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Freshwater Pic
of the Day Link
Favia laxa (Klunzinger 1879). Hemispherical
colonies whose corallites are conical, showing both extra- and
intertentacular budding. Paliform lobes look like an internal
crown. Fine line of demarcation between costae. Pale to pinkish
brown in color. Common in the Red Sea where this picture was
made. |
Favia maxima Veron and Pichon 1977. Small, massive
colonies. Corallites with regular, thick septa. Crown-like paliform lobing
between the corallites. Cebu, Philippines image.
According to Joe Fish, Dipsastrea sp. Fam. Merulinidae. |

Favites abdita (Ellis and Solander 1876). Colonies
massive, rounded or hillocky. Corallites likewise rounded, with thick walls.
Septa straight, with exsert teeth. Below: Bunaken, Sulawesi, Indonesia and
Right: Red Sea images where it is common.
Dipsastrea according to Joe Fish, family Merulinidae. |
Favites flexuosa (Dana 1846). Hemispherical
or flat colonies. Corallites deep with contrasting colored septa
and centers. Septal teeth large, paliform lobes weak. Red Sea
image. |