FAQs on Marine Algae Identification
Related Articles: Avoiding Algae Problems in Marine System,
Control, Marine Maintenance,
Nutrient Control and Export,
Marine Scavengers, Snails, Hermit
Crabs, Mithrax/Emerald
Green Crabs, Sea Urchins, Blennies, Algae
Filters, Ctenochaetus/Bristle Mouth
Tangs, Zebrasoma/Sailfin Tangs,
Skimmers, Skimmer Selection, Marine Algae, Coralline Algae, Green Algae, Brown
Algae, Blue-Green
"Algae"/(Cyanobacteria), Diatoms, Brown
Related FAQs: FAQ ID Visual
Guide, Marine
Algae ID 1, Marine Algae ID 2,
Marine Algae ID 3, Marine Algae ID 4, Marine Algae ID 5, Marine Algae ID 6, Marine Algae ID 7, Marine Algae ID 9, Marine Algae ID 10, Marine Algae ID 11, Marine Algae ID 12, Marine Algae ID 13, Marine Algae ID 14, Marine Algae ID 15, Marine Algae ID 16, Marine Algae ID 17, Marine Algae ID 18, Marine Algae ID 19, Marine Algae ID 20, Marine Algae ID 21, Marine Algae ID 22, Marine Algae ID 23, Marine Algae ID 24, Marine Algae ID, 25, SW Algae ID 26, SW Algae ID 27, SW Algae ID 29, SW Algae ID 30, SW Algae ID 31, SW Algae ID 32, SW Algae ID 33, SW Algae ID 34, SW Algae ID 35, SW
Algae ID 36, SW Algae ID 37, SW
Algae ID 38, SW Algae ID 39, & Marine Algae Control FAQs 2, Marine Algaecide Use, Nutrient Limitation, Marine Algae Eaters, Culturing Macro-Algae; Controlling: BGA/Cyano, Red/Encrusting Algae, Green Algae, Brown/Diatom

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eBook on Amazon
Marine Aquarium Algae Control
by Robert (Bob) Fenner
Strange Looking Red Stuff <Heeee!>
9/9/05 Hi Guys, <Paul> I have a 5 month old 150 FOWLR
which is lightly stocked, never overfed and has excellent water
chemistry and crystal clear water. <The algae is taking up the
nutrients...> We have started to see areas of the Live and
'non-live' rock being covered in a sort of red
'carpet' type thing which also looks like it has
'dripped' onto the sand and is growing on the sand bed.
<BGA...> I appreciate I don't have a pic of this
however I wondered if this was a common thing which you would
know what it was ? Many thanks, Paul <Oh yes... Please see
here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/bluegralgae.htm and the
linked files above. Bob Fenner>

Grass Like Algae 9/5/05 Hello, I've been
reading about different green algae, but I could not exactly tell
if the one's I was reading about were the one I now
have. I've included a picture of the algae that is
growing on my live rock, and beginning to grow on some non-living
areas. I've seen it in other display aquariums, but
I'm not sure if it is a good thing or not. The algae
itself is about 1/4" long. I thought this would be
great for my coral beauty, but it doesn't seem to be grazing
from it. Tank conditions are ph at 8.1, ammonia at 0, nitrites at
0, nitrates at 0, water temp at 81 degrees F. I have a
couple of clowns, a Gramma, and a coral beauty angel. I
change 10% of the water each week. I have a 46 gallon
bowfront with an undergravel filter with two powerhead stacks, a
Remora skimmer, and an external back mount filter. The
light is on for 12 hours a day. Is this algae a
problem? Thanks for the help. <Jim, it could lead to
a greater problem. Your Remora is keeping things in
check by removing excess nutrients. I suggest a
Sailfin/Algae Blenny. They make quick work of algae and
will also accept other foods. James (Salty Dog)>
Jim |

& Algae Mis-ID's on WWM... 8/14/05 Thanks
for the comments and advice. I will forward this on to Robert Fenner
for a follow up. Sincerely, Mike Kaechele Hello there. I was just
surfing around looking for a picture of a particular genus of algae
when I found a link to wetwebmedia info page. First, there
is a wealth of great information there... very
cool. However, while scanning the FAQ's on algae
identification I was kind of appalled at how many misidentifications
there were. I am by no means an expert on marine macroalgae,
but I did eat, sleep, and breathe the subject for 4 years in grad
school as well as dabbled in it for 2 years before that in
college. I currently work in the Aquarium dept. at a FL
marine park, and every once and awhile I am called on to identify
something. I would like to suggest that if you have a
reference section on the site, that you add a few references for id of
marine algae and plants. Specifically, 2 books by Mark and
Diane Littler (Offshore Graphics, Inc. : South Pacific Reef Plants, and
Caribbean Reef Plants). Almost any marine plant that could
pop up in your tank should be found in one of these 2 books.
(There is no such thing as red Codium, that was a member of
the genus Scinaia!) Just trying to be helpful. :)
Julie Lynnae Liss <Thank you for taking the initiative to write.
Specific challenges to identification are well-appreciated... We do
cite the Littler's works often... Bob Fenner>
ID 8/12/05 Hi Crew- <Howdy John, Ali here>
I'd like to thank you for the great site and valuable
information it provides! <Thank you friend> I discovered your
site a few years ago and my tank has under gone a fantastic
transformation in the following years! <Awesome!> My reason
for writing is because I have some odd/unusual growth in my tank
(pics provided). What ever it is sprouted up about 2
months ago and seems to be spreading-it appears to be harmless so
I've left it alone. Let me give you the specs on my
tank. I have a 55 long with a 5-8 inch sand bed and
roughly 90lbs live rock. Have 30 gallon refugium
and 20gal sump. On main tank I have 440 watt VHO system
and on refugium I have 120 watt compact
fluorescence. For filtration I have Aqua-C Remora Pro
and a little hang on the back Penguin (run activated charcoal in
it). For live stock I have 1 dusky Jawfish, 2 Clarkii Clowns and 1
Lunare Wrasse (it was a present from my wife who wanted more color
in my tank) and I have an assortment of snails and tons of Pods and
Mysis. Also, have Green Star Polyps and 10 stalks of
Xenia, which started of as one little branch 6 months ago! Again,
thanks for the great site! John McCloskey <Ah, it sounds like a
very nice little set-up you got there John. The organism in
question is indeed Scroll Algae (Padina sp.) Unfortunately, this
algae usually ends up dying during liverock shipment (very
sensitive to shipping), however it does have the potential to be a
hardy yet attractive algae once established. Keeping your
calcium/alk stable will go a long way in keeping it happy. Good
luck and we wish you success!! - Ali> |

Unidentified Green "Grass" Macroalgae 8/9/05
Hello Bob and Gang, <Chris> I loved "the Conscientious
Marine Aquarist." It helped get me into the
marine/reef hobby several years ago. I was just given a
green macroalgae growing on a small piece of live rock from a
friend of a friend. The person who gave me this algae
did not know what type it was and so I'm a bit concerned that I
do not know its care requirements and
"idiosyncrasies." The dimensions of the algae
are 5.5 in length, by 3 inches in width, by 4 inches in
height. (See attached picture.) I thought it
might be a Chlorodesmis sp. alga, but it doesn't look that
close to the pictures I have found of Chlorodesmis
online. I want to put this algae in my 10 gallon
refugium under a 32 watt PC, but am unsure if this is enough light
for this algae. <Should be enough, fine> Thanks for any help
you can provide! Best, Christopher <Please read here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/greenalg.htm I think this is a
bit of Turtle Weed, Chlorodesmis, as well. Bob Fenner> |

Turtle Weed versus Hair Algae IDs 7/30/05 Is Chlorodesmis
fastigiata turtle weed and hair algae the same thing? <Nope... not
even close my friend. There are more than a few general of so-called
(nuisance) "hair algae". But only one turtle weed I know of:
Chlorodesmis> From the pics I could find on the site, my algae is
the turtle weed. <Bright green tufts... requiring extremely bright
light and high water flow. See algaebase.org for more details versus
Derbesia and other types of hair algae> Problem is that lately it
has been growing out of control in my 130g tank. <ahhh... no way
that its Turtle weed. Chlorodesmis is a slow growing ornamental.
"True" hair algae is a fast growing nuisance. Most all
aquarists experience the latter at some point in time from nutrients
accumulating (weak water change schedule, poor protein skimming,
etc.> I had it fallow for 5 weeks due to ick and then introduced my
fish...Porc. puffer, 6 yellow tail damsels, Chromis, pink damsel,
Foxface, raccoon butterfly, and lawnmower blenny back into the tank
slowly over 3-4 weeks in order of aggressive fish
last. After doing this the algae is worse even though it was
still present when the tank was fallow. <Indeed... a big influx of
nutrients to feed it: fed fish pooping daily> Parameters are 0
except for nitrates which always run 5-15 due to messy puffer. Cant
keep any snails other than bumble bee because of BF and puffer. They
leave the bumble bees alone but they don't eat the algae.
<Ironic, isn't it? :p> I scrape with brush the algae every
other week but this is proving exhausting. <Yikes! This IS spreading
it! Unless you strap that toothbrush to the end of a siphon tube and
suck out the broken fragments as you go along> I get 3-4 cups a week
on skimmer and use two powerheads- about 150gph&220gph- a maxi-jet
1200 on skimmer and AC 110 and Penguin 440 powerfilters for water
circulation. <Fabulous! Hmmm... have you checked your phosphate and
DOC levels (Salifert has a DOC test kit from Champion Light and Supply
company for example)> I have read on the site people want to grow
this stuff? In my tank it has just gone nuts. I personally
don't hate the way it looks, my husband does, but I have to admit
now that it is encroaching on some pretty nice looking purple
encrusted. Any other suggestions. Thanks ahead of time. Sherry <Try
changing small amounts of carbon weekly instead of larger amounts
monthly... use poly filters on your supply/source water (and display)
and keep skimming aggressively. It will reduce in months. Maintaining a
high and very steady pH at 8.6 knocks it down quickly too and is no
harm to fishes or corals if kept steady. Best regards, Anthony>
Re: turtle weed 8/3/05 I replaced my phosphate remover just
recently... when I noticed a growth in the hair algae. This is helping
and the algae is slowly losing it's ability to stay adhered to
rock. So it is slowly receding. You mentioned DOC levels for testing.
What is this? <An acronym for Dissolved Organic Carbon> Have not
heard of this. I test for the normals... nitrite, nitrate, ammonia, ph,
hardness. Also might be a dumb question but are poly filters different
from polyester filters? <Yes... Polyester is a base material for
mechanical filtration, Polyfilters are a product that incorporates
chemical filtration...> I have both but am wondering if these are
the same. Also I will do the smaller amount more frequent change of
carbon. Also you said that brushing without siphoning will spread the
algae. I usually let my filters catch it. So this is not good as well
and I should not brush it away? If yes than this is good for me.
<Better to vacuum out as much loose algae (and the nutrient that it
represents, will recycle), after brushing> What phosphate
removers/reducers do you recommend. <Posted on WWM> I have used
several types in the past and have found the pads to work pretty well,
as well as phos ban, but what do you recommend? Thanks so
much. Sherry <Please include previous correspondence. Bob
What algae is it? Greetings crewmembers ! I am
trying to identify a particular type of algae. This little pest causes
people to fall due to its' slippery nature and is
commonly found in "lawn and garden" centers, growing
everywhere, including the damp floor. "Bryopsis" species
seems to be the culprit...but I am not positive..? What is it and how
does one get rid of it? Any help would be greatly appreciated. <I
visit a Marine (boat) dealer and ask about coatings they put on boats
to resist algae growth and other critters from attaching. I
believe these coatings have copper sulphate mixed in. As far
as what it is, don't know for sure. We cater to
marine/freshwater aquariums. James (Salty Dog)>
Silver bubbles on coral & rock Hi- Recently in my 120 gls
salt water reef tank we have noticed small patches of silver like
bubbles which are eating away at the coral. Please advise what can be
causing this situation and how to correct it. Thank you in advance.
Regards, Ceil <Please see here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/greenalg.htm.
Scroll down to "Valonia"... See the linked files above re
Algae Control? Follow them. Bob Fenner>
ID Troublesome Encrusting Algae, Sponge Hi
guys, I've searched & scanned the archive and couldn't
figure out what this is... Photos are attached. It's a
reddish-brown, spongy algae (or sponge?) <The latter> that
encrusts rock, GSP fairly quickly. I originally was scrubbing it
off with a toothbrush, but now I'm seeing little bits of it
replicating/seeding in more & more places. Can you tell me (a)
what it is, and (b) how to either exterminate it, or at least keep
it under control? Thanks!! John <Likely nutrient limitation is
your best approach here... along with physical removal, perhaps a
search for a purposeful predator. Bob Fenner> |


Algae identification Hi there, Just a quick
question to see if someone over there could identify this algae?
(plant) <A Brown algae for sure, perhaps a Sargassum species...
do you see it here: http://wetwebmedia.com/brnalgae.htm
> It's growing mainly on one piece of live rock near the op
of the tank but I also have smaller patches on other live rock.
Thanks for your help Mandie <Enjoy it... keep it trimmed, lest
it out-compete other livestock you want for nutrients... I suspect
you already administer iodine/ide... Bob Fenner> |
New Print and
eBook on Amazon
Marine Aquarium Algae Control
by Robert (Bob) Fenner