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Freshwater Pic
of the Day Link
Ctenactis echinata (Pallas 1776). Both
septa and costal (top and bottom skeletal lines) bear teeth. One
Fiji. |
Fungia (Cycloseris)
costulata. This species is distinguished by its straight,
non-wavy septal walls and that they decidedly thicken toward
the mouth/center. Occur in sand, mud. West Pacific. N.
Sulawesi pix. |

Cycloseris tenuis
(Dana 1846), Thin flat polyps. Uniform septa, but in obvious
different orders, thick irregular costae underneath. N. Sulawesi
pic. |
Fungia granulosa Klunzinger 1879
Characters: Polyps are circular, up to 135
millimetres diameter and flat or with a central arch. Septa are
thick and wavy, with finely granulated margins. Tentacular lobes are
wide, causing the wavy shape of the septa. Costae are fine. The
undersurface has pits between the costae.
Colour: Usually
Species: Fungia
scabra. See also Cycloseris
Habitat: Reef
slopes and lagoons.
Abundance: Usually uncommon.
Here off Hawai'i's Big Island at
night. |