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Pic of the Day Link,
Periclimenes imperator Bruce 1967.
Color variable (depending on host)... including
Hexabranchus/Spanish Dancer, Sea Cucumbers Stichopus, Bohadschia,
Synapta), Sea Stars (Gomophia)... Indo-West Pacific; Red Sea, East
Africa to Indonesia, Australia, Japan. N. Sulawesi 09 on the
back end of a Cuke. |

Pervagor melanocephalus
(Bleeker 1853), the Red-Tailed Filefish. Indo-West Pacific. To six
inches in length. One of the best Files for captive use. N.
Sulawesi 09. |
Plectorhinchus chaetodonoides Lacepede
1801, the Clown or Harlequin Sweetlips. Western Pacific. To twenty
nine inches. The most commonly used species of the family... but
rarely lives more than a few days in captivity. N. Sulawesi 09.
To the dive industry their B.C.F.'s...
Banggai Cardinalfish... to the industry, their "Borneman
Can't Find" (BCF) fish... The non-threatened Pterapogon kauderni Koumans 1933, the Banggai
Cardinalfish. Restricted in natural distribution to Banggai Island,
Indonesia (now hugely spread about), though commercially produced
in good numbers in Indonesia and elsewhere. To three inches in
length. A darling of the ornamental aquatics industry and hobby.
Readily reproduced in captivity. Buy captive
produced. |