FAQs about Live Rock Hitchhiker/Creature
Related Articles: Live
Rock, Reef Systems, Refugiums,
Related FAQs: Live Rock, Answering
Some LR FAQs by James Fatherree, LR
Hitchhiker ID 1, LR Hitchhiker ID
2, LR Hitchhiker ID 3, LR Hitchhiker ID 4, LR Hitchhiker ID
5, LR ID
6, LR ID 7, LR ID 8, LR ID 9,
LR ID 10, LR
ID 11, LR ID 12, LR ID 13, LR ID
14, LR ID 15, LR ID 16, LR ID17,
19, LRID 20, LRID 21, LRID 22,
25, LRID 26, LRID 27, LRID 28, LRID
LRID 30, LRID 31,
LRID 32, LRID 33,
LRID 34, LRID 35,
LRID 36, LRID 37,
LRID 38, & Non-Vert IDs 1, Tubeworm ID, Polychaete Identification, Live Rock 1, LR
2, LR 3, LR 4, LR 5, Curing Live Rock, Live Rock Selection, Shipping/Moving, Placement, Lighting, Water Quality, Live Rock Studies in Fiji Collaboration
& Charts, Copper Use, Marine Landscaping, Marine Biotope, Sumps, Refugiums, Faux

LR IDs 5/13/10
Hello good people at WWM I have a question or two for you
If you would be so kind as to confirm what I have growing on my
live rock.
I've been doing extensive searching and asking on what forums
I am registered to.
But so far yours is the only one that has anything close to what
is on my rocks.
You have it here listed as black coralline algae. And also the
other picture is some green algae looking stuff growing on my
clove Polyps...
Haven't yet had the time to look around and see what that
might be.
<Perhaps some sort of sponge>
Tank specs are 90gal, 20gal sump, 77lb of live rock, 1 inch live
sand and a Octopus extreme 160 protein skimmer. Occupants are 1
yellow tail Damsel, 1 coral banded Shrimp, 5 Snails & 10 reef
Hermit Crabs. Corals include green stripe Mushrooms, green star
Polyps and clove Polyps. Been setup and running for almost a
month now.
<The second pic is some sort of Clavulariid... Mmm, maybe
that's what you have listed above... Bob Fenner>
Anemone? Aiptasia?: Hitchhiker ID
Hey WWM,
<Hi Mike.>
First of all, thank you for providing a website with so much
useful information. It is my first source for finding aquaria
<Happy that you find the site useful.>
So today, I purchased my first live rock (probably no larger than
a lb or two) and to my surprise, it is teeming with life. There
are at least two inverts that I wasn't able to photograph,
algae, and some growth that I was hoping you could help me
identify. I am very concerned that the large image
(unidentified3) is Aiptasia. If it is, is there any way of
eliminating it without damaging the other growth on the rock?
<It isn't an Aiptasia..it looks like a Majano anemone.
which can be a pest, but nothing like an Aiptasia. I would keep
it for now and enjoy it>
Also for image unidentified5, it is 1-2 mm in size right now,
that is why it is so blurry, it hides whenever anything goes near
it. Is there any chance of identifying it at this time? There are
a couple of them in the tank in different locations.
<Unidentified 5 looks like a feather duster:
<Unidentified 4 is an anemone of some sort, but it is too
small to tell right now.>.
Thank you in advanced,
<My pleasure.>
Mike T
<MikeV><<3,4,5 BobF>>
