FAQs on Marine Algae Identification
Related Articles: Avoiding Algae Problems in Marine System,
Control, Marine Maintenance,
Nutrient Control and Export,
Marine Scavengers, Snails, Hermit
Crabs, Mithrax/Emerald
Green Crabs, Sea Urchins, Blennies, Algae
Filters, Ctenochaetus/Bristle Mouth
Tangs, Zebrasoma/Sailfin Tangs,
Skimmers, Skimmer Selection, Marine Algae, Coralline Algae, Green Algae, Brown
Algae, Blue-Green
"Algae"/(Cyanobacteria), Diatoms, Brown
Related FAQs: FAQ ID Visual
Guide, Marine
Algae ID 1, Marine Algae ID 2,
Marine Algae ID 3, Marine Algae ID 4, Marine Algae ID 5, Marine Algae ID 6, Marine Algae ID 7, Marine Algae ID 8, Marine Algae ID 9, Marine Algae ID 10, Marine Algae ID 11, Marine Algae ID 12, Marine Algae ID 13, Marine Algae ID 14, Marine Algae ID 15, Marine Algae ID 16, Marine Algae ID 17, Marine Algae ID 18, Marine Algae ID 20, Marine Algae ID 21, Marine Algae ID 22, Marine Algae ID 23, Marine Algae ID 24, Marine Algae ID, 25, SW Algae ID 26, SW Algae ID 27, SW Algae ID 29, SW Algae ID 30, SW Algae ID 31, SW Algae ID 32, SW Algae ID 33, SW Algae ID 34, SW Algae ID 35, SW
Algae ID 36, SW Algae ID 37, SW
Algae ID 38, SW Algae ID 39, & Marine Algae Control FAQs 2, Marine Algaecide Use, Nutrient Limitation, Marine Algae Eaters, Culturing Macro-Algae; Controlling: BGA/Cyano, Red/Encrusting Algae, Green Algae, Brown/Diatom

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Marine Aquarium Algae Control
by Robert (Bob) Fenner
Red / Purple/ Maroon Hair Algae? Nutrient Control
11/15/2007 Hi WWM crew. <Hello Jurgen, Mich with you
tonight.> I've been reading and your site for a while now,
and has given me tons of information when I was setting up my first
reef tank. <Glad you have benefited.> It's been almost a
year now, and it seems to be doing great. <Happy to hear!>
But now, I need some expert help and guidance myself. <OK.>
I've got this annoying algae growing in a few spots. It started
to appear in some very high flow areas at first (sump return area,
on the rocks in front of my closed loop outlets) but in the last
couple of weeks I see it appear in some other random spots on my
rocks. It's not growing very fast, but it is slowly but surely
growing. <Happens.> so far, nothing seems to make it go away.
<Nutrient control is usually the key. Some suggestions here:
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/refugium.htm > my water parameters
seem to be all right. <Vague.> - 90-gallon tank, with 29g
sump. - EV180 skimmer - plenty of random water movement using an
oceans motions device and some small MaxiJet placed inside the
tank. - 8 x 54W T5 lighting; 4 bulbs (two actinic, one aquablue,
one actinic+) on for 8 hours a day, all 8 (two more aquablue and
two more actinic+) on for 5 hours) - do a "reasonable"
water change every weekend, sometimes (depending on my schedule)
every other weekend. - only use RO/DI water that tests at 0 -
nitrates tested <5 mg/L (Hagen Nutrafin kit) - phosphates tested
undetectable (Salifert kit) - SG is 1.025 - temp is steady at 78F
24/7 All my corals (LPS, SPS, zoas, mushrooms) seem to be doing
just great. <Good.> I barely have any hair algae at all
(lawnmower blenny starved to death unfortunately) <Very sad.
I'm sorry for you both.> The only algae that I seem to be
able to grow is this nasty purple stuff, and some bubble algae,
which my emerald crabs won't eat either, but that is not as
annoying right now. <Keep on top of the Valonia, it can become
problematic.> none of my herbivores seem to even look at it
either; <Not surprising.> I have a few scarlet hermits, a few
blue-legged hermits, Cerith and Astraea snails (I believe one of
the Astraea had this red hair on the shell when I got them, getting
it into my tank that way) <Many possibilities.> emerald crabs
don't look at it, Tomini tang doesn't look at it...
<OK.> I don't feed very much, and not very often. three
to four times a week, one cube of frozen food (nicely rinsed first)
and some live brine every now and then. <The brine have little
to no nutritional value.> some pellet food every now and then,
but more as a snack, nothing to fill them up with. <OK.>
I'm attaching two images, I hope you can help me out and point
me in the right direction to get rid of this stuff, before it takes
over the tank. <Looks like red hair algae, possibly
Polysiphonia.> PS: yesterday, I threw two things in my sump,
<Hmm, hopefully they were things that belonged there!> just
in case it might help, as I don't think that it will hurt at
this point. - a bag of Kent Phosphate sponge (the ceramic type
media) will replace that one tonight with a new batch. - a 100ml
bag of Purigen (will leave that one in there until it starts to
discolor) Best regards, Jurgen. <Please next time use proper
capitalization, i.e. "I" not "I" Cheers,
Mich> |

Maybe Aiptasia And Something Else'¦
Maybe Better Pics And Maybe Valonia 11/13/07 Hello
again... <Hi Jason, Mich here.> What a great website this
is. I have found a great deal of useful information.
<Wonderful to hear!> You have answered several of my
questions with a speedy response, thank you. <Glad you have
been pleased.> Ok, now down to business. I have just "set
up" a saltwater 75G with 75# cured LR 4 days ago. All is
well with the readings, to my surprise. Seems to be going
smoothly through the "cycling" process right now. I
have some experience with saltwater systems and am familiar with
all the natural things happening in my tank, but two things are
puzzling me. I attached some pics for you to see. 001 pic is of
what I think is Aiptasia, <Could be... but is really hard to
tell... did you have your lights on when you took the pic?>
two or three of these guys on the rock in the foreground, could
this be? <Could be, or could be a yarn octopus, like my
grandmother used to make, sitting on your LR! Really, need a
better quality image to give any sort of opinion other than
perhaps...> If so, what should I combat them with, or do I
even need to? <Here are some links if this is indeed what you
I also found 2 interesting culprits. They are 2 small round,
black pearl looking objects growing from another piece of rock.
002 pic in the center where the rock meets the sand, <I
can't tell what this is. I'm sorry, but the picture is
just not detailed enough.> and the other is dead center of the
rock in 003 pic. <This looks like Valonia... I would remove,
and try not to rupture this cell or reproductive juices may be
spread.> http://www.wetwebmedia.com/greenalg.htm
http://www.thesea.org/reef_aquarium/pests/pests_valonia.php Can
you identify them for me, and what should I do to combat these
things? <If you can get better pics I will gladly take another
look for you Jason.> Thanks again.... <Welcome! Mich>
Re: Maybe Aiptasia And Something Else'¦
Maybe Better Pics And Valonia 11/14/2007 I will turn my
lights off and attempt to take better pics tomorrow. <No,
Jason wait! You need the lights ON!!! The pics were too dark and
not clear/detailed enough. Please check and see if your camera
has a Macro setting (Often looks like a flower) this may help you
get a more focused shot.> I just went to the links that you
gave me to look at, and I'm sure its Valonia growing on the
rock. It is the "black pearl" type. <OK.> What do
you recommend to take these pearls off and out of the tank w/o
releasing any spores? <Sometimes you can just ever so gently
wiggle them loose with out breaking them, just don't squeeze
them very hard. Otherwise try to pop it off as you're
siphoning so if it does rupture hopefully most the fluid will be
removed from the tank. Good luck! Mich>
Re: Maybe Aiptasia And Something Else'¦
Maybe Better Pics And Valonia 11/14/2007 Gotcha gotcha,
<Get it? Got it? Good! Heehee!> thanks Mich.... <Welcome
Jason!> I will check my camera and adjust the settings.
<The macro setting will likely be the most helpful.> I
would like to get quality photos like I see on the net.
<Sometimes easier said than done. Trust me... and the
thousands of photos on my hard drive...> I believe my camera
is capable. <Yes is usually the camera operator where the
problem lies!> Once again, thanks for the information. <You
are welcome as always.> I have had 75lbs. of LR in my tank
since start-up a week ago, <Patience and taking things slow is
the key to success.> would it be ok to add about 10-15 lbs
more w/o disturbing the parameters to greatly? <Would likely
be ok. But is always best to keep a close watch on your water
parameters and do frequent water changes if numbers begin to go
out of range. Good luck, Mich>
Re: Maybe Aiptasia And Something Else'¦
Maybe Better Pics And Valonia 11/18/2007 Hello.. <Hi
Jason, Mich back with you, apologizing for the delay.> just
wanted to follow up with you on my "problems".
<Good!> I picked those pearl things off my LR. They felt
like smooth acorns almost. They came off pretty easy and intact,
anyways there gone. <All good!> I got rid of the rock with
the anemones on them. Didn't want them effecting my soon to
be habitants, corals. <OK> I picked up 3 more 5lb or less
cured LR. That brings my new system to about 85lbs of LR.
<OK.> My skimmer is a Pro Clear, fairly large, and I had it
on my 160 gal FOWLER. Any objections or recommendations? <I am
not familiar with this Skimmer. If it produces a fair amount of
nasty stuff regularly it is likely fine.> The micro bubbles
that I asked about... <Mmm, first time you've mentioned
actually.> can you run the return of the skimmer into the
carbon filled filter bag to lessen the microbubbles entering the
sump where my return pump is located? Thanks again..
<Welcome! Mich>

Ok, I Give Up-- Macroalgae ID? Lilac macro algae ID --
11/07/2007 Marco's input Hello fellow Crew members,
<Hi Sara.> This is indeed embarrassing, but after months of
scouring the internet, I can't figure out what this is.
It's my all time favorite macro algae. It's beautiful,
non-invasive and fast growing (the perfect refugium/sump algae
IMO). Now, if only I knew what the heck it is! Hopefully,
whatever it is, it's not toxic (though I've had it for
years and never had any reason to think it is). Thanks, Sara M.
<It is sold as Ochtodes sp. by the marine biologist Dr.
Schubert. A Google picture search for Ochtodes bringing up a
picture of the algae will link to his homepage and consequently
e-mail address in case you want to contact him re proper
identification/confirmation. However, I have seen this algae (or
a similar species) also labeled as Hypnea pannosa, but doubt this
identification. Hope that helps, but will leave this e-mail
available to the others, too. I was thinking about getting some
of this stuff myself, looks good. Marco.>
Ok, I Give Up-- Macroalgae ID? 11/7/07 Lynn's
go 11/07/07 Hello fellow Crew members, <Hi
Sara!> This is indeed embarrassing, but after months of
scouring the internet, I can't figure out what this is.
<Been there, done that!> It's my all time favorite
macro algae. It's beautiful, <Yes, indeed.>
non-invasive and fast growing (the perfect refugium/sump algae
IMO). <Wish I had that instead of the wicked red turf algae
I've been battling recently!> Now, if only I knew what the
heck it is! Hopefully, whatever it is, it's not toxic (though
I've had it for years and never had any reason to think it
is). <Well, I'm by no means an expert on this subject, but
I found something that looks very similar, Hypnea pannosa, over
at Algaebase.org. What caught my eye was the fourth photo down at
this link:
http://www.algaebase.org/search/species/detail/?species_id=2719 .
As far as toxicity, if it is indeed Hypnea, it's safe/edible
for people and fish, and is harvested as a source for carrageenan
(used as a food additive/thickener, etc). I hope I've at
least gotten close on the Id, but if not, let me know!>
Sara M.
<You're very welcome! Take care -Lynn>
A Rhodophyte... am sure. RMF.
Can you identify this?-Neomeris annulata
10/27/07 This has been growing in my reef tank on the edge of
an empty shell. It has a bright green hairy tip and it's stem
looks as if it made of calcium? It has grown about 2 inches in 2
months. I have looked all over the web but cannot identify it. Can
you help. <It looks like Neomeris annulata. Please see here:
Sara M.> |

Algae ID Help... Hair Algae Dear Wet Web
Crew, <Hi Martin, Mich with you tonight.> Your help in
identifying the algae as seen in the attached photo would be most
appreciated. <Is hair algae, a nuisance for sure!> I've
been unable to find similar looking algae in a search of your
incredible site. <Not sure which species specifically, could
be Derbesia, Boodlea, Cladophora, Bryopsis to name a few.
Regardless, you'll want to try to get rid of it, likely by
stepping up your maintenance. More here:
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/grnalgcont6.htm Thank you,
<Welcome! Martin

New Print and
eBook on Amazon
Marine Aquarium Algae Control
by Robert (Bob) Fenner