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Freshwater Pic
of the Day Link
Leptoseris hawaiiensis Vaughan 1907.
Colonies as encrusting laminae. Corallites raised irregularly,
rounded. Septae costae even. Green or brown in color. East Africa,
Red Sea to Hawai'i, Tuamotus and tropical East Pacific. Nuka
Hiva, Marquesas, Polynesia pic. |
Pavona varians Verrill 1864. Colonies
encrusting to laminar, showing short, irregular valleys.
Hawai'i images. /COTW:
Characters: Colonies
are submassive, laminar or encrusting or various combinations of these.
Corallites are in short irregular valleys, or are aligned between ridges
perpendicular to margins, or are irregularly distributed on flat
surfaces. Septo-costae are in alternating orders.
Colour: Yellow,
green or brown.
Species: Pavona
venosa, which has similar corallites but walls between valleys
(collines) are acute, septa are generally in three orders, columellae
are less developed and septa more widely spaced.
Habitat: Most
reef environments.
Abundance: Common.
Kona, HI pic. |

An Agariciid, genus Leptoseris? Encrusting colonies with corallites
distributed randomly, while forming mound-like ridges concentrically.
Redang, Malaysia photo. |
.jpg) |
Pachyseris rugosa (Lamarck
1801). Upright, irregular growth. Plates growing together.
Columellae as wall-like lobes. Massive sometimes in shallow water
to upright blades in deeper, calmer waters. Aquarium images. /COTW:
Characters: Colonies
are upright, irregular, usually contorted, anastomosing bifacial plates.
They are often over one metre across. Columellae are wall-like lobes.
Colour: Deep
bluish-grey or brown.
Species: Pachyseris
gemmae. See also P.
Habitat: May
develop into large mound-shaped colonies in shallow water but smaller
colonies occur in a wide range of habitats including those exposed to
strong wave action.
Abundance: Common.
Cebu, P.I.