FAQs on Marine Algae Identification 37
Related Articles: Avoiding Algae Problems in Marine System,
Control, Marine Maintenance,
Nutrient Control and Export,
Marine Scavengers, Snails, Hermit
Crabs, Mithrax/Emerald
Green Crabs, Sea Urchins, Blennies, Algae
Filters, Ctenochaetus/Bristle Mouth
Tangs, Zebrasoma/Sailfin Tangs,
Skimmers, Skimmer Selection, Marine Algae, Coralline Algae, Green Algae, Brown
Algae, Blue-Green
"Algae"/(Cyanobacteria), Diatoms, Brown
Related FAQs: Algae ID Visual
Guide, Marine Algae ID 1,
Marine Algae ID 2, Marine Algae ID 3, Marine Algae ID 4, Marine Algae ID 5, Marine Algae ID 6, Marine Algae ID 7, Marine Algae ID 8, Marine Algae ID 9, Marine Algae ID 10, Marine Algae ID 11, Marine Algae ID 12, Marine Algae ID 13, Marine Algae ID 14, Marine Algae ID 15, Marine Algae ID 16, Marine Algae ID 17, Marine Algae ID 18, Marine Algae ID 19, Marine Algae ID 20, Marine Algae ID 21, Marine Algae ID 21, Marine Algae ID 23, Marine Algae ID 24, Marine Algae ID 25, SW Algae ID 26, SW Algae ID 27, SW Algae ID 28, SW Algae ID 29, SW Algae ID 30, SW Algae ID 31, SW Algae ID 32, SW Algae ID 33, SW Algae ID 34,
SW Algae ID 35, SW
Algae ID 36, SW
Algae ID 38, SW Algae ID 39, & Marine Algae Control FAQs 2, Marine Algaecide Use, Nutrient Limitation, Marine Algae Eaters, Culturing Macro-Algae; Controlling: BGA/Cyano, Red/Encrusting Algae, Green Algae, Brown/Diatom Algae,
What to do about the moss/algae
This is a pic looking down over my 29 Biocube. Can you identify my
bright green leafy plant?
<Halimeda sp.>
I like it and my little gumdrop gobies love to hide in it. Can I prune
it back a bit?
<If you like.>
And I have developed an overgrowth of moss/algae.
<Looks like a Derbesia sp. Commonly referred to as hair algae.>
Not sure why or how. I'm scrubbing it off weekly and pulling it out in
tufts. Are my lights bad?
<Spectrum shifts in old bulbs can contribute to growth.>
Everything was moving along fine till about 2 months or so ago. Now I
have this miss everywhere. My parameters are right where they should be,
<Likely due to the algae consuming excess nutrients.>
so all I can think is it has to do with my stock light in the Biocube.
(I've only had the tank for about a year, and it was new when purchased)
<T5s generally need to be replaced every twelve months. Halides every
six months.>
I have Chaeto in the back, and I also use a small phosphate filter in
the middle chamber. So, I'm not sure what causing the moss.
<Excess nutrients and possibly spectrum shift from old bulbs.>
Should I go to my LFS and get a few snails? Turbo?
<Pinpoint what is fueling the algae and remedy. Adding a predator is
simply a band-aid.>
Thanks for any help you can provide.
<Quite welcome, Jordan>
Dinos! 11/4/13
Hi Crew!
I'm keeping it simple.
My reef tank is plagued with Dinoflagellates.
Someone told me NOT to use Kent's super buffer DKH to raise my pH.
<Mmm, the temporary raising of alkalinity (and pH along with... to 8.6 or
so) is a useful technique (and safer than other means) to remove
(insolubilize) phosphate>
As part of my plan to rid my tank of this algae, I am;
a.. Keeping lights on for only 3 hours a day.
b.. Raising pH from 8 to 8.4
c.. lessening organics, waste,
d.. using gfo and gac
e.. dosing Kalk day and night.
<Oh, okay... may well do the same as using "super buffer">
I've read and read about this subject till I'm cross eyed.
So tired.
Any advice about the Kent's and what else i could use?
My source water is (ro/di)
Thank you!
<Really? Just not worry period. Dinoflagellates, Diatom "outbreaks" just
come and go of their own accord. Other than being a bit unsightly, they're
not problematical. Bob Fenner>
Re: Dinos!
Bob,...look at my rock! The "Dinos" are an inch thick!
<Mmm, the sand may be mostly Dinoflagellates, but not the rock... IF
interested, I'd take a sample under a 'scope... You have a larger "nutrient,
lack of competitor, predator... issue>
And the sand is thickening and becoming, "snotty," with bubbles attached to
thin threads raising upwards.
You still say don't worry? The may come and go, but in my case, they keep
coming and NOT going!
I forgot to mention, that this "friend" said the Kent's super buffer DKH,
releases CO2 into the water.
<? What? Even if so, not problematic>
Do you agree with that statement?
<No; what ingredient/s would do this specifically? Not Speedy (Alka
And, sorry, but,...you didn't quite answer my question,... what can I use to
raise my pH?
<... Read here:
Scroll down to Algae Control.... B>

Re: Dinos! 11/4/13
Whoa! Nice link,...lots of reading!
Re: Dinos! 11/4/13
LOL Bob,... "our " friend, XXX told me that Kent's releases CO2 . and
not to use it!
So I guess I'd have to ask him "what ingredient/s would do this
specifically." :)
I don't have a scope, stethoscope yes, but not microscope,
The rock also has the bubbles,
<Rapid photosynthesis by something...>
but I agree, it's not the same.
There is a massive "dead spot" in the sand bed that I'm going to siphon
out and clean.
Maybe this will help a bit. Will also siphon the sand.
Thanks Bob, and please, don't publish this one, I don't want XXX to feel
bad that I went over his head!
<I will run it sans their name. B>
Last time Bob, I promise,...for now!
Found a GREAT picture that represents my sand!
Cyano, right?
<Most likely most of it yes. B>
"borrowed" pic |
Re: Dinos!
Bob, am I on the right track by saying that Carbonic anhydrase, catalyzes
the hydration and the reverse reaction (dehydration) to allow organisms to
process carbon dioxide more rapidly that can lead to rapid photosynthesis?
<Yes... why do you ask?>
I read it here.
http://www.reefkeeping.com/issues/2006-10/rhf/ And am still
reading/ learning.
<Of what pertinence... B>
Re: Dinos!
Yikes, I feel really stupid now.
I asked because you said what seemed to be going on in my system
was;......"<Rapid photosynthesis by something...>
I 'm trying to figure out (the) "something"
<... Ahh, "is" the BGA>
I'm not a chemist ,just trying to understand the process.
Does the statement below have nothing to do with rapid photosynthesis?
"Carbonic anhydrase, enables organisms to process carbon dioxide more
rapidly "
<It does; as the biochemical pathway; mechanism. B> |
... SW... algae... induced BGA discovery; using WWM
hope U could slove my problem,
<... I as well>
I recently upgraded (changed) to 100G
(60"x18"x22") reef tank I used all the same old rock (50Kg/110lbs)
made all new saltwater and new sand 4" DSB in the tank + 4" DSB in sump
with old tank sand and Chaetomorpha. added only three fishes, pair of
common clown and one yellow tang, along with my corals. Tank kick
started never had any ammonia spike all gone smooth only nitrate
came till 15ppm for 1st month then went down now it shows zero
on API and Red Sea test kits.
(all fish and corals look healthy and active.)
now Problem is initially I had some diatoms + green/brown hair algaes
(could be Calothrix or dino flag.) what ever, reason PO4. I used
phosphate removers pads + JBL PhosEx by second month all hair algae from
rocks was gone some little still comes on glass which i
wipe and clean, but real nightmare is brown algae (its
not diatom coz diatom are powdery) this thing holds sand like
carpet I keep removing the layer and it comes back I tested for PO4 it
shows zero.
<Mmm, colour, qualities, absence of detectable HPO4... likely guess is
that this is actually BGA... See WWM re>
I'm using Brown Beach sand of Arabian sea does this sand leaches
something like silicates or phosphates if yes or could be,
then what should I do to control this coz as per my understanding
phosphate removers will only absorb phosphates which are in the water
column and this brown algae carpet locks phosphates or silicates within
it and if I keep on removing this layer I'm losing my DSB and adding new
sand will pour in new phosphates and silicates this problem looks like
never ending cycle to me.
I read your article really good informative, asking a question from that
how do I know that
<... is this English?>
If the calcium carbonate crystal is static (not growing), then this
process is reversible, and the aragonite can act as a reservoir for
<Not usually (under aquarium conditions); no>
This reservoir can inhibit the complete removal of excess phosphate from a
reef aquarium that has experienced very high phosphate levels, and may
permit algae to continue to thrive despite all external phosphate
sources having been cut off. In such extreme cases, removal of the
substrate may even be required.
Now removing substrate in 100g tank with 25pcs of coral is not an easy
task, its like disturbing the full cycle of the tank
I would prefer quitting this 5 year old hobby.
my head is full of advises from my fellow reef keeper like change the
bulbs of MH, switch over to LED, keep on doing water changes......
etc.... light is just one part of algae growth if no nutrients then what
ever the light spectrum there should be no algae how does PH factor act
upon this leaching of Phosphate and silicates from what ever source in
my tank..
<Doesn't... again, aquariums don't have "low enough" pH's to
resolubilize phosphate/s>
plz do advise on this matter
<On what matter?>
my para NH3:0, NO2:0, NO3:0 (<5PPM), PO4:0, PH:8.3, CAL:400,
LIGHTING: 2x 150W MH (12" above W/LEVEL) 3x30w (Actinic light)
<... see WWM re Actinic; of no use functionally>
Thnx Anis
<See WWM re Cyanobacteria... Bob Fenner>
What species of macro algae is this?
Hi :)
Would you be able to identify this species of macro algae?
<Mmm, looks much like Caulerpa taxifolia... or a small, fine version of
some member of that genus. Have just reviewed the excellent coverage in
Baensch, Mar. Atlas v. 1, and this is my best guess>
<And you, Bob Fenner>
Re: What species of macro algae is this?
Hi Bob
Thanks for the super fast response.
Ok to have this as THE only plant life in a small refugium?
<Mmm, do see/read on WWM re the genus. BobF>
Re: What species of macro algae is this?
Will do that
Thanks Bob
<And you, B> |
Bacterial Bloom or Algae? 8/14/15
I've had three outbreaks of something in my tank and no one locally seems to
know what it is exactly. It basically looks like white snot all over
the tank. Clears up for about a week comes back brownish. Clears up
and returns as white snot again.
I was told it might be dinoflaginate.
My stats are as follows:
30 gallon innovative marine tank AIO
Amm 0
Nit 0
Nitrates 0
PO 0
<.... autotrophs, your "corals" and more need measurable NO3 and HPO4>
PH 8.4
Cal 430
Alk 10.2
Salinity 1.025
Using a innovative marine skimmer
Activated charcoal
<I'd skip (take this out) for a while at least>
Starting dosing MicroBacter7 10 days ago based on someone's suggestion.
Not much of a change.
Any help greatly appreciated. Thanks.
<Mmm, I'd also not change out the activated carbon for a few
weeks... you may have inadvertently triggered a bloom of some sort (need
sampling and microscopic examination to know what)... Do read on WWM re NO3
and HPO4...
Bob Fenner>
full size... |
Re: Bacterial Bloom or Algae?
Thanks for the quick reply!
Earmuff Wrasse
Christmas Wrasse
Maroon Clown (2)
Diamond Watchman Goby
Green Clown Goby
Hi-Fin Goby
Surf N Turf Acro
Tri-Color Acro
Strawberry Shortcake Acro
Rainbow Millepora
Candlelight Acro
Green Pollicpora
Montipora Digitata (3)
Montipora Capri
Brain (1)
BowerBinki (1)
Various Zoas/Palys (8)
Pistol Shrimp
40lbs live sand
40lbs live rock
Normal Maint:
5 gallon water change every week
1/2 brine cube per day
<.... I'd expand this... very likely use a pellet (Spectrum,
Hikari) as my staple... frozen/defrosted in the AMs... PE Mysis, blends...
Not Artemia regularly; for reasons gone over and over on WWM; including the
issue/s you're having here>
EcoTech Radion Pro at 53% intensity of a 20K spectrum
Tank has been running for 6months.
I've started 5 gallon water changes daily and plan to continue for the rest
of the week, do I need to do more?
<More? As in more volume? Not likely; unless something dire in the shortish
term is of concern>
I'm using Hanna Instruments to check for PO4 and API to test for NO3, do I
need to use different tests to measure?
Should I continue to use the MicroBacter7 daily?
<I wouldn't. Of no use here; in established systems>
I did just change the carbon but it was after the bloom.
<No need for the extra C, as in the element>
How/where can you get a microscopic examination?
<Search WWM re; you may well enjoy and definitely benefit from having a
200-400X 'scope... BobF>
Re: Bacterial Bloom or Algae?
Hopefully the video isn't too large, it shows the problem better than
<<RMF Linked here: WWM
Video/Video Clips/Video Ter.MOV
Video Ter.MOV
<See some "waving slime" off your stony corals et al.... Could be...
reaction series... as noted; from deficiency syndrome/s; perhaps
allelopathy, though I discount this... in such a small volume, you would
highly likely see/have REAL troubles if so; fish dying etc... You really
need a much larger (volume) system... for the stock shown, your obvious
ambition/s; dilution... B>
Re: Bacterial Bloom or Algae?
I just want to make sure i got everything correct:
Continue daily 5 gallon water changes for 2-3 more days then resume my
normal once a week 5 gallon water change.
Feed spectrum marine life 1mm pellets as primary food and supplement a
couple days with brine.
Either reduce the number of fish/corals or get a bigger tank.
Remove the RowaPhos for now.
Purchase a 200X-400X microscope.
When you say measurable NO and PO, what's my target reading?
<... DO read on WWM re: 5-10 ppm of nitrate and 0.01-0.1 of phosphate is
about right. Don't "lose your mind" re periodic values higher/lower>
What's the acceptable range? I was always told zero.
NOT zero; none detectable, no food/life...>
Thanks again!
<Certainly welcome. BobF> |
lights on or lights off ? 6/11/13
Hi guys!
I've been perusing your site but I cannot find an answer to my question
about the nitrogen cycle,
Simple,..lights on or lights off ?
I have a brand new 75 gal setup, with;
a.. DSB (160lbs sugar fine) 4 inches
b.. 80lbs LR ,
c.. refugium with Miracle Mud and Chaetomorpha,
d.. Remora skimmer with bio bale
e.. hob Aquaclear w/ Chemipure Elite
The sand is beginning to turn brown in spots, and I'm assuming this is
due to the nitrogen cycle?
<Mmm, in part... the availability of nitrates, other essential nutrients
may well be fueling a bit of diatom, Dinoflagellate population growth
Or, is it the light?
<Is a needed element as well>
I have them on 12 hours a day.
<I'd cut this back... unless you have something photosynthetic that
can/will use the light... Have the lights on for your enjoyment... in
the evenings let's say>
Oh, the light I have is this> 48 inch Current USA 6x54W Nova Extreme Pro
T5HO 3-10k/3-460nm Actinics
<The last are mostly for show... see WWM re>
Thanks you very much for your expert advice.
There's a lot of this out there, and it is you I trust.
<You're wise to be skeptical. Bob Fenner>
Is this algae? 7/16/13
Hi folks!! Was wondering if you can help me identify this algae(?)
<Mmm, just from this pic? Might be an encrusting... Red, Brown... could
be a Poriferan, other possibilities... Need to sample, look under a
I had a long battle with red slime,
<I see the BGA all around on the substrate>
but it seems I've won the war on that finally, with lots of upgrades and
modifications to my tank. But now I'm left with this dark brown crud on
my sand bed.
<Oh, this IS likely mostly BGA; with a mix of Protists, Dinoflagellates,
Any ideas? It doesn't act or look like Cyano so I believe this is a
different beast altogether. And will it run it's course and disappear as
well or is there something I can do to get rid of it? I'd love to be
able to see my sand return to white again. Thanks!!!
<Again... a look see at a few hundred power... lack of nucleus...
definitive. See WWM re BGA ID. Bob Fenner>
lights on or lights off ?
Hi guys!
I've been perusing your site but I cannot find an answer to my question
about the nitrogen cycle,
Simple,..lights on or lights off ?
I have a brand new 75 gal setup, with;
a.. DSB (160lbs sugar fine) 4 inches
b.. 80lbs LR ,
c.. refugium with Miracle Mud and Chaetomorpha,
d.. Remora skimmer with bio bale
e.. hob Aquaclear w/ Chemipure Elite
The sand is beginning to turn brown in spots, and I'm assuming this is
due to the nitrogen cycle?
<Mmm, in part... the availability of nitrates, other essential nutrients
may well be fueling a bit of diatom, Dinoflagellate population growth
Or, is it the light?
<Is a needed element as well>
I have them on 12 hours a day.
<I'd cut this back... unless you have something photosynthetic that
can/will use the light... Have the lights on for your enjoyment... in
the evenings let's say>
Oh, the light I have is this> 48 inch Current USA 6x54W Nova Extreme Pro
T5HO 3-10k/3-460nm Actinics
<The last are mostly for show... see WWM re>
Thanks you very much for your expert advice.
There's a lot of this out there, and it is you I trust.
<You're wise to be skeptical. Bob Fenner>
Algae? 5/15/13
Can you folks help me identify this rust colored algae(?)
<Mmm, yes...>
It doesn't cover the whole sand bed which makes me think the New Life
pellets that sink and land on the bed have something to do with it.
Could it be diatoms popping up again?
<Could... or Dinoflagellates... mostly likely BGA though...
how slimy is it? Take a search read on WWM re>
Doesn't really look the same as the diatom bloom I had when my tank
first cycled though.
On a different note, I'm thinking of adding some kind of cleaning crew.
What do you folks suggest?
<... depends on what this is... many types of algae are unpalatable,
several are very toxic. Better to use other means... all covered on the
The creatures in my tank now are: a Banggai cardinal, two Percularis
clowns and a Fire shrimp...oh and some pesky hitchhiker crabs I can
never trap no matter what baits I use!
I have a 29 gallon Biocube, so I was thinking maybe a few turbo snails?
Thanks again for all the great info!!!
<Use it... B>
crop |
Mystery Diagnosis
WWM Team,
I am reaching out to you for help with identifying some mystery
"Goo" that is beginning to cover the rocks in my 650 Gallon reef.
I have a feeling it is bacteria related but doesn't look like any
Cyanobacteria that I have seen before.
<Have seen such and looked at under a scope a few times... When I did I
found a mix of BGA, Protists and Sponges/Poriferans...>
Water parameters are PH 8.3, KH 11, Calcium 420, Nitrates/Phosphates 0.
The substance is white, comes off when brushed and grows in the light
(towards the bottom) but not in the shade. It is gelatin like to the
touch and is beginning to cover rock that is on the lower ledges of the
tank. I have attached a picture for your review and if you have any
thoughts on what this could possibly be I could rest a lot easier! Thank
you again!!
Dan Mathews
<I'd encourage you to do as I have done look/see wise... I'd also be
pro-active in slowing its progression. Will cover, smother attached
life/livestock. What is your ORP? Do you use Ozone? I would... Bob
Re: Mystery Diagnosis
Thanks Bob!
<Welcome Dan>
To be honest I never looked at / tested ORP and do not use any ozone.
<Ahh, with a tank of this size/volume and what you have investigated in
livestock, I definitely would>
After reading your message I did my research and now understand whats
behind your advice. I will have to pick up an ORP tester on Monday and check
on the ability of the water to cleanse itself. Just for more context, my
current 650 gallon reef is the consolidation of two reef tanks (90 and 92 g)
I had before I recently moved.....so my current tank is only about 8 months
old. I use all the usual gear for filtration..skimmer, Chemi-pure, Refugium
with a lot of Macroalgae but after reading about ORP it seems there is more
to the equation then just that. In terms of bio-load, I don't feed my fish
any commercial food since my only fish are 3 tangs (Yellow, Purple, and
Achilles) that I had for the last 5 years.. so I only clip Gracilaria and
Ulva that I get fresh from Kona every two weeks through indo-pacific sea
<Ahh, know IPSF, and had places mauka of Kailua and down Ali'i Drive... and
up in Waikoloa... had hoped to be living on the Big Island by now...>
to try and minimize introducing phosphates and silicates. (I have two
clownfish as well but they hunt on their own, eating pods and baby shrimp).
I bring this up because even though the standard tests say my water
parameters are within range, and my bio load doesn't seem that high, I
*feel* something is up.
I thought a bigger tank would be easier but it just presents its own set of
challenges. Bob, thanks for pointing me in this direction..now at least I
have an action plan.
Thanks for helping to protect my reef!!! (Picture Attached)
<Very nice. BobF>

Re: Mystery Diagnosis, algal plus mess
Thanks Bob!
<Certainly Dan>
I actually came back from the Big Island on Saturday since my 6 year old
daughter wanted to see a "real" school of yellow tangs for her spring break.
There is no faster way to get a child hooked on the ocean than a day with
the fish at Kahalu'u Beach Park and then food at "Da Poke Shack" on Ali'i
Drive :-) I've dived the Great Barrier Reef and Caribbean but nothing makes
my knees weak like seeing the large schools of yellow tangs at the City of
<Ah, Two Step immediately to the north is a treasure... and of course Cap'n
Cook's, and, and...>
and it really reminds me of the responsibility we have to really care for
these amazing creatures. I would say I hope you can disappear to the Big
Island soon but all of us need your wisdom too much Bob... :-)
(Sorry for the digression :-) Being in Hawaiian waters is almost a spiritual
experience for me so I get carried away)
Thanks Again so much!
<Cheers, BobF>