FAQs about Live Rock
Hitchhiker/Creature Identification
36 Related Articles: Live Rock, Reef
Systems, Refugiums,
Related FAQs: Live Rock, Answering
Some LR FAQs by James Fatherree, LR
Hitchhiker ID 1, LR Hitchhiker ID
2, LR Hitchhiker ID 3, LR Hitchhiker ID 4, LR Hitchhiker ID
7, LR ID 8, LR ID 9, LR ID 10,
12, LR ID 13, LR ID 14, LR ID 15,
LR ID 16, LR
ID17, LRID 18, LRID 19, LRID 20,
22, LRID 23, LRID 24, LRID 25,
27, LRID 28,
LRID 29,
LRID 30, LRID 31,
LRID 32, LRID 33,
LRID 34,
LRID 35, LRID 37,
LRID 38,& Non-Vert IDs 1, Tubeworm ID, Polychaete Identification, Live Rock 1, LR 2,
LR 3, LR 4,
LR 5, Curing
Live Rock, Live Rock Selection,
Shipping/Moving, Placement, Lighting, Water Quality, Live Rock Studies in Fiji Collaboration
& Charts, Copper Use, Marine
Landscaping, Marine Biotope,
Sumps, Refugiums, Faux Rock ,

Algae... ID, spg.
Hi. I've been researching everywhere but still have not been able to
identify the algae below which forms spongy spikes on live rock and
substrate in my reef tank. Please are you able to identify?
Thank you.
<I think this is a sponge period. Do you have access to a low power
microscope that has a USB connection? Bob Fenner>
Re: Algae 11/17/14
I don't but looking online, they are not that expensive and I quite often
see them referred to in articles so I will order one.
<Ah, good. See my piece on WWM re... have a QX Mattel/Intel w/in arms reach
In the meantime is a sponge period good or bad news and how would I control?
<That this Poriferan has arisen there (not brought in from the wild as
large) is generally indicative of it being innocuous... I would leave in
place and enjoy. Bob Fenner>
White growth on live rock
Have a mature reef tank (7+ years) that is suddenly sprouting white
growth to live rock in low light (and some no light) areas. See attached
Have read WWM posts that suggest fungus is unlikely.
<Agreed... too regular in structure... My guess is on either a Bryozoan
or some sort of (likely Red) algae... these aren't regular repeating
(polyps) as far as I can make out in your pix>
Can't see photos on your site that show similar growth.
Am sure you will know what it is and what I should do
<I'd enjoy them>
<Welcome. Bob Fenner>
.jpeg) |
what is it and how do I make it GO AWAY
Hi Guys,
<Nan; eight megs of pix? Why?>
It has been awhile since I contacted you, which is a good thing:) I have
downsized from the 180gal to a 75 gal and I can now reach the
bottom without swimming. I have the large
sized ECO filter, a small protein
skimmer, deionized make up water. Livestock is mostly soft corals and a
few fish, a large tang, large engineer goby
and perhaps 10 small 1.5 - 2' other fish. Oh ,
and the big Ritteri anemone :).
The red slime algae comes and goes with the season but is never a major
issue. I have developed this green stuff on my stony coral
<Mmm; looks like Cyanobacteria as well... the color is not indicative...
Need to look at a bit under a low power microscope>
There has been a small patch of what I would
call fuzzy green algae on one rock for years.
It stayed there and I ignored it. Awhile back I noticed a
small patch on the coral so I put some 'Aiptasia out' on it.
Needless to say it did nothing. So I had a bit
of Super Glue left from a job and covered the
whole spot over with it. It came back with a vendetta and as
you can see, is taking over my coral who will not even spread
it's polyps
any more.
I did not see anything on your site that covered algae annihilation.
Have you any suggestions?
<The usual reading on WWM. There's a few approaches... that work, and
some that should be avoided (use of antibiotics)>
thanks, Nancy D
yes, those 2 pictures are the same but I can't seem to get rid on one:)
I didn't see anything on your site that covered algae annihilation. Have
you any suggestions [image: Inline image 2][image: Inline image
<The reading. Bob Fenner>
Re: what is it and how do I make it GO AWAY
Under magnification will the Cyanobacteria look like a bunch of vibrating
<Vibrating? As in moving? This is artifactual... Cyanobacteria are
photosynthetic Monerans... look like bacteria... no nucleus, a single strand
or twisted DNA; peculiar single-walled plasma membrane. See WWM re>
I did see some of that many years ago but tend forget to use the microscope.
I will check out that topic and see what pops up.
Thanks, N
I have to laugh at me--- I can save a life but I am technologically
<Want to start a club?>
I seldom watch TV cause there are too many remotes to deal with.
<I can barely use my cell phone... even just the phone functions... I taught
H.S. physics (and chem. bio. courses); can't wire a circuit. Your turn. Bob
Re: what is it and how do I make it GO AWAY
OK Bob. So I got on your site to look up cyanobacteria. You question my
8 megs of pictures but you have 10,000 pages for me to search through?
Are you sure you didn't use to write Congressional proposals :)
<Or a brief work on understanding women?>
I did read an article and yes, I do get a bit sloppy with my reef in the
summer. As much as I hate to admit it I probably caused the effect:(
Haven't borrowed the microscope yet but did get furring strips over the
board joints so my birds won't freeze. Winter is on it's way!!!
<Brrrrrr! BobF>
Re: what is it and how do I make it GO AWAY
I borrowed my grand daughter's cheap-o microscope (cause no one could
find the good one) and the dab of stuff I
scraped off the coral appeared to be
tubular with strings running lengthwise.
<Did these string have nuclei?>
I gave the coral a leisurely bath in Red Slime Remover then put it in
time out. I suspended it upside down in the
back of the tank. Since the stuff is green I
will consider it to be photosynthetic and I am going to shut
down it's power source. I suppose the worst I can do is kill the coral
and at least it will not be a slow painful death as it is invaded
by 'whatever'.
Re: what is it and how do I make it GO AWAY
they appeared to be segmented but I really could not say I saw nuclei.
there was a couple larger circular critters which obviously did.
<Keep reading!>
Question: I was wondering if you could help me identify
these small red growths.
I hope they're good because they add some color
<Mmm; can't quite make out... but my guess is these are some sort of
Rhodophyte, red algae. I'd leave in place.
Bob Fenner>
cropped |
Re: What is it
Thanks for reply i sent two of same photo. The photo i have attached this time
shows the string like object i am trying to identify. It came from the coral
shown in the first email. I thought it had been absorbed back into the coral,
but it has now appeared about 12 inches away attached to the underside of rock..
any ideas thank for your time
<Oh! These are likely snail eggs. Read here:
Bob Fenner>
Unknown invert
Can you advise what these may be? They are soft and have grown
to about a
half an inch in size. Ask me what you need to know so i can
resolve whether to remove or be proud of my
unknown growth.
<Look to be colonial Ascidians; Sea Squirts. Not problematical. See WWM
Bob Fenner>
