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Freshwater Pic
of the Day Link
Tube anemone. Found worldwide
in tropical and sup-tropical seas, primarily in sandy or muddy bottoms.
Within the pet-fish trade worldwide the most common species offered is
are from the Philippines.
There are other genera, but most of those available are the larger, more
Here, a Cerianthus sp. in KBR, Lembeh, N. Sulawesi, Indo. |
Isarachnanthus nocturnus, the Banded
Tube-Dwelling Anemone... actually not a "true" anemone
(Order Actinaria), but a close relative to Black Corals (same
Order, Ceriantharia). Tapering, translucent tentacles with
varyingly dark brown bands. Comes out of the substrate at night
(and back in if frightened). Bonaire pix of a small (two inch),
large (four inch wide) specimens. |

ISarachnanthus nocturnus, the Banded
Tube-Dwelling Anemone... actually not a "true" anemone
(Order Actinaria), but a close relative to Black Corals (same
Order, Ceriantharia). Tapering, translucent tentacles with
varyingly dark brown bands. Comes out of the substrate at night
(and back in if frightened). Bonaire pix of a small (two inch),
large (four inch wide) specimens. |
Renilla reniformis, Bonaire, night dive. |