. B>
Re: Angelfish with Swim Bladder Problems, Won't Eat Peas, Seaweed or
Vegetables 6/11/14
Dear Wet Web Media Crew,
This might seem like a little too many replies but to be honest I have
only known about this site for a few months so if you could
point me to where the correct information is stored that would be great.
Let me know when you think I'm taking too much of your time.
<Try the search tool (on every page) and indices? BobF>
I tried the feeding in both midwater fish and bottom feeders in
areas at the same time, but while this happened I was able to take a
look at my main tank fish, and I have been so focused on my angelfish
lately I hadn't realized how bad things had gotten.
One of my weather loaches has fin rot on the tail, and two have sore
from passing gravel into their mouths and out their gills (my gravel is
rough-hewn angular kind, and they burrow in it anyway). Only two cories
left, and one has redness on his bottom (probably also from the gravel).
Several of the blackskirt tetras look like they have bacterial
of some sort.
The silver dollars are the only ones who don't have any problems. I
even though the nitrate levels are down and I'll do weekly water changes
from now on, my fish just aren't compatible with each other or the tank
decor I have now.
To be honest when I got many of them years ago I didn't know their
requirements; I went with what Aquarium Environments staff at their
(the Fish Gallery) had recommended as silver dollar tankmates. I didn't
realize (as I know now) that my gravel is actually pretty sharp, that
weather loaches are coldwater fish, blackskirts are fin-nippers, etc. I
thought since their advice sounded more plausible than the obvious
of the original set-up it was okay.
What I ask is...where can I find reliable information about
of fish with silver dollars? Looking at the compatibility FAQs for
it mostly seems to be people putting them into tiny 30 gallon tanks,
I'd never do given mine are the size of 3x5 in index cards and still
I checked my tap water's parameters (to avoid effects of decor and fish
waste) and found it has a pH 7.6, general hardness 10 dH, carbonate
hardness 6 dH...so it seems my water is moderately hard but has
lower-middle buffering capacity. Who could I keep with the silver
(other than more of them) that also can stand rough gravel and these
parameters? NOTE: I forgot to mention the tank has Malaysian burrowing
snails. Should I just forget about fish that sift through gravel and
these as bottom feeders?...worried they'd get out of control w/o the
loaches to eat them.
Aquarium Environments Inc. advertises its paid monthly service as "All
do is feed the fish," but it seems this isn't really true...
I think you should warn people about services like this...there are many
different brands, and they all advertise with perfect-looking tanks in
hospitals, shopping malls, etc, often full of incompatible fish. I've
found out those tanks are maintained daily. People need to know the
misleadingness of these advertisements, and you'll always need to
your tanks.
Thank you,
Small Angel Fish, colour, hlth.
Hi Crew,
I have several questions to ask. I am glad I found your site, it
is full of interesting and useful information. I have two tanks
of angel fish. I have a 55 gal with 6 quarter to half dollar size
angels. I have another tank that has handicapped fish in it.
Their fins have been chewed off mostly because the place I got
them from had to many in a very small tank. The handicap tank is
35 gal. I had the water tested today and all of the measures are
good. Nitrate 0, Nitrite 0, ammonia 0, Ph is 6. All Angels are
dime to penny size. I keep the tank temp at 82 F. Now for the
1. Is there any knowledge about why some fins grow back with
color and some grow back clear?
<Mmm, there likely is, but I am not familiar w/ it/this.
Perhaps querying on Cichlid sites, or a visit to a large college
library. Do see here re searching for literature: http://wetwebmedia.com/litsrchart.htm
2. I am in question about the dark mark under the fin in the
picture that is attached. It looks like a scratch, but on closer
inspection in the picture it looks like it may be just a
coloration thing. Can you tell me if I should be worried or
isolate the fish?
<I would not be worried. This appears to be
"natural", not resultant from some pathogenic
I know that if there is a concern then I should isolate, but
moving such a small fish would cause stress, so why cause stress
if there is no need to do so?
<We are of a like mind>
I have attached two pictures. One of each side of the fish so you
can see the difference.
3. How big are angel fish when they start to pair off?
<Sometimes as small as the body size of a quarter>
The 6 in the 56 gal are quarter size to a bit bigger, so I am
wondering how soon it will be before they start this process. I
keep the tank at 82 degrees.
Thank you
<And you for sharing. My survey article and our collective
input re Pterophyllum is archived here:
and the linked Angel files above. Cheers, Bob

Re: Small Angel Fish
Thank you for your fast reply. I truly appreciate it and
the web site that continues to offer insightful
information. Thank you for the referral to other resources
for my investigation about fin growth color. Could I ask
one more question? One of the small angels has bent fins.
Should I try to clip the bent part off?
<Mmm, I would not. Though if the "reason" for
these deformities is developmental, and
"fix-able" through genetic determination, it is
"too cruel" in my present value system to justify
the pain, likely loss>
I am concerned that this break will be a place for
infection, although the fish is not showing any signs of it
now. I will attach a picture of "ZigZag" so you
can see what I mean.
Thank you so much
<And you. Bob Fenner>

Re: Small Angel Fish
Mr. Bob,
<Ms. James>
You're awesome! This website is incredible. Thank you
for your swift reply as I was worried about ZigZag.
<Welcome dear. B>
Diseased angel fish? 1/31/08 I just purchased
this angel fish. When I got home I noticed this reddish spot above
his gill. <Hmm... not obvious in the image (despite its size; do
note we specifically ask for *small* or *cropped* images, not full
size ones 1.5 MB in size).> I recently got my aquarium reset up
from a horrible ice storm that killed all my fish, and have been
waiting for it to cycle before adding any. <Empty tanks
don't cycle; unless you're adding ammonia, the bacteria are
dying.> Is this something I should worry about & not
introduce into my aquarium? I found something about blood spots on
a www search, but no pictures to know exactly what it looks like.
<No idea what "blood spots" are. Fancy Angelfish are
very inbred and often have things like malformed gill covers, as
with the so-called "blushing Angelfish" which lack
pigment on the gill covers. You also see gill covers that are
twisted or incomplete, exposing the red filaments underneath. So do
check this. If the red spot is obviously a wound, i.e., a cut or
ulcer, then treat proactively with a Finrot remedy to prevent
secondary infection.> What do you think & can you give me
any suggestions on what I should do? Thank you. <Cheers,
Neale.> |
The red area of the operculum is
genetic. RMF.
Angelfish Lying on Side?!? 11/27/06 Hello
Bob. It's Glenda again. You may remember me from the email I sent
about my Honey Gourami whose stomach was rotting away (July 24).
<Ah, yes> My new problem is one of my black Angelfish: Why is it
lying on its side on the floor of the tank? <Not good> It eats
heartily like all the others but doesn't move around much
otherwise. No other visible signs of sickness but it has been so for a
few days now. It first started by staying at the top of the tank behind
the flow of bubbles coming from the filter. Any idea what's wrong
with it? <Yes... darker varieties of FW angels have a decidedly
higher incidence of "swim bladder" disease... symptomatic by
this sort of lack of 3-dimensional control... Not cure-able> I am
still using my 25 gallon tank but the fish are a different collection:
2 Black and 1 White Angelfish, 1 Black Ghost, 2 Upside-down Catfish, 2
Silver Gouramis (one whose pectoral fin rotted off in Sept. over the
course of about 6 months. Still living happily otherwise though so I
just monitored it but didn't really worry about what caused it to
happen. <Could be negative interaction between the Knifefish or
Mochokid catfish... more likely at night...> They are 3+ years old.
Probably a small injury that never healed I guess? <Yes... and/but
most likely related to the other species noted> Seems ok now.), 2
Plecos, 1 Yo-yo Loach, 3 Guppies, 2 Rainbow Sharks and 1 Albino Shark.
<Oh! Or these minnow-sharks...> Once again, thanks for your help.
<The one angel will likely perish... perhaps better to euthanize.
Bob Fenner>
Angel fish with cystic like growth on the upper
lip 3/13/07 Hello - <Hi there Kristina> I have a year
and a half old angel fish in a 20g. tank with one other angel fish,
which I bought them both at the same time. They have been living
together with no problems for the past year. Six months ago the smaller
angel fish developed a clear lump (looks swollen) on it's upper lip
practically overnight. I thought this may have been cause by hitting
the glass or the top of the tank at night. <Would be my guess as
well> The lump has stayed the same size until this past weekend.
Last night I noticed the lump has doubled in size and his mouth is
almost completely closed shut. It looks like excess skin has grown in
the opening of his mouth. He cannot even eat small broken up flakes or
dried worms. I know he will starve to death if I do not do
anything. Also, the second fish has no physical problems and
is eating and acting normally. I still have not taken a
picture but I can do it tonight and upload it if need be. In the
meantime what should I do? thank you. <Mmm... I would go the route
of "semi-experimental" surgery here... Using a drop of Clove
Oil (outside the tank)... I would place the angel in a shallow pan with
some of the system water, add a couple of drops to the water and one to
the cystic area, and gingerly cleave off the growth with a new single
edge razor blade... then daub the area (with a "Q tip") with
a drop of Merthiolate/Mercurochrome/Merbromin (whichever you can
find/have)... and return it to the tank. Bob Fenner> Kristina
Re: Angel fish with cystic like growth on the
upper lip 3-13-07 Thank you for the information. Another
thought: Could this be a tumor that has grown and is a result of
inbreeding? <Mmm, well... all starts (and ends) with our genes...
perhaps there is some greater/lesser influence here> He is a golden
marble angel fish and supposedly they are frequently inbred? <Mmm...
not as "much" as the jet black varieties... but... yes> If
i did cut off the cyst or tumor: 1) Will it grow back? <A
possibility, yes> 2) Will it become infected when I put him back in
the tank? <Hopefully not... part of the reason for the application
of the Mercury based antiseptic (along with stemming blood loss)>
Thanks again! KRISTINA MARZEC <Welcome! Bob
Some fat lips on angelfish <HI, MikeD
here> I have looked
in a lot of places but haven't seen anything on fat lips on angels.
This poor fish looks like he's been overdosed with collagen
injections! He seems to be healthy, otherwise. No
trouble eating and no trouble being bossy at times. There
are 3 other angels in the 55 gal tank and they, too, are healthy. We
bought the 4 fish as babies and have had them for about 8
months. Any ideas as to the cause and treatment of fat
lips?<Without seeing the fish in person or at least a good
photograph, all I can do is ask a couple of questions in return and
give you an option. In your narrative you don't mention
whether this is a sudden development or a characteristic of the fish
that has been there as it grew, and from the tone in general I'm
inclined to suspect that the latter is the case, which would indicate
that you may have an aberrant gene that's shown up, resulting in a
fish that's otherwise normal....this is how most of the
"strains" of decorative aquarium fish originated, veil tails,
blushing angels, marbles, etc., and if you so desire here's your
chance to add another. Breed this fish with two or three members of the
opposite sex and watch the fry to see how many show the trait, then
breed these together until you end up with parents that now produce all
progeny with the same characteristic and go from there..."Kissing
angels", "Jagger angels" (or any other name that
suitably describes their appearance, and voila! While an
infection could result in enlarged lips due to swelling, there are
usually other signs that accompany it, such as difficulty eating,
cottony growth on the lips, etc., which is why I suspect that you
simply have a deviant gene, also sometimes referred to as
"evolution in progress" and unless you see a definite sign
for alarm I'd simply sit back, watch and enjoy your
fish....different is not always bad> My angels and
I thank you for your help!
Curve on dorsal of freshwater angelfish I have
some dark black juvenile approx 7-8wks old angelfish. There are a
combination veil and standard fin. Some of the dorsals on the veils are
starting to have a curve .the standard fins are fine. Is this a genetic
trait (the parents do not show it) or overcrowding, water condition or
lack of some nutrient? < Black angelfish have traditionally been one
of the weaker strains of angelfish. They are very inbred. If the adults
don't show it then it probably a number of factors. My guess is it
is a combination of genetics with poor water quality during their early
stages in development.> They were raised on brine shrimp and have
been eating TetraMin flake and Spirulina the last 10 days. Also there
is this reddish brown slime algae looking substance on the glass and
sponge filters, What is it and could this possibly cause the
problem? Help < Algae is a sign of too much light and
excessive nutrients in the water. It could be nitrates or some other
mineral. My guess is when the water quality is good enough not to
encourage algae then the fish will have better finnage on
your fish as they develop. Try checking the ammonia, nitrite
and nitrates. The ammonia and nitrites should be zero. The nitrates
should be as low as possible for you developing fish. You remove these
factors when you do regular water changes and service the filter
often.-Chuck> Thanks Heidi