FAQs about Live Rock Hitchhiker/Creature
Identification 16
Related Articles: Live
Rock, Reef Systems, Refugiums,
Related FAQs: Live Rock, Answering
Some LR FAQs by James Fatherree, LR
Hitchhiker ID 1, LR Hitchhiker ID
2, LR Hitchhiker ID 3, LR Hitchhiker ID 4, LR Hitchhiker ID
5, LR ID
6, LR ID
7, LR ID 8, LR ID 9, LR ID
10, LR ID
11, LR ID 12,
LR ID 13, LR ID 14, LR ID 15,
23, LRID
24, LRID 25, LRID 27, LRID 28,
LRID 29,
LRID 30, LRID 31,
LRID 32, LRID 33,
LRID 34,
LRID 35, LRID 36,
LRID 37, LRID 38,
Non-Vert IDs 1, Tubeworm ID, Polychaete Identification, Live Rock 1, LR
2, LR 3, LR 4, LR 5, Curing Live Rock, Live Rock Selection, Shipping/Moving, Placement, Lighting, Water Quality, Live Rock Studies in Fiji Collaboration
& Charts, Copper Use, Marine Landscaping, Marine Biotope, Sumps, Refugiums, Faux

Unknown critter ID, Porifera
8/9/08 Hi, <Hello, Mich with you tonight.> I've been
reading this site for months.. it's great. <Thanks! Glad you
like it!> Now I need some help. <Alrighty!> My tank is two
weeks old. <VERY new!> Ammonia has been trending downward for
6 days and is now at less than .25ppm. The tank has 192W of PC
lighting (96W 10k, and 96W dual actinic) running 7 hours per day.
The tank is doing great, I've got new growth in macroalgae,
feather worms, breeding snails, etc. The live rock is from Tampa
Bay Saltwater, so call it Caribbean rock. <Ok.> I've got
these things growing on it. (see pic) They are thin, translucent,
white stalks. They have gone from nonexistent to 1 to 2 inches tall
in about a week. It appears to have small polyps on them, but
that's not really verified. Is this a juvenile gorgonian
colony? <Nope. Is a sponge, likely growing rapidly due to high
nutrient content in the water. Is a harmless filter feeder. Just
enjoy it. More here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/sponges.htm and
related links in blue.> Thanks
Mich> |

Strange thing in my tank 8/6/08
Okay to start off, I have a 70 g, two 50g, a 30g, and a 110g
saltwater tank. The 70g tank has been up over a year. The two 50s
and the 30g(refugium) have been up awhile. Long enough to be doing
well. Anyway, I know you are not supposed to but we bought some
live rock from friends of ours that they had in a tank for over two
years. It was beautiful. Lots of colors and very pretty. Anyway,
they noticed, after they purchased several corals, that this thing
was at the bottom of the tank. It sat on the bottom of their tank
in a mass of hair algae. We bought the rock, brought it home and
scrubbed it down, and then put it in the tank for curing. The hair
algae is gone, but the little critter has made a reappearance. It
is the red Aiptasia looking thing beneath the Montipora, and in
some of the other pics you can see its 'legs' stretching
across the rock. It looks like hairs stretching across the rock.
The 'legs' appear to be segmented. And although the body is
red, the 'legs' are white with black 'joints'. The
body is about .5" and the total red mass is 1" to
1.5" , and the 'legs' are about 10" stretching
across the rock and down the side of it. We are worried and
don't know if we should try to extract it, or if we should try
to kill it, or if it would try to get us!!! I don't want to get
stung. Please help!! Thank you, BJ hardy <This is very likely a
type of sedentariate polychaete worm... do take a look on the Net,
WWM re "spaghetti worms"... Completely harmless... even
beneficial, or aesthetic beauty. I would leave it as is, enjoy. Bob
Fenner> |

plant id... actually a Poriferan -- 03/20/08 hello, I have
an unusual plant in my reef tank. It looks like coralline algae
in color. It grows slowly and has broad leafs/tissue. Its pretty
robust-- not brittle, quite slippery. I have been searching for
any similar plant/macroalgae morphology, but have not found
anything close. I would appreciate any input to help figure this
out. Thanks, rob <Very nice pic and organism... This is
actually a Sponge. See the Net, or here:
http://wetwebmedia.com/sponges.htm and the linked ID files above.
Bob Fenner>
Re: plant id, Poriferan 3/20/08 Thanks a lot for
the input. I did actually frag it and find it to be one of the
cooler parts of my reef system. <Is a beauty! And testament to
your good maintenance. Cheers! BobF>
Isn't that pretty?
Good pic of something -- 03/20/08 Here is a
pic of something. keep it and use it if you want. If you know what
it is, let me know. I have it in higher resolution, I think. lol.
<The greenish thing in the middle? Perhaps a Sponge/Poriferan.
Bob Fenner> |

I'm clueless - ID needed: Egg Ribbon -- 3/18/08 Hello!
<Hi there, Sonny!> Hope you can help me to identify this
creature. <Sure hope so!> I set up a nano reef tank about 7
month ago. I am into the hobby about 9 years now. All my water
parameters (including Mg, Ca, Sr..etc..) are close to perfect. I
keep my temperature at 78-80 degrees. 15-17 lbs of live rock, 20
lbs of aragonite, Marineland C-160 canister, Hydor Koralia Nano
powerhead, AquaC Remora Nano skimmer with MJ 900. Current
Satellite light system, 1 dual actinic and 1 dual daylight, 40 W
each, 80 Watts all together, set up with a timer. Only 8 hours
daylight. 1 small colt coral, 1 green eyed and 1 yellow polyps,
trumpet coral. 1 six line wrasse, about a dozen hermits, about
the same amounts of assorted snails. 1 sand shifter
<Sifter?> star, 1 red thorny star, <Uh-oh, these two
stars need much, much, more room in order to survive. They will
not make it in a small tank.> ..and 1 cleaner shrimp. Very
happy and healthy environment. Yesterday I noticed something on
one of my live rock, something I never seen before. If you look
at the picture the creature is right above my fish, and it looks
like a target. <Nice photo!> Round shaped, and has circles
inside.. The color is kinda clear whitish...Please help me
identify this new critter for me! <Hmmm, it looks like an egg
ribbon, possibly left by a Nudibranch or snail. No worries, these
things pop up from time to time and usually disappear within a
few days - as food for the system's inhabitants! Please see
these links for examples of Nudibranch egg ribbons:
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/nudireprofaqs.htm> Your help is
truly appreciated, Sonny <You're very welcome! Take care,
Re: I'm clueless - ID needed: Egg Ribbon -- 3/18/08
Thank you very much Lynn! <You're very welcome, Sonny!>
I forgot to mention this is a 10G tank. <Yep, I had a feeling
it was when you mentioned the light fixture, but didn't want
to assume.> I also forgot that I just introduced a lettuce
Nudibranch (beautiful creature, I never had one before) about a
week ago, so I suppose he's the source of those eggs. <You
got it!> The sand sifter looks very happy, I don't see him
too much though. <Unfortunately, these need a large area of
mature DSB to survive.> The red thorny star is not the African
red knob sea star, but I'm sure you knew that. <Well, I
wasn't sure if it was Protoreaster lincki or Echinaster
echinophorus, but unfortunately, neither is suitable for this
size tank.> When I purchased him (I bought him and the
Nudibranch at the same time) they told me they won't grow
bigger than 3-4 inches. <Yes, although I've read differing
reports on their size (ranging from 4-8'). Most say it's
around 4', so I'd be more inclined to go with that
number.> Should I take him back? <Yes, actually I'd
take both of those stars back. They'll starve to death in
such a small system.> He seems healthy. My only concern is
that ever since I introduced him to my tank, he's not moving
a lot. Looks like he settled down on one of my live rock, and
he's been there ever since. I see him moving his tentacles
and arms, but he just "sits" there. I don't know..
He's beautiful bright red and orange color.. Any thoughts?
<Yep, if he's been in the same place for a week,
that's not good. Even if he was doing well though, I would
still recommend taking him back.> My heavenly Nudibranch is
all over the place, grazing for algaes all day. Actually I
don't have too much of nuisance algaes of any kind anymore,
is there any supplement I can use if unfortunately ( I can
believe I said that:-) I run out of algaes? <Hmmm, you could
try Nori, but I'm not too confident that it will be eaten.
These sea slugs are nothing if not picky little eaters! They tend
to like one particular algae and that's it. Some like
Bryopsis, others eat Caulerpa, etc. Sadly, they're usually
short-lived in aquariums.> Again, thank you very much for the
infos and those great articles, I think you made my night much
better. <You're very welcome. I'm sorry to be the
bearer of bad news about the stars, but they really do need to be
in a much larger system.> If you have chance Lynn, please let
Anthony know that He rule the saltwater world.. By any means, He
is the greatest. <Hey, what about Bob! I say he's the
greatest! :-) Sorry, but I can't help being partial. LOL I
just couldn't let that go without saying something! I've
never met Anthony Calfo but he does seem like a terrific guy --
knowledgeable, funny and kind. I'm hoping to meet him at IMAC
in May. At that time, I would be most happy to relay your
message!> Thank you Lynn, good night <You're most
welcome, Sonny. Goodnight to you too, -Lynn>

ID Please... Hair Worm (Cirratulid species)
3/14/08 Hey there all, <Hi Tim, Mich here!> I was
wondering if you might be able to ID this for me. I spotted it on
some of my Live Rock. <Looks like a hair worm (Cirratulid
species) to me, a harmless filter feeder. Often crabs, including
hermit, cleaner shrimp and nipping fish prey upon these beneficial
worms.> Thanks Much, Tim
<Welcome much, Mich> |

Live Rock Hitchhikers In A Very Small System --
3/10/08 Hi crew, <Hi there!> A couple simple questions
for you, I first off have multiple white egg sacs on my LR as the
first image attached shows you. I'd like if you could tell me
what they are, <They're likely harmless little sponges.
Please see this link, as well as related links at the top:
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/sponges.htm > ..as well as the second
image I attached to this message, this hitchhiker seems permanently
imbedded into a part of my LR, I want to call it an oyster but my
knowledge is limited when it comes to saltwater invertebrates.
<It's definitely a bivalve of some sort, also harmless. See
this link, as well as related links above:
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/bivalvia.htm > I just got my 1 gallon
tank from a friend of mine <Yikes, that's small! Keeping
water quality up and stable, can be extremely challenging in these
systems. Please read through the following links (as well as those
listed at the top) for more information:
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/nanoreefsysart.htm > ..who had set it
up with sand and LR and let it cycle for over a month, I had my
water tested at the LFS and they said it was O.K. for me to get a
fish in there so I did, <I hope it's a very tiny Goby! Also,
you're going to need to acquire your own test kits in order to
closely monitor water quality. Sorry to sound like such a bummer
about your new tank, but small tanks such as this can be very
difficult to keep, even for experienced aquarists! Here's a
link regarding test kits:
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/mtestsel.htm> ..and I noticed these
two hitchhikers developing, if you could help me figure out what
these are I would appreciate your help :) <My pleasure!
They're part of the beneficial biodiversity that arrives in our
systems via live rock, and a real treat to see. As long as you can
keep water quality in good shape, you should be seeing more and
more signs of life (worms, 'pods', etc). In the meantime,
I'm going to introduce you to a very valuable tool, WWM's
search engine! There's a wealth of information to be had there
regarding various hitchhikers, water chemistry issues, etc.!
Good luck! Take care, -Lynn> |

What is this? 2/29/08 Hi Bob,
<Peg> My apologies if this catches you at a bad time, but
would you care to opine on what you see in the attached pic please?
My old eyes aren't what they used to be, and even with the mag
glass I can't quite determine what this is. It appears it may
be an egg mass, but I'm not positive. Many thanks for your
expert eyes! Peggywww.all-reef.com <Interesting... can almost
make out the siphons of the individual... tunicates? Perhaps a bit
larger, better-resolved pic... Cheers, BobF> |

Algae Question (Attn: Sara)-02/27/08 Hi Sara (or
whoever takes this e-mail), I've got a question about something
growing in my saltwater tank. I'm not sure if you remember (if this
is even Sara), but I've got a 29g BioCube. All the parameters are
where the should be, but I've had this THING / STUFF growing on one
of my pieces of rock, and I can't identify it. At first, I thought
it was a mushroom coral, but it wasn't. On closer inspection, I
realized that it wasn't black, but a deep indigo, and when I
touched it, it left what appeared to be ink on me (yeah, same color as
before). I've also noticed that it has these little
"vents" on it. They look like translucent lil' tubes, and
I'm not sure if it's something for feeding, breeding, or
eating. <That sounds like a sponge or tunicate more than an algae.
But I'm sorry, it's really impossible to say without a
photo.> My only guess, is that it's some kind of algae, but what
kind? and is there any way to get rid of it without destroying the
surrounding coralline algae? <Please send in a photo if you can.>
Again, thanks for your help! DJ
Sara M.>
ID and removal of yellow cave-dwelling balls
02/19/2008 Hello, <<G'morning. Andrew today>>
We bought an existing marine reef aquarium, 45 gallon long, without
knowing what we were getting into. Fortunately, with great help
from the wet web media forum [and Bob's seminal book], it has
been a thrilling roller-coaster ride of discovery and success.
Maybe too much so. <<Sounds like a wonderful journey your
embarking on>> Starting out with pretty much all the wrong
equipment [and a nitrate reading of 100 ppm], it is nice to say
that at the end of two months everything and everybody seems
extremely healthy [purple mushroom corals are at 5" diameter,
one Domino damsel is possibly over 4" in length, chemistry
great, lots of exciting stories, etc]. <<Great news>>
Everything is healthy . and growing. So much so that we now may
have a problem with an unidentified yellow ball something [sponge?]
that likes to grow in caves or reduced light areas [and propagate].
Original there were3 attached under one rock in a cave like
setting. That cave now has six and there are at least 4 other
locations with these yellow fellows. <<Yes, these are
sponges, harmless filter feeders and will come and go, depending on
nutrient levels. More info can be found here
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/sponges.htm >> The problem is one
of the original yellow balls has gotten so big that it is
threatening to dislodge some rock from a crack it 'grew
into'. The question is safe removal. If you know what these
are, can you provide advice on the proper way to harvest them. If
the one can be saved, great. If not, can it be removed without harm
to the other occupants of the habitat? <<Removing it is not a
problem and it will not effect the others near by. Safely remove
with a scalpel blade or other sharp bladed instrument and attach to
a rock with some fishing line>> Knowing the great level of
support all of you provide it is easy to imagine how busy you must
be. I apologize for adding to the work load with this question.
Hope it is not an 'easy' simple thing that could have
[should have] been figured out. Please be assured that what you do
does make a difference. Dana C. Andrews, B.S. <<Your
questions are most welcome, so, no apology is needed. Thanks. A
Nixon>> |
Zee spongee!