FAQs on Chelmon
Butterflyfishes Social Disease
FAQs on Chelmon Disease:
Disease 1, Chelmon
Disease 2,
Chelmon Disease 3,
Chelmon Disease 4,
FAQs on Chelmon Disease by
Infectious, Parasitic,
FAQs on Butterflyfish Disease:
Disease 1,
Butterflyfish Disease 2,
Angels and Butterflyfishes &
FAQs on Butterflyfish Disease by
Related Articles: Chelmon Butterflyfishes, Foods/Feeding/Nutrition,
Related FAQs: Chelmon Butterflies 1, Chelmon Butterflies 2, Chelmon Identification, Chelmon Behavior, Chelmon Compatibility, Chelmon Selection, Chelmon Systems, Chelmon Feeding, Foods/Feeding/Nutrition,
Using Chelmons as Aiptasia Controls, Butterflyfish Identification, Butterflyfish
Foods/Feeding/Nutrition, Butterflyfish
Butterflyfish Behavior,
Butterflyfish Systems, Butterflyfish Selection, Butterflyfish Disease,
Butterflyfishes for Marine Aquariums
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by Robert (Bob) Fenner |
Copperband disease
I would need some help finding out what's wrong with this
Copperband butterfly
he eats well, have a comportment normal it's been 10 days
that he has these white spots, it don't get worst... but
don't seem to heal either :(
Thank you for your help
<These appear to be "sores" from some sort of
chemical sting... Likely the Zoanthids so frequently in the
background. Nothing to do here really than maintain good
conditions, assure this animal is getting sufficient food/s. Bob
Re Copperband disease
Thank you very much for this fast reply :)
<Welcome Marie. BobF>
Copperband Butterfly death. Compatibility.
Hi everyone.
<Hello Brian>
This is a great website and a wonderful source of information,
thank you all!
<Tanks back!>
I purchased a Copperband Butterfly on Apr. 26th which looked
healthy when I bought him. I did ask the LFS to feed him and he
ate well there.
<Good protocol, but did you quarantine the fish as
I understand the Copperbands poor track record in captivity.
I also understand Brine Shrimp is virtually useless as far as
nutrition goes, but that's all he would eat. He did eat Mysis
when I offered it about a week ago.
<This is a much better food>
He also would pick on the live rock often.
<Sounds ok so far>
Tank is 75 gallons, about 45 pd.s. of live rock with skimmer.
Ammonia, nitrites and nitrates are zero. Salinity 1.023 <A bit
low> and PH 8.2. He was doing well until last Friday when I
introduced a Yellow Belly Regal Tang, about 4 inches,
<75 gallons is far too small for this fish,
and again no quarantine?>
roughly the same size as the Copperband. The Regal would harass
him a bit but not too aggressively.
<Most of this aggression is subliminal messages betwixt the
fishes that we cannot see>
The Copperband started breathing rapidly and so did the Tang
actually. I assumed it was due to stress. There were no signs of
parasites at all.
<Heavy breathing can be a sign of both stress and
Copperband ate well up until the day before it died, his
breathing quickened even more and I had a feeling it wouldn't
be long. My question is, what do you think could of caused his
death? I'm guessing its either due to stress from the
<This, yes. The tang needed/ needs more space. The Copperband
should have been the largest fish in this volume. It is no
coincidence that as soon as you added the Tang, the problems with
the Butterfly began.>
poor nutrition from eating only brine shrimp
<Unless you saw some thinning of the Butterfly, particularly
around the head, this is not likely the cause in such a short
space of time. You state he has been picking on the live rocks
and eating Mysis also>
and essentially starving even though it was eating a lot of it or
maybe it caught something internal from the Tang.
<If he has caught anything it is more likely to be external
parasites, crypt et. Al. External parasites will infest the gills
first, where you cant see them, making breathing difficult for
the fish. Since you make no mention of quarantine anywhere here I
am assuming that it has not been done>
The Tang still breathes very rapidly, albeit with no signs of
<As stated, this is a potential sign>
Could the breathing be due to his activity?
<Either, and/ or both. He is stressed from being in such a
small setting. This will not change, only get worse. The delicate
Copperband probably could not stand being in the same small pen
as this horse of a fish>.
He has boundless energy and eats like a horse. The whole ordeal
has been quite discouraging to say the least. Any advice or
suggestions are greatly appreciated!
<I think you need to get a bigger tank (six foot at least), or
return the Tang for credit. And quarantine all your fishes in
future. Have a read here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/QuarMarFishes.htm
Thanks in advance.
<No problem>
Re: Copperband Butterfly death.
Compatibility. 6/2/10
<Hello Brian>
Thanks for the advice.
I'll be taking the Tang back to my LFS. I've read and
heard so much conflicting information regarding tank size for
these creatures.
<Yes, these and many others as well>
I did read over WWM for hours on end and I feel I'm getting a
better understanding of the hobby overall. And I will be setting
up a quarantine tank soon.
Are there any Tangs that are suitable to a 75 gallon tank or is
it just too small?
<At an uncrowded push you might be ok with one of the smaller
Ctenochaetus tangs, such as the Kole, but really I do think this
is too small a setting for any Tang.>
Thanks again!
<No problem>
Copperband fdg./beh. and dither fish 02/03/2008
Hello crew! <<Hello, Andrew today>> I have a quick
question that is a slight spin on something that you have
addressed very thoroughly in several other FAQ's. I purchased
a Copperband butterfly four days ago. I had the LFS hold the fish
for a week after receipt. It was eating frozen Mysis quite
energetically after the third day or so despite being in a
crowded tank with several tangs and Rabbitfish. Because of this
display, I felt assured that I was purchasing a more viable
specimen. My planned habitat was a 125 gallon frag tank with 125
lbs of live rock. The tank has been up and running for about a
year with stable parameters: Ammonia, nitrite, nitrate
undetectable; Ca 430 kH 11.2, pH 8.1, ORP 375. <<Sounds
like a nice home>> I planned to have the Copperband as the
sole inhabitant to control Aiptasia. Because I planned for this
to be the only fish in the system and because I was worried about
keeping this species (definitely more touchy than the fish
I've kept before) I decided to forego my usual 4 week
quarantine and just do the fresh water dip. <<Not a wise
step forward with any newly purchased inhabitant. All new fish
should be quarantined for your good, as well as the fish. Even
delicate fish will be fine in quarantine for the usual 4 week
period>> I expected that this would be less traumatic and
would give the fish a more soothing environment than my QT tank.
Anyway it's been four days and the CBB just hides in one of a
couple of caves in the LR not venturing for food or much else. He
was actually exploring more actively the first day or two and has
since become more secretive. I have tried feeding Selcon enriched
foods with garlic extreme such as Mysis and Cyclop-Eeze to no
avail. I will try the clam/oyster trick today. My main question
though is, could the CBB, who was quite energetic in a crowded
display at the LFS, be distraught at being the only fish and
might the addition of a few Chromis or some other fish be helpful
in coaxing him from his hiding spots? I'm afraid that adding
a few dither fish just might exacerbate the problem so I thought
I'd check with you first. <<Did you acclimatize the
fish at all? Sounds like its just suffering from stress. Give the
fish time to settle in to the new home, keep tempting it to feed
with the foods you have mentioned, it should be fine>> Your
advice is always appreciated. Thanks, Jeff <<Thanks for the
questions. A Nixon>>
Copperband Quarantine ? Hi Bob, One of my
favorite fish is the Copperband Butterfly. Unfortunately, I lost
(killed???) two already. <A beauty, but often beat,
touchy... easily lost> The first one was in bad shape when I
got him (mercy purchase) and based on your advice I nursed him to
health and he was fine and hand-feeding. ....until I added a
purple tang who bullied him and eventually the poor thing
died...I loved that fish because he managed to fight back from
his ill condition and became a healthy friendly pet in my reef
tank. <Ahh...> The second one was a small baby about
3" long. He suffered from Ich since I did not quarantine
him. After other such losses, I will always quarantine and
perform a Methylene blue/fresh water dip before and after the 2-3
week quarantine period. <A good commitment> Anyway, I want
to get another Copperband but this time I want to do it right and
quarantine the fish. However, since Copperbands eat copepods, and
since my quarantine tank does not contain any live rock, will the
Copperband starve ? I will try to feed it but I just wanted to
check with you before purchasing so that I can avoid another
loss. Also, is there anything that Copperbands find irresistible
other than copepods that I could feed during quarantine ? <The
food will not immediately die... try temporarily offering such
foods with the equally temporary placement of a bit of live
rock.> Thanks again friend, Chuck Spyropulos <You are
certainly welcome. Kia orana. Bob Fenner>
Butterflyfishes for Marine Aquariums
Diversity, Selection & Care
New eBook on Amazon: Available
New Print Book on Create Space: Available
by Robert (Bob) Fenner |