FAQs on Marine Algae Identification
Related Articles: Avoiding Algae Problems in Marine System,
Control, Marine Maintenance,
Nutrient Control and Export,
Marine Scavengers, Snails, Hermit
Crabs, Mithrax/Emerald
Green Crabs, Sea Urchins, Blennies, Algae
Filters, Ctenochaetus/Bristle Mouth
Tangs, Zebrasoma/Sailfin Tangs,
Skimmers, Skimmer Selection, Marine Algae, Coralline Algae, Green Algae, Brown
Algae, Blue-Green
"Algae"/(Cyanobacteria), Diatoms, Brown
Related FAQs: FAQ ID Visual
Guide, Marine
Algae ID 1, Marine Algae ID 2,
Marine Algae ID 3, Marine Algae ID 4, Marine Algae ID 5, Marine Algae ID 6, Marine Algae ID 7, Marine Algae ID 8, Marine Algae ID 9, Marine Algae ID 10, Marine Algae ID 11, Marine Algae ID 12, Marine Algae ID 14, Marine Algae ID 15, Marine Algae ID 16, Marine Algae ID 17, Marine Algae ID 18, Marine Algae ID 19, Marine Algae ID 20, Marine Algae ID 21, Marine Algae ID 22, Marine Algae ID 23, Marine Algae ID 24, Marine Algae ID, 25, SW Algae ID 26, SW Algae ID 27, SW Algae ID 29, SW Algae ID 30, SW Algae ID 31, SW Algae ID 32, SW Algae ID 33, SW Algae ID 34, SW Algae ID 35, SW
Algae ID 36, SW Algae ID 37, SW
Algae ID 38, SW Algae ID 39, & Marine Algae Control FAQs 2, Marine Algaecide Use, Nutrient Limitation, Marine Algae Eaters, Culturing Macro-Algae; Controlling: BGA/Cyano, Red/Encrusting Algae, Green Algae, Brown/Diatom

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Marine Aquarium Algae Control
by Robert (Bob) Fenner
Looks like macroalgae growing out of Xenia...
Tis! 2/16/07 <Hi Mike, Mich with you
tonight.> Have you ever seen this happen before? <Mmm,
actually, yes.> I don't know if this is a disease or a
problem but I don't think it is what a Xenia is supposed to do.
<Xenia can have a mind of its' own. Tis neither a
disease nor a problem.> It is splitting all the way up the base
and this green stuff that looks like grass is coming out of it. The
green stuff is now almost 1 inch long. <No
worries! If it bothers you, you can remove the
algae. The Xenia will most likely continue to
grow. Fine to just leave it alone
too. Entirely up to you.> When I first got the Xenia
(3 months ago) there was a very small patch of this stuff coming
out of the side of it and now the grass-like stuff has grown to
being almost an inch long and the split is about 2 inches up the
stalk by over 1 inch wide (split open I mean). I'll include a
pic and all my tank parameters. Except for being split wide open
and this grass-like stuff coming out of it the coral seems like it
is doing just fine (spreading like crazy). <Typical of
Xenia. Often grows like a weed.>
Ammonia/Nitrite 0 Nitrate;5 pH;8.0
Alk Salinity;1.025 Ca ranges between
400-425 Thanks in advance
Mike |

Identify Friendly or Fo ??? Phaeophyte -
02/15/07 I am a reasonably new marine aquarist...my experience
with it began last march. I am learning as much on my own as
possible, but I don't know whether I should be researching this
as a coral a mushroom or what. I id look for quite awhile to no
avail. It's a bunch of white flower looking things, with white
circles. This is a pic. and thanks for your help in
advance! <A Padina sp... See here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/brnalgae.htm No worries.
BobF> |

Algae id 1/27/07 I am having
difficulty identifying this. Attached is a pic of a
maroon algae/Cyano growing on my rocks. <I see it... blurry>
It is a deep maroon in color and is "fuzzy"
in appearance. My first thoughts were this is a species
of Cyano. However, unlike typical Cyano, it is not slimy
to the touch. Unfortunately you cannot tell in the
picture but under close examination, it is made of up tiny
fiber-like branches interwoven into a mat. <Ahh...>
So far it doesn't seem to be on any sps but it is
quickly overgrowing areas in my 180. Any help on ID'ing it
would be appreciated so I can formulate a removal
strategy. Jeff <Mmm, might be
another algal group... or even an invertebrate animal
possibility... Need a better resolved image and/or microscopic
examination... Removal is likely best with a good-sized diameter
siphon if it's not too strongly attached. Bob Fenner> |

Brown Macro ID 1/27/07 Hi Crew,
<Tanya> This brownish (sometimes grayish or no color at all)
algae is taking over my (reef) tank! It came as a
hitchhiker and spread like wildfire. None of the snails
or hermits will go near it. It can be pulled out as it
tends to grow in mats and tangle with itself, but because it is so
brittle and clingy, you can never quite get it all off of the
rock. Can you please ID it? And tell me what
will eat it? Thanks! Tanya <Likely this is a Blue Green Algae...
and not much likely to eat it appreciably... Please read here re
control strategies: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/cyanocontrolfaqs.htm and the
linked files above. Bob Fenner> |

Purple on My Glass 1/1/07 Hello there, <Hi>
I need some info on an issue with my 29 salt. I have some light purple
spots on my glass and powerhead and other things in my tank. It
won't come off with the algae brush. The LFS said that it was ok,
and he called it something but can't remember what he called it. It
kinda of crust, it scraps off with my finger nails. Is there something
that I can buy or use to get this off at least my glass? Thanks for
your info. Cody <Coralline algae, many scrappers available to remove
it from the glass. See http://www.wetwebmedia.com/corallinealg.htm for more.>
Re: water and algae mystery 12/29/06
Thank you for the comments. I did find out what the starfish
was thanks to you and the LFS. I have read that in the
future it could be a threat to some soft corals. I was
hoping you could elaborate on the purple 'buds' that are
popping up. <Could be a few things... the "top" guesses
w/o pix, further description are sponges, algae...> I have looked at
tons of algae on the internet but cant find anything that looks like
it. <There are "tons" more that aren't illustrated as
yet on the Net> Can you point in the right
direction? They are small purple buds popping up on the LR
and branch. any help will be appreciated - thank you - Aaron <Please
read here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/marinvind1.htm The
files from the top down. Bob Fenner>
Re: Different Species of
Chaetomorpha 12/18/06 I ran Cladophora through Google
Image. I have determined that my second species of algae is,
without a doubt, Cladophora columbiana. Is this a beneficial
species to have in my refugium, along with Chaetomorpha? <Yes it
is. Like Chaeto, the Cladophora thrives on nitrogen and
phosphorous. James (Salty Dog)>
Soft Coral, worm, algae ID
12/6/06 Dear Crew, I was wondering if you could help me
identify my new soft coral. It was sold to me as a Sarcophyton sp.,
but it looks more like a Sinularia sp. to me. I have attached
pictures for reference. <Is not a Sarcophyton for sure... Likely
is a Sinularia species... definitely a Alcyoniid> On another
note, I was watching my tank the other night and I noticed what I
believe are worms, possibly bristle worms, swimming through the
tank. They were swimming rather quickly with a cork-screwing
motion. <Good description...> I couldn't find any
reference to similar behavior, so I was curious about it. I have
also attached a picture of one of the worms. (I couldn't get a
picture of one swimming, so it is a picture of the worm on the
glass.) <Is an errantiate polychaete (there are thousands of
species) of some sort> Also, I am having trouble with, but I am
not sure what type it is. I can't find anything that looks
similar to it. It grows all over my live rock and the glass of the
aquarium. I have also attached a picture as a reference. <Are
Blue-greens... Cyanobacteria...> My parameters are as follows:
55 gallon tank with 120 watts NO fluorescents Temperature:
79° F Nitrite, Nitrate, Ammonia, Copper: 0 ppm pH: 8.2
dKH: 10° Calcium: 550ppm <Way too high...>
Specific Gravity 1.026 Weekly 10% water changes with RO water.
Top-off twice daily with RO water. (About a quart of a water each
time.) Thank you for your time, Daniel <Mmm, please do take a
read on WWM re the groups, situation mentioned above... Bob
Fenner> |


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eBook on Amazon
Marine Aquarium Algae Control
by Robert (Bob) Fenner