FAQs about Elegance Coral Health/Disease &
Pests 2
FAQs on Elegance Coral Disease:
Elegance Coral Disease/Pests
1, Elegance Coral Health
3, Elegance Coral Health
FAQs on Elegance Disease by Category:
Environmental (Pollution/Poisoning, Lighting...),
Nutritional, Social (Allelopathy),
Pathogenic (Infectious, Parasitic, Viral)
Articles on: Coral Pests and Disease; pests,
predators, diseases and conditions by Sara Mavinkurve,
Catalaphyllia Coral, Caryophylliids, Large Polyp Stony
FAQs on Stony Coral Disease by Category: Diagnosing,
Environmental (Pollution/Poisoning, Lighting...),
Nutritional, Social (Allelopathy),
Pathogenic (Infectious, Parasitic, Viral)
Elegance Corals,
Elegance Corals 2, Elegance Coral Identification, Elegance Coral Behavior, Elegance Coral Selection, Elegance Coral Compatibility, Elegance Coral Selection, Elegance Coral Systems, Elegance Coral Feeding, Elegance Coral Reproduction, Caryophyllid ID, Caryophyllid Compatibility, Caryophyllid Systems, Caryophyllid Selection, Caryophyllid Behavior, Caryophyllid Feeding, Caryophyllid Disease, Caryophyllid Propagation/Reproduction,

Re: Elegance and some folks Acting Funny
10/26/07 Oh I get it. You can not explain something, so it
MUST be luck. You tell me "good luck" with my attitude,
but how about your absolute belief that if it is not done
"your way," then it is "dumb luck." <Mmm,
not luck> Good luck with THAT. I still think it would be much
more interesting for you to take a look at my year-long photo
diary and comment on how in the world a tiny elegance and a tiny
Zoanthid colony have BOTH exploded to 4-6x their sizes in a
year's time inside a bone stock 14 gal BioCube. <I
don't discount that some people have better fortune, are
better, more diligent aquarists... Do have success with said
small systems... Even with Caryophylliids> Don't you think
it says something about this particular specimen? Or its
keeper's level of care? Aren't there hundreds of elegance
enthusiasts who would love to understand what works and what
doesn't?? <Oh yes. Do tell> As someone who studies this
stuff, isn't this even remotely interesting to you? <Mmm,
yes> Maybe it's my level of care, maybe it's the
coral, maybe it's luck. But I think if you went through these
pages of notes and photos, you might be able to draw conclusions
that someone less experienced (me) might be missing... <I
strongly encourage you to expand here. Write up your diary notes,
provide pix if you can... I will gladly help you get this work
into both print and e- media... for pay. Bob Fenner, whose old
article on the lack of success with C. jardinei is posted... on
Re: Elegance Acting Funny 10/26/07 I
have had an online diary for months, and so did the previous
owner of this tank/corals. I am in the process of trying to
acquire all of his files, as the site that he frequented
apparently lost its domain name. I'm not interested in $$$. I
want to know why these corals are predictably dying off in 500
gallon tanks with optimal flow, skimmers, calc reactors, fuges,
sumps, and 5-figure lighting systems, <Those 5-figure lighting
systems may actually be the problem.> yet mine is thriving in
an acrylic box under weak fluoros on top of an aragonite sub
while bathing in Tropic Marin salt water that is barely moving.
<This is not at all surprising to me. Recent work done by a
guy named Darrell (www.elegancecoral.org) shows that elegance
corals coming from the Indo-Pacific in recent years need much
lower lighting (and different husbandry) than elegance corals
which were collected 10 to 15 years ago. This is because
collectors had to move from shallower to deeper waters as the
shallower waters were over collected and nearly depleted of the
corals.> It doesn't follow logic, which suggests we need
to take a closer look at the research upon which this
"logic" is based. <It IS based on logic though. It
just so happens that it's a logic that has been lost on the
hobby until very recently. And that logic is that your coral came
from deeper waters and you kept it under weak lighting and fed it
at least one live fish (which I'm sure it probably
appreciated). What's going on here is that you made a lot of
"mistakes" that ended up being right for this
particular coral. So, I'm sorry, but in a big way, Bob is
right. You got lucky. But please don't be so offended by me
(us) saying so. Some of the world's greatest inventions and
discoveries (from super glue to Penicillin) were made by careless
researchers who just got lucky. It's happened to me too. I
once tossed a dying Turbinaria sp. coral I had given up on into a
tank I neglected and didn't think a proper habitat for any
coral. By sheer LUCK, and for reasons I'm still not entirely
sure of, this was exactly the environment the coral apparently
needed. It's now healthier than any Turbinaria sp. coral
I've ever had and at least as healthy as any I've seen in
any aquarium. What I did was not wise and not based on any logic
at all. I thought I had condemned the coral to certain death when
I actually did the best thing for it (apparently). This only
shows how little we actually know/understand about these
wonderful animals. We try our best, but to a large extent,
they're still quite mysterious, under-studied and sometimes
unpredictable. If you really do care, contact Darrell and tell
him your story. See if your experience (and excellent records)
can't help him support his theory and work. Best, Sara
Re: Elegance Acting Funny 10/27/07 Hi
Sarah - <Actually, my mother named me after St. Luke's
secret mistress whose name was "Sara" without the
'h.' ;-)> I visit his website often and I have read
the deep-water/low light theory. I can tell from my experience
that my elegance loves the fluoros at 12-16 hours per day.
"Bright But Not Hot." I think that's the key.
<Seems likes it.> I am going to be removing 5# of live rock
from the display, break it up, and put it in the rear chamber of
my tank to allow the elegance to grow more. <good plan> As
far as being lucky... I don't buy it. A close observer can
tell when something is working and when it is not. I have changed
a lot of different things to get the elegance where it is now.
<Well, maybe you started out a little lucky and got smart.
That happens a lot too. In any case, thank you for writing in and
sharing your experience. I'm certainly impressed with your
level of commitment and eagerness to share with the rest of the
hobby. In my opinion, that counts for far more than luck. I hope
you and Darrell get in touch. More people should be aware of what
you, he and several others are now discovering about these
corals. Good luck and please do keep us updated! Best, Sara
Re: Elegance Acting Funny --avalanche!
11/3/07 I have big problems this morning guys!!!! One of my
monster Turbos dislodged a piece of live rock in my tank, and it
fell on to the corner of my elegance. It may have been laying on
her for hours! <eek!> The skeleton is not cracked, but the
coral has receded. Can/Should I do an iodine dip? What is the
best way to do it? <I hope Bob will correct me if I'm
wrong, but I wouldn't do an iodine dip. This might just
stress the coral out at this point. If anything, I'd increase
the water flow a little around the coral. Definitely give it some
extra TLC (maybe some extra food). If it's otherwise healthy,
it should heal in time.> HELP!!! <I wish we could help
more. :( Good luck, Sara>
Re: Elegance Acting Funny 11/3/07 It is
receding more today. It's just the right side of the coral.
Is there any way to cure it? <Have you "cleaned" the
wound with a turkey baster? I wish I could tell you there's
something more you could do, but I doubt it. :-( I'll send
this over to Bob to see if he has any other ideas... Sara
Sick Elegance, Rose Brain health, & possible
Lithophyllum sp. ID 10/18/07 Hi Folks, I have been searching
your site for answers and with all the information I've read I
am less sure than I was before I started. <It happens to all of
us. :-)> I have a few questions and I am a recent student of
this hobby so please bear with me. I am running a 265 gallon, 32in
x 32in x 5ft, with a 29 gallon sump with skimmer, we don't do
anything small in this house. Currently, I am in the process of
slowly filling my tank, so I have started at one end with a 400W MH
and 4-40W fluorescent actinic. I will be adding another 400W MH at
the other end when I have life to put under it. First, I have
enclosed a few photos of my rose brain, elegance and an unknown.
The unknown was a skeleton covered in mushrooms that had a great
shape. When I got it in my tank a tiny portion of the skeleton was
still alive and started to regrow, recovering the skeleton with
life, any idea what this could be? <Very nice recovery. It looks
like some kind of Lithophyllum sp.> Under actinic only this
glows green, but with MH it looks a tan colour. The other 4 pics
are of my formerly healthy elegance and brain and their now sick
images. The elegance from what I read on your site looks like the
virus that Julian Sprung describes. Over the course of about a week
parts of it started to shrivel. Now it's been like this for
about 3 weeks. I am hoping for the best and just looking for
suggestions. <There's been some recent promising
investigation into the cause of (and possibly cure for) Elegance
coral disease. Please see here:
http://www.elegancecoral.org/Page_4.html> My brain on the other
hand had almost tripled in size from this healthy photo(daytime)
and now for about 5 days has continued to shrink. The colour is
still good but there is no puffiness to it at all. <Actually, it
looks a little bleached. You should move it to an area of less
intense light or raise your light. For general care of these
corals, please see here:
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/trachyphlliidae.htm> I have done a
partial water change and then today I noticed that the little
sponges that hitchhike on live rock, the one that look like cotton
balls, have all started to die off. I can't figure out what has
happened. My ammonia, nitrite and nitrate are all at 0 and the ph
is 8.4. <I think you probably have too much light over your
tank. Some sponges don't like a lot of light.> Also in this
tank, 130lbs live rock, Rhodactis mushrooms, 2 Fungia - green and
orange Platygyra, Blastomussa, lg coral covered in Christmas tree
worms, a Purple, a blue and a yellow tang, 2 small clownfish, a lg
orange and green BTA and a small rose BTA, a sm Xenia, a frogspawn,
chili sponge 3 cleaner shrimp, a debelius lobster, multiple
mushrooms, candy coral, green star polyp, a red and yellow feather
duster, many snails and hermit crabs, and of course anything that
hitch hiked in on the live rock. Everything else in this tank
appears healthy, eats normally and seems to be thriving. The only
thing that has changed since just before the brain started to
recede is the addition of 5 lbs of live rock, and the Rhodactis
mushrooms and a move of the purple tang in from the QT. Should I
just leave it or is there any suggestions about intervention? <I
don't think the new additions are causing your coral
troubles.> Thanks in advance for your help, us newbies really
appreciate your time and consideration. Christine
<De nada,
Sara M.> |
Horn coral... Elegance on the way out, bug
ID... -- 10/18/07 Hello again, Mr. Fenner. <Thomas>
I have good news and new problem news. Good news first, My clowns
are living parasite free for a week now, and the lost tissue is
growing back nicely, the quarantine tank 10G worked well to dose
the Formalin/Blue, and the fish liked the fake coral better than
the real thing.. I have tapered off the dosing of formalin and plan
to add back the clowns in a few days after being in just pure
saltwater. Should I give them a fresh water bath before? I thought
I read this somewhere. The neon gobies have been added as well, but
they have not cleaned the fish yet. <Okay> On to my new
problem, regarding a Horn coral that is new to my tank and falling
apart. <I see this> I have read over the WWM and still am not
sure of what to do. I originally placed it low in my tank in the
sand substrate, and low flow. The coral looked ok, and there was a
low light, but was not coming out of its skeleton. It was a slow
one to come out at the LFS too. There is plenty of flow in my tank
but on a wave maker using the Nanostream Tunze head and no direct
power heads hitting corals. I have 155w PC's in a 30g tank.
When the coral began to fall apart, I saw a hermit crab eating it,
I am not sure if it was before or after the tissue loss, so I moved
it higher to see if it could be saved, I mistakenly placed it
vertical with it lodged in live rock under better light, but then
read the site and found my mistake to keep it more arched, I am not
sure if the base needs to be in substrate or not. <... is this a
Catalaphyllia? Horn coral refers to Rugosas (paleo...) and
Hydnophoras...> Anyhow, I flushed out a lot of dead tissue with
a turkey baster and gave it another day in the rock before moving
it back to the sand. <This Euphylliid lives in mud... Please
read here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/elegance.htm and the linked
files above> I am now not sure what to do, I have about 30% that
looks normal, and the rest is very torn or recessed into its
skeleton. I can quarantine it, but have only one 10G tank and would
have to move the clowns back. (the Blue that stained the silicone
sealant wont leach back into the water will it?) <No> will it
come back with time and patients. <... maybe> Photos attached
to show the coral. Third and final question I have a good colony of
small pod bugs now growing, not sure what type they are, some have
two antenna and some have only one, but then I am also noticing
these small white dots with what looks to be yellow eggs of some
sort inside, I am trying to send a photo under 10X magnification so
they are relatively small, but bigger than the bugs, so I am not
sure how they got there. They are on the live rock and aquarium
glass. Thomas Lloyd Cetta <... can't tell from the pic...
You might read through the various invert. ID FAQs files.
BobF> |
Growth on Elegance Coral -- 06/07/07 Hi Crew
Hope all is well. Have pics for you to confirm my research. I have
a growth on the shell <? Where?> of my Elegance Coral and I
am wondering if I should be concerned. Does this look like a sea
spike? (good) or jelly? (bad) <I don't make out any such
growth... though some of the images show a bleached condition...
and this Catalaphyllia is mis-placed... live in the soft substrate
(sand/mud) with the apex of their skeleton "pointed"
down... Please send your image/s with a "circled" area
where you think something is amiss.> Be aware that the pics
where you can see the growth are taken the moment the lights come
on in the tank, and I sent 2 pics to show how open the elegance
becomes about an hour later. Everything looks good, she does not
seem to mind the growth, and the emerald crab eats around the
growth. By the way, the elegance coral is one year old and other
than this is doing wonderful. Ron:>) <... Please read here:
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/elegance.htm And the linked files above.
Bob Fenner> |

Re: Growth on/of Elegance Coral (more info) -
6/7/07 Bob Fenner <Yo!> Growth is on the clam shell base,
please see pics where I have circled and made notes in photos. By
the way, the growth is the same color as the elegance, but it does
have a bumpy (pointed) surface and something like a mouth opening
where I notated on the side. Keep in mind there are low resolution
pics, I can send a full rez image that would be about 500 kb.
<These are fine... this is very likely "just" the
skeleton of this Catalaphyllia...> as for positioning 1) Placed
in horizontal orientation, point down, mouths and tentacles facing
upward, This is the orientation this coral has been in since I got
it one year ago <... the natural orientation of the species>
NOT in vertical settings as they are often arranged in reef
systems. They really need to be placed "on their backs"
Has never been in this position. 2) Semi-still waters. They come
from settings with actually very little water movement, The first 3
months I had this coral the placement in the photo was the
placement in the tank, it sits about 12'' under the return
from the skimmer and it spread to about 8 to 10 inches in diameter.
I read your article and quite a few others about placement around
the end of August 2006. So out of concern I moved it to an area of
the tank that has very little water flow and point down in the
sand, over the next 3 months it began receding until by December it
had closed up and receded into its clam shell not opening at all
and beginning to separate in the middle. <Interesting> I was
scared and thought it was a goner and decided to go back to what
worked. I put it right back into the notch in the live rock where
it was doing so well in the first place and in 3 weeks it had
started to grow and expand again to where it is today, almost back
to the same size and shape as last August. The only difference
between then and now is when I do feed her, she snatches closed
REALLY fast, almost in a heartbeat.( I feed her Coralife
Invertebrate Target Food about every 3 weeks or so.) <...
also> As to your concern about bleaching... I cannot answer that
with certainty because this is the only Catalaphyllia I have ever
actually seen. It is the same color it has always been since I have
owned it, a really nice tan flesh color with a hint of green hue
and nice purple tips as in the photo (Elegant Coral open 1 lz).
that I sent you before. Ron:>) PS... I am a newbie, so please
don't LOL too hard when I ask what RMF stands for :>?
<Heee! Sorry... my initials... Robert Milton Fenner> |
