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Genus Cheilio: I'll mention the
seagrass-dwelling Cigar Wrasse, Cheilio inermis (Forsskal
1775) (3), only because it occasionally is offered in pet-fish
markets, and rarely lives in captivity. Indo-Pacific, including the
Red Sea, out to Hawai'i. To twenty inches in length. |

Chromis dimidiata (Klunzinger 1871), the
Two-tone Chromis. Indian Ocean and Red Sea (origin of this image).
To two inches overall length. A more common offering in European
pet-fish markets. Red Sea image. |
Cirrhilabrus rubrimarginatus Randall 1992.
Western Pacific. To five inches in length. IZOO 2010 |
Coris aygula Lacepede 1801, the Twinspot
or Clown Coris (2), is oh-so-cute when little; at about 3-5 inches
it starts to transform into a light in the front, dark in the back
female. But as they say on late night TV, "Wait, there's
more". At a foot or so in length females change again to
darkish green with a white body band males that grow to three plus
feet in length! Indo-Pacific, including the Red Sea to the Line
Islands in distribution. Red Sea 2010 |