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Freshwater Pic
of the Day Link
Echinopora lamellosa (Esper 1795). Thin, wavy laminar sheets.
Small corallites (3-4mm.). Indo-Central Pacific including the Red Sea.
Bunaken, Sulawesi, Indonesia image. |
Acanthastrea brevis Milne, Edwards & Haime 1848.
Characters: Colonies
are mostly submassive. Corallites are cerioid to subplocoid with
moderately thin walls. Septa are thin and widely spaced. Larger septa
have very long upwardly projecting teeth giving colonies a spiny
appearance. Colonies are usually not fleshy.
Colour: Uniform
or mottled brown, yellow or green.
Species: Acanthastrea
echinata, which has relatively fleshy corallites with thicker
walls and less elongate septal teeth. These two species may be difficult
to distinguish unless they occur together.
Habitat: Shallow
reef environments.
DF macro image. |

Faviid; likely genus Favia, Indo-Pacific. Aquarium
image. |
Favia fagrum (Esper 1797). Small colonies
that may be encrusting or hemispherical. Corallites of variable
shape, with one to many mouths. Bahamas image. |