FAQs about Elegance Coral Health/Disease &
Pests 3
FAQs on Elegance Coral Disease:
Elegance Coral Disease/Pests
1, Elegance Coral Health
2, Elegance Coral Health
FAQs on Elegance Disease by Category:
Environmental (Pollution/Poisoning, Lighting...),
Nutritional, Social (Allelopathy),
Pathogenic (Infectious, Parasitic, Viral)
Back to Articles on: Coral Pests and Disease; pests,
predators, diseases and conditions by Sara Mavinkurve,
Catalaphyllia Coral, Caryophylliids, Large Polyp Stony
FAQs on Stony Coral Disease by Category: Diagnosing,
Environmental (Pollution/Poisoning, Lighting...),
Nutritional, Social (Allelopathy),
Pathogenic (Infectious, Parasitic, Viral)
Elegance Corals,
Elegance Corals 2, Elegance Coral Identification, Elegance Coral Behavior, Elegance Coral Selection, Elegance Coral Compatibility, Elegance Coral Selection, Elegance Coral Systems, Elegance Coral Feeding, Elegance Coral Reproduction, Caryophyllid ID, Caryophyllid Compatibility, Caryophyllid Systems, Caryophyllid Selection, Caryophyllid Behavior, Caryophyllid Feeding, Caryophyllid Disease, Caryophyllid Propagation/Reproduction,

Elegance Coral going south 6/21/10
My Aussie elegance coral appears to be going south.
:( I've only had it for 1 month. The first 2 weeks it looked
great. One day I noticed a Cerith snail had crawled up its
tentacles and that area of the tentacles started to shrink. A
couple days later I saw a Nassarius snail climb up another
<These are feeding secondarily... the Catalaphyllia in
From then on the elegance would close at night and barely open in
the day not exposing his inside. The tentacles started to shrink
and so I moved him into my frag tank
so in case it died it did not pollute my display tank. He has
some brown and white stuff come out of him. He doesn't eat
any of the PE Mysis shrimp
<... not a good choice>
I try feeding him. I think he's at his last leg. Do I try to
save him still or is it his end? :(
<Can still be saved>
I bought this Aussie elegance coral from an east coast vendor who
accidentally sent it to me when I was on vacation. So this coral
has been in living in a box and jumping on planes for 5 days.
Believe it or not the Aussie was still alive and did not look
good. The vendor held it for 1.5 months and shipped it back to
me. Like mentioned above 2 weeks it was fine but past 2 weeks
hasn't been good. Look like it has the brown jelly disease or
just stressed out from the shipping/snails?
<Likely stress plus something else... environmental...>
Please see attached image.
<Read here: http://wetwebmedia.com/elegance.htm
and the linked files above... Bob Fenner>
Re: Elegance Coral going south 6/21/10
Mabuhay Bob,
<Bunsong kapatid>
Thanks for the response. After reading your link I'll be
removing the corals in my frag tank and place some sand in there
and lie the elegance coral on it's side. I'll turn the
powerhead off and just leave the HOB filter running. I've
read that too much light can make the tentacles shrink and make
the body puff up.
<This is so>
I have 4x24W T5 in my tank. Is this too much light?
<in how deep a system? If the water depth over the specimen is
18 plus inches it should be okay>
With the bulb combination I have a 14K look to the tank. Should I
create an overhang for him?
<Not necessary... but I would feed this colony per the FAQs,
and would treat it with a high dose, even a dip of
Also how do I get the water more nutrient rich?
<Time going by>
Will phyto feast make my water more nutrient rich?
I know that phyto is not needed for elegance corals but if
it's way to get my tank more nutrient rich will that
<Welcome. BobF>
Re: Elegance Coral going south 6/22/10
Hi Bob,
Sorry to bother you again. As for the feeding I've read the
FAQ's and you mention to feed minced meat. If I chopped up
the PE Mysis would that be ok?
<Mmm, no... better to have larger, chunkier pieces... about
"mouth size"...>
I also have live baby brine shrimp, Cyclop-eeze, and rods food.
Would any of these also work?
<... Not really, no... please keep reading>
You mention to treat it with a high dose but I'm not sure
what to treat it with a high dose of. Also I've never heard
of iodide-ate. Is this like Povidone or Revive?
<These are mixtures of Iodine... in these valence
John :)
<And you, BobF>
How Does My Elegance Coral Look?/Catalaphyllia
Health/Trachyphyllia Health/Other questions 1/26/10
<Hello John>
Long time reader first time writer. I just got my first Elegance
Coral after reading everything I could find about them. There
seems to be many theories about them. The theory that made the
most sense to me was that now days they come from deeper waters
and are more sensitive to bright light.
<Wasn't aware that corals could chop themselves off rock
and move :-)
Catalaphyllias do best in moderate lighting.>
I dipped it in iodine before I put it in the tank and I turned
off my power heads and lights. The only flow I have now is
1100gph from the return pump (a little less than 10x I know). I
have been increasing the amount of light each day. I have 400w PC
actinic and 3 150w MH lights over a 6 foot 125 gallon tank. I put
the coral under the center brace for some shade. I also have left
the center MH light off the whole time. There are currently no
fish in the tank. The coral looks good to me so far. I got it 4
days ago on Saturday 1/24/10.
<Mmm, Saturday was the 23rd.>
It appears to be fully open with tentacles extended. Based on my
reading it sounded to me like a sign of a sick coral was puffy
body and short tentacles. My only concerns were the tentacles
seemed to be thin and stringy to me, but maybe it is just because
I have never seen one in person because my picture looks like the
other pictures I have seen.
<Your coral appears healthy.>
The tentacles appear to be sticky, but the coral does not eat.
When I give it a chunk of krill it holds on to it for a bit and
lets go.
<This coral needs to adjust, likely will not accept food at
this stage of acclimation.>
I am thinking about putting something over the center brace to
defuse the light from the center MH light when I turn it back
<Why, I'd consider your lighting moderate on this size
I was a little confused how to position it, but I think I got it
Bob said on their backs, but I was not sure what its back was. I
think that meant cone point facing down with heads pointed up to
the light.
The cone was not exactly symmetrical and it had a long stringy
line sort curved back towards the head. I am sure you have seen
this. Anyway I think I might have to tilt the coral the right a
bit to get the head on the left off the sand and build the sand
bed a little deeper to bury the whole skeleton. Anyway, the
reason I am writing is I want you (probably Bob) to take a look
at my coral and make sure it is healthy and let me know if there
is anything else I should do.
<<I agree w/ what James has stated here. RMF>>
When should I turn the flow (2 Hydor 4s) and the center MH light
back on?
<I'd do so now.>
Should I worry about feeding it?
<No, under proper lighting, <<Wrong. B>> corals produce most of their
needed food from photosynthesis. Allow adaption time before
attempting to feed.
Do read here and related articles/FAQ's
Are the tentacles too thin?
<A little, but this should improve once lighting and moderate
water flow return.>
While I have you, can you look at my brain?
<Unfortunately, I know little or nothing about
Sometimes it looks real puffy and tall and sometimes its sort of
flat a spread out more. Sometimes I notice it has its feeding
tentacles out during the day. What does all of this mean?
<It's alive, and appears to be doing well under your
Also could you ID it. It was supposed to be an open brain, but I
don't think it is. <<? Where is it? RMF>>
<I do suggest you Google/ID yourself. Not a difficult specie
to ID. I'll start you off here.
I feed it Krill about once or twice a week. I moved it a week or
so ago from the center of the tank to make room for the Elegance
Coral. I have had the brain for about 6 months. I did a lot of
reading and I just overwhelmed, confused, and paranoid.
<Appears you are doing just fine, relax and enjoy.>
Can you also look at my SPS frags and tell my what the white on
the tips means and how to treat?
<Means they are growing.>
I think I might of had the frag rack too high in the tank and
have since moved it down.
Also some snails were knocking them into each other.
Note all of these pictures were taken at night not too long after
lights out.
<You're welcome. James (Salty Dog)>

Polyp bail out or coral just bailing out of life?
Catalaphyllia hlth. - 10/24/09
Dear Crew,
First of all I would like to reiterate HOW HELPFUL your site is.
You have no idea how many times I visit your site on a daily
OK. Now to the point of this email. I have to confess that I
committed a foolish act, which was to purchase an Elegans coral.
I had read that in these times Elegans corals are not surviving
in reef aquaria.
<Some do, some don't>
However, in looking through a supplier that I respect a lot
(LiveAquaria), I saw a beautiful specimen in their WYGIWYS
section which originated from Australia,
<Both the dealer and country are excellent sources>
and which was portrayed as being more hardy. So, I fell to the
temptation and I bought it...... As I should have suspected, the
coral started to decline very quickly, despite following many
pieces of advice from the web. The coral began forming these pink
threads that I learned were likely mesenteric filaments formed in
response to distress, the tentacles begun to resorb, etc.
Upon advice from LiveAquaria, which at this point refunded my
money (but not my sad feeling for committing this act), I also
gave the coral an Iodine dip.
<Good idea>
After the Iodine dip, the coral became "cleaner"
and although in very bad shape, it started to inflate a bit and
no longer produced the mesenteric filaments. Still, every day I
can see that it is going down and is not likely to survive.
<Is it under... "Catalaphyllia" conditions?>
Yesterday, it started to produce these bubbles (sorry my camera
is not working) of about 1/4 inch. Upon closer inspection with my
magnifying glass, I realized that the bubbles (which are milky
transparent) contained about 10-20 little pink "dots".
To my surprise, the little dots appeared to be moving inside the
bubble. I immediately went to the web to investigate, and
although I did not see a picture, there were some indications
that I might be witnessing a case of "polyp bail out",
and that the dots within the bubbles might be little
Does this makes sense to you?
<Mmm... I think I follow what you're trying to
...and if it does, I guess this would be the last attempt of my
Elegans to clone itself before dying. If this is the case, what
are the chances for the planulae to survive in the aquarium?
Is there anything I can do to help them?
<Move this specimen to more propitious circumstances... a
"dirty" tank/sump, with less light likely...>
I am afraid your answer will probably be "NO", but I
HAD to ask.
All the best, and thank you again,
<And re-read on WWM re the species:
and the linked files above. Bob Fenner>
Re: polyp bail out or coral just bailing out of life?
- 10/25/09
Dear Bob,
thank you for your response. I have now been able to take
pictures, which I am enclosing. My question is: (1) do you think
that this is a case of polyp bail out?
<Mmm, can't tell, but this Elegance is definitely doing
(2) do you think that the moving dots are planulae?
<planulae... maybe>
Now answering your questions:
> <Is it under... "Catalaphyllia"
I had already read your very insightful article on Catalaphyllia,
and thus I had placed the coral semi-buried in a sandy bottom,
within a "cave" that I made that would protect it from
strong light and water currents. However, I do realize that this
might not be enough in a heavily skimmed environment with not
many nutrients floating about.
> <Move this specimen to more propitious circumstances... a
"dirty" tank/sump, with less light likely...>
That is a great idea. I will move it to the refugium, even if now
might be too late.
<Getting there... BobF>
Elegance coral question for Bob Fenner 5/10/09
Hi Bob,
I have a pair of elegance corals.
<Mmm, Catalaphyllias are near the top in terms of physical
And don't mix well often with other specimens that they're
"unfamiliar with"... Have you read on WWM re...?>
I have a pink tip frag from a 19 year old colony that's been with
me for about 6 months and is growing rapidly.
Currently he is the lone inhabitant of my tank with a 3.5" DSB
established for almost 2 years and about 14 blades of seagrass- shoal
grass I think. I picked up a frag of an Australian purple tipped
elegance at MAX '09 in Costa Mesa about 5 weeks ago and has been in
QT since. He is eating well and looks 'happy.'
a) I'm not sure about the length of QT required for ECS to manifest
<...Elegance Coral Syndrome? See WWM re the health of this species
b) Will there be a problem if the pink tip elegance and purple tip
elegance touch each other?
<Yes. Very likely>
They expand so much! The pink tip appears to have a stronger sting than
the purple tip when food is presented.
<They should expand and contract somewhat... That one/both are doing
this a great deal is symptomatic of "warring">
c) As I mentioned I have 14 blades of seagrass that have been there
since Jan '09. As new ones grow, old ones die -a turn over of about
3-4 leaves a week. I was hoping for more blades of grass!!!
<What do you think are the limiting factors here? Light, some
I started using FW plant fertilizer tabs buried 2" below the DSB
by the roots per Eric Borneman's advice at MAX '09, but I see
no change.
<Does take time... Could be summat else>
Thank You,
<Be chatting, Bob Fenner>
Re: Elegance coral question for Bob Fenner
Hi Bob,
Thank you very much for your reply.
a) The purple tip elegance coral is still in QT. The pink tip and
purple tip elegance have not been in contact yet. The expansion and
contraction is based on light. The pink tip reduced it's size by
50% at night. The purple tip basically withdraws completely in to its
skeleton at night -from being 6" across down to about 1"!
<Mmm, vigorous... again, I would not likely "mix" the two
specimens in the same system/water>
b) I don't know how long to QT the purple tip to ensure that it
doesn't suffer from ECS. Is 6 weeks enough?
<See WWM re... I don't "believe" in such a syndrome...
there are ways to strengthen this and other Scleractinian, Cnidarian
species re too-easy mortality. These are adequately covered/archived on
our site>
c) As for the shoal grass, they grow fast enough. The old leaves just
die off just as fast as new growth! That's what I need to stop.
Currently I get 3-4 new leaves a week, same as the death rate! So I
guess I have a stable population of shoal grass leaves. They are
planted in a mature 2 year old 3.5" DSB, in 12" of water
under a 20K 70W metal halide bulb. They only problem I see is that
since I'm also fishless, and have been so for 2 years, there are
ton of different pods left over from my live rock days that now hang
out on the grass blades. I wonder if they are my problem!
Thanks a lot!
<Couldn't say... but I do think both you and I could devise an
experimental method to test this hypothesis... Mmmm? Bob Fenner>
Re: Elegance coral question for Bob Fenner
Hi Bob!
I'm just recovering from Multiple Tank Syndrome... I guess I need a
separate setup to house the two elegance corals properly as I like them
both and want to keep them both... This will also allow me to try a
different species of seagrass in the other tank as a bonus!!
<Ahh! Have you seen my Waikiki Aq. pix of their biotope for this
Posted on... WWM>
Okay! Where do I start debugging my problem! My goal is to have a tank
with a DSB covered in seagrass with a lone elegance coral in the middle
-I'm okay if the coral is half hidden by the seagrass... Here's
the setup.
- 16" cube tank with a 14 gallon sump.
<Really too small a volume>
Estimated water volume is around
22 gallons.
- 70W 20K MH. The coral and grass are under <12" of water. The
coral is directly under the bulb. The grass is 4" from the center
of the bulb, along the axis of the bulb as the light intensity along
the axis of the bulb is not that different from just under the
- Fishless & Skimmer less. The tank used to house 17 lbs of live
rock and a Duncan coral for 1.5 years as the DSB was maturing. The
coral grew from 1 polyp to 40+ polyps in that time period.
- About 3-5 lbs of live rock in the sump.
- 3.5" DSB -Grain size about 0.5mm.
- Top off (2 cups a day) contains Calcium Hydroxide.
- Specific gravity is set at 1.025 -1.026.
- Temp is between 77.5F and 78.5F as the heater cycles.
- Moderate to low flow as the Elegance seems to be happiest with
- I feed the coral Mysis or Arctic pods once a week.
- The tank gets 20 drops of Reef Nutrition Phytoplankton once a week
for all the pods and one lone Featherduster worm.
Thanks a lot for your time!
<Please (re?)read the Catalaphyllia mat.s archived on WWM. B>
I'm afraid that I've damaged my Elegance Coral
3/12/09 Caryophylliidae/Health <Hello Karen> I came home
from work this afternoon and found my Elegance Coral somewhat
shriveled, then swollen. When the tissue receded a bit, I saw what
appeared to be a very tiny (approx ¼ inch or smaller)
Cerith Snail attached to the tissue. I assumed (yes, I know what that
makes me) that the snail was bothering the coral, hence the swelling
and receding. I tried to blow the snail off with a turkey baster, and
when it would not budge, I picked up the coral and attempted to knock
it off with my finger. When it still refused to move, I pulled on the
end, and to my absolute amazement, a large (well over an inch long and
approx ½ inch in diameter) came out. I did not see a live
snail in the shell, so I'm again assuming that the poor coral was
having a snack and I interrupted. I've not seen anything about the
Elegance Corals eating snails, although I know they eat meaty foods. Is
there anything in particular that I should do at this point, and is it
likely that I've damaged the coral beyond recovery? It's now
very closed and unhappy looking. <This coral has very sensitive
tissue and I'm guessing some damage occurred. Only time will tell
here, but I'd say chances for recovery are good. May want to read
here, related articles/FAQ's.
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/elegance.htm > Thanks so much for your
help. <You're welcome. James (Salty Dog)> Karen
Elegance Coral Bacterial Infection -- 02/19/09 Hi,
<Hello Josh, Minh at your service.> I have had an Elegance Coral
for almost two months. It acclimated very quickly and did really well
until about a week ago when I noticed that the tentacles wouldn't
expand as far. They became shorter and shorter each day. Then it would
do weird things like keep its tentacles short but the whole body part
of it would swell up pretty big. I can pretty much say I am convinced
it is suffering from the common bacterial infection that these are
notable for since I am seeing what appears to be necrotic tissue on it
now. <I'm sorry but the symptoms you've described are in
line with the disease brought up by Eric Borneman as Elegance Coral
Disease (ECS: http://www.reefkeeping.com/issues/2008-01/eb/index.php).
There are sporadic anecdotal reports of treatment using various
anti-biotic dips and quarantine methods. However, after having kept
elegance corals for many years and have received several ill specimens
to study, I've yet to reproduce consistent repeatable results from
these treatment methods.> I've read in other forums on here
about Nitrofurazone or Doxycycline as a very good treatment for these
corals. I just can't find anything on where to buy this stuff and
of course then how to properly dose them. Is there anything else
readily available at a LFS that would be as good or almost as good?
<Nitrofurazone is an antibacterial medication often used to treat
disease in freshwater and marine fish particularly for topical skin
infections. Julian Sprung first introduced Nitrofurazone/Doxycycline
elegance treatment many years ago with reported success in many cases.
There are various other antibacterial dip treatments such as a
botanical remedy called Melafix that was suggested to me by the main
coral handler from LiveAquaria. He has had great success in treating
wild caught elegance with a Melafix dip (~5ml in a 1 gallon container
for 5-10 minutes) immediately upon arrival. You will find that the
common thread amongst these treatments is the importance of catching
the bacterial infection at the onset of contamination and repeating the
treatment. Once the common set of symptoms is visible, it can be very
difficult to defeat. However, I would suggest for you to at least give
it a shot. Nitrofurazone is sold by Aquatronics under the trademark
"Furacyn" and Melafix is sold by API. Both should be
available at your local fish store in the fish/disease treatment
section. Best of luck.> Thanks in advance! Josh <You're
welcome. Cheers, Minh Huynh.>
Elegance Coral, hlth. -07/18/08 Hi Crew, You all do an
amazing job of imparting your knowledge, experience and wisdom.
<Thank you> I hope you can help me. I've done a lot of
reading <Hmm, no offense, but not quite enough reading. What you
describe is classic "elegance coral disease." Please see
here: http://reefkeeping.com/issues/2008-01/eb/index.php > on this
but unless you see it live it's hard to interpret. I bought an
Elegance Coral two weeks ago. It really caught my eye at my LFS, it was
fully expanded, looked very healthy and beautiful. He had it in his
tank for 5 days. I did not quarantine it but did take the time to
acclimate it over 1 1/2 hours using a drip. It looked great for a week,
looking the same as it did in the LFS and eating. This week it has
looked very unhappy, not expanding and sloughing off what appears to
some stringy mucous or gunk from around the tentacles. It seems very
swollen with its mouths open and the tentacles are completely
retracted, they appear to be about 1/8" long. Today I noticed that
the skeleton seems to have a fuzzy white coating almost like a mould of
some sort. From the descriptions I have researched I don't think
that it is brown jelly infection; or is it? Should I count my losses at
this point? <Maybe, or maybe not. I'd encourage you to do more
reading/investigating. It might likely be too late, but there might be
something to be gained from a little experimentation (a learning
experience at least).> I have 2 torch corals, a donut coral, a cat
eye coral, two open brain corals, a Tonga coral, a Kenya tree and a
waving hands coral (sorry for not having the scientific names) and two
crocea clams. I have 5 blue green Chromis, two ocellaris clowns, a
purple Firefish and a citron goby, two fire shrimp and several turbo
snails and hermits. Everything is doing very well, they are healthy,
eating expanding, etc. 65 gallon tank with 0 ammonia, 0 nitrites, >
.5 nitrates, SG 1.025, temp 80°, phosphate 0, pH 8.0-8.4 and
KH of 7-8, oxygen 6, calcium 430. The tank is 4 almost 5 months old.
Please help, I don't want to infect the rest of my tank. <The
"good" news is that elegance coral disease is not known to be
contagious to non-elegance corals. However, it does seem highly
contagious among other elegance corals. So if you have any other
elegance corals in this tank I would quarantine the sick one asap and
run as much carbon as possible, do big water changes, etc.>
Desperately waiting, Robert. <Good luck, Sara M.>
Elegance Coral - secreting white cotton like
substance... 11/12/07 Hi, Thank you
for maintaining a very informative site that provides extremely
useful information to beginner like me. I recently bought an
Elegance coral, I put it on the bottom of the tank as many of
your articles suggested, and I tried to place it as far away as
possible from the lighting. Since I put it in the tank, it
started secreting some white stuff from a few of its mouths. The
white stuff looks like cotton balls, pretty white in color (no
brown stuff so far) and dense, and occasionally white slimy
stuff. When I put the Elegance in the tank, my cleaner shrimp
checked it out. It was pretty detailed, <?> and it pushed
its claws into each of the mouths. I am not sure if it caused the
problem. I tried to search your site, I saw most problems were
related to brown stuff, but mine is white. The coral never fully
opens. Is it some kind of a disease? <How long have you had
this animal? What other livestock/cnidarians esp. are present?
What re your water quality? What have you tried feeding it?>
Should I dip it in SeaChem Coral Dip (the only medication I have
now)? <... no> I also have an Open Brain before the
Elegance. <Oh!> The Open Brain used to open very well.
<How far away is this colony?> From the day I have the
Elegance in the water, the Open Brain seems to open less as large
as previously, and it has been hiding its tentacles so far.
<Ah yes> Is the Elegance secreting some kind of chemical
that affects other corals? <Oh YES!> Thanks in advance for
your help! Simon <Look on WWM, the wider Net re mesenterial
filaments, sweeper tentacles... of Caryophylliids...
compatibility of Cnidarians... you have a battle going on here.
Bob Fenner>
Re: Elegance Coral - secreting white cotton
like substance... still not reading... 11/13/07 > Hi, >
Thank you for maintaining a very informative site that provides
extremely useful information to beginner like me. > I recently
bought an Elegance coral, I put it on the bottom of the tank as
many of your articles suggested, and I tried to place it as far
away as possible from the lighting. Since I put it in the tank,
it started secreting some white stuff from a few of its mouths.
The white stuff looks like cotton balls, pretty white in color
(no brown stuff so far) and dense, and occasionally white slimy
stuff. When I put the Elegance in the tank, my cleaner shrimp
checked it out. It was pretty detailed, > <?> [The
shrimp was all over it including the mouths. I would be very
happy if my clown does the same instead of the shrimp. <...
no... It would be consumed> The condition of the Elegance is
getting worse and it is completely closed, some tentacles are
being bitten off by the shrimp and I can see them floating in the
water! I can now see the white stuff between the skeleton and the
flesh. May be I have an aggressive cleaner shrimp. This is not
the first time, I have a frogspawn. <... ! You didn't
mention this...> Please forgive my ignorance if I got it
completely wrong. On the frogspawn, there is a small area like a
small volcano. There are some really small tentacles inside it
and they move in and out to drag food inside. The shrimp actually
pull the poor little thing out <?> and now I think it is
left with an empty shell, though the frogspawn seems to be ok.]
> and it pushed its claws into each of the mouths. > I am
not sure if it caused the problem. I tried to search your site, I
saw most problems were related to brown stuff, but mine is white.
> The coral never fully opens. Is it some kind of a disease?
> <How long have you had this animal? What other
livestock/cnidarians esp. are present? What re your water
quality? What have you tried feeding it?> [I only have it for
3 days. I have a clown, a cleaner shrimp, a frogspawn, a open
brain and a few snails. I also had a Sailfin until this morning!
<Killed by the stony coral interaction...> It was doing
very ok on the day I introduced the Elegance. It was very relax
searching for food, it was eating, and it was not shy at all. Its
condition suddenly went very bad, breathing very rapidly and then
died within hours. Could it be the chemical from the Elegance?
<Yes...> I also noticed the water get a bit foggy during
the past two days. The water parameters was perfect, Ammonia,
Nitrite, Nitrate, Ca, KH, pH are all at the recommended level for
reef the day before I have the Elegance. I can't imagine they
can change drastically within 3 days.] <Not the root cause
here. What is? Your jamming incompatible life...> > Should
I dip it in SeaChem Coral Dip (the only medication I have now)?
> <... no> > I also have an Open Brain before the
Elegance. > <Oh!> > The Open Brain used to open very
well. > <How far away is this colony?> [They are at
least 6 inches apart. I did not see any tentacles that can reach
that far.] <Euphylliids need to be placed a foot or more
apart... their sweeper tentacles can reach this far...
mesenterial filaments can break off, chemical allelopathy go
throughout the system...> > From the day I have the
Elegance in the water, the Open Brain seems to open less as large
as previously, and it has been hiding its tentacles so far. >
<Ah yes> > Is the Elegance secreting some kind of
chemical that affects other corals? > <Oh YES!> >
Thanks in advance for your help! > Simon > <Look on WWM,
the wider Net re mesenterial filaments, sweeper tentacles... of
Caryophylliids... compatibility of Cnidarians... you have a
battle going on here. Bob Fenner> [I can't deal with
chemical warfare in my Nano. I just move the Elegance to a QT and
I have to decide the next step. I am not even sure if it can
survive since it is completely close. Another lesson I guess!
Thanks.] <... too cavalier. Read here (don't write):
http://wetwebmedia.com/cnidcompppt.htm and the linked files
above. BobF>
New/old elegance coral info 10/25/07 Hey Bob,
have you seen this yet? http://www.elegancecoral.org/Page_4.html <Mmm, no... but
the title seems familiar...> It's a longer read, but I do think
it's worth it. I was thinking it might be worth trying to get on
WWM in some form. Sara <Will add as a link here. BobF>--