FAQs on Marine Algae Identification
Related Articles: Avoiding Algae Problems in Marine System,
Control, Marine Maintenance,
Nutrient Control and Export,
Marine Scavengers, Snails, Hermit
Crabs, Mithrax/Emerald
Green Crabs, Sea Urchins, Blennies, Algae
Filters, Ctenochaetus/Bristle Mouth
Tangs, Zebrasoma/Sailfin Tangs,
Skimmers, Skimmer Selection, Marine Algae, Coralline Algae, Green Algae, Brown
Algae, Blue-Green
"Algae"/(Cyanobacteria), Diatoms, Brown
Related FAQs: FAQ ID Visual
Guide, Marine
Algae ID 1, Marine Algae ID 2,
Marine Algae ID 3, Marine Algae ID 4, Marine Algae ID 5, Marine Algae ID 6, Marine Algae ID 7, Marine Algae ID 8, Marine Algae ID 9, Marine Algae ID 11, Marine Algae ID 12, Marine Algae ID 13, Marine Algae ID 14, Marine Algae ID 15, Marine Algae ID 16, Marine Algae ID 17, Marine Algae ID 18, Marine Algae ID 19, Marine Algae ID 20, Marine Algae ID 21, Marine Algae ID 22, Marine Algae ID 23, Marine Algae ID 24, Marine Algae ID, 25, Marine Algae ID, 25, Marine Algae ID, 25, SW Algae ID 26, SW Algae ID 27, SW Algae ID 29, SW Algae ID 30, SW Algae ID 31, SW Algae ID 32, SW Algae ID 33, SW Algae ID 34, SW Algae ID 35, SW
Algae ID 36, SW Algae ID 37, SW
Algae ID 38, SW Algae ID 39, & Marine Algae Control FAQs 2, Marine Algaecide Use, Nutrient Limitation, Marine Algae Eaters, Culturing Macro-Algae; Controlling: BGA/Cyano, Red/Encrusting Algae, Green Algae, Brown/Diatom

New Print and
eBook on Amazon
Marine Aquarium Algae Control
by Robert (Bob) Fenner
Mysterious Algae Question 12/24/06 Hi
Ladies and Gentleman. <"John"> A semi brief question.
<Like chocolate?> I have a brown fuzzy type of algae that grows
on just about anything except my corals and
substrate. It is maybe 3mm in length and you have to
get up close to see it. From across the room you would never
see it, and it only grows where there is very very strong
flow. It is not aggressive, just annoying. The
fuzz stops where a coral or clam starts, or decreased
flow. I keep SPS (Acropora, Montipora) and they are all
doing great so it is not hindering anything. My tang and
snails like it. I have tested all parameters for a possible fuel for
this nuisance and everything tests good, nitrate 0,
phosphate 0 etc. I run RO/DI, (no silicates) keep
my alk at 12 ,calcium at 420 and ph at 8.4 and all stable. I
run AC for the first 3 days of each month and started running Phosar
24x7 for the last two weeks thinking perhaps it is excessive
PO4. I have a skimmer rated for twice my tanks needs and do
my 20% water changes bi-weekly. I do have a fuge with a DSB
and Chaeto. Nothing seems to help. Other then this brown
fuzz I have zero (0) algae in my tank or sump. I am out of
ideas. Any insight you can provide would be helpful.
<Mmm, would need/take microscopic examination, but this is highly
likely a Cyanobacteria... taking advantage of conditions only it
can...> If you need more detailed information I will be happy to
provide it. Wet Web Media Rocks. John <Thanks. Bob
Re: Mysterious Algae Question 12/25/06 Bob,
<John> Thanks for replying. <Welcome> I found exactly what
I am dealing with on WWM site at the following link, last entry so you
can get an idea: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/maralgidfaq7.htm Salty Dog said
that algae is difficult to get rid of. Just what I wanted to
hear. So I am open to any ideas you can think of.
Thanks Bob. John <Read my friend... limiting nutrient availability,
competition, predation... many roads... Gone over and over again... on
WWM. Bob Fenner>
Dictyosphaeria colony, big green thing
2/13/06 Gentleman, Can you identify this hunk of green algae
growing at the base of my reef ? Should I remove it ? Thanks for
your help. Tom. <Likely a Dictyosphaeria colony: See here
http://wetwebmedia.com/greenalg.htm Up to you to keep or
(carefully vacuum, remove rock, scrub... to prevent spreading) not.
Bob Fenner> |
Algae ID help 02/12/06 I read all 10 pages of your
algae ID's and still have questions. <Okay>
The one I'm most curious about is one that looks like that
crinkly plastic Easter basket grass. It is full of both
water and bubbles for buoyancy. Also, I have some that
is probably plain hair algae (it is growing on the glass,
too). Any chance it is Chlorodesmis instead?
<Doesn't look like this to me> Finally, confirmation that
this is plain bubble algae. Does it grow on short
stalks? <No> Tank is 3 weeks old and these Algaes
appeared after diatom bloom. Any Latin names would be appreciated.
Thanks. <... wish I could... don't know from these pix. I
suspect these will cycle out soon. Bob Fenner> |

It's Green and Growing Fast...Algae? -
02/06/2006 Gentleman, <Let's not forget the ladies;)> At
the base of my reef there is growing a 3" diameter
chunk of some kind of algae. Its dark green and somewhat
hard. I have seen my Scopas Tang chewing on it. What the heck is it?
<Can't say without a pic. Most likely some new algae growth
though.> Leave it there or remove it? <If the Tang likes it,
I'd leave it.> Thanks, Tom <You're welcome. -
Algae identification and removal 02-05-06 Hi,
<Hello> I have a large amount of what appears to be Caulerpa
growing in my tank. Today while fumbling through your archives I
read that some Caulerpa can give off toxins, which surprised me.
<All algae can actually> So I looked through all your algae
identification pages, and I found nothing. <Surprising> A
close match is Caulerpa racemosa, but I don't think that is it.
<Is what this looks like to me> I will be attaching a picture
of it. Just in case it did not go through, which it may very well
not, I will give a quick description. As all Caulerpa it is based
on a vine. On the vine "bubbles" shoot out along the
vine. Unlike Caulerpa racemosa, there are two bubbles on opposite
sides of the vine, then go up 1/2cm the vine and there are two more
"bubbles" on opposite sides of the vine and this
continues. So my questions are what is this? And is it a danger to
my tank? <In large (relative) quantity, possibly> By the way
my yellow tang will not touch it, this leads to my theory of it
being undesirable. If I need to remove it what is the best way to
do it. Remove it all at once? <If you want> Or remove it over
the period of a few days due to the possibility of releasing
excessive toxins into the water? <Oh! If you want to remove it
entirely, try to take it out all in one go... along with a water
change, use of carbon...> Sorry for the lengthy question? <No
worries. Bob Fenner>
Thanks much,
Jed |

Help unknown algae - 1/30/2006 Hello Crew,
Thanks for the great site! I have a question regarding
100+ sprouts of an unknown macro algae that growing all over my 3
week old "Fiji Premium Live Rock". I have 90
lbs of it in my 50 gallon new reef tank. I guess I want
to know if it is a problem, and if it is a problem what should I do
to remove? <Mmm, might be Derbesia: http://www.google.com/search?q=derbesia+identification>
I do not have a sump to place competing favorable
Algaes. I do have a Magnum canister filter and an Aqua-C
Remora. Thanks in advance for your help. <Need more
info... or to direct you to the articles, FAQs files on WWM re
Algae Control... Bob Fenner> |

Re: Help unknown algae 1/31/06 Bob,
<Tom> Thank you for your response. What more
information do you need (I have included 2 more
photos)? I reviewed your links and they did not seem
to help me understand what I am up against. <Really? A bit
wider search will show this genus is hard to control once
established... most "algae eaters" find it
unpalatable...> I have a yellow tang, scarlet hermits, Mithrax
crab, astrea, cerith, and Nassarius snails and none of them will
eat it. Your advice is greatly appreciated. Tom Hobson <Umm,
go back young man... to WWM. Read re Green Algae, Control... Bob
Fenner> Re: Help unknown algae 1/31/06 Bob,
<Tom!> I'm sorry but I must be a little too dim...
<Mmm, nope... gauging from below you're at least in the
Metal Halide class of intensity> but I do not see the
light. I have read the algae control
section. I have restricted food for the fish
(nutrients). I have added, "tang heaven red and
green" from IPSF.com to compete.
Ammonia 0 Nitrite 0
Nitrate 5 Ph 8.3
alk 300+ <Mmm, the last is likely
calcium concentration in ppm?> I have not tried an urchin, or
Elysia. The only other things I think of is to pull
the rock out and try to razor blade the plants off or throw it
away and start over. <Not yet...> Is there some
little tidbit that I am missing that will prevent me from tossing
the live rock? <Yes... I'd try the Kalkwasser trick here
once or twice. Mix up a batch and add some till the pH reaches
about 8.6... should precipitate soluble phosphate and really
shake the Green. We'll "escalate" (Shades of
"Nam", and soon the Middle East) what you might do here
next if this doesn't do the trick. BobF> Tom Hobson Re:
Help unknown algae 1/31/06 Bob, <Tom> I
guess I need to cut the chase here. If this rock is
going to be a continual problem, I want to throw it out and start
over with a new batch of live rock. <Mmm... not really a good,
practical approach. The new rock (or even no rock at all!)
can/will develop the same algae/problem from spores left about,
and prevailing conditions... Best to take a sort of long haul,
steering a large boat with a small rudder attitude here... create
competition for nutrient, reduced nutrients period, and
allelopathy means of control...> As costly as this may be, I
would rather spend the money than beat my head against a
wall. This tank was supposed to be an enjoyable hobby
right now it is pain. <Believe you me, I understand... as
stated, categorically I'd launch a blitzkrieg with the three
avenues above. Bob Fenner> Tom Hobson
Algae? - 1/30/2006 Hi Crew, I am new to the reef
hobby (less than 1 year). I have found your web site
& Anthony's and Bob's books tremendously helpful.
I've not been able to find a similar photo on wet web media of
this. Can you tell me if this looks like some type of red algae?
It's developing in several areas of my tank. I like the way it
looks but want to make sure it's okay for my reef tank. thanks,
Marty <Likely a Red, see: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/redalgae.htm, but could be a
brown (bleached out), definitely an algae... in both cases
desirable. Bob Fenner> |

Red & Pink Algaes 1/27/06 I have these 2
types of algae growing. I found 2 pictures on WWW.com that look
similar, but I'd like to double check with my pics. Please see
attached. The maroon algae is gorgeous. I've had Cyano in the
past, this looks nothing like that disgusting slime in shape, but
colorwise, please see for yourself. It is groups of individual
feathers, some kind of curly, feathery. Any ideas? <Pic too
blurry to identify, at least on my old fashion CRT.> Or is it
time to start ripping it up? <Wouldn't rip up.> Nothing
will eat it, that's for sure. The pink/orange stuff, man,
I'm clueless. It grows in roughly the same shape, but never
find it in direct light. <To me this looks like a specie of
encrusting sponge, not algae.> It looks like pinkish orange
plastic that they make kids squirt guns out of. Real weird. Not
spreading like crazy. Ideas on this one? Tell me what I want to
hear! (Undiscovered species of G. Blablabla from previously unknown
island in Pacific Rim. First known subject in captivity).
<Possibly first known species on your block.> Or not. I am
prepared for either. Thanks! <You're
welcome. James (Salty Dog)> |

What kind of algae is it? Spin the Wheel of
Identification! 1/22/06 We have tons of little red
colored "dashes" that seem to be attached at one end to a
clear colored almost invisible stuff all over the sides of the tank.
They are almost free floating except for being anchored at one end.
They wave in the current. I can not find out anything about it, please
help. Thank you, Scott & Nancy <Mmm... uhh... could be a member
of a few phyla... see the Invertebrate ID FAQs files on WWM, send a pic
if you can. My first guess... some sort of tubiculous polychaete. Bob
Little "moose antler" looking red
thing 1/7/06 I have not gotten an answer to this
email and assume (the dreaded "word") it went to email
heaven. The entire text is copied below: <Thanks for
re-sending... don't recall seeing, and I move most all
about> Hey Everyone, Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas. A
week or so ago I found this little "moose antler" looking
red thing growing in my tank on an old clam shell. I hope the
picture comes through and you can see it. <Nope. Rats!> The
shell sits on the bottom of my 75 gal tank. It has grown a good bit
since I first saw it, not quite doubling in size to what it is now.
I would guess it is about an inch high now. It looks filmy and
translucent but stands up to the water flow. I don't have any
flow directly on it but do have good flow through the tank. I have
4 power heads as well as the canister filter, 2 power heads are 400
gph and 2 are about 350 gph. I tried looking on your
site but didn't see anything that looked enough like it for an
ID. I searched on the internet and the only thing that looked
similar was "Nori" and it was still a little different.
What ever it is I'm really happy to see it. I am going to have
a good time watching it grow, hope it doesn't turn out to be
some giant type that grows out of the tank!! I pasted the picture
here and copied it in the email also; I sure hope you can see one
of them. And guess what! I figured out what you all have been
talking about of emails in HTML format so I changed it to Rich
Text, is this ok? <The text is yes...> I had no clue what you
were talking about before so I was one of the guilty ones. Thanks
for all of the help while I learn how to take better care of my
tank pets.
<Mmm, I suspect this growth is an algae of some sort... second
quess, perhaps a sponge colony... in either/all cases, not likely
harmful... You can try sending the pix to my personal email:
fennerrobert@hotmail.com if you'd like. Cheers, Bob
Fenner> |
Professor, <Nutty perhaps> I'm sure it is an algae,
red, and good for my tank. I was trying to find out what kind
because it just showed up and I got excited about that. I have some
other green algae which just started growing on one of my live
rocks also but have been unable to get a decent picture of that.
This is my fourth message trying to get the picture to you. I hope
it works. Agnes Gray <Do see "it"... still could be an
algae (first guess), sponge (second). Not harmful at any length.
Cheers, Bob Fenner> |

New Print and
eBook on Amazon
Marine Aquarium Algae Control
by Robert (Bob) Fenner