FAQs about Live Rock
Hitchhiker/Creature Identification
34 Related Articles: Live Rock, Reef
Systems, Refugiums,
Related FAQs: Live Rock, Answering
Some LR FAQs by James Fatherree, LR
Hitchhiker ID 1, LR Hitchhiker ID
2, LR Hitchhiker ID 3, LR Hitchhiker ID 4, LR Hitchhiker ID
7, LR ID 8, LR ID 9, LR ID 10,
12, LR ID 13, LR ID 14, LR ID 15,
LR ID 16, LR
ID17, LRID 18, LRID 19, LRID 20,
22, LRID 23, LRID 24, LRID 25,
27, LRID 28,
LRID 29,
LRID 30, LRID 31,
LRID 32, LRID 33,
LRID 35, LRID 36,
LRID 37, LRID 38,
& Non-Vert IDs 1, Tubeworm ID, Polychaete Identification, Live Rock 1, LR 2,
LR 3, LR 4,
LR 5, Curing
Live Rock, Live Rock Selection,
Shipping/Moving, Placement, Lighting, Water Quality, Live Rock Studies in Fiji Collaboration
& Charts, Copper Use, Marine
Landscaping, Marine Biotope,
Sumps, Refugiums, Faux Rock ,
ID hitchhiker /Jordan
Please help me ID this beautiful creation of God who found his way in on
a rick I've owned for about 6 months. I am referring to the red kelp-ish
looking species. Coral, Algae, beautiful. What is this?
<Looks to be Halymenia floresii,
ID hitchhiker /RMF
Please help me ID this beautiful creation of God who found his way in on
a rick I've owned for about 6 months. I am referring to the red kelp-ish
looking species. Coral, Algae, beautiful. What is this?
<Definitely a Rhodophyte, a Red algae; likely of the genus Fauchea...
Beneficial and indicative of good conditions here.
Bob Fenner>
Unknown something in marine aquarium!
Hi, thanks for providing such a useful site, I've always managed to
answer all my questions from it until now!
The item in the pic below has been steadily growing for a month or two
I don't think it is of plant origin. It is attached to the live rock but
separate from the yellow polyps. There are three individual pieces and
they look like they're going to break off soon as they grow longer.
Thanks for your help
<Re? Look to be some sort of amorphous sponge/Poriferan. No worries; I'd
leave as is... indicative of "good circumstances" in the system. Bob
What is this? 7/3/13
I saw a question just like this but the answer was to send a better
picture so I got a more clear picture. This is growing on one of
my rocks, what is it?
<My best guess is an Ascidian (though could be an algae, sponge...). See
Bob Fenner>
cropped and enhanced... |
Live Rock Coral ID help 6/22/13
I have 22lbs. of Fiji live rock from LiveAquaria. I
have been curing it in a Rubbermaid container for about 2 weeks.
I have a heater and a powerhead in the Rubbermaid. I keep the
temperature about 78 degrees. SG is 1.025.
I have noticed that there are these corals growing in groups and
singletons on my live rock. They feel hard and are tube shaped with an
opening in the middle. I've not been able to find any pictures
of my hitchhikers. Please excuse the photos, these corals are quite
small. Any information would be greatly appreciated.
<Mmm, don't think these are corals... likely some sort of sponge...
could be Calcarea (calcareous...) or even siliceous in support; hence
the hard feeling. I would leave off touching these w/ bare hands,
The rock will be going into my 24 gallon Nano Cube when it is done
As of this morning, I have 0 ammonia but 2ppm Nitrite.
<Wait, of course, till there is no measurable Nitrite; some
accumulating Nitrate>
Thank you!
<And leave this life as is... will cycle out in time. Bob Fenner>
RE: Live Rock Coral ID help
Thank you Bob! I can't wait to see what else grows in the next few months!
<Ah yes; exciting! BobF> |
Colony Rock Hitchhiker
I've been on your website numerous times but this will be the first time
<... 8.6 megs of pix...>
that I send in an inquiry. I'm still fairly new to the hobby (10 months) so
I'm always learning something new. Last March I purchased my first colony of
mushroom corals and at first, I did not notice the blatant hitchhiker. I
also did not dip my corals because I wasn't aware that it was recommended to
dip your corals before putting them in the display tank. Anyhow, I would say
that after a week or so I noticed there was something organic living on the
colony rock in plain view. I only noticed it because the "holes" closed up
while I was observing the tank. I honestly thought it was harmless because
it looks like some type of filter feeder but recently, I noticed green
bubble algae growing on the surface so now I'm not so sure if I want this
thing in my tank anymore. I was tempted to "rip" it off the rock and dispose
of it but before I rush to judge, I thought I would consult with the
experts. I have attached some pictures to help with identification. Let me
know if you need anything else. I appreciate your help!
<... what amongst this is what you're referring to? Please just send one
well-resolved close up pic. B> |
.jpg) |
Re: Colony Rock Hitchhiker
I apologize for sending the pics at full resolution. I attached a close up
pic and I compressed it. I hope this helps.
<I thank you>
Regarding the first set of pics I sent, I wanted to include a pic of the
"filter" holes open and another pic of them closed. Since there are two
holes (one in front and one in back) I wanted to send a pic of both angles.
Again, I apologize for the unnecessary pics.
<Ohhhh, now I see what you're referring to... this is a solitary Tunicate...
A sea squirt... with other life overgrowing the bulk of its tunic/outside
body. Please see here re:
and the linked files above; particularly ID FAQs for the group. Cheers, Bob
Fenner> |
Herdmania sp.? |
White Growth 6/14/13
Hey Crew!
<... 3 megs in pix... what is our limit?>
I am trying to identify this white growth in my nano reef. Any clues?
<Almost assuredly a Poriferan. See WWM re their ID. Bob Fenner>
Hitch hikers ID? 5/9/13
Hi Bob! How are you?
<Fine, thank you>
I was wondering if you have half a second, maybe you can take a peek at
some hitch hikers I am trying to ID. There's nothing more fun than
getting new live rock and waiting to see what pops up right?
<Few things>
:) Last time I was up north I picked up a few beautiful pieces at Aqua
life in Northern California~ they're amazing at that store. It's like
searching for buried treasure~ they let you pick through and aren't
stingy, most pieces are already encrusted with coraline and whatever you
find you keep whether they're mushrooms, hard corals, polyps, etc...
<Great to hear/read of exemplary folks in the trade>
I've gotten a green slimer before, tons of polyps/mushrooms/Montis, even
one time I found 4 large Christmas tree rocks (the real ones!!) for
$6.99 lb... Gorgeous!! I couldn't believe my luck! Tragically my
peppermint shrimp ate ALL of the beautiful, colorful worms within a few
weeks, still makes me sad, but that's besides the point... So onto
topic: it's been about a month since I threw the pieces into my
Harlequin nano tank and some interesting growths have appeared.. What do
you think these are?
Picture #1 looks like a UFO, what is this?
<An alcyonacean, likely Alcyoniid... My bet is on this being a
Sarcophyton sp.>
Picture #2~ little fuzzies that resemble Q-tip tips... Good or bad?
<More good than... Syconoid sponges>
Picture #3~ I know what the daisy looking ones are but what is the
orange crusty stuff? And the ugly brown blob that is growing above it?
<Daisy is a Clove/Polyp/Clavulariid, all others are likely Poriferans>
Thanks again for all of your help~ you're the best!
<Am only good at being myself. Cheers, Bob Fenner>
Re: Hitch hikers ID? 5/9/13
Cheers to you :)
<And you Leah. BobF>