FAQs on Marine Algae Identification 22
Related Articles:
Avoiding Algae Problems in Marine System
Algae Control,
Marine Maintenance,
Nutrient Control and Export,
Marine Scavengers,
Hermit Crabs, Mithrax/Emerald Green Crabs,
Sea Urchins, Blennies, Algae
Filters, Ctenochaetus/Bristle Mouth
Tangs, Zebrasoma/Sailfin Tangs,
Skimmers, Skimmer Selection, Marine Algae,
Coralline Algae, Green Algae, Brown
Algae, Blue-Green
"Algae"/(Cyanobacteria), Diatoms,
Brown Algae,
Related FAQs:
FAQ ID Visual Guide,
Marine Algae ID 1,
Marine Algae ID 2,
Marine Algae ID 3, Marine Algae ID 4, Marine Algae ID 5, Marine Algae ID 6, Marine Algae ID 7, Marine Algae ID 8, Marine Algae ID 9, Marine Algae ID 10, Marine Algae ID 11, Marine Algae ID 12, Marine Algae ID 13, Marine Algae ID 14, Marine Algae ID 15, Marine Algae ID 16, Marine Algae ID 17, Marine Algae ID 18, Marine Algae ID 19, Marine Algae ID 20, Marine Algae ID 21, Marine Algae ID 23, Marine Algae ID 24, Marine Algae ID, 25, SW Algae ID 26, SW Algae ID 27, SW Algae ID 29, SW Algae ID 30, SW Algae ID 31,
SW Algae ID 32,
SW Algae ID 33,
SW Algae ID 35,
SW Algae ID 36,
SW Algae ID 37,
SW Algae ID 38,
SW Algae ID 39, &
Marine Algae Control FAQs 2, Marine Algaecide Use, Nutrient Limitation, Marine Algae Eaters, Culturing Macro-Algae; Controlling: BGA/Cyano, Red/Encrusting Algae, Green Algae, Brown/Diatom
New! FAQ, ID Visual Guide
New Print and
eBook on Amazon
Marine Aquarium Algae Control
by Robert (Bob) Fenner
Algae growing on Tubipora Musica
-05/12/08 Hey there! I've seem to run into a problem I
hope you guys could help me out. It seems a nuisance species of
algae has overtaken my Tubipora Musica coral. It is quick growing
and I have identified the algae species after searching through
your website. Based on a fellow reefer's query, you called it
Caulerpa paspaloides. It has gotten to the point where the growth
has the algae has forced some polyps closed. How do I rid myself of
this algae. It seems to be only growing on this coral for some
reason. Is handpicking the algae off my only option? Thank you for
any assistance you can provide <It looks like a Caulerpa sp.,
perhaps C. verticillata (fuzzy caulerpa)--is my guess. Caulerpa can
be quite difficult to get rid of. Please see here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/greenalgcontfaqs.htm
Sara M.> |
Algae ID
05/11/08 Hello WWM crew, Attached to this email is
a picture of 2 separate algae growing on one of my rocks and I was
wondering if you can help me ID them. I have heard of feathery like
algae such as caulerpa taxifolia and mexicana but the algae growing
on my rock seems to be different than most of the pictures provided
on the internet on feathery algae. The algae on the top area of the
photo is feathery like with pointy top edges and has a bluish and
dark green tint to it. It's as if this algae glows a dark blue
color under my metal halides. <Huh... can you get a
closer/clearer picture of it?> The second algae is on the same
rock towards the middle that consists of many feathery like algae
that have grown tightly close to each other forming a large round
bush. This algae is a slightly lighter green than the top one and
the top edges are rounder. I have a massive clean up crew in the
tank that consists of turbo snails, nazarus snails, cerith snails,
scarlet red hermit crabs, blue hermit crabs and emerald crabs but
my clean up crew ignores this algae and the algae seems to be
growing more and more. <Is it easy to remove? ...does it grow
fast? If so, it might be a good candidate for nutrient export.>
The tanks have been up and running for a little over 2 months and I
am worried about the algae taking over the tank without the clean
up crew praying on it. I kind of like the look of the algae but if
it takes over my tank entirely it wont be as pleasing to me. Can
you please provide some information on this algae and let me know
if I should let it be or manually remove it? <I'm sorry, I
can't tell from this photo. Can you send some clearer pix? In
the mean time, you might want to browse this source for some ideas:
Sara M.> |
Re: Algae ID please? 05/09/08
OK. I know aol has problems sometimes. Here is the link to where I
have the pic hosted if you wouldn't mind looking. Thanks, Mike
http://gallery.pethobbyist.com/index.php?photo=357362 <Ok, sorry
for the delay, my best guess is some type of Caulerpa. Or, possibly
(though less likely) a Halophila sp. This is a cool source in
general, it might help: http://www.algaebase.org/
Sara M.> |
Identification, Cyano maybe 5/6/08 Hi, My wife and I have a
12 gal. cube for about 5 months everything is going very well. We have
a small rock with 2 polyps on it and is producing a 3rd. On top of the
rock is a red fuzz like a velvet skin with a very well defined border.
At night the red color fades quite a bit. Can you tell me what this is
and if it is harmful. Thank, Ray... <Hard to say without a picture,
but my first guess would be Cyanobacteria. See here for more
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/bluegralgae.htm .> <Chris>
New WWM page, Alg. et al. IDs... much
needed! 5/2/08 Hello crew, This was Bob's
idea... I compiled a page of pics from all the 21 marine algae FAQs
pages. I didn't include all the photos (some are just too
fuzzy/blurry to be too useful). Anyway, I think it might be useful
for people who don't have a picture:
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/trialalgaeid.htm Best, Sara M. <Ahh!
I'd like to see each of these images "framed" (a
convention I suggest we adopt to designate that such graphics are
linked/links as well)... sending folks to another page each... with
more images of the same species/genus... with notes on
identification, compatibility/control... BobF> Good page Sara.
Nicely laid out, easy to view and read. Maybe add some links to
other algal area's of WWM? Andrew |
Nuisance Algae or Green Coralline Algae 04/15/2008
Good day, <<Hello, Andrew with you this evening>> I have a
question regarding algae. We have a 38 gallon tank with about 38 lbs of
Fiji rock in it. The rock that we used for this tank was dead. It had
been power washed and cleaned when we got it, it was totally white.
After some rinsing and curing in a large tub with a bacteria starting
culture and the rock had cycled. We transferred it to the main tank.
The tank went through a very short stage (days) of an expected diatom
bloom, and a tiny bit of red Cyano bacteria which resolved itself but
no hair algae at all. <<Ok>> The parameters of the tank are
Ammonia 0, Nitrite 0, Nitrates 10, PO4 0, Ca 420, dKH 7, Mg 1300, Temp
75, SP 1.023. At the moment it contains some soft corals and one
Pterogorgia citrina, and a host of different kinds of macro algae. The
clean up crew consists of some Nerites, Astreas, Trochus, and a couple
peppermint shrimp. Everything went through a long quarantine process
before going into the display tank. I'm currently awaiting some
captive bred Hippocampus Reidi. <<Sounds great. a nice choice of
inhabitant>> What I would like to know is I have a growth, of
green all over the rock. It is not hair algae, and it is not Bryopsis
or bubble algae. It is flat on the rock, almost embedded one could say.
The snails pass right over it and do not eat it, or seem to be able to
remove it. I have also tried to manually remove it to no avail. It
ranges in color from a light to dark emerald green, depending upon how
much light certain parts of the rock get. The rock also has tiny specs
of pink which I know to be coralline algae from the color. I was
wondering if this was a nuisance algae, or in fact green coralline
algae. I have been told that coralline algae goes through stages,
starting out green, such as I have, and then progresses to the usual
purple. <<Yes, this is in fact green coralline algae. My current
tank possess this variety>> The lighting on the tank is PC 65W
(1) 10,000K and (1) .03 Actinic. Filtration is with a Lifereef O/F to a
Proclear 150 wet/dry trickle filter with built in skimmer. It contains
LR rubble instead of bio balls, and we use Phosban and Chemi-Pure for
chemical filtration. Blue bonded filter pad for mechanical filtration.
All tests are done with Salifert tests kits. <<Sounds all fine to
me. I do hope good maintenance is kept up with on the filter
pads>> So would this be a case of nuisance algae and if so what
is its name and how can I rid myself of it, or is it indeed coralline
algae going through growth stages as I have been told. <<It will
be coralline, nothing to be concerned about>> Thank you in
advance for your time and consideration. Regards Mark <<Thank you
for the question Mark. A Nixon>>
New Print and
eBook on Amazon
Marine Aquarium Algae Control
by Robert (Bob) Fenner