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Planning, Getting Started with a Marine Tank By
Adam Blundell, MS, Technology: Putting on the
Brakes: How much is too much? By Tommy
Dornhoffer Reef
Set-Up, Fish
Only Systems, Fish and Invertebrate Systems,
Small Marine Set-Ups, Large Marine
Systems, Cold/Cool Water Marine Systems,
Small Marine Aquariums
Book 1:
Invertebrates, Algae
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eBook on Amazon:
by Robert (Bob) Fenner |
Small Marine Aquariums
Book 2: Fishes
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eBook on Amazon: by Robert (Bob) Fenner |
Small Marine Aquariums Book 3: Systems
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eBook on Amazon:
by Robert (Bob) Fenner |
Size/location question on first saltwater tank
I have spent about 3 years with a 5.5 gallon fresh water tank for one
Betta. Unfortunately, he developed an external tumor, survived about
another year as it grew, and finally died last week.
<Sorry to hear/read that>
As he faded, I’ve been researching (primarily on WWM!) about a saltwater
tank which I’ve always wanted. I want live rock, soft corals, and at
least a couple of fish, also probably a snail or such for algae control.
The look of rock and soft coral means more to me, but my husband is
determined to have fish and, luckily will be satisfied with 1 or 2 and
loves clownfish which seem easy to maintain (as long as it is just 1 or
a mated pair.)
<Sounds like a good idea that will satisfy both of you.>
Now we are exploring location and what size is possible. We have a
heavy-duty oak wall unit as a divider between our offices which has an
available space about 15.5” wide, 27” long and just under 25.5” high. I
think I can fit a rectangular 20-gallon in there and still access from
the top based on my browsing/shopping. That is the best location for us
to actually enjoy watching the aquarium as it is visible from all the
places we spend the most time (office, living room, etc.).
<Would be my choice too>
Alternatively, I can put a much larger aquarium on a stand in an area
which is about 24” wide, 48” long and 55” tall. I think a 40-gallon is
entirely possible there. However, that is against a dining room wall
where it will not be visible except when we’re eating, from my kitchen
or if we turn all the chairs in the living room around to face it!
Sunlight is also a possible consideration. The wall unit is in an
enclosed balcony area, completely open to the rest of the condo, which
has about 4’ high windows the entire wall - west-facing. The enclosed
balcony is not very deep, well-temperature controlled with the rest of
the condo, and we normally put down blinds anyway in the afternoon to
keep the sun off us, but there is a lot of indirect light even with
blinds down.
The aquarium would be narrow end toward the windows, NOT be against the
windows, but separated by about 30” of wall unit with shelving, books,
etc. that mostly shades the location even without blinds.
<This option could also work; when it comes to marine tanks, the bigger,
the better…>
The dining room location gets sun only very briefly an hour or so in the
afternoon and can also be controlled by the blinds. We really want to
use the wall unit since the whole point of the aquarium is to be able to
see and enjoy it. But, that means the trade-off of a smaller size and
more (indirect) sunlight. Can you give any advice as to whether the
light and size constrictions in the wall unit make it a bad choice,
despite the great visibility for us? I realize as a newbie I could use
all the forgiveness of a larger tank I can get, but I hate to tuck it
away where it is not easily visible for us.
<Well, both plans sound viable, it’s up to you whether you prefer the
view or a greater water volume; a 20 gallon tank could work trouble
free, given an appropriate maintenance, and as long as you don’t
overstock-overfeed. The bigger tank has the advantage that it allows you
to add more livestock, but what’s the point if you can’t enjoy it most
of time?...>
Thanks in advance for any time you can give to a silly/simple question.
<That was not a silly question at all. I hope this helps.>
Elaine Turner
<Cheers. Wil. >
Re: Size/location question on first saltwater tank
Thanks. My only real reason for considering a 40-gallon tank, and
different location, is worry about maintainability of the smaller
20-gallon tank since this is my first saltwater venture. We have
discussed it a lot, and I’ve researched a lot, and I think we will both
be happy with look/stocking of 20-gallon.
<Good, then go for it!>
Your comment that a 20-gallon could work trouble free with appropriate
maintenance and no overstock-overfeed is reassuring. Does our plan for
stocking - live rock and sand, a clownfish pair, a snail or such for
algae control, and soft coral (not anemone, but size-appropriate softies
- probably leather coral varieties) - sound like a manageable bioload?
<Sounds reasonable, can you tell a bit about what type of equipment you
intend to use?...bio filter, protein skimmer, lighting, etc…>
I’m trying to make sure I have an advance plan that is workable. Thanks
again and this should be last question for a while. Elaine
<You’re welcome. Wil.>
Re: Size/location question on first saltwater tank
I understand the live rock works as a biological filter to maintain
nitrogen cycle, but I was figuring on filter which could also increase
water flow to adequate for the soft corals (haven’t gotten to details of
brand/type, but I know I want it to be adequate or more for 20-gallon
and was thinking of adding small HOB bio filter that I could use for my
quarantine tank as needed).
<Aim for a strong water movement, particularly on the surface, corals
will appreciate it, the HOB is ok but if you could add a wave maker will
be far better.>
I was definitely planning on protein skimmer (again, don’t have specific
details, but something more than adequate for 20 gallons; I’ve
researched types of skimmers, but not seriously shopped). Lighting I
want to be sure is adequate for the soft corals, which I think means
LED. I plan on heater, of course. I had looked at kits such as the
Coralife LED Biocube which would have required adding heater and
skimmer, but decided I want rectangular/longer profile and the maximum
size that will fit (so 20-gallon).<Me too >
I have not seen any rectangular 20-gallon kits which look adequate so I
figure I’ll be putting this together in pieces with the assistance of
the local, strictly-saltwater, fish/supply store. (It’s been in business
going on 20 years, excellent quality, healthy tanks in the store and so
far all their advice matches what I find on WWM.)
<That’s good>
I would, of course, appreciate any suggestions. I have to hold off
actually doing anything until some construction is finished in our
building (hopefully in next month). Meantime, I research. I just ordered
Bob Fenner’s Conscientious Marine Aquarist for “light” reading.
<Excellent idea, read as much as you can to be prepared; any
doubts/concerns…we are here.>
<Greetings. Wil.>