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Freshwater Pic
of the Day Link
Pectinia alcicornis (Saville-Kent
1871). Colonies are formed of irregular upright elements which
on microscopic inspection have ridges that are minutely toothed.
Usually mottled brown or green in color. Queensland, Australia. |
Pectinia ayleni (Wells 1935). Encrusting or
tiered laminae that have vertical walls. Here in
Bunaken/Sulawesi/Indonesia. |
Pocillopora grandis poss:
Douglas Fenner This
one might be Pocillopora grandis (=eydouxi). P grandis usually has not
only larger branches but the branches farther apart, and the colony
larger than on P. meandrina. My guess here Is P grandis. P eydouxi is a
name that has been long used. Veron long ago reported that these two
were synonyms. There is a rule that such a name can be retained, but you
have to appeal to the Commission. Veron refuses to do that, but sticks
with eydouxi. He synonymized them long ago, long before he has come to
distinguish many additional species in the genus. As I see colonies in
the wild, I see huge diversity of variations within this nominal
species, making me suspicious that it may be a species complex. I need
to check the types of both of these, they may actually be names of
different species in this complex. Or not. Isn't taxonomy fun???? French Polynesia. |
Pocillopora meandrina Dana 1846. Flat, short, curved branches,
small verrucae. Regular arrangement of branch growth, verrucae
placement. A pinkish one in Hawaii.