FAQs on Betta
Diseases/Health 35
Related Articles:
Anabantoids/Gouramis &
Relatives, Betta
splendens/Siamese Fighting Fish,
Betta Systems,
Betta Diseases,
(Better?) Products for Bettas!,
Related FAQs:
Betta Disease 1,
Betta Disease 2,
Betta Disease 3,
Betta Disease 4,
Betta Disease 5,
Betta Disease 6,
Betta Disease 7,
Betta Disease 8,
Betta Disease 9 ,
Betta Disease 10 ,
Betta Disease 11 ,
Betta Disease 12 ,
Betta Disease 13 ,
Betta Disease 14 ,
Betta Disease 15 ,
Betta Disease 16 ,
Betta Disease 17 ,
Betta Disease 18,
Betta Disease 19,
Betta Disease 20,
Betta Disease 21,
Betta Health 22,
Betta Health 23,
Betta Health 24,
Betta Health 25,
Betta Health 26, Betta Health 27,
Betta Health 28,
Betta Health 29,
Betta Health 30,
Betta Health 31,
Betta Health 32,
Health 33, Betta Health 34,
Betta Health 35,
Betta Health 36,
Health 37, Betta Health 39,
Betta Disease
Causes/Etiologies: Determining/Diagnosing,
Environmental (By far the largest cat.),
Infectious (Bacterial, Fungal) ,
Ich/White Spot,
Senescence/Old Age,
FAQs on Betta Medicines:
Medicines period, Antibiotics/Antibacterials,
Anti-Protozoals (Metronidazole,
eSHa...), Copper,
Malachite Green,
Other Betta Med.s,
Betta Success
Doing what it takes to keep Bettas healthy long-term
by Robert (Bob) Fenner
Betta Disease Identification 2/8/19
Hi there! I noticed you guys haven't posted an answered Betta question in a
while, but I wanted to give it a shot anyway, as I'm at a loss with my current
boy. I've done SO SO much independent research, but I'm coming up short.
<Let's see>
I have had this fish (Hans Gruber) for 5 weeks now, and he has what I initially
suspected was a fungal infection covering half his head and his left gill/left
pectoral fin.
<Does look like some sort of infectious agent at work here...>
I had my eye on him for a month at the pet store before I finally brought him
home, and he has had this then entire time, so at least 2 months.
<Mmm; then, perhaps genetic/developmental. IF a pathogen at work, very likely
this fish would have died long ago>
I brought him home hoping I'd be able to treat him and re-home him. (He is a
Twin Tail Half-Moon, with a dulled red color for now)
He lives in a heated, filtered, and cycled 5.5 gallon temporary/hospital tank. I
didn't cycle it traditionally, but instead added cycled bio-media from a
previously established tank.
<I (too) prefer this method>
My tank water didn't contribute to the development of the disease, but in case
the water stats may be affecting treatment, here they are:
-Nitrates: 5ppm
-pH: 7.6
-Temp: 80F, consistently
-Added Indian Almond Leaf, no carbon in the filter.
-No live plants while medicating.
Since initially believing I was dealing with a fungal infection, I gave Gruber
medicated baths daily with a mixture of Methylene blue and aquarium salt, for 3
weeks. There has been no change at all, and the meth blue isn't dying the
"fungus" blue at all, which leads me to believe it's not a fungus. It isn't
fuzzy at all, but more of a "mushroom-y" growth.
I moved on to try treating for a bacterial infection, knowing that was a long
shot, but hoping maybe that was the nature of the illness. Two weeks in to that,
and there isn't any improvement. In fact, it appears to be worsening. The
bacterial treatment I'm using (Artemiss Microbe-Lift) treats several kinds of
infections, so I had high hopes, but no luck.
Gruber's demeanor, thankfully, doesn't seem to be affected at all by his
condition. He is extremely happy and active, eats like a little pig, and loves
to play and get attention. His diet consists of Fluval Bug Bites
Betta formula, along with frozen bloodworms, mysis shrimp, and brine shrimp. He
gets lots of variety, and eats twice daily. No bloating, or constipation.
At this point, my main concern is cancer ("cauliflower disease" is as close as I
have come to a diagnosis). I know that's really common for Betta, and not
<Yes; and almost always lethal w/in a few weeks max.>
However, I haven't been able to find pictures that match exactly what I'm
dealing with. It's not a huge obvious tumor (yet, anyway), but it isn't
responding to fungal or bacterial treatments, so I wanted to
get a more professional opinion. The attached photos are chronological, taken
weekly with the last one being the most recent.
Thanks for taking the time to review this, sorry it's so long! Any input is
<Well; other than you, or having someone else make a sample, look under a
powerful-enough microscope... possibly culture, stain for a causative agent, I'd
not treat this fish further. I suspect the issue here is not-treatable, nor
(very) deleterious. Thank you for sharing. Bob Fenner>
Re: Betta Disease Identification 2/8/19
I was afraid of that. Thank you so much for the quick response! I really
appreciate it!
<Likely all will be well Katelyn. Anima bona fac; be of good life. BobF.>
Betta Bloating/Tumor? 1/15/19
Dear Wet Web Media,
<... 12 Megs....>
I have a Betta named Dublin who is almost two years old. He is set up in a 10
gallon tank with heater, filter and an uv light. His
temperature is set at 80 degrees. All water parameters are normal. I feed him
pellets regularly, along with frozen blood worms
<I'd cut these. Search, read on WWM re>
and brine shrimp occasionally. He still eats well. Lately, I have been giving
him a cooked pea because his stomach is swollen. His scales on one side seem
slightly raised in the area of the swelling. Recently I tried treating him with
Betta Revive for seven days. I have also given him an Epsom salt bath. Please
see my attached pictures. Please note his stomach is swollen and at the bottom
of his stomach it seems to be silver - grayish in color. I also noticed that he
swims away a lot, he used to be very nosey. Can you please give advice to what I
should do for him? Thanks, Jean
<Yes: Read here:
and the linked files above. Bob Fenner>
Unknown Betta Issue 11/21/18
My Betta fish has become increasingly sick throughout the past couple of months.
I have tried a new filter, bottled spring water,
<Mmm; need to know about this... pH, hardness especially. You may be missing
useful mineral content here>
stress coat, salt treatments, frequent water changes, Kanaplex and fungus clear,
cleaning the entire tank and turning the heat up. Nothing I have tried seems to
help, he continues to get worse. He still eats,
<What? Have you read on WWM re Betta health? Care?>
swims around and flares. He does not seem to be impacted by this much.
I have attached photos below from when it began until now.
Thank you in advance for any suggestions you have as to how to treat this or
what it might be.
<... Please respond to my concerns above. Bob Fenner>
Last Hope for my Betta 11/21/18
I have a 2 year old Male Betta living in a 5 gallon planted, heated tank
with a sponge filter. I am guilty of falling behind on cleaning the substrate
and I think that might be to blame for his current condition.
<Oh? Do you use nitrate concentration as a guideline here?>
About 2 weeks ago I noticed he was unable to "catch" his food(pellets). He would
keep trying and missing. I foolishly ignored this.
For the last 3-4 days he has been laying on his side at the bottom of the tank.
Yesterday I moved him into a shallow "hospital" tank. I thought it was just his
time to go at first, but his condition has lingered too long for it to be a
natural death (I believe). He has no signs or symptoms other than previously
Is there anything I can do for him?
<Yes! Check your water quality; switch out a good deal (like half) of the system
water for new (best from another established aquarium); and add in a bit of
frozen/defrosted food to the fish's diet>
If not what is the best way to euthanize him?
<Mmm; I am hesitant to suggest this at this juncture. I'd hold off. This fish
may well rally... return to robust health. IF you feel otherwise, please read
Neale's piece on the topic:
I can't let him suffer like this much longer. Thank you for your time and
<Cheers, Bob Fenner>
Re: Fwd: Last Hope for my Betta 11/21/18
<Little Dani>
Thank you for the fast reply! I gave up my tanks and all of my water testing
supplies a while back. I adopted this Betta from a poor situation after the
fact. Yes, I feel confident that nitrates are to blame for the issue. I am
keeping the water in the hospital tank "safe" by using Seachem's Prime. I did
acclimate him very slowly when switching over. I've rehabilitated fish in the
past this way successfully.
<I see>
If he pulls through, I will absolutely make the diet changes you suggested.
As for right now, he is showing no interest in food whatsoever.
<Too likely there are "cycling issues" w/ the current situation. Just adding
Prime won't do... I'd place this fish back in its water changed system w/ the
filter, substrate...>
Is it safe to assume that the best course of action is to keep him in the
shallow tank, continue daily water changes and hope for the best?
<No; see above>
He has been without food for at least 4 days, but probably longer since he was
having trouble catching his food before turning lethargic. My fear however is
that he is slowly and painfully starving to death :'(
Thank you again,
<Welcome. BobF>
Re: Last Hope for my Betta 11/21/18
Will get on that right away. I just got home and noticed that he is looking a
little "bloated" now. Is this a clue to a different issue?
<Likely all related to environmental stress. IF biological, secondary in origin.
Bob Fenner>
LAST Hope for my Betta /Neale's go
<Danielle, apologies for delay responding.>
I have a 2 year old Male Betta living in a 5 gallon planted, heated tank with a
sponge filter. I am guilty of falling behind on cleaning the substrate and I
think that might be to blame for his current condition.
About 2 weeks ago I noticed he was unable to "catch" his food(pellets). He would
keep trying and missing. I foolishly ignored this. For the last 3-4 days he has
been laying on his side at the bottom of the tank. Yesterday I moved him into a
shallow "hospital" tank. I thought it was just his time to go at first, but his
condition has lingered too long for it to be a natural death(I believe). He has
no signs or symptoms other than previously mentioned.
Is there anything I can do for him?
<Likely not. Two years isn't a bad innings for a Betta. Anything between 2-3
years is far better than most experience in captivity. So don't be too hard on
If not what is the best way to euthanize him?
<Personally, I prefer the "30 drops clove oil in 1 litre of aquarium water"
approach. Evidently painless; fish relaxes in seconds, stops breathing within a
couple minutes, and certainly dead within half an hour. Do read here:
Do note that some traditional methods (like ice) are not considered humane by
I can't let him suffer like this much longer. Thank you for your time and
<Hope this helps. Neale.>
Betta Question; attachment
Hi there. I have a few questions about my Betta fish, which reference the
attached picture.
Should I be concerned about
1. the fish's pale color,
2. the clumping at the end of the fins, or
3. the prominent bump near the end of the torso?
<Only the last semi-concerns me>
This fish was dumped off with me about 4 months ago. For about a year+ before
then he was kept in a very small, unfiltered fish bowl.
He's been moved into a 10 gallon, filtered, and heated tank that's changed about
20% every week. He's become a lot more active and eats regularly. Are any of my
concerns warranted?
<Again, not much appears "off" concerning this fish, considering its previous
care. I would do nothing in the way of treatment, environmental manipulation>
Thank you so much!
<Thank you for sharing; glad to help. Bob Fenner>

Re: Betta Question; attachment 11/2/18
WetWebMedia is an amazing website and I've just made a small donation.
Thank you, Bob!
<I thank you for your kind, encouraging words and donation. Cheers, BobF>
Possible Betta Tumor? 10/16/18
Hi guys
I’ve been reading your page for a while and have managed to so far keep my three
beloved Bettas happy and content... a few months ago one of my boys however
started developing a black growth as you can see in the photo that is definitely
getting bigger...
I don’t know if this is a tumor or something treatable?
<Almost certainly not.>
He seems active and just as daft as always and the tank is testing normal,
regular changes and weekly tests etc all as they should be...
Is there anything I can treat him with or is it just a matter of letting him
carry on until his quality of life reduces and then letting him pass quickly?
<Precisely. Tumours and other sorts of growths, whether benign or malignant, are
not uncommon in Bettas. There's no obvious explanation beyond inbreeding, and
certainly no clear treatment. Often benign tumours cause no immediate problems,
and if your Betta is otherwise happy, I would not be overly concerned just yet.
Cheers, Neale.>
.jpeg) |
Re: Possible Betta Tumor?
Thank you for confirming what I thought - I really appreciate it!
Even when you think you know then knowing that you can’t do any more is
reassuring and to be fair most vets look puzzled when I ask them so it’s really
really appreciated. And thank you for all the fish guides! When I first got my
boys they were immensely helpful as I hadn’t had Bettas for about 15 years and
frankly I probably could have created better conditions for them last time
compared to the mansions they have these days ��.
Have a lovely evening!
<Wow! Thanks for these kinds words, and taking the time to write us. We do
appreciate that. Hopefully your Betta will live a happy life, if not perhaps
quite as long as it might have otherwise been. Cheers, Neale.>
Better Fin Rot Swim Bladder Eating & Not Constipated. Betta
Hi Bob,
Hope you are doing really well! I’ve missed talking with you … but
luckily, haven’t had any issues with my Betta who is now 4 years old up
until now.
<This IS an olde specimen>
He has developed bad fin rot and swim bladder although he eats
everything and is not constipated. Fin rot caused by a month of 100%
water changes every 4-5 days instead of my normal 100% water changes
every 3-4 days. 2.5 gallon tank, sponge filtration, tap water/prime,
heater (78 degrees) and aerator. I apologize I’ve read your website for
2 days now and can never find any specific cases that apply to my
scenario although common. I simply do not understand your web search
<It's not ours but Google's... but GIGO; the arrangement of files is
mine... key word/search terms should bring up all/anything that is
relevant though>
The longer water changes caused the fin rot which advanced very quickly
and to swim bladder because his tail is really short now.
<? Don't know re the water change influence here. Shouldn't be a factor>
Treatment over last month: 100% water changes 2X’s/week, 1/2 teaspoon
aquarium salt (per gallon), Kanaplex (2 rounds per directions), seachem
Paraguard dips during water changes, and Paraguard in tank during
non-Kanaplex times, eats like a horse (frozen bloodworms
<Cut these out entirely. DO search on WWM re. Trouble>
alternated with spectrum A+ with garlic and never constipated. Current
Treatment this week: 100% daily water changes no medication to give him
a 7-day break. Stopped food for 3 days even though he’s not constipated
which resulted in very slight improvement on swim bladder. What do you
recommend I do now?
<As stated, drop the sewer fly larvae>
I felt that he was overmedicated/oversalted. Nothing is working so I
opted for clean water only. Can I start feeding him the garlic food
again? We are doomed. Thanks so much, Kristy
<... Bob Fenner>
Re: Better Fin Rot Swim Bladder Eating & Not Constipated
Thanks Bob, after 7 days of clean water should I try another round of
Kanaplex with furan 2?
<I would not treat this fish further; no>
I do not understand where to find "WWM trouble” in your search box and
not Google's search box.
<"Our" search box IS Google's... they provide the plug-in. They are the
So, what should to help him now?
<Return to once weekly water changes, and eliminated the bloodworms from
the diet. BobF>
Fwd: Better Fin Rot Swim Bladder Eating & Not Constipated
Hi Bob, Again, when I put TROUBLE in your search box I get this page but
I don’t see anything about how to help him today:
Other than clean water for 7 days (in-progress), should I do another
round of Kanaplex with furan2? And you are saying NO blood worms … can I
feed him just the garlic food now? He has fasted for 3 days.
<Not the garlic food alone. Some staple (pellets are best) and
frozen/defrosted brine shrimp is what I'd use>
Thanks a million.
<As many welcomes>
Re: Better Fin Rot Swim Bladder Eating & Not Constipated
Thanks Bob, He’s dying today. Appreciate your help.
<Ahh; thank you. BobF>