FAQs about Live Rock
Hitchhiker/Creature Identification
Related Articles: Live Rock, Reef
Systems, Refugiums,
Related FAQs: Live Rock, Answering
Some LR FAQs by James Fatherree, LR
Hitchhiker ID 1, LR Hitchhiker ID
2, LR Hitchhiker ID 3, LR Hitchhiker ID 4, LR Hitchhiker ID
7, LR ID 8, LR ID 9, LR ID 10,
12, LR ID 13, LR ID 14, LR ID 15,
LR ID 16, LR
ID17, LRID 18, LRID 19, LRID 20,
22, LRID 23, LRID 24, LRID 25,
27, LRID 28,
LRID 31,
LRID 32,
LRID 33,
LRID 34,
LRID 35,
LRID 36,
LRID 37,
LRID 38,
& Non-Vert IDs 1, Tubeworm ID, Polychaete Identification, Live Rock 1, LR 2,
LR 3, LR 4,
LR 5, Curing
Live Rock, Live Rock Selection,
Shipping/Moving, Placement, Lighting, Water Quality, Live Rock Studies in Fiji Collaboration
& Charts, Copper Use, Marine
Landscaping, Marine Biotope,
Faux Rock
White translucent tube like growths 7/4/2012
Hi crew,
<Hi RA, Mich here.>
Great job you do for the community, thanks.
<On behalf of Bob and the volunteers here, you're welcome!>
I have multiple translucent tube like growths appearing all over my
<Mostly in dark places I presume...>
See pictures.
They are sticky and soft. Water quality is good, 30% water change twice
a week with the addition of supplements and LED lights (that may
actually be too strong!) They come off with a good brushing. What do you
think they are.
<Looks like sponge growth to me. If it were my aquarium I would
let them grow as opposed to brushing them off. They are beneficial
filter feeders.
Two ID's requested, please 6/28/12
Hi wonderful experts!
I am always running into unexpected critters in my tanks.
<Wonderful freebies, well most of the time...>
Usually "Reef Invertebrates" helps me to identify them, but these two have
me stumped.
<I'll see what I can do.>
The first is a worm-like thing living in the midst of a small colony of
star polyps. I apologize for the poor picture, but I tried like crazy,
and this is the best I can do. I'll try to describe it. You
can tell the size from context. It is curled in a small spiral, an
obviously soft worm encased in a hard tube (except for its head).
The color, not done justice in this photo, is a brilliant orange, almost
Day-Glo. It has two prominent, long, thin antennae. It also
has a short tube-like orifice that convulses rhythmically. I am
almost certain that it is pumping water in (or out) through the visible
orifice on its head, and pumping it out (or in) via some other orifice
whose location I cannot see. Enough of the head extends from the
end of the tube to allow it to continually 'look around' itself, almost
as if it's searching for something, although I cannot see anything that
looks like eyes.
<Likely a worm from Family Serpulidae. Not a cause for concern, unless
you are a copepod or bacteria.>
I found the other when I removed a pump for cleaning. I laid them
on a 3x5 card so that you can see their size via the ruled lines on the
card. I have not seen them anywhere else in the tank, but there
were many of them on and near the pump. They are very soft-bodied,
with no features such as antennae, eyes or mouth that I could see.
<These are Syconoid sponges, commonly called Pineapple or Q-tip sponges.
They are harmless filter feeders that live in low light/high flow areas.
Check the inside of your skimmer and under rocks- you will find more.>
Any thoughts on IDing these things would be appreciated. Thanks!
Possible red Macro Algae please ID.
So about two months ago I bought a new T5 lighting system for my
46 Gallon bow front reef aquarium. After about four weeks with the new
light I noticed red "spots" forming on all of the live rock. At that
time I took a picture and went to a forum to see if anyone could ID it,
most people thought it was a form of sponge,
<Mmm, maybe>
so I just left it alone and let it grow.
Now four weeks later it has grown bigger, and I have noticed that it
doesn't have any vents like most sponges do and it seems to be growing
in colonies. Which makes me think it's probably not a sponge. Also it is
growing on moving objects. The other day I say a few pieces of it on one
of my hermit crabs and snails, and from what I have heard sponges don't
grow on things that move.
<Some do>
So my main question is "What is it? and is it
harmful?" it has been fine since I had it, kind of pretty too. But if
it's aggressive and will choke out my coral I would like to remove it,
or at least as much of it as possible. Thank you for your time and help.
<Need a better resolved ("close up", in focus) pic... this could be a
type of Rhodophyte... even a reddish Brown/Phaeophyte, like a Ralfsia
sp.... or could be another class, group entirely. I'd leave as is for
now. Bob Fenner>
Re: Possible red Macro Algae please ID. – 6/21/12
Thank you for you reply it left me with some comfort. I would add more
detailed pictures but I'm limited by what my phone can do and my real
camera takes worse pictures. When I do get a better camera I'll take
some shot and send it your way to get a real ID, just so I and possibly
other people know what they have.
<I thank you. BobF>
Please Identify if Possible: Poriferan
â€" 12/17/12
Hello WWM crew.
<Hello, Lynn here this evening.>
I have a 55 gallon reef tank. I have one RBTA and a bubble coral
as well as a rock anemone. I also have 2 clowns a sailfish tang
as well as a 6 line wrasse. The tank has been running for 3 years
and now I have these strange looking things growing in the rock
behind the bubble coral. I have enclosed a picture.
<It appears to be a harmless Poriferan/sponge of some sort.
They typically reside in out of the way/more protected areas of
the tank (e.g., tucked underneath overhangs, rock crevices,
behind rockwork at the back, etc.). For more information, please
see the following link, as well as the related links at the top
of the page: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/sponges.htm
Take care, Lynn Z>

Re: Please identify if possible: Poriferan
â€" 2/18/12
<Hello again!>
Thank you for the quick response!
<You’re very welcome.>
I read the link you sent me. The one question I still have that
the article didn't really address is, do you think they are
<No, I don’t. While there are some
encrusting sponges that can cause trouble (over-running corals
and such), what you have is nothing to worry about.
It’s basically a beneficial, water filterer.
If you get a chance, do go through the various
â€Sponge ID†links listed at the top of
that link I sent. You may not find a photo of the exact sponge
you have, but you will find corroboration that what you have is
indeed harmless, beneficial and in most cases an indication of a
healthy system.>
If so how do I safely remove them?
<I would leave them in place and enjoy. Take care, Lynn
Marine aquarium question for the crew, Id, Sponge
Hello WetWebMedia crew,
I have an ID question for you, recently I have been noticing
white masses around some of the corals in my tank, the masses are
very porous to touch and seem very hard, I've attached a
picture with the masses circled, so I'm wondering what they
are, are they harmful and if so how do I get rid of them? Any
help would be much appreciated.
I would also like that I think your web site is great keep up the
great work.
Thanks for your time
<Looks like a sponge to me, I have similar in my own tank. Not
harmful except the space it is taking up around your polyps,
remove them if you don't like the look, otherwise generally

small orbs, Id 1/12/12
I have a 12 gallon Nano cube, live rock, 2 damsels, one clown, one
delicate sea anemone. Had for about 4 months. /Found two pea
sized balls, dark greenish black on rock, firm shell. Is this
good or bad?
<Perhaps Valonia or another green (Chlorophyte) algae. See WWM re.
Bob Fenner>
Re: small orbs 1/15/12
Thanks, finally figured it out. Bubble algae, seems to be Ventricaria
ventricosa, recommended to get emerald crab....
<Ah yes... also members of the Valoniaceae... Do see WWM re
Mithrax/Mithraculus crabs, other means of controlling the algae. The
search tool on every page... BobF>