Related FAQs: Sponges, Sponges
2, Sponges 3,
Sponges 4, Sponge Identification, Sponge ID 2, Sponge ID 3, S Sponge ID
4, Sponge ID
5, Sponge ID 6, Sponge ID 7, Sponge ID
8, Sponge ID 9, Sponge ID 10, Sponge ID 11, Sponge ID 12, Sponge ID 13, Sponge ID 14, Sponge ID 15, Sponge ID 16, Sponge ID 17, Sponge ID
18, Sponge ID 19,
Sponge ID 20, Sponge ID 21,
& Sponge Selection, Sponge Compatibility, Sponge Systems, Sponge Feeding, Sponge Disease, Sponge
Related Articles: Invertebrates, Live
Rock, Ascidians/Sea Squirts,
Review of
Tyree's "Cryptic Filtration" Book
/The Best Livestock For Your Reef Aquarium:
Sponges, Phylum Porifera, Part 2
To: Sponges
Part 1, Part 3, Part 4,
Part 5, Part 6,
Part 7, Part 8,
Part 9, Part 10,

By Bob Fenner
Principal marine
Aplysina cauliformis, the Row Pore Rope
Sponge. Long rows of excurrent siphons. Occur in tints of purple,
reds. Antigua photo at right. |

Aplysina fistularis, the Yellow Tube Sponge. Yellow
to orange encrusting forms to fingers and tubes that bear antler-like growths in shallows, and grow longer
w/o these "antlers" in increasing depths. Don't touch! Purple color stains
hands for days. Right: shallow colony in Bahamas and deeper one in Belize .
Below: large colony
in Bonaire. |

Aplysina fulva, rope sponge; occur in varying
shapes/growths and colors, depending on depth and growing circumstances. Here in Cozumel 2014. |
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Genus Atergia:
Atergia sp. Distinct species with
octopus-sucker like papillations. Occur in red to white color on
dead coral, protected regions. Western Pacific. N. Sulawesi
image. |

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Click on "framed" images to go to the larger size. |
Axinyssa aculeata Wilson 1925. Yellow Axinyssa
Sponge. |
Genus Callyspongia:
Callyspongia species. Blue Callyspongia. A
species of Hawaiian sponge found living exposed on the open reef
(as opposed to cryptically hidden as most sponges). Hawai'i'. |

Callyspongia plicifera. Azure Vase Sponge.
6-18 inches. Tropical West Atlantic. Mostly light purple in colour, but some
deeper water ones, supposedly dying, appear a beautiful gold. Bahamas pic. |

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linked to large (desktop size) copies. Click on "framed"
images to go to the larger size. |
Callyspongia vaginalis. Branching Vase Sponge. Gray
in color; thin walled. Spiky on the outside; smooth on the inside. Roatan
2019. Pic by LauraH. |

Bigger PIX:
The images in this table are linked
to large (desktop size) copies. Click on "framed" images
to go to the larger size. |
To: Sponges
Part 1, Part 3, Part 4,
Part 5, Part 6,
Part 7, Part 8,
Part 9, Part 10,