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White funk on liverock 1/26/06 I have a 20 gallon high saltwater tank that has about 7 1/2 pounds of Fiji live rock, along with a couple damsels and a Sally lightfoot crab. my question is this: our live rock is looking really nice ( was cured before being added to the aquarium) except for one thing. there is a whitish, almost spider webby looking coating on some of the rock, which didn't show up until after we added the fish. the sally lightfoot crab pulled some of it off and it seemed like he ate some of it, but there's still some on there. what is this stuff? and how do i get rid of it? i would have included a photo but my digital camera is all messed up. my boyfriend and i are new to the marine aquarium hobby, and want to do everything we can to get this small tank going well so we can upgrade to a larger aquarium. we like your site a lot, and ya'll really seem to know your stuff. i wasn't able to find anything on the site about the stuff on my rock. once we get this aquarium going well, we would like to upgrade to at least a 90 to set up a mini reef, and eventually (once we have a house with more space) have a shark tank. i was interested in the banded cat sharks, since they stay smaller. we've read your FAQ section on sharks, and done a lot of research, and we've come to realize its going to be a while before we can afford a large enough tank for such a fantastic animal to be happy. thanks for the help ~Erica and Eric <Is just decomposition products... likely not harmful... will be replaced, succeeded in time with adequate light, circulation, water changes, time going by. BTW there is no such word as a lot, i's are capitalized, there are spaces between sentences. Fix this all before sending. Bob Fenner>
Unidentified creature - 19/1/06 Hello, I have a question about a creature that we have found on some live rock in our aquarium. We have a 65 gallon tank and got a new piece of live rock. On the rock there is a creature that looks similar to a barnacle. He sends out a kind of web of fine fibers, lets them swirl around in the water flow for a while. Then he, bit by bit, draws the fibers back into him. I also saw him sort of spitting out these small orange pellets about the size of the tip of a pen. I was wondering if you might have any idea as to what this creature is. His web is catching on some of my soft corals and attempting to pull them toward him. Of course their a bit stronger than his web and he is unsuccessful. Any help in identifying him would be appreciated. <It sounds like it could be a Vermetid snail. Do search WWM, the web for more information on these interesting creatures (A good article can be found here: http://www.reefs.org/library/aquarium_net/0897/0897_8.html. Enjoy the diversity of life you have! Best regards, John.> Thanks,
White Cobweb With Bugs - 01/01/2006 Hi there - we have a marine tank which has been "previously owned". Set up a month ago with four inherited fishes (a Yellow Tang, blue Damsel and two green damsels). All fishes ecstatically happy. All snails happy. Nitrate and Nitrite levels good, <Meaning?> phosphates under control. <As in?> The only problem seems to be the small piece of "living" rock we inherited. Its full of life, despite its size and treatment to date. <Resilient stuff.> It has just started growing a white gauzy mould which is spreading fairly quickly. <Probably sponge growth.> Underneath the film are tiny little clear ticks - fast moving and confined to that rock. <All throughout your tank most likely.> They're multiplying fast. Can you tell us if we should be worried and what it is? <Nothing to worry about except excess nutrients perhaps (fueling the rapid growth). Otherwise normal developments.> Thanks, Jon.
The Mysterious Critters of Live Rock 12/7/05 Hello
there! <Hey Jess! Adam J with you this morning'¦well almost
noon now.> I looked through a ton of postings and did not find the
answer to my question, so here it is. <Okay.> I have noticed what
look like eggs in my reef tank. They are white, fuzzy, shaped kind of
like a tear drop, and have these almost transparent white things coming
out of the bottom of them. I'm guessing this is to pick up the
stray bacteria in the tank to provide nourishment for whatever is
growing inside of it. <Stray nutrients would probably be a
better term.> They are suspended from one of my live rock
"caves" and there are only two. I have a serpent starfish who
hangs out by them all the time. Also, a peppermint shrimp, a banded
coral shrimp, snails (who are reproducing like crazy), hermit crabs, a
yellow tang and a tiny clown. Any ideas what they might be? <Well as
you mention below a picture is the best and only way I can even come
close to a positive identification though I will take a few guesses at
it. The white ball sounds very much like a sponge but the 'feathery
appendages' you mention make it sound rather like some type of tube
worm (possibly a Spionid/Chaetopterid worm) or even a barnacle, could
even be some type of hydroid. I know that's a broad list of very
different animals but without any more detail or pictures that's
really the best I can do.> I tried to take a picture, but they get
blurry when I zoom in close enough to see them. Thanks! <Sorry I
could not be of more help.> Jess
LR Hitchhiker 10/10/05 Hello Again good people of W.W.M., <<Hello Bob - Ted Here>> Please can I once again ask for your help with an identification problem? While watching my aquarium tonight I noticed a new inhabitant on one of the pieces of live rock. It is about 2cm in diameter, mainly rusty brown in colour , but with a series of paler rings bisected by green/white dots radiating out from its centre. The middle of 'it' is slightly raised. It looks a little like some of the chiton species we get here in the UK, but without the obvious segmentation. It has no visible opening on it so I don't think it's a sponge or ascidian and I haven't found a match in your FAQ's. The live rock is supposedly from Indonesia if that's any help! <<It can be difficult to identify LR hitchhikers with or without a picture but a couple of possibilities come to mind. Please search WWM for Stomatella and limpet and see if your critter looks like these gastropods.>> Thank you for your help. Bob Mehen, Cornwall, UK. <<You're welcome and cheers - Ted>> Live Rock Bio-Diversity 10/7/05 I have a 37 gallon reef tank, live rock soft corals etc..... Anyway, I have these small little colonies of tiny almost microscopic shrimp. They are transparent and they are definitely not copepods. <Honestly without a picture or more thorough description it's nearly impossible to give you an exact identification. One of the marvels of live-rock is that there is a large variety of life on it, what most aquarists refer to as bio-diversity. It could be a number of things from Mysid or mysis shrimp to amphipods. Please see here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/ca/volume_2/cav2i3/Live_Rock/live_rock.htm (and use the related FAQ's links above it) .> So my question is are they going to start eating stuff off my live rock or soft corals? <You'll have to identify them before we can say if they harmful or not. I wouldn't worry to much most of the live-rock microfauna causes little to no intrusive damage, Adam J.> ID these creatures please 10/4/05 Hi there,
<Jennifer> Just today, when I turned off the lights, I noticed 2
tube-like things coming out of my live rock. The best way to
explain them are like an elephants trunk, they very light brown (almost
clear) and stretch out 3 or so inches. When they come in
contact with part of the live rock they look like they stick to it for
a second and them move on to another area. I saw another one
on a different piece of live rock that looked longer and almost striped
horizontally black. Each one of these things look like they
shrink into themselves when lights come on. Just wondering
what these things might me and if I need to worry about
them. <Likely some type of tubiculous worm... of these,
probably some sort of sedentariate polychaete... not harmful> I also
have one piece of live rock that have BRIGHT neon green tubes (1/2 inch
about 15) all over and nothing has come out of
them. Any ideas? <Please see WWM re Live Rock
and Marine Invertebrate IDs. Bob Fenner> |
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